
Thump...thump.....thump....thump, that's all Kate heard. Everything around her was dark. What's going on, where am I? I feel comfortable. It's so warm, she thought. Her heart began pounding again, thump...thump...thump...thump.

Gasping the brunette sat up for air. The familiar smell made her frown in confusion. Home...Why am I home? My fathers house. Why am I here? I'm so confused.... Slowly opened her eyes she squinted. How long was I asleep? When did I leave the hospital. I'm so confused. Was I in a coma? I couldn't have. It felt like I just closed my eyes a day ago, Kate thought while looking around. It was her fathers house. Her old stomping grounds. She sat on the old lavender couch, that she could distinctly remember from her childhood. Her thoughts were interrupted by her father walking into the room and smiling, "There's my sunshine! How are you? You've been asleep for quite a while."

Hugging her father back, Kate smiled "I'm fine. I'm just very confused. How long was I asleep? Was I in a coma?"

"No! Not a coma. You were transferred here from the hospital last night. When you were asleep the hospital contacted me, and told me it was best that I take care of you for the time being. There was really nothing else they could do. They patched up your wounds. All you have to do now is go to a therapist. Your scheduled for a meeting tomorrow morning, actually."

"Why do I need a therapist?"

"Kate....You almost killed your self. It's protocol."

"But I didn't mean to try and kill my self."

"Then what were you doing shooting up half a pound of heroin?!" It was silent. Her dad sighed while running his fingers through his gray frizzy curls. He was lost. He wasn't notified about her overdose. He found out about it through the television. She was on the news. The news anchors talked about how she had a clean record, and how unexpectedly this situation was. Of course they brought up the fact she was working for the band. They all were going to have to get drug tested. She fucked up. She knew she fucked up. As much as she didn't want to admit it, her lips croaked out, "I fucked up, Dad. Big time. I'm turning into mom. Soon I'll be dead."

"Don't say that. You'll be dead if you keep doing heroin. But you don't want that to happen right?"

"Yes! Dad...I know the entire situation makes me look like a drug addict. But I assure you I'm not."

"I want to believe you. But I can't. I'm sorry. I don't understand how a normal person could shoot up heroin."

"I'm not normal?"

"I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry. It's just in confused. Candy even told me you shot up heroin before this incident."

"That bitch! I told her not to tell anyone...."

"Don't get mad at her. I kinda forced the information out of her..."

"How's John? Anthony?"

"There both fine. John was flying down tomorrow to stay and help take care of you. Anthony postponed tour. Everyone will come home, relax and help you."

"N-No! They didn't have to do that! They should've just moved on without me! Shit, I screwed up! You gotta tell them to continue tour without me...They'll survive."

"I can't do that. You have good friends. You should appreciate that."

"I know...It's just....They shouldn't be caring about me."

"Kate. C'mon. Stop stressing out. I would get some more rest if I were you. You need it."

"I guess...Alright, thanks dad. I'll try to sleep. Love you."

"Love you too. Get some shut eye." Her father smiled while turning the lights off and exiting the kitchen. He was mad. He didn't want Kate to turn into her mother. Or at least the alcoholic mother. He didn't want Kate to become a drug addict. He was lost. Confused. Nothing was making sense. She seemed perfectly fine. But when he came to pick her up at the emergency room she was talking slow, and mumbling random words. The hospital notified him it was normal...but he saw her recovery as a miracle.

John showed up late that night. He had brought his belongings and was staying in the guest bedroom. He was there to take care of Kate, when her father was at work and couldn't attend to her. But he mostly there because he loved her. He would do anything to make her happy. There was tension between John and Kate's father. John couldn't blame him. He could see why Kate's father was upset with him. He should've been there. John should've stopped Kate from shooting up. But no. Life works in mysterious ways. John was sound asleep. He wished so many times that he had woken up before she left. But everything seemed to happen so fast. Rubbing his thumb across Kate's face, John sighed while sitting down in the chair next to her.

"John...." Kate mumbled while rubbing her eyes and sitting up.

Tears pricked his eyes as he stuttered, "H-Hey! You can talk normal! Good for you! Your recovering fast...."

"Yeah. Thanks. How are you? Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He stopped the brunette trying to stand up and assured her, "No, no! I'm here to take care of you. Lay back down. Please."

"Ok. How is Candy?"

"She's fine. She's at Anthony's apartment. They both just flew in. Jet lag."

"What about Chad, and Flea?"

"There good. A couple hours ago they were boarding there flight. I don't know if they landed or not..."

"Oh, Ok."

"Kurt was worried about you. It was Courtney's heroin...wasn't it?"


"Kurt was pretty heart broken about it. He apologized to me, over and over."

"Geez. I'm an idiot. I caused all this trouble."

"Kate, stop! Stop apologizing."

"I-I can't! I feel so bad, John! I wish I could turn back time."

"Kate..." John sighed while running his thumb over her cheek, wiping the tears falling from her piercing eyes. Softly kissing her on the lips he cried, "I love you. You know that right? I'm gonna stay here. And take care of you. I want you to get better. Okay? I'm not gonna let you go. Not for one second. Your mine. You understand that, right?"

