
"You know your way around New York." Kate smiled at Toni as the two casually walked through the streets of New York with bags in there hands.
"Mhm. I moved here a couple years ago. It took me a while to get used to the constant noise." Toni said as they crossed the busy street.

"Really? I like it...It makes me feel as if I'm not alone."

"I like to think of it as a constant reminder to get my car checked...."

"Ha! Damn. I hope my cars ok. Before tour I had it getting repairs."

"How come?"

"The engine kept smoking. Oil leak or something."

"Aw. I'm sorry Kate."

"It's fine. I just love that car. Even though it's old."

"I get it."

"It must feel nice to live here and not have to worry about a car."

"Yeah but it sucks that I still have to pay the monthly bill for it. It's just sitting in a garage, wasting my money."

"At least you get some exercise everyday?"

"Fair point. It's hard to find a decent track around here. There all mostly locked up for schools and shit."

"You run?"

"Sometimes. You should come with me to Central Park tomorrow morning. I run a loop. You would like it. I pass the zoo, and get to see the alpacas."

"Cool! I have to warn you...I'm very slow when it comes to running."

"Me too!"

"Funny story, I used to be on track in middle school. I would always get last place, and my mom used to tell me getting last place was a good thing. I always thought I won the race."

"Aw...Your mother sounds like a sweet person."

"She was. Before the alcohol."

"I'm sorry about your mother, Kate. I'm sure she's watching over you. Proud of how far you've come."

"Thanks, Toni. That's really sweet of you."

"I try not to be salty all the time." Making there way through the empty stadium Kate eyed down all of the empty seats that would soon be packed thinking, Holy shit, that's a lot of people.

"There they are!" Anthony smiled watching the two girls walk into the room. John smiled pulling Toni in for kiss as Kate showed Candy the clothes she had bought from a thrift store Toni shops at. She had made peace with John, and took her grudges away from Toni. She had moved on from John, and had to respect he had moved on from her. They both were trying to live there best lives. If they weren't meant to be, so be it. They still enjoyed being friends. John would occasionally mess with Kate, by flicking the back of her head or scaring her whenever he had the chance. She would try to scare him back, but would end up failing miserably. Her and Toni had grown close. Not as close as her and Candy. More like a friend, instead of a stranger. They would share interesting conversations. About there lives, including the past, present, and future.

Candy on the other hand didn't understand the entire situation. She found it difficult trying to process Kate, and Johns relationship. She found it even more difficult to process her and Toni. She was confused. One second Kate hated Johns guts. One second later everything was peaceful. The blonde sighed while thinking, How long is this bullshit gonna last? She's definitely not faking it. She actually likes Toni. I mean, I don't mind Toni. But she is Johns girlfriend. And I don't like John at the moment. He broke Kate's heart. Leaving me to fix her. More than once. I would never hesitate once to help Kate. She's the Bonnie to my Clyde. I just can't watch her heart slowly break.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Anthony squeezing her waist and whispering, "What's wrong, cutie?"

"I don't know. I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

"Everything. I'm just nervous for Kate."

"Why? Her and John are good now. She's getting along with Toni..."

"I know, it's just....I don't want him to break her heart again."

"I don't think John would do that."

"I know. I'm just paranoid. Sorry."

"Don't be sorry. Your my paranoid girlfriend."

"And your my....."

"Sexy? Hot? God?"

"More like your my quirky boyfriend."

"Quirky? What the hell does that mean?"

"Quirky! You know, like you have an unpredicted personality."

"You have to dumb that sentence down for me. I still don't understand."

"You always do something unexpected. You keep me on my toes."

"Something unexpected...."Anthony mumbled before grabbing her hand and leading her down the hall to the janitorial closet. Pushing her in the dark room, he locked it behind him and smirked, "Like this?" She giggled as he began kissing her neck repetitively laughing along with her.

"Chad! How long does it take to pay for a pizza!" Kate scolded Chad as he slowly counted fifteen dollars from his wallet and held it out to the delivery boy who was practically falling asleep. Walking back to the elevator she stomped her foot and sighed, "What's taking the elevator so long?" Chad shrugged and she gasped as a hooded man grabbed Chad by the neck yanking him down.

"Shit! Kate go!" Chad said turning trying to fight the hooded man. She was surprised how such a short person compared to Chad could take him down the easily but she gasped and quickly hit the elevator button. Chad suddenly started hysterically laughing making her frown and raise a brow. The hooded man took his hood off to reveal Kurt Cobain.

"W-What the fuck! Your Kurt Cobain..." Kate stuttered dropping the greasy pizza box.

"Yep! The look on your face was priceless! We really scared her, Chad!" Kurt laughed before smiling, "Kate? Anthony mentioned you...Your the interior decorator, right?"

"Yeah...It's nice to meet you. I like your music-"

"No ass-kissing allowed!"

"Sorry!" The two began laughing as two other gentleman walked up with brunette hair. The one other young man had long wavy brunette hair, while the others was a short crew-cut.

"This is Dave, and Krist." She waved to the two other young me.

"So...What brings you guys to New York?" Kate asked brushing her brunette hair out of her face.

Smirking, Kurt smiled, "Where joining the tour, sweetie!"
