
"Why are we here, again?" Anthony asked turning to Candy. They sat in the parking lot of Kate's apartment. "I wanted to come apologize to Kate." She sighed.

"It's seven in the morning, Candy. Are you sure she's even gonna be up?"

"Yes! She usually goes for a run or something. Let's go." The couple made there way up the stairs of the apartment complex. Candy jiggled the locked door knob and yelled, "Kate! Open up!" When there was no answer, Anthony reached under the mat pulling out the spare key. The two walked into the apartment. It was very quiet. Anthony walked into the kitchen and stifled a laugh whispering, "Candy! Your gonna wanna see this!" She raised a brow walking into the kitchen wondering why he was laughing. She froze looking at the pair of shorts and sports bra on the floor, next to a pair of pants and short sleeve shirt.

"Holy shit! Is that Johns-"Candy said making Anthony hush her laughing. The two slowly tip-toed towards her bedroom. Candy slowly opened the doors and gasped. Johns bare back was facing them and both there bodies were tangled within the sheets except for there feet.

"Oh my god! I can't believe they actually did it..." Anthony whispered, slowly closing the door. They made there way back to the living room and Candy wrote an apology letter, leaving the letter along with the gift she had gotten Kate on the kitchen table. They made there way back to the mansion and Anthony shouted walking into the house "Your never gonna believe what we just saw!"

Meanwhile back at Kate's apartment she shivered feeling cold. She opened her eyes and turned seeing John sleeping peacefully. She looked down noticing she didn't have any clothes on. She looked at him and gasped turning away. She grabbed a robe lying on the floor, and tied it around her waist, running to the bathroom. She brushed through her brunette hair, and brushed her teeth. She splashed cold water in her face. After telling John she would be his girlfriend, things got a little carried away. She opened the door and saw John sitting with his back against the wall. He had his boxers on, and was smoking a cigarette. She walked out and he smiled tossing the cigarette out the window. They reached the kitchen and she made toast handing him the plate. She noticed a bag on the counter with a note. She picked it up. It read in a fancy cursive writing,

Morning! I stopped by and noticed you were sleeping so I wanted to write you this letter to apologize for what I've done. I love you so much, and it hurts my feelings knowing I hurt you. I got you this gift, and I hope we get to catch up later...
P.S~ How was the sex with John ;)

Kate cursed running her fingers through her hair. John came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and said "What's a matter?"

"Candy found out we had sex. She left me an apology note so I guess we're good, but she's never gonna let me forget we had sex now."

"So? Let her keep reminding you. I had fun last night." She blushed and mumbled "I did too."

"You do realize everyone probably knows now right?" She asked turning to him. He rolled his eyes and kissed her forehead saying "Good. We are boyfriend and girlfriend. It's what couples do." The whole boyfriend and girlfriend thing felt so new to her. Yes, she was in a relationship before, but it felt different. It felt right with John. She went and changed into a black sundress. John sat on her bed watching her curl her hair. John had an interview with the band today on live television. She was excited for him, but he was not. He hated talk shows.

"So what was it like growing up?" The reporter asked Anthony. Candy and Kate sat next to each other behind the cameraman watching the band answer questions. The two girls whispered to each other.

"So what happened?" Candy giggled.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend.....After I said yes things escalated really fast."

"Kate that's so cute! I'm so happy for you!" The two girls turned there attention to the interview after hearing laughing. The reporter looked at John asking "How's your love life? We found these pictures...." Photos of John and Kate walking together holding hands popped up on the screen making the crowd awe in unison. Her face blushed and Anthony said "That's his girlfriend, Kate. Her and my girlfriend Candy are best friends! Two really sweet girls. Wouldn't harm a fly." The reporter turned to the two girls and said "Come on up!"

Kate rolled her eyes. She understood why John hated this now. She didn't want to be seen on live television. Candy sat in Anthony's lap and John smirked patting his lap. She sat down turning her head away from the camera. His hands slowly wrapped around her waist and he laughed "Your making her blush." She was blinded, by camera flashes. Oh no, she thought to herself as she felt her face turning redder. The reporter looked at Candy asking, "What do you do for a living?" Candy immediately began spewing information about herself like a broken faucet. How could someone give out such personal information? Kate thought to herself frowning.

The reporter quickly turned to her catching her off guard and said "What do you do for a living?"


"What kinda work?"

"A job." She heard John stifle a laugh and the reporter raised a brow laughing, "I guess you don't want to let us know about your life." She nodded. Flea cut in talking about Clara. She sighed in relief and they called it a cut, ending the interview. She stood up wiping the sweat off her brow. "I understand why you hate interviews so much." She sighed turning to John who was smirking.

"What?"She asked.

"You look cute when you blush."

"Stop." She laughed, lightly shoving him. Chad walked up behind Kate picking her up exclaiming, "Why didn't you tell me you two were dating!" Flea laughed watching her get flustered.

"Yeah, John! Why weren't you gonna tell us! I had to do it for you!" Anthony smirked sliding up next to the blushing guitar player. He shook his head mumbling, "Shut it." Flea leaned in and whispered "You seemed to have had a good night, at least that's what Anthony told me he saw." John rolled his eyes pushing past the two giggling best friends.

"We start recording the rest of the album tomorrow." Chad explained to Kate as she nodded holding up the cd. "Check out the album cover!" Flea exclaiming holding out the paper. She lightly pulled the paper into her hands and gazed down. All four of there heads were on it, entwined with black vines, and a rose in the middle. "Woah. That's badass." She gasped running her fingers across the paper. Anthony smiled mumbling, "I knew you would like it. Unlike somebody-" He turned to Candy who was sleeping on the couch.

"She doesn't like anything." Kate laughed poking the blondes shoulder.

"She likes me." Anthony argued.

"She doesn't like you. She just tolerates you more." The two began laughing. It was true. John smiled watching Kate laugh. He ran his fingers over his knuckles. She turned making eye contact with him, and blushed looking away.
