Chapter 27

It was one of those dull rainy days spent inside watching Netflix and accompanied by junk food. Baekhyun wrapped himself in a soft cozy blanket watching Netflix with Jade.

Jade munched on buttered popcorn frequently making little gasps and reactions to the events in movie.

"Heard Chanyeol was crying at the dance.." Jade breaks the silence and glances over to Baekyun.

Baekhyun shrugs,"Dunno, probably about one of his many crushes." he replied pretending not to know an both bored and uncaring. He runs a hand through his soft brown hair.

Jade nods slightly before returning to the movie. Baekhyun reaches over for some buttered popcorn. His phone was shut off and he had been off social media as well as any communication with anyone ever since last night.

Which he assumed that social media was probably buzzing with gossip, news, and photos of the dance. And he did not want to be part of it. All Baekhyun wanted was some ''me/alone" time.

The rest of the day was spent watching more movies which made Baekhyun fall asleep eventually. The silence an quietness of his nature dragged on to Sunday as well.

But Baekhyun didn't want to return to school. He didn't want to deal with all the gossip and noisy-ness of others. He didn't want to deal with all the staring eyes, the hour long lectures, and fake smiles. Most of all he hated not being himself, pretending like he was alright and faking smiles.

Sadly, the weekends are only 2 days long and by 10:00 p.m. on Sunday, Baekhyun finally convinced himself to at least show up at school for just 5 days before reaching his destination again, the weekends.

His alarm ranged at specifically 7 a.m. Baekhyun's eyes open at the alarming sound. Oh god. He thought, I have to actually interact with humanity today.

Baekhyun slips on a T-shirt, black skinny jeans that hugged his legs perfectly, and a cozy black hoodie to top it all off.

It was lightly raining. The smell of the fresh morning rain hits his nose and he takes a deep breath for comfort.

"Have fun at school!" Mrs. Byun calls out to Baekhyun and Jade through the open window.

Baekhyun gives her a small smile and nods while Jade yells bye to her mom.

He walked to his locker taking his time avoiding to look others in the eyes; just straight down the hall towards his destination.

"Hi Baekhyun." A girly voice calls from the side. Baekhyun glances at the girl and slightly nods back before continuing to walk.

He could feel all the eyes on him. Apparently, Chanyeol was the talk of the town and whenever it was about Chanyeol, he was included.

Baekhyun was able to put away his stuff and enter class early and undisturbed.

There was only two other students who were always early for class.

Baekhyun flips open a book pretending to read so he wouldn't be disturbed.

He was aware of the many students filing in as the clock ticked down to the time when class was about to start.

"Byun~" A sweet voice sings singling. Baekhyun knew who it was without even looking up.

Chen plops down into the chair beside him. "Byun Baek, good morning~!" Chen said way too cheerful and excited that Baekhyun couldn't help but laugh.

"Morning." He heard himself say. "You wouldn't believe this!" Chen says excitedly.
"Believe what?" Baekhyun asks.

Chen goes on rambling about who started dating who, and who danced with who, and who were gossiping about who, and who was best dressed and..

Baekhyun had already stopped listening..

and Chanyeol.

Baekhyun looks at Chen with slight interest. "Everybody is talking about Chanyeol. They want to know why he was crying.."

Baekhyun waves his hand dismissively,"You already know it's the same old thing."

Chen's face lights up excited,"Ohh..Did you like the dance?"

Baekhyun paused before answering,"Yeah..Jackson and the boys were very fun." But he could hear the sadness in his voice as the image of him crying in the bathtub flashes across his mind.

Baekhyun continued on the day not talking much, mostly keeping to himself. Neither him or Chanyeol acknowledge each other. It continued for days, then weeks. Baekhyun was fine with it truthfully. He was tired of caring and trying to make him happy when Baekhyun wasn't happy himself.

Up until May 6th..

Baekhyun was dressed nice but not too fancy. He planned to just let the day pass by as quietly as possible. And it seemed to be going as planned as other students greeted him unaware.

He sees Lay approaching him from down the hall. "Happy Birthday Baekhyun." He says with a wide smile and dimple.

Baekhyun grins,"Thank You Lay."
"Um," Lay Scratches his neck. "There's something- someone asked for you to go to your locker.."

