
"Kate..." John sighed while slowly opening the bedroom door, to see her still slumped underneath the covers. She had stayed in bed for the past couple days. Crying, sleeping, and staying depressed. John didn't know what to do. Kate's father didn't know what to do. They both decided it was best to leave her by herself, with her thoughts. But as days dragged on and she wouldn't come out to eat, John decided to take matters into his own hands.

"Kate...Are you okay?" He whispered while slowly closing the door behind him, and approaching the bed. Sitting down next to her he mumbled, "Come eat with me."

"I'm not hungry."

"You've said that for the past two days. I'm starting to get worried. Come on, please."

"John. I told you I'm not hungry."

"Ok. You don't have to eat anything. Just come with me. Get some fresh air."


"Hey, Stop that. What's gotten into you?"

"I'm depressed. What am I going to do with my life now? I can't get a decent job."

"Don't worry about the job. I'm here. You dad's here."

"J-John. I can't rely on you for the rest of my life. I have to earn my own money."

"I know. Let's just take a break. You and me. We'll take a week off without doing anything. Then the week after we'll try to find you a job. What do you say?"


"Finally. Will you come eat with me?" He sighed while turning to her.

"John...I'm so tired..." she yawned making him roll his eyes before sighing, "You've been in bed all day-Hey...You do have bags under your eyes. Are you ok? I don't understand how you could be tired when you've been in bed all day."  He frowned while rubbing his thumbs softly underneath the grey bags underneath her eyelids that made her look somewhat dead.

"I've been stressing. I've just been sitting here for hours with my eyes open."

"Well there's your first mistake. Come here." He mumbled while opening his arms. She slowly hugged him back and began to rest in his arms as he placed his lips against her temple before saying, "You scared me, love."

"I know. I scared myself."

"I'm just worried about you. Sorry if I seemed annoying these past couple of days."

"You weren't annoying. You cared. Thank you, John."

"Don't thank me. I love you. I mean it."

"I love you too."

"I love you more."

"I don't think so."

"I think so." He laughed before hugging her tightly and whispering, "My life so far is one giant movie. A dark movie. And you want to know something, Kate?"


"Your the best part in my movie."

"Thank you."

"I mean it. God, your so beautiful. Do you see what I see everyday? I hope you do."

"Stop! Your making me blush..."

"I can make you do more things."

"Ew, shut up! You were doing so well until that last sentence!" She laughed before poking John's nose as he smirked. His arms circled around her waist as he began to pull her closer to him. Placing her hand underneath his chin she laughed "What am I gonna do with you?"

"I don't know. What are you gonna do with me?"

"Well right now I'm just gonna stay here. Your nice and warm." She smiled against his grip.

"Your so beautiful! I want to marry you." John pouted, while slowly poking her face before seriously saying, "I'm dead serious. I think we should go get married."

"John shut up. You say this all the time."

"No. Kate I'm serious this time. I really want to marry you. Please. We can go now to a clerks office. All we have to do is sign a paper. We don't have to do the whole ceremony."

"John...Your crazy. Why are you suggesting this now? Like right now in this moment?"

"Yes! Please! Pretty please?!"

"John. What if we're making the wrong mistake."

"Why would you say that?"

"I don't know. Getting married is a big deal. You know that right? I'll have your last name."

"So? I've wanted you to have my last name ever since the beginning, Kate Viverette. Or should I say, Kate Frusciante." He smiled before placing light kisses against her jaw while rubbing up and down her waist.

"John. That's really sweet. I'm just nervous."

"Hey. Come on. Look at the ring on your finger. Do you love me?"


"I love you too. Therefore I think we should get married."

"We're so young."

"So? It's legal."

"I know. But...You understand why I'm nervous, right? I want to stay with you forever. So why do we have to get married right now? Why don't we just stay like this?"

"Because I love you so much." John pouted like a stubborn child. He sighed before pouting once again, "Pretty please, baby! Let's go get married."

"Ew, stop. You know I hate when you call me that." She laughed while softly shoving him off of her.

"What?! Come on. Things were getting so good." John complained while trying to slip his hand underneath her sweatpants.

"Ew, John your so gross. Just because I haven't seen you for a couple days doesn't give you a pass to have sex with me or get married. Wait a second....Is that really why you said I was beautiful? And how I was the best part of your so called 'movie'?"

"What?! No!" He quickly replied, obviously lying.

"You dirty motherfucker! You were trying to get in my pants this whole time!" She laughed out loud while swatting John in the chest.

"Hey! I mean...If I got my point across, can I still get in your pants?"

"What?! Nope." She laughed as he began to hug her side. They sat there in silence for what seemed like hours, but in reality was only minutes. Running her fingers over his head she sighed, "What the hell. Come here."
Quickly smirking, John straddled her waist before pulling the bed sheets over there heads.
