Try It

"I don't think work is for me." Kate sighed sitting on Candy's bed. She hated working at a pharmacy. She was barely making any money to survive, and was getting sick of pouring pills into a bottle. She wanted to stay away from drugs for a while whether they be prescriptive or not. Candy finished reading the love letter John had written and gasped, "Holy shit. He even knew something was gonna happen so he wrote an apology letter in advance. Kate he wasn't a bad person. Except for when the drugs took over."

"I know. He told me not to wait for him. So I-I'm gonna move on."

"So do you identify as a single ready to mingle?"The blonde teased raising her eyebrow.

"No. Trust me. I'm gonna stay single for a while. I need to find myself."

"So are you going to find out whether your pregnant with Johns kid or not?"

"Damn it, Anthony!" Kate yelled throughout the apartment hearing him jog to the door. He laughed, "I'm sorry Kate. How could I not tell Candy." The brunette made puppy eyes and said, "You were my best friend. I guess you leave me no choice. Anthony Kiedis you have now been re-ranked as my best friends boyfriend." He held his chest and dramatically pleaded, "How will I move on?" The two girls laughed watching him skip out of the room.

"I get it. I'm sorry I didn't tell you first when I thought I was pregnant." Candy said running her fingers throughout her curly blonde hair while continuing, "Do you want me to go with you later?"

"No it's ok. I kinda wanted to go by myself." She mumbled scratching her neck before leaving the apartment. Candy sighed staring at herself in the mirror while thinking, why didn't she just tell me. Her thoughts were interrupted by Anthony coming up behind her smirking as he kissed her neck. He noticed she seemed off and mumbled, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know. I'm just worried about her." Anthony sighed kissing her temple while mumbling, "She'll be fine. She's strong. Now back to where we were." He chuckled as he pinned her down to the bed as she giggled. In a couple days it would be a year her and Anthony have been together. Before they had started dating Anthony was obsessed with her. She was working at smoothie shop on the beach. He would stop by everyday and order the same banana smoothie just to get to know her more. After he took her out on a date he realized she wasn't like other girls. She reminded him of her in a way. They both were very open-minded and flirtatious. When Anthony finally decided he was gonna ask her to be his girlfriend he thought he was gonna pass out. Only Candy Rogers made him feel this way. She always kept him on his toes. Pressing his lips against hers he smiled making her chuckle and roll over on top of him.

"Kate Viverette? Follow me please." The doctor who looked as if he was in his mid-forties smiled motioning for her to follow him into the hospital room. She felt as if she was gonna throw up. The fact she could be pregnant with Johns child had her stomach doing cartwheels and flips. What was she going to do if she was pregnant? How could she raise a baby on her own? How would she be able to give birth? Sitting on top of the paper stretched across the table she kicked her feet back and forth making the doctor raise an eyebrow as he scribbled onto the clipboard. "I'm nervous." She awkwardly chuckled making him nod.

"So we got your blood results back..." The doctor continued as he looked at the paper and said "Congratulations. Your not pregnant." She jumped off the table cheering and blushed realizing the scene she just made. Apologizing she sat back on the table and filled out the paperwork given to her. Walking out of the hospital she was all smiles. She looked at the time and realized she was running late for work.

Rushing into the pharmacy she slipped behind the counter with her scrubs on and sat down at the desk in front of the glass window. Frantically typing names in the computer there was a slight knock at the window. Looking up there stood Johns best friend, Bill. She scoffed walking away from him and began pouring pills into the containers. "I just wanna talk." He pleaded behind the glass. She snapped back "Hell no. I don't even want to look at you." Kate couldn't look at him the same after knowing he was okay with John moving in with him so he could shoot up heroin.

After her shift was over she walked outside the pharmacy to see him waiting for her. Rolling her eyes while walking past him he grabbed her hand snapping, "Kate. Please." She stopped and leaned against the car watching him light a cigarette as he sighed, "I wanted to talk to you about John. You have to get back together with him. He's so depressed."

"Has he stopped doing heroin?"


"No. John told me to move on without him so that's what I'm doing."

"Come on, heroin isn't even that bad." He mumbled smirking at her while saying, "You would like it." Her blood was boiling. What does he want from me, she thought to herself noticing the needle marks on his forearm. He stared at her and smirked pulling a plastic baggie filled with white powder out of his pocket saying, "Here's a sample, try it-" Her fist colliding with his jaw made him fall back and groan in pain as she spat at him saying, "You bastard. Stay the hell away from me. Or your little drug heist is being reported to the police." Getting in the car she slammed the door shut driving as fast as she could out of the parking lot. Her hands were shaking. John would never want you to try heroin, she thought to herself blinking away the tears the were forming in her eyes.
