
After the two girls had spent about a month with the band in New York City they decided it was best to head back to California. John had practically begged Kate to stay with him but she couldn't. It was impossible. She already owes two months worth of rent. And it might soon be three. Since she was fired from the pharmacy that payed her fifteen dollars an hour, she was now stuck at the crappy pharmacy that pays eight dollars and fifty cents an hour. But due to tax it was barely anything to keep her financially stable. John now called her everyday, instead of once a week. Anthony told Candy he seemed to be better than a month ago which was progress. Kate loved John as much as he loved her. She just felt he needed to learn to survive on his own without her.

Candy was helping her wash her dishes in the apartment. She was planning on selling the fancy plates, she had received as a house warming gift from her mother. In the middle of washing the last set of dishes the water stopped leaking from the faucet. Candy played with the handle and looked at the brunette.

"Shit! They shut my water off!" Kate cursed, kicking the bottom cabinet of the sink making it break off. She rolled her eyes thinking, just my luck. Candy picked up the broken cabinet and said, "Nothing a little duct tape could fix, right?" The phone rang making the two girls freeze. They sprinted to the phone, and Kate wrestled Candy for the phone gasping, "John?!"

"Hey sweetie." He smiled through the phone.

"How are you?"

"Fine. I'm doing good."


"How are you? You seem annoyed."

"Oh it's nothing. My water got shut off. And I accidentally broke a cabinet."

"That sucks. I thought you said the pharmacy that payed you well was gonna hire you again."

"I wish. I'm making four dollars an hour now. I'm gonna start selling these fancy plates I never use. You know I'm already two months behind rent."

"Yeah I remember you telling me that yesterday. Have you been practicing the guitar? It must be hard without your wonderful tutor."

"It's exhausting! I miss you! How much longer until you come back again?"

"Two weeks."

"Thank goodness." She chuckled into the phone looking around her messy apartment.

"Hey I gotta get going. I love you."

"I love you too-" Candy snatched the phone from her and yelled, "John Frusciante, put Anthony Kiedis on that phone right now!" She laughed hearing the two argue over the phone about him kissing a reporter on tv. "Your lips belong to me!" She heard Candy yell. She used the conversation as an excuse to sneak out of her apartment. Making her way down to her landlords apartment, she opened the unlocked door to see her sleepy landlord drunkenly passed out. Stepping over the drunk body, she made her way to the power box and turned her water back on. As she made her way back to the apartment she stopped by her mailbox, flipping through medical bills and ads. She froze when she saw an envelope that read from John Frusciante. She raised a brow opening the envelope with a check for five thousand dollars. She gasped holding the envelope to her chest and ran up the stairs grabbing the phone out of Candy's hand.

"Anthony! Put John on!"

"He told me not to put him on the phone because your gonna yell at him." Anthony explained.

"Your damn right I'm gonna yell at him! He sent me a check in the mail for five thousand dollars!" Anthony turned to John with the phone in his hand. He shrugged and laughed as Anthony mouthed, five thousand dollars? "Hello?! Anthony I swear to god if you don't put him on-"John grabbed the phone and laughed, "Do you hear that, Kate? Your breaking up! Bye! Love you!"

She sighed hearing the phone call end. Running her fingers through her hair, she watched Candy hold the check. "Wow. He really loves you." Kate sighed replying, "I love him too. It's just he doesn't have to buy stuff, or send me money. I was doing just fine on my own."

"Like just when you had no water? And have been eating ramen for three weeks?" Candy asked, smirking while standing up. She sat behind Kate who was sitting on the kitchen floor. As she began to braid her hair she smiled, "Johns good for you. And your good for him. It's been about five months you two have been together. That's a good thing."

"You and Anthony are almost a year and a half." Kate smiled.

"Yep. I love him. Despite his flirtatious ways that I wish he never had, I love him. You should've saw Johns face when you were stuffing your face with chocolate marshmallows at the hotel in New York. He looked so proud. I still laugh about that."

"Remember when we went to the club in New York after the concert? When you got into that drinking contest and won you should've saw Anthony's face! He was yelling about how you were his girl."

"I was too wasted to remember! Now I feel like a bitch yelling at him."

"Don't worry about it. I feel like a bitch for yelling at John." The two girls laughed. Candy finished off Kate's braid. She hugged her from behind and sighed, "We miss our boys." Kate nodded and they're soft moment was interrupted by the lights turning off.

"Jesus Christ! Your landlord shut the damn lights off! That's it we're gonna go cash this check in!" Candy yelled storming out of the apartment, to go curse off the landlord. Thanks John. Love you, Kate smiled to herself jogging behind her best friend.
