Don't Be a Jerk

"Your engaged again?! You've got to be kidding me...." Candy sighed while looking at the silver band on Kate's finger. "It's different this time. We're not actually getting married. Not now at least. We just want to be something more."

"Girl, you are so confusing. Your too young to be engaged. Especially after what had just happened. You need time to heal. And to discover your true self again."

"I told you! We're not engaged...I mean we are but not like engaged, engaged. Uh! It's so complicated to explain to you. You don't understand."

"I don't think any other human being would understand. A ring on your finger means your married, or going to be married. Plain, and simple."

"Think of it as a promise ring. Except Johns promising to not break up with me. He said he wants to be here for me. Through thick, and thin."

"That's sweet. You two have had quite a history, in such a short amount of time. It's almost two years you guys have known each other."

"Geez. Your making me sound old."

"At least your not twenty-four,
with a twenty-six  year old boyfriend who doesn't have the balls to give you a ring, or some sort of promise!" Candy snapped at Anthony who was placing two glasses of wine on the table.

"What?!" Anthony scoffed looking at his girlfriend who was glaring daggers in his direction.

"You don't do anything for me! Your just a lump on a log, who wants me for sex!"

"Candy Rogers! That is a damn lie and you know it!"

"Yeah, right! When was the last time you ever took me on a date? Or complimented me?"

"I take you on dates all the time! I brought you with me to the bar last night to meet Flea, and Chad for some drinks. I also said you looked beautiful last night!"

"That was not a date! That was you meeting up with your friends and me tagging along! And the only reason you said I looked beautiful last night was because you wanted to get in my pants!"

"God damnit, Candy! I have your name tattooed on my body what else is there to prove that I love you?!"

"So many other things! Ugh!" Standing up Candy quickly made her way out of the room. Ten seconds later you could here the loud 'thud' noise of Anthony's bedroom door being shut.

"Geez." Anthony sighed while sitting across from Kate and running his fingers through his hair before continuing, "Is it me?"

"No. Your almost there. You just have to take that extra step, Anthony. Candy's a hard girl to please."

"You think I don't know that? Every five minutes she's showing me apartments, houses, I'm broke! I can't buy an apartment for us to share. Not until we go on tour again. I can barely keep myself financial at the moment. Once we go on a global tour, I'll start making money."

"Wait...You are going on a global tour?"

"Yeah. In about a year from now."

"Cool. John told me you were still gathering the details....I didn't know everything was planned out already."

"Nope, silly. We're gonna start off in Brazil."

"Woah...That's awesome. I've always wanted to go there."

"Me too."

"So I guess this is your part time vacation as well?"

"Yep." The two began laughing. Suddenly Kate got a great idea. Pulling Anthony close she whispered, "Anthony. This is it. This is the extra step I was telling you about."

"What do you mean? What does this have to do with Candy?"

"Take her on tour with you. Tell her you wanted to take her around the world. She'll love it."

"Holy shit. Your right. Why didn't I think of that?"

"Because your stupid."

"Geez. That was harsh."

"I'm kidding! I thought you would get my dark humor."

"Sometimes it's hard to read you. Your like a closed book."

"Ah! Anthony! My heart! I'm your best friend! And this is the thanks I get?"

"Yep. I'm kidding. Thank you."

"Your Welcome, best friend."

"Awww. I'm your best friend again? I'm flattered."

"You've always been my best friend!"

"Awww. Thanks. I can't say the same thing about you." Anthony laughed as Kate began swatting at him. "Well, I better get going. You should go comfort your girlfriend. She needs it." Kate smiled while squeezing Anthony's shoulder before leaving room. Hearing the sound of the front door shut he began making his way to his bedroom. Slowly opening the door he saw his girlfriend laying flat on the bed with her face down. "Hey..." he softly said while sitting on the edge of the bed. No response.

"Come on, Candy." He laughed while squeezing her leg. Smirking he leaned down and lightly bit her leg making her scoff, "Really Anthony?" Making his way up the bed he sat across from her. Placing his forehead against hers, he mumbled, "What's going on in that head of yours?"

"I don't know..."

"Stop lying."

"What are we?"

"A couple."

"No shit. But like what am I to you? Just a girlfriend?"

"No...Your my best friend. I like taking you everywhere with me. Even if it's not a romantic thing. I like knowing your there for me. And I'm here for you."

"Anthony....that was exactly what I was hoping you'd say."



"What can I say? I'm a mind reader."

"Oh really? Can you read my mind right now?"

"Yep. Your thinking about how much of a great boyfriend I am. 'Anthony's so handsome! And strong!' Right?"

