
Candy fumbled with the key trying to unlock the door. She needed to speak with her best friend. Her best friend needed her. She was moving so fast she kept locking the door every time she went to open it. Anthony sighed taking the key from her dainty hands and unlocked the apartment door letting her in. The apartment was dark. Flea was right when he said it was empty, Anthony thought noticing the carpets and pictures missing. Candy slammed the bathroom door open to no girl sitting in the tub. The couple looked at each other confused.

"Kate?" He asked walking around the apartment. The two stopped at the bedroom door and slowly pushed the creaky door open. There she sat sprawled underneath the thin sheets. Her frizzy hair was sticking to the pillow and her eyes were stained with tears. Anthony's stomach twisted into a knot. He hated seeing anyone sad. Candy turned to him handing him the bag of food she brought and whispered, "Go microwave this. I'll wake her up." He nodded exiting the room and began microwaving the chicken noodle soup in the kitchen. He never really understood John and his decisions. They were having a band rehearsal tonight and he wasn't sure if he was gonna show or not. If he was, Anthony knew for sure he was gonna confront him about why he left Kate. He spent all of tour gushing about her, and made her fly down to New York because he needed her. But when she needed him he left. He slammed the bowl of soup on the counter annoyed.

Poor thing, Candy thought kicking her shoes off. Sliding under neath the covers she hugged her best friend. Feeling her stir and turn she mumbled, "Candy? He left me." She pulled the sad brunette into her arms feeling her hot tears press against her neck. Candy was pissed. No one made Kate cry. Candy thought of her as a sister. Pulling away she wiped her tears.

"So what happened?" Candy asked rubbing her back.

"Everything seemed fine. After we did it, I woke up later and he was packing his things. He told me it wasn't my fault. He just needed time to himself. I respect he needs time to himself. But I feel like I did something-"

"You did nothing. Don't ever say that." Anthony interrupted, handing Kate a bowl of soup, "He's just being a dick. Trust me. I'll talk to him at the band rehearsal tonight. You should come."

"I don't know, Anthony-" Kate started when Candy interrupted, "No! Come please! If he says your not the problem than he wouldn't mind you coming." She nodding agreeing with Candy mumbling, "I guess." They sat there in silence as the two girls ate the soup. Anthony braided his hair sitting on the bed closing his eyes. He thought the apartment was very peaceful. His resting was interrupted by Candy flicking his forehead.

Pulling her hair back into a bun Kate placed her glasses on smiling at how much better she could see. She was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. She had a bad feeling about the band rehearsal. John didn't seem mad at her. He seemed practically fine. She didn't understand as to why he was perfectly fine leaving her. Sitting in Anthony's car she fumbled with her hands as he looked at her through the rear-view mirror. She didn't want to go to the rehearsal. She wished she could just melt into the tan leather seats and disappear. Walking into the bar she stopped making the couple turn and look at her.

"I'm gonna go smoke. Can I have a cig?" Anthony nodded tossing her one. She walked into the alley and cursed realizing she didn't have a lighter. Her thoughts were interrupted by Chad walking down the alley. As he got closer his face lit up and he smiled, "Katey-cat! It's been forever!" She smiled jumping into his arms as he swung her around. She giggled as he put her to the ground. Pulling a cigarette out of his pocket he helped her light hers and they stood there in silence smoking.

"How have you been?" He asked taking a long drag of the cigarette.

"Okay. I'm hanging in there. What about you?"

"I've been good. You know if you ever need help or advice, I'm here for you." He smiled looking down at her. She nodded and stuttered, "T-Thanks Chad. It means a lot." She tossed the cigarette to the ground and smushed it into the concrete. Walking into the bar her head was spinning. She didn't know what to do. Her and Chad entered the bar. She looked at the old stage and her heart ached. There John stood strapping his guitar on smiling and giggling with Anthony. Candy was glaring at her boyfriend from the bar. John made eye contact with Kate and smiled. She ignored his smile and turned her head away walking towards the blonde. Reaching the bar she looked at the bar tender and snapped, "Give me a shot."

Listening to them play made her relax. During the break she sat there fumbling with her hands, pushing her glasses farther up her nose. Candy watched John look over at her. Putting his guitar down, he walked over placing his hand on her back. "Hey. Uh. Can I talk to you for a second. In private?" He asked making eye contact with Candy who snapped, "No you may not talk to her-" Kate stood up and mumbled, "Don't worry about it Candy. Yeah John. Let's go."

Standing in the hallway of the bar outside the bathroom wasn't exactly what she thought of as a private place, but there was no Candy or band mates around so she settled for that. "What's wrong?" He asked. She felt mad. Her blood was boiling underneath her skin. "Let's see John. You practically broke up with me and left." She snapped back.

"Kate I didn't break up with you. I just moved to a different apartment. I still like this." He motioned between him and her grabbing her hands.

"John. I- I don't think I can do this anymore-" She stuttered as he started to pull her glasses of her face. She froze. He got really close to her and his hands made his way down to her jeans playing with the button, than pulling the zipper down.

He made eye contact with her and leaned in pressing his lips against hers. She didn't pull away even though her mind was screaming push him away. She still loved him. "Why don't we take this somewhere else." He hoarsely whispered and she nodded holding his hand as he led her into the empty men's bathroom.
