Part 73; After the Storm

Baekhyun groans stirring awake. His whole body ached with a light headache. He's glossy eyes observed his surrounding. He was back in the hotel room but it wasn't his room. The curtains were shut but he would see the setting sun through the drapes. Jade was asleep curled into a ball beside him. He yawns and pulls Jade onto his chest gently unsure of what had happened. Jade sleepily opens her eyes to see Baekhyun, "Are you okay?" She says suddenly sitting up. Baekhyun softly smiles as she places a hand onto his forehead then cheek. "...Yeah...?"

Jade stares at him worriedly then in confusion. Uh oh, he thought. "I didn't...Did I?" Jade laughs empathetically, "Yes you did." She playfully smack his chest. "Oh god.." He lies down again. "What even happened?" All sorts of scenarios ran through his mind making him cringe. "I don't remember anything beside feeling like I was gonna explode with bodily fluid and die."

Jade giggles and lies down on her belly beside him. "Well, you at least made it to their exchanges of vows..." Baekhyun closes his eye whining in embarrassment. "Jessi went first...then Chanyeol but..." Baekhyun looks at Jade. "He...he said he couldn't marry her..." She says suddenly falling silent. Baekhyun's eyes widens, "What?! That actually happened? That wasn't just my mind making things up?!"

Jade laughs wrapping her arms around him, "Yes, that happened. And as any parent would be, they were upset and confused. The audience was a mess of chattering and confusion. Her dad demanded what he meant by saying that and he says again that he can't marry her and that he doesn't love her in that way..."

"Oh god...the horror of their parents...and everyone else." Baekhyun shuts his eyes trying to convince himself that it was not his fault.

"And before anything else could happen, in walks Jessi ex! From the other night that I told you about-"

"Wait is it still the same day? Or have I been knocked out for days?" Baekhyun says staring at himself. He was still dressed in his best man's suit. Jade laughs, "Same day. Just a few hours later."

"Oh.." Baekhyun mumbles. Jade continues, "So in walks in Jessi's ex and announces that he objects their wedding, and exposes the other night they spent together...Chanyeol looks at her in confusion and disbelief. She's a crying mess and her parents are losing it...And by now, you've vomited and fainted." Jade breaks into an evil laughter and Baekhyun hides under the blanket. He groans in embarrassment, "Oh my god!" He yells flustered.

"But don't worry, not as much people noticed. Chen and Xiumin played it off real smooth and held up long enough until everyone's distracted enough. Then they carried you back here. Also, Mrs. Park fainted so as you can imagine everyone panicked and it was a shit show. So its not as bad as you think." She laughs again.

"Is Mrs. Park okay?" He asks poking his head up. "Yeah, she conscious a couple of hours ago. Min's constantly monitoring her." Jade informs.

"What a shit show of a wedding." Baekhyun says exhausted. Jade snuggles closer, "I heard from Yoora that when Mrs. Park regain conscious she was so upset she didn't even want to see Chanyeol. His father slapped the life out of him and he stormed off..." Jade watches at Baekhyun exhales slowly without much emotion. "As for the wedding...its been called off. Both families have apologized to the guests and audience...Now everyone is back at their rooms and flying out tomorrow."

Baekhyun stares up at the ceiling, "What a mess..." Jade hugs him close running her hands through his hair, "You scared me. I thought I was going to lose you again...Are you okay? Not just physically but emotionally and mentally." Baekhyun shifts to face her. "I don't know. I'm not really sure how I feel...I feel...numb? I don't really feel much..." He says and she sighs sadly. "Well the boys told me to check back in with them when you wake up."

"What are they doing?" Baekhyun asks. "Some went off to find Chanyeol...Others are comforting the families and guests...and working to end this...well..."

"Where is mom and dad?"

"They're...chilling in their room. Unsure how to go about this either..."

"When are you flying back home?" Jade asks and Baekhyun shrugs, "I don't know..."


Night had fallen and Chanyeol's nonstop driving led him to a dead end cliff. He was now resting against the hood of his car. He stares up at the stars in the sky feeling dead inside.


"Where is he? Why hasn't he come back? Maybe we were too harsh to him." Mrs. Park says to Mr. Park worriedly. "Has anyone found him?" She says looking up at the boys.

Glancing at his watch, it was past midnight. Xiumin tries to smile, "I'm sure he'll come back once he's gotten some steam off."

"Where is Baekhyun? Does Baekhyun know where he is?" Her voice desperate and worried. Chen smiles sadly at her, "Baekhyun didn't feel so well so he's been resting...He hasn't heard anything either but if he does, I'll make sure to let you know."

Mrs. Park leans her back against the pillows behind her on the pillow hopeless. "My son...he shouldn't have been punished for telling us how he really feels..."


It was next morning and much of the family and guest had already flew back to Korea. Breakfast was an awkward silent breakfast amongst the scatter family members and friends.

Baekhyun stayed in bed unwilling to eat nor face anyone else. The hall was silent as everyone had either left, at breakfast, or out and about. He debated to go out exploring. As bad as this situation was, he could use some distraction. His train of thought was suddenly disrupted by a sudden knock on the door.

Still in his silk pajamas and bed hair, Baekhyun sighs before getting the door. "I said I didn't any break-..." He fell silent at the sight of Chanyeol. His shirt wrinkly and untucked. He was still in his suit. "Fast..." Baekhyun finishes in a whisper.

His eyes were red and swollen decorated with eye bags and messy hair. Chanyeol grabbed his sleeved and pulled him out of the room. "W-Where are we..." Baekhyun fell silent following Chanyeol was pulled him toward the elevator. "I-I'm in pajamas..." He squeaked afraid.

Ignoring him, Chanyeol pulled him out of the elevator and out the front doors to his car. Baekhyun cooperatively gets into the passenger side in confusion. Chanyeol slips into the driver's seat and began to drive.

He drove for what seemed like an hour before relaxing and pulling up to the beach. They sat in silent for a while. Yet, it was more of a comforting silence than an uncomfortable one.

Baekhyun stared ahead to the beach. He could hear the waves crashing onto the shore. He tried to relax as questions filled his mind. What were they doing here? What is the purpose of this? Does Chanyeol regret calling off the wedding? How do the both of them feel?

After a while, Chanyeol leans over to unbuckled Baekhyun's seatbelt. Baekhyun immediately reach up to caress Chanyeol's cheek. "I heard your father hit you...I'm sorry. It must've hurt very badly." His thumb gently rubs over his cheek. Chanyeol stares back with an unreadable facial expression. Baekhyun slowly pulled his hand away and they both exit the car. They ended up sitting side by side leaning on to each other silently in the sand.

While others would of been frustrated with the silence, it was what they both needed. Just the presence of each other was enough to keep the other sane. Not a single word exchanged yet they both felt a warm feeling of comfort. The future was still unknown and uncertain. Afraid and unsure, they sat in silent.

They returned to the hotel by midnight. Going their separate ways, Chanyeol headed to his room to sleep while Baekhyun packed his bags to leave.

By the morning, Chanyeol had discovered that Baekhyun had checked out 3 in the morning with the help of the front desk. He left.


Author's Note
Hello~ I know this is a short update but it's all that I can write for now. I'm trying to go through all the comments and notifs but there is over 700 of them so yeah that's always fun haha. Just by skimming the comments, I can't tell a lot of y'all are really passionate haha. But yes, even if I don't reply, I try my best to read everything.

Oh and I've just realize that you can looks over the statistics of your works and WOW people from over 50 countries across the globe is reading this. I'm so shook! Thank you so much for tagging along the way and I try to put together a decent fanfic๐Ÿ’—. Till the next update~~~
