Part 57; Chicken!

Baekhyun stares at the numerous text messages. He simply switches the screen off and leans on to Chen. "Its been a whole day already.." Chen says. "So...?" Baekhyun shrugs, "Apparently he messaged me while I was sleeping saying that he wanted to hang out but since I wasn't replying, He hung out with Sehun...before leaving to Beijing..or that's what his excuse is."

Chen giggles, "Luhan is so good at making excuses."

"Tell me about it." Baekhyun rolls his eyes annoyed.

The usual suspects along with Suho, Key, and Minho came over to drink at Baekhyun's place. The night was young but Key, Minho, and Suho were already tipsy.

"Baekhyuuuuuuun," Key gestures to Baekhyun. He smiles, "Yeah Hyung?"
"C'mon have a drink with m-me!" He hollers with Minho smiling in his direction with a goofy smile.

"These hyungs," Baekhyun says laughing. He stood and crossed the room to Key's side. "Hyung, Its only 10:50 almost 11 p.m. are you're tipsy already."

Key leans his neck back with a disorientated face, "Whaaaatt?" His voice high pitch. "No, I not."
Minho giggles to himself. Suho laughed holding onto Minho's shoulder.

"Suho hyung, Just.." Suho covers his mouth laughing staring at him. "Just stop. You've had enough." Minho giggles again and Suho laughs at something not funny at all. "I-I'm not." Suho manages to say. "Right." Baekhyun rolls his eyes.

"Y-You're not f-funny!" Key says to Suho who throws his head back laughing. "That hyung is crazy." Chen says laughing.

"Oh..Kay.." Baekhyun moves to Min's side. "I like this hyung best." Min laughs giving him a warm smile.
"Its barely 11 p.m. and they're basically drunk already." Baekhyun shakes his head disapprovingly.

Chanyeol and Xiumin drank together like the kids who could handle soju well. "Tsk." Chanyeol says looking at the drunk trio. He pours more soju into his cup and hands it to Xiumin. "Here." Yoora blocks his hand giving him a look, "He's driving home." Chanyeol looks at her annoyed, "He can handle it." Xiumin smiles apologetically and declines it. "You're really going to listen to her?" Chanyeol asks shocked. Xiumin grins and nods, "I have to drive them home.." He gestures to Suho, Minho, and Key who were all giggling.

Baekhyun sits back against the soft cushion of the sofa. He swirls the clear soju in his cup staring at it. "Warm soju isn't good as it is cold." Chen says in his direction. Baekhyun looks up with a smile before drinking it.

"I'm sure he's safe and sound." Jade says to the sulking Baekhyun. "I don't know what you're talking about." Baekhyun tries ot play it off cool. Jade laughs, "Are you worried he's cheating?" Baekhyun suddenly makes a face. Cheat? Its not like they're official anyways...Luhan wouldn't dare either...even if he did, Baekhyun wouldn't be jealous because they didn't have that kind of relationship. Baekhyun laughs it off, "I'm just worried how these kids are gonna get home." He looks at Key, Suho, and Minho who were taking full glasses of soju consecutively.

"Hey, hey. That's enough." Baekhyun snatches the last bottle of soju from Key. "Heyyy~" Key whines kicking his feet. "T-Thats the l-last bottle!" Key hiccups. Minho stares up at Baekhyun trying to process what happened with faded eyes. Suho giggles. Key tries to reach for it but Baekhyun immediately downs the whole bottle within a few seconds. He gulps the lasts of it, "There. No more." Baekhyun says. "Now go drink some water and sober up."

"Baek~" Key tugs him down onto the floor beside him. "W-why did you d-do that?" He mumbled into Baekhyun chest. "You're drinking too much." Key make incoherent whining sounds into his chest. Baekhyun laughs, "What are you doing?"

"I'mmm h-hungry." Key snaps his head up to look at Baekhyun with glossy eyes. "H-hungry." Baekhyun makes a face turning away from his hot soju breath. "M-me too.." Minho says. "From s-some soju." Suho threw his head back laughing like it was the most funniest thing ever.

"I'm hungry too." Jade nudges Baekhyun with her foot. Baekhyun groans sadly. It was another night where he had to be the responsible one; the one to stay sober as everyone got drunk.

"Okay. What do you guys want?" Baekhyun pouts ready to take orders. He just wanted to get drunk and not have to be the responsible one for once. He also wanted to cuddle with Luhan. He wanted Luhan back from China.

"Chicken!" Chen yells excitedly and everyone cheers in agreement.