Baekhyun made a confused face,"My locker?"
Lay nods with a smile,"Yeah, just go." He says encouraging.
"Uh..okay.." Baekhyun mumbles unsure.

Baekhyun made his way to the oddly isolated hall where his locker was located. There stood a figure...a figure way too familiar. The figure's stupidly big ears, his stupid tall height, his stupid fluffy hair that Baekhyun adores.

Baekhyun looks around unsure and confused and he continued to approach the figure.

The figure steps towards him with a smile. "Hi." His deep voice echos Baekhyun into his senses.

"H-Hi..?." Baekhyun stutters surprised. Chanyeol grins but his nervousness was evident. "Um.." Chanyeol's mind went blank. He had rehearsed his speech over and over and here he was now speechless.

"Um..H-Happy Birthday Baekhyun." Chanyeol manages to say. Baekhyun was just as blank,"Th-Thank you."

Oddly, Chanyeol's hands was behind his back.

Chanyeol's right hand reaches up to scratch his hair. Damn, he thought. Think of something to say you idiot!

"I want apologize for my behavior- for not talking you when I should've. And I know I may have hurt you in some way- someways and you're the greatest best friend I have ever could ask for. Thank you for always being so patient, bright, and caring towards me. I hope you have a great birthday Baekkie."

Suddenly, Chanyeol takes something out from behind him. It was a bouquet of yellow roses. Baekhyun's lips were slightly parted shocked as touched.

"I-I..Thank you." Baekhyun manages to say.

"I got you yellow roses because I wasn't really sure what to get you..and you like flowers-" Chanyeol chuckles. And it was the most beautiful thing Baekhyun has ever heard.

"Roses, to be more specific." Chanyeol continued. "I got you yellow roses- I wanted to get you red roses but my Noona said red roses are for those you love..I do love you just not like that..and I didn't want to confuse you so..I went with yellow roses. Yellow roses are for friends." Chanyeol says with a wide unsure smile.

"Thank you. They're beautiful." Baekhyun looks into his eyes. His beautiful brown eyes that Baekhyun haven't seen in the longest time.

Chanyeol hands Baekhyun the bouquet of flower and they both in unison lean forward to hug each other. Tightly. The kind of hugs that Baekhyun loves, Bear Hugs.

"I've missed you so much." Chanyeol confesses. Baekhyun blushes and smiles,"I've missed you too."

"Did you get my message?" Chanyeol asks. Baekhyun pauses,"What message?"
Chanyeol gasps,"You didn't see it? My happy birthday message at 12 am."

Baekhyun with surprised face,"No..I haven't check yet..but you stayed up until 12 in the morning just to say happy birthday?"

Chanyeol chuckles which sounded like a beautiful symphony to Baekhyun's ear. "Of course, we always do that."
"Oh..I didn't think you would.." Baekhyun mumbled.

"Of course I would've. Even if we fight of stopped talking, I'd still say it. You're my best friend Baekkie." Chanyeol tells him.

Baekhyun was forced to leave the flowers in his locker. He and Chanyeol and headed towards the cafeteria for breakfast. They were catching up with each other and it felt so right. Every hatred, anger, and grudge Baekhyun had for Chanyeol, was gone.

Being able to talk to someone who really knows him- the way Chanyeol's voice rumbles when he talks or laugh; everything was perfect for once. Baekhyun wished he could just pause right then and there in time.

And of course his plan of keeping his birthday quiet was completely ruin when:

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BYUN BAEKHYUN~!" Chen shouted when he spotted the two enter the cafeteria.

Everyone turned their head to see. "Oh my god." Baekhyun face palms himself.

Chen skipped over happily,"Byun~" He said lovingly. "You're growing so old my son." He says as he hugs Baekhyun. Chen hands him a birthday present.

Baekhyun laughs surprised,"Really? Thank you." Chen nods,"Of course."

"Is it really your birthday?" Taemin asks approaching them. Others began telling him happy birthday after hearing the news.


"Here." Chen places a square of cake on to Baekhyun's plate. He had brought a small cake for Baekhyun's birthday and had begin passing it out during lunch.

"Thank you ChenChen." Baekhyun replies happily. Chanyeol smiles at Baekhyun from beside him.

