Relationship Status: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"John....Let go of me." Kate hoarsely whispered as she tried maneuvering her way out of Johns arms that were tightly wrapped around her waist. Refusing to let go, John shook his head and mumbled, "No....We have off today. Take it easy. Sleep with me."

"I did that yesterday. I haven't been out of this bed in two days."

"That's not a bad thing. I was tired, you were tired. We needed this. Now, come." John smiled while opening his arms, motioning for her to crawl back into him. But she refused. Shaking her head no, she stuck her tongue out and turned away folding her arms. Feeling his bony fingers trail along her back, Kate sighed deep in thought. She needed to talk to Kurt. About what had happened on the date. She felt bad for ditching him, but it was best to leave incase things were to escalate even further. Hearing a soft knock at the door she stood up and yawned, "I got it." Hearing John pull the covers over his head she rolled her eyes and yanked the door open to see Anthony standing there.

"Girl, you really are confusing me." Anthony sighed while rubbing his fingers through his hair. Stepping into the hallway Kate closed the door and whispered,

"Shhh! What? Johns sleeping I think..."

"That's all you have to say! You never called me! Or Candy! I thought you died."

"A little over dramatic, don't you think?"

"No! Your practically my child! I can't be loosing you!"

"Anthony! You said I was your best friend...I'm hurt."

"Whatever...Anyway what's going on? I thought you liked Kurt..."

"Long story, short. He does a lot of drugs."

"Yeah...I figured that would be a problem."

"You knew about this?"

"You didn't?"

"No...I did. I just didn't want to admit it."

"Neither did I. So your back to John?"

"I don't know...We're just chilling. Being friends..."

"Oh yeah! Being friends with John! Hanging out, having sex, kissing-"

"Shut up! We didn't have sex."

"Hm. Really?"

"Yeah. But we did kiss....."

"There ya go! Boom! First base. I guarantee you'll be in third base by the end of this week."

"Shut up! Your so annoying. Are you doing anything today?"

"I don't know. It depends."

"Well I want to go do something today. And I don't know my way around Chicago so I figured I would need a wonderful tour guide."

"And who would that be?"

"Hm. Maybe my best friend."

"Say it. Say I'm the wonderful tour guide."

"Nope. I refuse to see you satisfied with yourself."

"Damn why are you so mean?"

"Because I can be."

"Geez. What happened to the nice Kate?"

"I'm nice? When has that ever occurred?"

"Ok don't get cocky now just because you think your badass."

"I never said that!"

"Your implying it!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Why are you here again?"

"I came to give Johnny boy his beautiful outfit for our photo shoot this afternoon."

"Oh my goodness, you guys are always having a photo shoot."

"What can I say? I love seeing my face." Anthony smirked while pushing the hotel door open and yelling, "Wakey, wakey! Johnny! Look at this outfit! Get dressed! We're gonna go get photos taken in Chad's room."

"Ooh! Does Chads room have the best lighting?" Kate gasped while collapsing onto the bed next to John who was smiling. Grabbing the bag, John made his way to the bathroom to get changed while Anthony was smirking mischievously.

"Anthony! Is this a fucking prank!" John hysterically laughed from the bathroom.

"What did you do?" Kate scolded while hitting Anthony on the head. Making her way to the bathroom she lightly knocked and sang,
"John! Let me see!"

"Are you sure? The shorts are pretty ugly looking..."

"Yeah, c'mon out!" Right as the bathroom door swung open, laughter filled the air as Kate was crying on the floor. John stood there, lightly blushing pulling on the ugly outfit he had been given. Plaid shorts, a jacket, and two button-up shirts hung loosely on his frame. None of the colors or patterns matched making the outfit look even uglier.

"What do you think?" He laughed while twirling and posing for Kate. Grabbing the straw hat Anthony had brought, she placed it onto his head and smiled, "I love it."

"Ew! It's not supposed to make girls do that! It's supposed to repel!" Anthony groaned while sighing, "I'm gonna go get changed in Chad's room. John, I'll met you there in fifteen minutes. Don't miss the photo shoot!" Watching Anthony leave the room, once the door clicked shut John began peppering her face with kisses.

"Woah, buddy boy! Slow down!" Kate laughed as she slowly pushed him away. Pouting he groaned, "What? What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing....It's Just..."

"It's just?"

"I wanna take things slow. And do it the right way this time. I don't wanna fuck up, and hurt your feelings."

"That's really sweet. Thank you. I want to know you even more. In a way I never thought I could."

"Ahhhh! Stop! Your making me blush!"

"Awwwww! Your so cute!" He laughed while cupping her face in his hands. The two began laughing in sync, rolling onto the bed in a fit of laughter. Rolling over next to her, John asked seriously, "What are we?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like are we dating again? Am I your boyfriend? Are you my girlfriend?"

"Do you want to start dating again?"

"Yeah...I'd like that."

"I'd like that too."

"Now for our first date, I'll be taking you on a romantic walk to Chad's room!" Grabbing her hand, the two made there way into the hallway in silence.

"This is very romantic..." Kate stifled a laugh as the couple walked past the cleaning lady who was making her way out of a room, giving them skeptical looks.

"I try, I try. You look nice this evening. You got dressed up for our date!" He joked while looking at her in her baggy sweatpants, and a sweatshirt.

"Especially you!" She began laughing while leaning against the door to Chad's room. Smiling John pressed his forehead against hers and slowly leaned in asking, "Can I kiss you?"

