First Date

Chapter 13

Baekhyun and Jade also went to pick up her friend, Jihae.

By the time Baekhyun got back from eatin and picking up his sister's friend, it was already 6pm.

Baekhyun decided to take a 30 minute nap since it was only 6 and the movie didn't start until 8.

He set his alarm clock to 30 minutes. He flopped down on the couch and fell asleep.

Jade and Jihae was upstairs fangirling about BTS.


Something suddenly sat on top of Baekhyun.

"Mmmhh..." Baekhyun mumbled.

"Baek, how do I look?"

i know that voice.

He rubbed his eyes and looked. Jade was wearing a floral tee with light wash skinny jeans.

"yeah.." Baekhyun mummbled still dazed.

"What? Baek how do I look? I don't wanna look scrubby infront of Chanyeol."

Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

"That's fine and don't you dare like him. That's my bestfriend."

Jade giggled. "I know oppa, I was just kidding. And you should start getting ready."

Baekhyun pulled out his phone and checked the time it's was 7:00.

"Ugh stupid alarm didn't wake me up..." He checked his phone.

"Oh yeah...i forgot to turn on the sound.."

Baekhyun rubbed his eyes and said "You girls get ready I'm gonna take a quick shower and get ready we're leaving at 7:30."

"Okay." Jade replied walking back to her room.

He took a quick shower. And blow dry his hair and styled it up. He put on his outfit and stared at himself.

"Hi handsome" Baekhyun said to his reflection.

Baekhyun walked into Jades room.

"Baekhyun you look really nice." Jade replied. Jihae stared him in awe with an opene mouth.

Baekhyun saw Jihae and chuckled.

Jade turned to see an opened mouth Jihae.

"Jihae close your mouth. Oh my god that's my brother. Gross no."

Jihae processed it and closed her mouth and said "hey he looks good and I was just complimenting geez."

Baekhyun laughed and said "so I look okay right?"

Jade looked at him with a questioning look.

"Baek you would look super hot with eyeliner. You need eyeliner."

"OHH YEAH. JADE PUT IT ON ME." Baekhyun said excited. No wonder he felt like he's missing something, his other friend, the eyeliner.

"Okay wait.." Jade put it on him.

"Okay done."

Baekhyun looked in the mirror and flashed a smile.

"Wow, I look really nice. Only Baek can rock this." Said Baekhyun.

"Yeah, whatever you're welcome and we need to get going. It's 7:25."

The three of them were dropped off my the theatre by their mom.

Baekhyun checked 7:37pm.

"Let's buy tickets first." Said Jade.

Baekhyun bought tickets for the four of them. Now they were just waiting for Chanyeol.

Baekhyun was very anxious and nervous. He checked the time again 7:43 pm.

7:49 not here yet.

7:55 omg five minutes to go.

Baekhyun texted him.

Baekhyun: are you on you're way yet?

Yeollie❤: yeah sorry I'm running late.

Baekhyun sighed both in relief that he's coming and that he's late.

"Jade you two can go first." Baekhyun said.

"Okay." The two girls headed off the the designated theatre room.

8:02 Baekhyun stood there feelin very lonely.

omg where is this freakin giant at. The movies gonna start!!

Baekhyun stared on the floor


The door of a car slammed shut.

Baekhyun looked up to see a tall good looking giant.

My giant.

Chanyeol was wearing a gray button up shirt with with black jeans and a park of black converse.

"Hey Yeollie." Baekhyun smiled shyly.

Chanyeol stopped walking 3 feet away from him and stared at Baekhyun mischievously with a smile.

He was eyeing Baekhyun in awed.

Baekhyun smiled back and was checking him out too but quickly looked at the ground blushing and fiddled with his fingers.

He looked up again to see Chanyeol still staring at him.

"What Yeeeoool?" Baekhyun whined blushing severely.

Why won't he stop staring me. We see each other almost every day.

Baekhyun heart was thumping.

Geez i can drop dead happy right now.

Chanyeol pulled him into a hug and let go quickly to admire him again.

"Baek you look.." Chanyeol was searching for words.

"You look great. Handsome actually. Why don't you dress like this at school? That eyeliner game though.. You should totally because you look...stunning."

Baekhyun giggled at his cuteness.

"Thanks Yeol you don't look so bad yourself. You look handsome also. Here.." He hands Chanyeol the ticket.

"Wha- Baeeek i told you didnt have to- I'm so sorry I'm late lets get going."

The headed toward the food area.

"I'm gonna buy us snacks and popcorn since you bought me tickets."

"Okay thanks."

Chanyeol ordered 2 large drinks and 2 large popcorn bags along with 2 pack of sour patch candy.

"Can you help me carry this?" Chanyeol laughed.


"Um..a bag of candy, popcorn, and drink is for your sister and her friend."

"But chan-"

"Baek lets go." Chanyeol pulled him.

The enter the theatre, although it was kinda dark, Chanyeol manage to spot a waving Jade and Jihae. He gave them the snacks and drink.

