
"Hey. How's Kate? Did she wake up yet?" Anthony asked leaning against the wall of the phone booth. "No. She's asleep. I'm worried for her." Candy sighed squeezing Kate's hand. After she had passed out, she fell into a deep sleep. The nurses explained it was a common thing that happened to people when they have passed out but Candy was still worried. "Alright. I'm gonna go check on him now. Love you." Anthony mumbled hanging the phone up. Making his way into the rehab center he was in a deep thought thinking about how things had changed. Kate and John used to look out for us but now we're looking out for them, he thought to himself as the nurse walked Anthony down the hall.

"He's been really good. He's taken all his medications, and hasn't argued with me. Usually when patients are good like this we give them four hours outside with a friend or family member. I'm allowing you to take care of him. You cannot lose him. You must be at his side at all times. Is that understood?" The nurse explained to Anthony as he nodded signing his name next to Johns on the clipboard. Reaching his room she let Anthony have some alone time with him before they left. Sitting down on his bed he smiled, "Hey Johnny. How are you?"

"Ok. I could barely sleep last night. How's Kate? Did you find her?"

"Yeah. She was in Arizona. She was drunk. Fell and hit her head. We took her to the hospital and she passed out last night after finding out she was pregnant. She's been asleep all day."

"Damn. I wish I could see her."

"You can. The nurse said you've been good, so I have permission to take you outside for four hours."

"Oh shit. Are you serious?"

"Why would I lie about that."

"Never mind, sorry. I better get dressed nice." John mumbled looking through his clothes. Reaching for a clean short sleeve and shorts Anthony chuckled, "You need a haircut." He was right. His greasy black hair stuck to the side of his cheekbones. He chuckled grabbing a comb, trying to smooth the frizzy hair out. He had butterflies in his stomach, like there first date. I hope she doesn't hate me, John thought before leaving with Anthony.

"Shit. Candy hand me that water." Kate grumbled as Candy opened the bottle of water holding it up to her lips. The water soothed her dry throat. Slowly pulling away Candy smiled hugging the disheveled girl. Anthony came in whispering to Candy and she said "I'm gonna give you some alone time. Catch some rest, okay?" The brunette nodded closing her eyes. Right as the couple left they motioned for John who was waiting in the hallway to go in. He slowly walked in shutting the door. Seeing her peacefully resting made him smile. Her wavy brunette hair shined against the weird lighting in the room. Holding her hand he leaned down pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Good afternoon sleepy head." He mumbled making her open her eyes.

"John?! What are you doing here? Your supposed to be in rehab-" Kate began to ask but was interrupted when he pulled her into a comforting hug. She slowly hugged back feeling his warmth. "I was good. So they gave me four hours of freedom." He mumbled pulling away. It was silent. You could hear a pin drop. "So. Your uh...." John mumbled fumbling with his hands.

"Pregnant? Yeah." She mumbled looking away. His hand rested on her stomach and he stuttered, "I-I'm really sorry." She shrugged and smiled, "Don't apologize. I-I just don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm eighteen. Almost nineteen. I can't have a kid." Silence filled the room again. Instead of moping, she decided she would focus more on John. Since this was a very rare occasion he could leave rehab. "Do you wanna come for a walk with me?" She asked. He nodded. Standing up he tied the back of her paper dress and held her hand. Making there way through the hallways of the hospital in silence holding hands Kate didn't know what to say.

"You get prettier every time I see you." John smiled watching her blush. Making there way outside she sighed feeling the nice breeze blow her hair back. "I feel light headed. Can we sit on the bench?" She asked as her breath hitched. He nodded quickly escorting her to the bench as she sat down putting her head on his shoulder.

"I missed you. I have a Polaroid of us hanging in my room." She nodded. Things seemed to be a tad uncomfortable due to the fact she broke up with him a month ago. John still felt as if they were together. He knew she broke up with him, but he couldn't blame her. It was his fault. Sitting there in silence the guilt was starting to hit him at how much he screwed up. Quickly fumbling with something in his pocket he mumbled, "I got something for you." Raising an eyebrow she stared as he pulled out a piece of paper with a phone number on it. "This is the number to the phone in my room. Call me if you want." He mumbled closing her hand. Smiling she stuttered, "I-I will. I'll come visit you too." Tears were leaking from her eyes as she turned away. Where did I go wrong in my life. Look at me, rang through her read like a broken record.

Wiping her eyes John scratched the back of his head trying not to cry as well. "J-John? We gotta get going..." Anthony said frowning looking at them both. He nodded and said, "Alright I'll meet you outside in a minute." Right after Anthony left he took Kate's hands into his and kneeled down in front of her.
"I love you. You know that right? I'm getting clean and I want you to be mine. You don't have to be my girlfriend now. I get it. We need time. I just w-want you to say you l-"

"I love you, John."
