Spill the Tea

"So...It's Candy, and Kate. Right?" Toni asked sitting down at the table across from the two best friends. "Yep! Kate and I have know each other for a very long time...Wine?" Candy asked pouring the glasses before Toni interrupted, "No thank you. I don't drink." Fuck, both Candy and Kate thought. It was silent. The only thing that could be heard was Kate slugging down the red wine like there was no tomorrow. Better not let this go to waste, she thought while smirking.

"How did you and John meet?" Candy asked Toni while sipping her wine.

"Oh it's actually a really embarrassing story! We met at a strip club. Both high on pot. When we bumped into each other we felt this connection, you know? I was spending a week in California with my cousin. We both started talking, and one thing led to another. We've been going on a couple dates and we made a promise to quit smoking pot together."

"Oh...How romantic." Candy smiled.

"Thanks. I really love him. He's so sweet. And you all are so nice! He told me so many nice things about you guys!"

"Really? Like what?"

"Candy, he told me you are so funny, and sweet! I really think you are! He told me you and Anthony make a great couple!"

"Aw that's so sweet!" Candy smiled running her fingers through her hair. Making eye contact with Kate, Toni smiled and sympathetically said, "Kate...John told me about you. Your story is so inspiring."

"My...story?" She asked confused.

"Yeah...he told me how you suffered a miscarriage. I'm sorry. He also told me after your mother died you almost shot up heroin. I'm so glad you didn't choose the dark side. Your such a beautiful girl, and it's so inspiring how through the darkness you managed to still make the right decisions...." Kate was practically choking on her wine. He told her all the bad things that have happened in my life. She doesn't even know I dated him. What the fuck? This is embarrassing. I look like an addict with a fucked up life. Candy coughed, breaking the silence and asked Toni, "Kate also suffered a bad breakup? Did he tell you about that..."

"No. I'm sorry. I'm sure whoever it was, was an asshole."

"He was." Kate snapped standing up and grabbing the wine bottle leaving the restaurant. She didn't listen to Candy calling her name over and over again. Making her way into the streets of New York, she ignored the stares she was getting as she slugged the bottle of red wine down. "I fucking hate my life!" She screamed in the empty park, chucking the empty wine bottle in the trash. She was drunk. You could smell the alcohol that reeked from her breath, a mile away. Stumbling throughout the park she noticed it started to get dark. Calling a cab she patiently waited, and made it back safely to the hotel. Practically falling when the elevator doors open she fumbled with the hotel key. Falling through the door, Chad hysterically laughed and said, "Wrong room, Kate! Are you drunk!"

"I'm not fucking drunk..." Kate slurred and continued while exiting the room, "Goodnight." Trying to fumble with the door to her hotel room, she fell and leaned against the wall. Sitting on the floor she stared off at the white wall watching people walk past her. Closing her eyes she heard a 'tsk' and a familiar voice ask, "What are you doing, Kate?" Looking up into Johns eyes she scoffed and slurred, "Fuck off. I'm trying to sleep." Geez. She's wasted, he thought to himself before sighing and mumbled, "Come on." Picking her up he kicked the unlocked door open.

"Let go of me...I'm fine..." She slurred lightly banging on his chest as he scoffed and placed her on the bed. Opening her suitcase, he dug around and eventually found pajamas. Helping her get undressed, he pulled the sweatshirt over her head and start to pull the sweatpants up her legs when she stopped him slurring,

"Stop...I'll do it."

"Your drunk."

"So? I don't want you to see me in my underwear-"

"We've literally had sex together. I've seen you naked."

"Don't remind me."

"Geez, What the hell is it with you? Are you jealous?"

"Hell no. I'm just mad at myself."


"Because your living your best life. And I'm just here, depressed." It was silent. She was drunk. Spilling her feelings out to her ex.

"I wanna let you know...I'm sorry, Kate. For the pain I caused you. I know I came home high. I-I'm just sorry. I'm so sorry. I was mean. It took me a long time to get over what I had done. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have stormed out of court. I just should've listened to you."

"I forgive you." Leaning in she hugged him. He slowly hugged back. Her tears began to stain his shirt as she thought, I needed this. An apology. I feel so relieved. Breaking away from the hug she wiped her tears and he chuckled while squeezing her hands, "Do you wanna put our grudges aside and become friends?" Nodding her head she sniffled, "I'd like that."

Watching her sleep John sighed running his fingers through his hair. He felt like an ass. He was the reason she was depressed. He knew he had hurt her feelings. He just didn't know how to process the entire situation. Leaning down he swept her brunette hair out of her face, and kissed her lips slowly. Pulling away he made his way back into his room to get tackled by Toni.

"Haha! They're you are silly! I was wondering where you were. I missed you!"

"I missed you too. How was dinner?"

"It was fun! I love Candy, and Kate. Candy told me Kate left early because she was tired..."

"Oh...ok. Everything was okay?"

"Yep! There so funny! Where did you go before?"

"Ran into an old friend. Did some catching up."

"Cool! I love you..."

"I love you too." John smiled while leaning down to kiss Toni.