Baekhyun looked around and there was no open seats around Jade and Jihae.

"Yeol, where should we sit?" Baekhyun whispered.

"How bout up there?"

Chanyeol light pushed Baekhyun leading him to two opened seats.

After settling down, They could finally start the movie.

Thanks to all the previews of other movies, the had only miss about two minutes of the film. Lucky them.

"Sorry I made you miss the beginning," Chanyeol whispered to Baekhyun's ear which tickled him.

"Chanyeol there's no need it's only been 2 minutes. Relax."


Baekhyun had the bag of popcorn on his lap.

Chanyeol nervously reach over for some popcorn.

i don't think i can focus on the movie with him doing this. Oh my- geez.

"Eat some too," Chanyeol put a hand ful onto his hand.

Baekhyun laughed and ate it.

They started watching the film..or Chanyeol did.

Baekhyun was too nervous, well he could focus for 2 minutes or so before he slyly glance at Chanyeol who was on his right. And turned extra nervous when he reached for popcorn.

Lucky we're in the dark, I bet I look like a friggin ripe tomato right now.

Baekhyun was too nervous so he didn't eat which made Chanyeol nervous because he wasn't eating the popcorn Chanyeol got him.

Chanyeol glance at him, which Baekhyun also glancing at him at the same time.

oh my, he saw me looking at him. SHOOT ME NOW PLS ㅠ_ㅠ

Chanyeol chuckled and whispered to his ear, "i bet you're all red now, too bad i can't see because we're in the dark."

Baekhyun's stomache did a flip flop and somersault. Baekhyun laughed nervously and replied "yeah too bad."

"Why aren't you eating?" Chanyeol pouted. He looked extra cute with the light from the screen on him making him glow handsomely.

Chanyeol grabbed some and shoved it in Baekhyun's mouth and ate some himself.

"Mm.." Baekhyun protested quietly.

Chanyeol sipped on their large drink.

And whispered again "i brought two straws you know, because I thought you would feel weird if we shared one. I'm thoughtful aren't I ? Now drink and eat up because there is no way I can finish this on my own."

Baekhyun laughed quietly sipped his straw.

They continued to focus on the movie.

"Here eat some sour patch," Chanyeol said suddenly. He opened the pack and grabbed some for himself and gave the bag to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun thought about protesting.

He's gonna make me fat with all this.

He took one and ate it.

This is delicious, Baekhyun thought.

He put the sour path between them becuase they both were eating it.

Baekhyun decide to focus on the movie and stopped eating to watch.

They continued on.

How long is this movie? I can stay here with Chanyeol here but I'm kinda tired and there's no way I'm doing that kdrama thing where I sleep on his shoulder. No no no way.

He hid his yawn but water was forming in his eyes and he was able to wipe it without Chanyeol realizing.

He shifted in his seat.

Chanyeol grabbed some popcorn and shove it in Baekhyun's mouth and put some in his mouth also casually not turning to look at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun could only laugh quietly because it seemed like he was already sinning just laughing.

Sinning with Chanyeol, not so bad. Sounds devious.

Baekhyun grabbed some sour patch and shoving it in Chanyeol's mouth and his.

They continues to playfully feed each other until Baekhyun decided to stop because they needed to focus on the movie.

Chanyeol took a handful of popcorn and put it in Baekhyun's hand but he wasnt taking it.

Baekhyun grabbed on to his hand with the popcorn in between playing. Chanyeol was moving their hand back and forth also hold onto Baekhyun's hand.

Baekhyun giggled.

He turned and whispered "Baekkie eat it, he chuckled in to Baekhyun's ear sending a chill down his spine.

Bakehyun took it and ate it.

They were already in the middle of the film continuously eating and watching.

"dannng, i didn't even see that coming." Chanyeol exclaim quietly to himself when he was the plot twist of the sisters.

Baekhyun chuckled. He made remarks to himself and Baekhyun when ever something cool of stunning happens.

He so cute.

Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol's profile. From his big ears to his jawline to the way his eyes sparkle from the screen to how the light showed his features in the dark.

This was more interesting than the film. He was so mesmerize by Chanyeol.

Baekhyun looked like a handsome little boy who was admiring a car behind a displayed glass. Staring at something his heart wanted and ached for but couldnt. He had his big eyes with his mouth agape a little in awe.

Chanyeol turned slowly to see an admiring Baekhyun. But Baekhyun didn't shy away this time. He looked into Chanyeol's eyes bravely full of love.

Chanyeol studied him, his features with a sincerely smiled. He had butterflies in his stomach threatening to pop out of his belly.

Baekhyun showed his feelings for once, all on the table because he was next to Chanyeol in the dark on their first date and it felt like they were the only one there. What's to fear when he knows that Chanyeol feels exactly the same way and no one was there to disturb them. There was nothing to lose right now, just for now.

The sound of the movie was blocked out as Baekhyun stared at the angel beside him.

