
"You are so fucking lucky! If you were to pick me up an hour later, I would be breaking up with you!" Candy cursed out Anthony, while walking out of the sheriffs department with Kate trailing behind the fighting couple like a lost puppy.

"At least I bailed you out, Candy! I should've left you in there!" Anthony snapped back.

"You missed me, and you know it!"

"I did until I found out your bail was five hundred dollars more than everybody else's!"

"You bailed everyone else out before me! I'm your girlfriend!"

"Who goes stripping and flipping the cops off! Are you insane? Your lucky they let me bail you out."

"Maybe you should've been awake to control your damn party!"

"I was asleep after screwing you! You begged me to screw you!"

"Fuck you! You called me before we came to the party, talking about how much you wanted to screw me!"

Anthony scoffed at his girlfriends remark before turning to Kate and smiled "How are you, Kate?" She shrugged and looked down, her face turning red while stuttering "A little cold." He looked at Candy, and back to Kate to notice they still were only in there lingerie. He turned to Candy and continued walking, snapping at her "This is why a nice girl like Kate shouldn't hang out with you! Now she's practically naked and freezing!"

"That was her choice! The reason we stripped was because our clothes were weighing us down after jumping in your crappy pool!"

"Well it obviously didn't help you two escape from the cops because you ended up getting arrested anyway!"

"Tackled, actually! Look at this scratch on my waist! Where were you to defend me? Asleep! That's where you were! Sound asleep like the baby you are!"

"Shut your mouth Candy or I'll shut it for you!"

"Really? How..." She smirked while pulling him by his shirt up against her. He chuckled before smirking and kissed her lips before turning to Kate saying "You can head to the car. We'll join you in a couple minutes." Kate began to hear them laugh as she jogged to the car barefoot. She was shivering and felt embarrassed, due to the fact she was only in a black underwear and bra. Chad waved to her as she smiled opening the back seat of the car, to see someone that looked quite familiar to her. She gasped while bringing her hands to her face. He's the angel, Kate thought while trying not to laugh at the fact she thought of him as an angel.

He was even prettier up close. His red hair dyed was shiny and looked soft. His hazel eyes pierced her soul as she stood there. Everything about him seemed perfect to her. That's until he opened his mouth and slyly smirked "Nice panties." She's the girl I bumped into at the party, John thought to himself.
She frowned remembering he sounded like complete cocky garbage on the phone. She rolled her eyes jumping past him, sliding in the middle seat between him and Chad. Buckling her seat belt, she leaned back closing her eyes. "They didn't give you any clothes in there?" Chad asked while trying hard not to look down.
"No. After telling someone-" she turned to John, "I didn't have any clothes, I thought he would bring me some."
He smirked before saying, "Sorry I forgot. Anyway you owe me my promise. Tell me all about jail. Did you kiss anyone-"

"No! I was only in there for like a day and a couple hours...It wasn't even jail! You just sat in a cell with other girls waiting to get bailed out."

"Damn that's boring. I thought you had some sexy details to tell me."

"No. Trust me, if I do I will tell you." She sarcastically said while winking to receive another smirk back. Flea laughed while turning around from the passenger seat to ask,
"Let me guess. Candy and Anthony are fucking?"
The brunette blushed while nodding her head up and down. Flea unbuckled his seat belt and exclaimed "I'm gonna go get'em." She laughed at the way he ran into the building. Sitting there in silence Chad sighed while getting out of the car mumbling, "I'm gonna go take a quick smoke."

Please don't leave me with this hormonal monster, Kate thought to herself. Chad closed the door and lit a cigarette, taking a long drag. She stared ahead while running her fingers through her hair. "Are you cold?" John asked, staring her in the face. Before she could even reply he immediately began taking his leather jacket off, handing it to her. She mumbled thank you while zippering the jacket on.

"Sorry if I came across a little unprofessional. It must be embarrassing to sit here and walk out with no clothes on." He apologized while looking out the car window.

"Don't worry about it. Sorry if I came off a little hostile. It was my first day outside of the house in a long time."

"How come?"

"A month ago I caught my ex boyfriend cheating on me. I felt so lost so I just stayed in my house. I mainly sat in my bathtub." She laughed at the end of her sentence.

"What kinda prick would cheat on you? You seem like a nice girl."

"Thanks. Some people say I can get depressing when bad things happen."

"It's human to be depressed in bad times."
He smiled while looking at her. She hesitated, then smiled back.

"Let's reintroduce each other again! I'm John." He laughed while turning to her.

"I'm Kate." She smiled.

"How old are you?"


"Damn that's young!"

"How old are you?"


Kate laughed, "That's only a year difference!"

Silence was left in the car as she awkwardly sat there. Suddenly Chad opened the car door, sliding back in. Flea hopped in and Anthony got into the drivers seat, buckling his seat belt. Candy snapped while stomping her foot outside the car before whining, "Where am I supposed to sit!" Anthony rolled his eyes and said to Flea "You gotta sit back there, man." Flea protested, "Its packed back there!" Anthony turned to Kate before saying "Sit in someone's lap."

Chad was too tall so she wouldn't be able to sit in his lap. She turned to John as he smiled patting his leg. Rolling her eyes as he unbuckled his seat, belt she sat in his lap. Flea squeezed his way into the back, while Candy smiled sliding into passengers seat. Kate leaned back against John's chest making herself more comfortable. She broke the awkward silence by saying "You need a bigger car, Kiedis." She heard Flea stifle a laugh, and Candy chuckled while sticking her tongue out at Anthony.

The rest of the car ride was silent. After dropping Candy off at her house, Flea immediately jumped back into the passenger seat. Kate unbuckled and sat in the middle seat, feeling more comfortable. Anthony looked at her in the rear view mirror before asking "Your apartment complex is a couple blocks down, right?"

"Yes." She softly replied.

The car pulled into the small apartment complex, before coming to a slow stop.
"Thanks Anthony. For dropping me off and paying the bail." Kate laughed while looking up. He nodded before smiling, and she slid out of the van. She jogged up the stairs of the apartment complex and turned waving to the car before closing the door, sighing against the wall. She looked down and noticed she still had John's leather jacket on. By the time she opened the door the van was gone. She stuffed her hands into the pockets before feeling something brush up against her finger. She pulled out a tiny piece of paper with the words, Call me ;) written on it. She flipped the tiny piece of paper to its back to see John's phone number. She blushed whilebringing her hand up to her mouth.
