Nap Time

Chapter 14

Baekhyun dragged himself to school after a late Sunday night doing homework.

Someone swung an arm over his neck.

"Baaaaaeeeekkk! You guys went to the movies ?" a very enthusiastic Chen asked flashing is trademark smile with curves at the end of his lips.

"I thought I said yes already, Chen I'm tired don't put your arm around its already hard enough to keep my heavy head up."

Baekhyun took off Chen's arm and swung his over Chen's shoulders and leaning his whole weight onto Chen which caused them to crash into the lockers.

"Ow, Ugh, Baek you're lucky I'm nice." Chen grunted and supported Baekhyun's body.

"Yes, I know Chen I love you a lot."

Chen wrinkled his nose, "I know but ew I don't love you."

"fine, bastard I take that back"

Chen giggled.

"Baek do you have candy?"


"Why not?"

"What the- Chen who carries candy around ?"


"Then eat yours."

"But I'm out."

"Go buy some then"

"But we're in school"

"oh. MY. GOD. CHEN. Shuuuuuuuuut uuuuuuupp."

"oh. MY. GOD. CHEN. Shuuuuuuuuuut uuuuuuuuupp,"

A voice behind behind them mimicked Baekhyun.

it's was the one and only, Tao a.k.a Chen jr.

He took Baekhyun's arm over his shoulder. Now Both Tao and Chen had Baekhyun's arm over their shoulder with him in the center.

Chen burst into laughter.

Baekhyun tried to face palm himself but his arms couldn't reach.

"I'm squished between 2 Cheeeeen" Baekhyun whined

"I'm squished between 2 Cheeeen" they both mimicked him at the same time.

Baekhyun was close to tears, "What have I done so sinful in my past life to deserve this? 2 Chen's ? The Lord almighty stop testin me."

Chen and Tao were roaring in laughter.

Baekhyun decided to lift his legs up from the ground and hang on to Tao and Chen's neck putting all his weight on to them.

"Ah-ah Baek what the- Ack that's hurts" Tao whined with a hand on his neck massaging it.

"Baek-ahh-ooowwww stop it." Chen joined in.

"Promise you guys will stop being annoying?"

"No-neeeeveerrrr ! not after this! You never get away aliiiiiiivve BYUN BAEKHYUN !! Remember we have ALLLLL CLASS PERIOD WITH YOUUU!" Tao scream


Baekhyun sighed and placed his leg down on to the floor lifting the weight off of the two.

"Hey, that was a good one," Tao complimented Chen witch a cheeky grin.

"Hahaha, I know." They high fived each other.

Baekhyun started walking taking deep breathes, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples while repeating "Oh lord give me strength, I can't do this anymore, Oh lord give me strength, I can't do this anymore."

He bumped into someone's chest. Arms wrapped around him.

Baekhyun froze and eyes snapped open to find himself staring at someone's chest.

"Morning clumsy." The deep voice ranged.

He relaxed and returned the hug. "Morning Yeol."

They pulled back. Baekhyun yawned staring up at Chanyeol like a little 5 year old who just woke up.

Chanyeol chuckled, "up late last night?"

"Yep" he replied exhausted.

"I'm gonna head to class first." Baekhyun said.

"Okay, see ya in a bit." Chanyeol left for the lunch room.

Baekhyun walked to class early and set his head down on to the table.

it was only him and 3 other people who were either silently reading or doing other work.

Maybe i can sleep a bit before class starts, he thought and closed his eyes with his head on the table.

So peaceful, he thought.

He was about off to dreamland when the chair beside him pulled back and someone sat down.

He could feel a pair of eyes on him staring at him.
He assumed it was just Chanyeol and continued to close his eyes.

"Are you sleeping?" He eyes snapped open to a golden hair with a sharp jaw boy.

Baekhyun whined, "School haven't even officially started and today is already Everybody is so annoying. What does it look like genius?!"

"This genius," Kris pointed at himself "thinks that you were sleeping."

Baekhyun rolled his eyes "Then why did you bother me?"

"So you weren't sleeping?"

"You didn't answer me."

"You didn't answer me either."

"Ok." Baekhyun put this head down facing the opposite of Kris.

Kris chuckled then silently sat there.

Kris got up and push the chair in. Baekhyun was relieved that he finally left him alone.

*click**click* Kris giggles.

Baekhyun snapped his eyes open and saw Kris with this phone out taking picture of him sleep.


Kris burst out laughing and showed him photos of Baekhyun.

"Deeeleeeeete them!" Baekhyun whined.

"No way." Kris giggled.

Baekhyun took a deep breath and took out his main weapon, his puppy eyes and sweet voice, "Kris, delete them pwease" Baekhyun pouted.

"Maybe after you improve your aegyo."

Baekhyun laughs in disbelief, "waaahh . My aegyo is the best just ask Chanyeol."

"I though you were gonna sleep" kris said siting down beside him.

"I was unt-" kris shoves Baekhyun's head down and says "then sleep."

Baekhyun grumbled and cuss under his breath.

"Just sleep and maybe I'll consider deleting the photos."

Baekhyun mumbled about how much if a doofus kris was and closed his eyes.

Kris rested his head beside Baekhyun's and decide to nap with him.

"what the- move! You're sleeping too close to me."

"If I move then I'm not gonna delete those photos anymore." Kris smirked.


They both rested their eyes and head.

Chanyeol entered the class room with 2 carton of milk. He stopped at his tracks after seeing the two napping beside each other too close for comfort.

He silently sigh and walked out throwing away the milk cartons.


"PICK UP your heads, this is not nap time. Class is about to start."

Baekhyun's head snapped up.

Baekhyun rubbed his eyes and see that they and a couple other people were picking their heads up and getting ready for class.

He looked and finally found Chanyeol at the back sitting with Chen and staring forward to the board with slightly knitted eyebrows.

"Wake up doofus." Baekhyun elbowed Kris.


"Pick up your head Kris." The teacher snapped.

Class started.

so so so sorry that i haven updated in a while but know that I haven't forgotten about this fanfic yet and will continue to write. Till next time.