Baekhyun got to his feet. He dusted off his butt with a pout. "I'll be right back then." I should try calling Luhan back at least one..I miss him. He quickly leave the living room and slips on his shoes.

"Want me to come along?" Min yells after him. "No, its fine.." Baekhyun yells back and leaves out the door.

The night was cool with a calm chill breeze. Standing under the dim street light, Baekhyun quickly dials Luhan's number. He slowly walk nervously as the phone rings. Please pick up... Baekhyun whines both nervous and upset, "Pick up~!" He pouts as the phone continues to ring. "Please leave a message after the tone-" He quickly ends the phone call upset. "You've been calling me all morning but as soon as I call back you won't pick up?" He huffs angrily. His hands stuffed into his jeans with a pout.

A laughter behind him breaks the silence.

He looks over his shoulder to see.

The figure took a step forward, standing beside him.

Chanyeol turns to his side and smiles at Baekhyun.

"A- What are you doing here?" He says surprised and annoyed. He glares at Chanyeol in his black hoodie.

"As if I'll let you wander into the night, roaming the streets alone!" Chanyeol says in a playful confident tone as he nudges Baekhyun his his elbow.

Baekhyun's jaw drop in disbelief. "Who do you think you are-"

"Park Chanyeol~" Chanyeol replies cheerfully.

"-You are not in any place, shape or form to be acting like you can possibly 'protect' me"

"I actually go to the gym daily- have you seen my body?" Chanyeol tilts his head to ask.

Surprised at his question and confused, Baekhyun continues, "What? No! Shut up! Anyways, my neighborhood is pretty safe."

Chanyeol chuckles, " I know. I just wanted to come along..and keep you safe, definitely." Baekhyun shoots him an annoyed look beofre stomping forward.

"Ya! Wait for me!" Chanyeol quickly follows after.

"Why didn't Min come instead? You're such an nuisance." Baekhyun mumbles.

"He did, but I told him I was going, put on my shoes and came. I beat him to it." He grins proudly revealing his perfect teeth.

Baekhyun sighs. Why world why? If he couldn't get drunk, couldn't cuddle with Luhan, couldn't get a call from Luhan, the world- or whatever supreme being up there- the heavens, skies, earth- could've at least spare him and let Min come along. However, he is stuck with stupid Park Chanyeol with his stupid perfect teeth in his stupid fitting black hoodie.

"Ah, cheer up! One miss call for Luhan won't kill you." Chanyeol chirps. "It might!" He shot back with a pout. "I can't believe he has the guts to not to pick up the phone??"

"I'll take notes," Chanyeol pretends to write on his palm. "Re..member to not..miss any of Byun Baekhyun' call or're dead meat." He scribbled onto his palm and smiles at Baekhyun when he finished.

He couldn't help but smile before laughing lightly, "You're so stupid.." Chanyeol shrugs, "You smiled and laughed."

"As if I call you!" Baekhyun playfully bicker back. Chanyeol nods, "You should call me more often."

"Even 4 in the morning if I'm hungry and I ran out of milk or cereal?"

Chanyeol laughs, "Even if you run out of milk or cereal 4 in the morning. Call me." Baekhyun sassily whip his head away, "I was just kidding but that's nice to know."

"But why do you eat cereal 4 in the morning?" Chanyeol asks confused. Baekhyun shrugs, "I don't know. A man gotta eat."

"Okay..but 4 in the morning and cereal?" Chanyeol turns to him with a scrunched face.

"Listen, before you judge me, I have an irregular schedule-usually nights- these days and I don't have time to go food shopping. SO what you see here is that I can live off cereal and milk." Baekhyun tries to explain himself.

Chanyeol shakes his head, "That's just sad. How pitiful.. and Min and Chen lets you eat that?"

Baekhyun laughs, "Unless I sleepover at their houses and eat whatever is in their refrigerator which is often actual food that is healthier."

"Well, call me when you need to go food shopping because you seriously cannot just eat cereal and milk for food. Especially with the kind of work you do."

Baekhyun slightly nods in agreement but stops. "You act like I can't drive myself."

Chanyeol laughs, "Don't be so defensive. I just wanna take you. I'll even pay for it. I just want to be in your company, in some kind of use to you. You're always so busy. The least you can do is have a proper meal."

Baekhyun breaks into a shy smile. In the quietest tone he says, "aww, you care about me. That's sweet." Chanyeol laughs softly, "Of course I care about you."

"Okay dad." Baekhyun says playfully but Chanyeol stops dead in his tracks. Baekhyun looks back at him and was met his intense eyes and knitted eyebrows. His voice small and confused, "What..?"

