Chapter 25

"Heelllo? Earth to Baek?" Chen's voice breaks through Baekhyun's deep thoughts.

Baekhyun zooms in and looks at Chen. "Yeah?"

Chen slightly furrows his eyebrows,"Are you okay? "

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He asks Chen,

"You seem kind of.. distracted."

Baekhyun shakes his head,"I'm fine." Chen rolls his eyes,"I'm sure you are."

He mentally debates wether or not to tell Chen about his discussion with Chanyeol. Chen knew something was bothering him but decided to let Baekhyun take his time fuming first and eventually he would spill the beans.

Baekhyun leans in with his elbows resting on top of the table,"There is something.." Chen smiles,"Finally. C'mon, spill it. I'm all ears."

He takes a deep breath before speaking,"Well.." Baekhyun continued on telling Chen about their little confession and Chanyeol's 'very important' decision of who to take to the dance.

Chen makes a face when Baekhyun finished. "Firstly," Chen holds up a finger. "YOU FINALLY CONFESSED! MY BABY!" Then he clears his throat. "Secondly, why the heck does it matter who the heck he takes to the dance. How dare he ask you knowing how you feel? I - We don't give a fuck who you take to the dance you self-centered motherfuc-"

"EXACTLY!" Baekhyun shouts frustrated and annoyed. "Like I may be his best friend but he doesn't have to rub it in my face. How can he ask me that when I just legit confessed my hidden for years feelings and all that he cares about was his dance date. I mean, yeah I told him to go to Tao, but if he really knew me, wouldn't taken my advice for once."

Chen makes a face,"He is probably one of the rare good looking boys but Baek you can do better- Scratch that, you deserve better." Baekhyun grimaces. Exactly why he can't simply let Chanyeol go, Chanyeol was much too handsome with a somewhat great personality. Chanyeol wss the type of person that makes you want to give the entire world to him when he hadn't even asked for it. And deep in the darkest place of Baekhyun, he knew he was Chanyeol's. That no matter what, Chanyeol will always come first even if its before himself or his happiness.

Chen disapprovingly shakes his head at Baekhyun. "Oh geez, you're completely helpless." His sad puppy eyes look into Chen's confirming it. He, himself, Byun Baekhyun, acknowledge his unhealthy adoration of the unbelievably attractive giant with a deep voice that will forever have Baekhyun heads for heel for him like always.

"I've..never felt this way about anyone before and it's crazy because i.." Baekhyun pauses thinking of how crazy he was going to sound. "I love him. It so ridiculous how much I feel about him" Baekhyun's voice almost pleading to be set free from being such a prisoner.

Chen looks at him bizarrely,"Oh my god.." Baekhyun helplessly nods,"I'm going crazy."

"Oh my- LOVE BOY! You're totally crazy for him! Oh my god Byun Baekhyun you are officially fucking crazy for him and I'm never witness such..such strong human emotions of love from you towards someone before.." Chen was mind blown and the fact that Baekhyun admittedly confession his overflowing love for the taller boy.

"Are you okay? Like okay-okay?" Chen suddenly asks concerned at the drunk in love boy. Baekhyun sighs,"I don't know either."

Luhan smiles when he spots Chen and Baekhyun at their usual table without the bothersome giant. He leads Suho and Lay toward the two shorter brown hair boys.

Baekhyun looks us to see Luhan and the other two. He offers a friendly smile. Gosh, Baekhyun thought as he sees his ex. Luhan was such a nice and angelic person despite the fact that he cheated on him. Baekhyun had ignored his existence when he caught the cheating bastard but he couldn't bare it any longer because Luhan was so persistent and angelic. Luhan's doe eyes were always shining at the sight of Baekhyun and he never fails to greet Baekhyun happily. Eventually, Baekhyun gave in and greet him as well which really made Luhan happier and eager around him.

"Hello Baekhyun," Luhan smiles warmly at him. Baekhyun laughs because despite his coldness and the times when Baekhyun had ignored him, Luhan still persistently greeted him with the same amount of excitement.

"Hey Luhan," Baekhyun replies just as warmly. He wasn't going to lie, there was times where dealing was Chanyeol was too difficult to bare that Luhan seemed like the better choice. He even considered maybe trying to make things work between them. "Are you going to attend the dance?"

Luhan's eyes lights up at his initiative of starting a conversation with him. "Uh, I'm not too sure. Dances aren't really my thing." Luhan shyly scratches his nape. "And you?"

Baekhyun smiles at their similarity, "Same here." Chen clears his throat catching Baekhyun's attention. He was sending a whole message with one gaze at Baekhyun: 1) GO WITH HIM TO THE DANCE! 2) IT'LL MAKE CHANYEOL EXTREMELY JEALOUS AND UNCOMFORTABLE 3) HOW BOUT GETTING BACK WITH LUHAN EH?

Baekhyun chokes on his spit from Chen's silent message.

"Oh, are you okay?" Luhan steps towards Baekhyun. Chen laughs and pats Baehyun's back who was hysterically coughing.

"Yep," Baekhyun manages to say between coughs. "I'm alright." He squeaked.

Luhan chuckles,"You're funny." Baekhyun's cheek became burning.