"No problem. I got it because I was craving cake and it was your birthday so I thought why not? It's a win-win situation." Chen replies. Baekhyun laughs at him.

Chen passed out some more cake to the other boys.

"Do you want some?" Chen offers to Chanyeol. He pauses,"I think.." Chanyeol turns to look at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun laughs,"Just share with me." Chanyeol grins because it was exactly what he wanted.

"Okay..More for me." Chen begins digging into a square of cake.

"Here." Baekhyun slides the plate towards Chanyeol before scooting closer to him.

Chanyeol smiles widely,"I just want a bit." He forks into the cake and feeds himself. Then turns to feed Baekhyun.

Baekhyun looks at him surprised. Chanyeol laughs,"Open up." Baekhyun gives him the are-you-serious look. Chanyeol pushes the fork towards Baekhyun's mouth insisting.

He had no choice but to be fed by Chanyeol. Baekhyun suddenly froze. We're sharing the same fork.

Chanyeol fed him with a smile. Then fed himself again with the fork undisturbed. Baekhyun slowly came back to his senses and began chewing.

Indirect kiss?? Baekhyun's mind was screaming so loud.

"Another." Chanyeol moved the fork toward Baekhyun's face and purposely gets the icing onto the corner of Baekhyun's lip.

Baekhyun looks at him shocked. Chanyeol chuckles happily,"You look so cute."

Baekhyun stares at Chanyeol's goofy signature smile. His eyes were crescents of happiness. Then he covers his giant smile as he continued to laugh at Baekhyun. "Is the cake that good?" Chanyeol asks laughing.

No, it's you. Baekhyun thought. It's never been the cake- or anything else but you. Forgetting about the smeared cake in his cheek.

With his giant smiling, Baekhun couldn't help but smile as well because Chanyeol determined his mood. He was whatever the taller boy was; happy, sad, upset, anything.

Chanyeol throws his head back laughing like a little kid. His brown strands of hair at slightly fell back as he did so. There was crinkled on the corner of his eyes as he smile with full teeth. His dimple was just as visible.

Baekhyun laughs as well, not understanding why the boys was laughing.

"Here, let me help you silly." Chanyeol leans forward cups Baekhyun's right cheek.

Baekhyun froze in place unconsciously stoping all breathing. His heart was beating so loud he was afraid the others would hear it.

Chanyeol's hand seemed so big compared to Baekhyun's delicate face. His thumb runs over lightly over Baekhyun's cheek then down to the corner of his pink lips.

Oh. Baekhyun though. Oh, the smeared cake.

Chanyeol turns away giggling and shaking his head at Baekhyun's confusion.

Baekhyun turns away blushing furiously. He clears his throat and look down trying to hide his flushed face.

Chen giggles amused before returning his attention to his cake.

Baekhyun took deep breathes to calm himself down.

For the rest of the day, Baekhyun spent it with Chanyeol laughing and talking with each other about anything and everything.

Chanyeol pouts not wanting Baekhyun to leave. "You have to leave already? But I missed you and I still want to spend more time together." He whined.

Baekhyun laughs and tip toes to ruffle Chanyeol's brown hair.

"I missed you too but my bus will leave if I take too long. I'll have to walk home if I miss it." Baekhyun tried to reason with him. He didn't want to leave either but the school day was coming to an end.

Chanyeol sighs,"Fiiiiine~. Come here." He didn't want Baekhyun to leave but on the bright side, now he has an excuse to hug the life out of Baekhyun which he had been dying to do all day. Chanyeol immediately wrapped his masculine arms around Baekhyun happily. Taking advantage of Baekhyun's shorter height, Chanyeol lifts him of the ground while hugging him tightly.

"Bye Baekkie. I had a great day today. I hope all your wishes come true. Happy Birthday again. Thank you for being there for me. I love you best friend~" Chanyeol says excitedly to him.

Baekhyun laughs,"Thank you. I love you too."

After two more bear hugs Chanyeol finally left Baekhyun leave. His soft brown eyes were on Baekhyun with his lips slightly pouting as he watch the birthday boy leave.

Sorry I took so long to update bc I've been having a writer's block. BUT I have GREAT news to all you BaekYeol shippers :-) I'll tell you all LATER :$