"Did you just call me dad?" Chanyeol clenches his jaws. The streetlight emphasising his jaw line. "Yeah..? Relax, I was just joking-"
"Do you know how triggered I am at that word- dad or daddy?" Chanyeol takes a step forward towering above the latter. His features sharpened by the streetlight.

Baekhyun could almost feel his warm breath. Why is he looking at me like this? His mind went blank as he stared back into Chanyeol's dark, intense eyes. "What-? What the hell!" Baekhyun shoves him finally processing what he said. "You pervert! I meant as in my actual-" Chanyeol devilishly stare at Baekhyun daring him to say it again. "Ew stop!" Baekhyun smacks his arm before quickly walking.

"Oh my god. You're such a disgusting pervert! That's not what I meant. And as if you would be my...yuck!" Baekhyun quickly took long strides to losing the pervert giant. Chanyeol chuckles loudly, "I was playing.." His tone seem the suggest otherwise.

"Ew ew ew ew eew." Baekhyun tried to shake off what he said and all the images and thoughts that came into mind. It took a few strides for Chanyeol to catch up with Baekhyun. Curiosity got the best of him and he turns to Chanyeol, "Not that it matter or that I care but you're into daddy kink?" Chanyeol breaks into a laughter, "Yes, big time. My middle name is Daddy." He jokes putting an arm over Baekhyun who immediately shook it off. "EW-YUCK. Get off me you pervert."

"But why'd you want to know..? Curious? You really want to know?" Chanyeol smirks and Baekhyun almost screams in disgust.

Luhan Luhan Luhan Luhan. He repeated Luhan's name in his head to focus his attention on whats important. Just think of pure Luhan. But then again, Luhan wasn't too innocent himself....

Thank goodness the chicken place was only a few stands down. He quicken his steps but Chanyeol easily kept up with him. "Are you into daddy kink?" Chanyeol ask with a taunting smirk. Baekhyun shoots him a glare. "Shut up."

"I answered you. You should at least answer me back." Chanyeol says. Annoyed, Baekhyun snap back to look at him. "That's for me to know and for you to find out." He eyes widens when he suddenly realizes what he'd said. Chanyeol's facial expression darkens and with a few swift moves he pins the latter against the brick wall shielded from the streetlight. "Oh really?" His voice now low and daring. His big innocent eyes now dark and intense. Baekhyun could see the lust in his wild hungry eyes. His big hand firmly pinning his small wrists above him while Chanyeol's hip pinned the rest of him hopeless. His jaw intensely clenched trying to control himself. Like a deer in headlights, Baekhyun stares back blankly. Chanyeol leans in. His soft locks brushing against Baekhyun's cheek distracting him from his defenseless delicate neck. He felt Chanyeol's soft pair of lips gently kissing his neck. Then he felt something wet- Chanyeol's tongue. He tries to lean away but Chanyeol held him firmly. It only gave Chanyeol more room to devour him. His wet tongue moving in sync with his lips kissing Baekhyun's neck. Kissing, sucking, and licking. His tongue move in skilled movements making Baekhyun melt under him. Baekhyun struggle beneath him unable to move. The more he tried to fight the more Chanyeol kissed and the deeper he suck- grazing his teeth over the latter's skin. Baekhyun lets a panic breath but it came out at a whimper. Chanyeol groans kissing his neck. He wanted to bite. He want to claim his territory. He want to leave nothing untouched, un-purpled, and un-bitten. He wanted Baekhyun a mess under him; moaning, whining, whimpering. He deeps his kissing and lightly tease Baekhyun with a mild bite. "Ah!" Baekhyun cries in response; music to Chanyeol's ears.

He swallows and pulls back. Chanyeol's hungry eyes stares into Baekhyun's soft, confused, panicked eyes. He licks his lips excited. His wilds fell to Baekhyun's lips. Baekhyun panic pulling his head away only to be met with the brick wall cornered. Chanyeol immediately attacks his lips. Baekhyun struggles under him, trying to turns his head away but he was hopeless. The more he resisted the more Chanyeol was eager to pin him down. His tongue and wet cavern found Baekhyun's own. His tongue skillfully moving, brushing against Baekhyun who continued to resist. Chanyeol deepens the kiss dominating. Their tongues and lips working in sync together kissing. It was all so much and overwhelming, Baekhyun let out another whimper into the kissing making Chanyeol groan in response. Waves of pleasure and electricity running through his body and to his own member. He felt it hardening in response. Chanyeol sucked his pink delicate lips grazing his teeth over them. Baekhyun could feel it pressed against his thigh hard.