Chanyeol's heart was about to jump out of his rib cage.

He took his hand and grabbed Baekhyun's thumb. Swaying it back and forth playing with Baekhyun's hand while looking at the screen shyly.

They started to fiddle and playing with each other's hand.

And it ended with their hands effortlessly entangle with each other. Just touching each other sent electric waves into them.

Baekhyun was nervous to move he didn't know what to do.

Chanyeol then pulled back and grab some popcorn to shove it in Baekhyun's mouth chuckling lightly.


The credits were playing on the screen and the lights started to glow lightly signaling that the movie was over.

Baekhyun grabbed the snacks while Chanyeol took large drink. Baekhyun held on to Chanyeol's shirt lightly, afraid of getting separated in the crowd of people exiting.

Jade and Jihae waited in the lobby for them. It's was already 12 am. They both squinted in unison from the suddenly rays of light from the lobby.

Baekhyun rubbed his eyes.

"Hi Jade and.." Chanyeol started to greet.

"It's Jihae," replied Jihae blushing lightly.

"Hi Jade and Jihae. I'm Baekhyun's bestfriend, Chanyeol."

"Hi," the girls said awkwardly.

Since Chanyeol was closes to Baekhyun he was kinda shy and talked comfortably to Baekhyun only.

The pairs were having their own conversations.

"How was the movie?" Baekhyun asked.

"It was interesting and I didn't see the plot twist coming but it was pretty good. Although people made it sound Bette than it was but it's still good I enjoyed it. How about you?" Chanyeol asked.

"Yeah, it's was interesting and that plots twist was cool."

i didn't even really focus on the movie. Baekhyun smiled to himself.

Chanyeol was infront of Baekhyun, towering over him.

"Baek lets take a photo."

Baekhyun laughed and agree.

They took a selca with each other.

"Uhh Jade, can you take a picture of us?" Chanyeol asked

"Sure." Jade replied enthusiastically.

", two, threeee."

"Thanks." Replied Chanyeol.

They bother were looking at the photo.

"Ew I look weird Yeol."

Chanyeol laughed and said "you look fine."

He posted on Facebook and tagged Baekhyun. He showed Baekhyun, " Look I posted it."

Baekhyun shot him a sad look " why I looked so bad."

Chanyeol pulled him into a side hug and assured him he looked fine.

Suddenly and car pulls up. Chanyeol looks up and see it, "Ah..Baek that's Yoora. I had a great night. The movie was great. We should do this more often. " They awkwardly hugged in front of Yoora, Jihae, and Jade.

"Y-yeah. Me too. Bye Yeol."

Chanyeol smiled and was about to walk to the car but turned back. "Do you guys need a ride or ?"

Baekhyun laughed "that's sweet Chanyeol, but actually my mom is coming to pick us up. Thanks for the offer though."

"You sure?"


"Alright. Bye."


Chanyeol got in the car and it drove off.

Jade ran over to Baekhyun and said "you're blushing Baeeekkk. AND YOU GUYS HUG OUUHHH."

"S-shut up Jade." Replied a blushing Baekhyun.


Baekhyun lied awake in his bed staring at the ceiling.

Oh yeah he posted the photo of us.

He took out his phone and logged on to Facebook.

He clicked like on the photo.

There was 40 likes and plenety of comments.

Baekhyun read them:


Chanyeol: Duh

Chen: WHY??!?!?!?!? I WANTED TO GO.

Lay: Wow. What movie did you guys watch?

Chanyeol: Oz, the Great and Wonderful.

Kris: You guys went to the movies together? Just the two of you guys?

Chanyeol: yeah (;

Kris: 😫

Baekhyun giggled.

Chanyeol is so mean to him.

Baekhyun: I had a great time and Yeol, I still haven't finish the sour patch or popcorn yet.


Chanyeol: shut up Chen. And Baekkie, I had a great time too and finish it !!

Tao: Was there pandas in the movie?

Chanyeol: there's no pandas in the wizard of oz. Oz the great and wonderful is just the modern version of it -.-

Kris: don't tell me you guys shared the popcorn like some cheesy romance movie.

Chanyeol: definitely, we shared the sour patch, popcorn, AND a drink. We even FED each other.

Kris: ewwwwwwwww yuck.

Baekhyun was laughing out loud to himself now.

I guess he finds it fun teasing Kris.


Baekhyun: Yeah chenchen ?

Chen: Go with me next time okay?

Tao: Me too

Baekhyun: sure

Chanyeol: No always go with me alone

Kris: no, go with me next time

Chanyeol: NO WAY. You bastards that's my best friend. No one is going anywhere with him without me or my consent.

Beakhyun frowned. Since when was he so possessive.

Baekhyun: no, I'm fine with going with you guys.

Chanyeol: Under my consent and (if needed) presence.

Kris: whatever.

Baekhyun yawned and turned his phone off. He closed his eyes thinking about sleeping in for Sunday until he realized that he still had plenty of homework to do tomorrow and groaned.
