Baekyeol: Yellow Roses


It had been a week since Baekhyun and Luhan's breakup. Luhan cheated on Baek with Chanyeol's ex-boyfirend, Sehun. Although Baekhyun agreed to stay with Luhan after dicovering this new and his confrontation because of Chanyeol, it was never the same. He didn't eat at lunch at all when he was beside Luhan. His hellos, goodbyes and hugs were forced and Luhan knew it was only a matter of time until Baek broke up and yet he still wanted to savor the time left remaning.

And it grew worst. Baekhyun didn't return the greetings anymore, he would just stare at Luhan in absolute blank. Baekhyun rarely talked to Luhan. He never share what he thought with him anymore. He didn't return the hugs. He didn't show affection anymore. Luhan was still persistently greeting him and smiling at him. He was just hanging on until Baekhyun's breaking point. Baekhyun was afraid of him. After finding out what Luhan was capable of, he felt that everything was fake and what they had was never real. Baek was scare how someone he loved who was so innocent and loving turn into a cheating unfaithful monster. He felt like Luhan changed for the worse.


Luhan sat next to him on the bus and hugged him.

"Don't do that. It feels weird." Baek removed Luhan's arms.

Luhan forced a smile. "Why?" He already knew he just wanted to hear Baekhyun's voice.

"i we're just friends. And friends..doesn't do this." said Baekhyun in the smallest voice. He forced a small smile that quickly disappeared hoping Luhan would understand.

Luhan missed Baekhyun's smile although it was forced. "Okay."

Baekhyun couldn't do it anymore. A couple days later, Luhan and Baekhyun had broken up. They both had saw it coming and knew why.


Baekhyun's bestfriend was Chanyeol. Chanyeol's ex was Sehun. They dated on and off constantly but this time they never got back together. Sehun made all Chanyeol's "friends" turn on him. He was know as the selfish jerk who hurted the pericious goodlooking Sehun afterall who doesn't adore the hot drama queen?

Chanyeol was Baekhyun's childhood crush but after getting his hopes up then suddenly shot down by Chanyeol and Sehun's on and off relationships that went on for years. After finally forgetting about his long loved crush he decided to date the innocent and caring with nice skin Luhan. Chanyeol became officially single after Baekhyun started dating. Chanyeol came to Baekhyun for comforting. Although he knew it was right, Baekhyun talked and gave him advice when he needed. They became each other's bestfriend. Chanyeol was Baekhyun's comforting arms and hugs. He scolded like a mom. He gave advice like a sister. He protected Baekhyun like a dad. And loved Baekhyun like a brother. They were each other's other half. They said 'I miss you' when they missed each other. They were each other's first good morning and last good nights. And of course they told each other 'i love you' because they do but only in a brother loving way.