"Sure." Candy smiled while hugging him.

"John? I'm home." Kate yelled while closing the door shut. The house was dark. Making her way through the house she slowly opened the bedroom door to see John asleep. Geez. It's four o'clock in the afternoon, Kate thought as she walked over and sat on the edge of the bed next to him. Feeling him stir, she laughed "You slept in till noon! And now your taking naps? It must be nice."

"Indeed it is nice." He groggily sighed while holding her hand before continuing, "Where'd you go?"

"Anthony's. Him and Candy were arguing again."

"The usual. What do you wanna do tonight?"

"I don't know."

"Well I don't know." There was a loud knock on the door and followed by cheering making the couple frown in confusion. Making there way to the door they could hear Johnny boy, Katie pie! Being chanted from outside. Opening the door, there stood Chad and Flea.

"Chad! Flea!" Kate laughed as Chad picked her up cheering. Flea laughed and punched John in the shoulder while exclaiming, "I haven't seen you guys in forever! It's been so long!"

"It has been too long! What have you guys been up to?" Kate asked as she was being placed onto the ground.

"Nothing much. I've been sleeping in, and partying hard all night." Chad laughed. "I've been spending time with Clara. I feel like a normal human being." Flea said while scratching the back of his head before continuing, "Anyway...Chad and I wanted to stop by and ask if you guys wanted to go out for a couple drinks with us tonight? Anthony and Candy are going."

"I don't know-" John began to say as Kate interrupted, "We'd love too. Give us one moment to change." Quickly closing the door behind them she mumbled, "John...How come you don't wanna go?"

"I want to go back to bed. I'm tired." He complained while stretching.

"You slept all day! C'mon it'll be fun."

"Fine. But if I fall asleep, it's your problem."

"Sure. C'mon." She mumbled while grabbing her car keys and making her way outside.

Kate thought John was joking when he said, if I fall asleep it's your problem. But no. He wasn't joking. Everywhere she went he was leaning into her while slowly closing his eyes. "I think I'm gonna go back to school..." Kate said to Chad while taking a sip of her beer.

"Really? That's great. What do you plan on doing?"

"Well-" Kate began to say but was interrupted by John yawning loudly and pressing his face into her neck. Rolling her eyes, she continued "Well I plan on going back to medical school. I want to become a nurse. I have most of the qualifications. I just have to take one more semester."

"That's great, Kate! I'm happy for you. You would make a great nurse."

"Thanks Chad-" Kate said only to be interrupted by John yawning loudly again. Sighing she apologized to Chad, "Excuse me for his behavior. We'll be back." Dragging the drowsy John outside of the bar she watched him smirk.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" She snapped while watching him light a cigarette and sit on the curb. He didn't seem tired now. He was acting as if he didn't want to be there in the first place. "Nothing." He smirked while taking a long drag of the nicotine.

"Well something must be bothering you. You've been hanging onto me all night."

"Nothings bothering me. Geez. Just go. Like how your gonna leave me anyway." He mumbled while blowing smoke in her direction. Smacking the cigarette out of his hand and smushing it into the ground she snapped, "What do you mean? Leaving you?"

"When you go back to school. I'm gonna be all by myself."

"Your kidding me, right. That's what's bothering you? John. I'll still be here. I'll just take night classes again."

"I know...It's just I want you here all the time."

"Don't be a jerk. I'm sure you'll manage to survive without me."

"I don't think I can. I'll die of loneliness."

"What a shame."

"This is how you treat your fiancé? Your gonna leave me? To go to school? You hate school."

"Not med school."

"Do you love med school more than me?"


"Ah! My heart!" John gagged while pretending to play dead on the sidewalk. Sitting down next to him she mumbled, "C'mon. Don't get upset. This is for the best. I want to live a happy life. And becoming a nurse is gonna make me happy."

"Alright. I'll let this one slide. But if out of nowhere you decide to become a rocket scientist, I'm not letting you go!" John joked while wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"You didn't tell me that the global tour was already planned out." She said while looking up at him.

"Who told you that?!"


"Geez. He can't keep his mouth shut."

"How come him telling me is a bad thing?"

"Because I was gonna surprise you."


"You ask too many questions. Why not? Wouldn't it be nice to be surprised with a year of vacation?"


"Exactly. I'm excited for Brazil."

"Me too."

"I love you."

"That was random. I love you too."

"Enough talking! Now let's go get wasted!" John laughed while dragging her along with him into the bar. This boy is driving me crazy, Kate thought while squeezing his hand.
