Dave Navarro

"Oh fuck." John cursed looking at the stranger next to him in bed. Memories flooding in as he began to realize he mistook her for his Kate. He was so drunk he could barely see. The girl stirred curling up against his side and he quickly got out of the bed sliding his boxers on. "You gotta go." He snapped at the girl who had just woken up. "Everything you said last night....Did you even mean it?" She snapped back as he replied with a flat, "No. I was drunk. It's my fault. I'll pay for your cab." He managed to get the psycho fan out of his room when a pissed off Flea immediately came in the room slapping him. "I can't believe you! Kate is the best girl in the world! And you do this to her?" After Flea yelled at him, tour become very uncomfortable. John didn't know what to do with his feelings. So when he was offered heroin he figured it would help replace the pain he was feeling. Shivering to himself, John pulled the covers over his head hoping he could forget his mistakes.

"Stop putting all this chemical free shit in my shopping cart!" Kate snapped at Candy who took the bag of potato chips out and replaced it with healthy kale chips. "It's healthy for the baby! You want the baby to be healthy, right?" Rolling her eyes she pushed past Candy hoping she could drown her irritating voice out. Making her way down the isle she stopped at the giant case of water. Reaching up to grab the case of water she frowned as her finger tips barely grasped the case. A pair of hands beat her to it. A young man with black hair placed the case of water into the cart. He looked around her age and smiled, "That'll be fifty dollars." She laughed at his joke and smiled, "Thank you."

Anthony walked up next to Kate and said to the gentleman, "Dave? What are you doing here!" The two did a quick hug and pulled away as the man named Dave smiled, "Helping this beautiful young lady out." Anthony laughed saying, "This is Kate Viverette. She's Candy's best friend. We're helping her shop for groceries." Turning to Kate, Anthony continued "This is Dave Navarro. He's a guitar player! Pretty damn good. We met a while back." She nodded smiling at him. The two began talking as she shifted uncomfortably on her feet.

"Kate. Since Johns in rehab, Dave's gonna take his place for a while." Anthony smiled. Kate nodded hiding the glare she wanted to give Anthony. It wouldn't be that long until John would be clean. But she did understand Anthony did singing in a band as a career, and he needed Dave to make the band complete. "Well I better get heading to the checkout. It was nice meeting you." Kate smiled at Dave who took her hand and lightly placed a kiss to her knuckles. Quickly pushing the cart away Candy smirked, "He's into you."

"I know."

"Oooh! Do you like him?"

"No. Aren't you forgetting someone? My boyfriend John? Maybe you remember him?"

"Remember you broke up with John?"

"I did break up with John. He kinda left me with no choice. He told me to wait until he's fully clean to call him my boyfriend, but we're still a couple."

"That is so complicated. You'll have to explain it to me again later. You and Dave would make a good couple. Remember Johns in rehab so he wouldn't know if anything scandalous went down. Dave seems a little kinky though-"

"Candy! Shut your mouth! I'm not gonna cheat on John!"

"I'm not telling you too! It was just an idea!"

"A terrible one. Plus your forgetting I'm pregnant. With Johns child."

"I think Dave noticed that. And he still hit on you. That's hot."

"You think anything a friend of Anthony's does to me is hot."

"This is true."

"What's true?" Anthony asked walking up to the two girls. "Nothing!" They both quickly said in sync as they began to load the groceries onto the conveyer belt. Shrugging Anthony continued to help them. Candy and Anthony left to load the groceries into Kate's car while she was paying. Dropping her purse she gasped as all of its contents spilled everywhere. Sighing she bent down on the ground and frantically began putting the items in her purse. Looking for her wallet she looked up to see Dave smiling holding her wallet out to her. Mumbling a shy, "thank you" she took it from his hands and began to open it to pay when he said, "No way." Before she could beat him to it he swiped his credit car on the machine paying for her groceries. Lightly glaring at him she complained, "You didn't have to do that! Now I feel bad."

"Don't feel bad. A pretty girl like yourself deserves it." Dave smiled.

"Thanks. I uh gotta get going." Before she could walk away he grabbed her hand saying, "Hey are you coming tonight to the band rehearsal?"

"I didn't plan on it."

"Come, please. You won't regret it. I wanna get to know you more."

"I really shouldn't. I get easily tired as the night goes on."

"Just think about it. It was nice meeting you." Nodding her head she smiled at Dave and replied, "Same to you." Making her way out of the grocery store Candy winked, "What took you so long?"

"I dropped my bag."

"That's it? Are you sure?"

"Positive. Can you please drive." She snapped, buckling her seat belt as the blonde defensively put her hands in the air and pulled out of the parking lot. Fumbling with her hands, Kate pushed away the thought of going to the band rehearsal tonight. John wouldn't cheat on you. Don't be an idiot, she thought to herself looking out the car window.
