Just Friends?

Geez. Where am I? Kate thought to herself as memories began flooding in she began thinking out loud again, Oh fuck. I had sex with Dave. Why did I have sex with Dave? I guess it was in the heat of the moment. Fuck. I really need to stay single. Staring up at the ceiling she yawned looking around. Noticing he wasn't there she sighed in relief and grabbed her bra along with her underwear. Standing up she got dressed back into Dave's pajamas and made her way into the living room.

"Morning." Dave smiled handing her the plate of burnt toast. Nodding her head she smiled, "Morning." Eating the toast she didn't know what to say. He was sitting on the couch reading a magazine while she thought to herself, He's too punk for me. I mean he's a nice guy but he's too punk. Sipping the orange juice that was on the table in front of her he put the magazine on the table sighing, "Can I talk to you about last night?"

"Yeah...I kinda wanted to as well."

"I really think your a nice girl, Kate. It's just last night I felt we weren't meant for each other. I think we should stay friends."

"Really? Thank god. I was gonna say the same thing." The two began laughing in relief.
"I want to get to know you more as a friend." She smiled and he smiled back, "I'd like that."
That's the last time I listen to Candy. She knows nothing about my love life, Kate thought to herself.

"Later, Dave!" She smiled getting out of the car. "Later. I'll see you around?" He smiled and she nodded before making her way up the stairs. Right as she opened her front door she was tackled to the ground by Candy.
"My baby! Where have you been? Why'd you brake up with John? He left you like five voicemails. Holy shit is that Dave's car! Who's clothes are these?" Candy tugged at Kate's clothes as Anthony sighed pulling her off of the brunette sighing, "Welcome back Kate. Geez let her breathe Candy." Sitting down on the couch Kate stuttered, "I b-broke up with John because he cheated on me. On tour. The girl showed up last night at rehab claiming she was pregnant. After I stormed out I ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Dave came to my rescue so I stayed the night at his place." Sighing the blonde hugged her best friend tight. Anthony joined the group hug mumbling, "I'm sorry, Kate. I really am." Standing up she walked towards her bedroom hitting the play button on the five voicemails John had left. A groggily voice sounded on the other line,
"K-Kate. I'm sorry. Please call me back. I love you. Long story short I fucked a girl I thought looked like you when I was drunk. Please. Please. Call me back. Love you." The last voicemail she shakily hit to play and it said, "Please call me back." Tears pricked at her eyes as she wiped her face. God I'm such an asshole, she thought to herself as she began to cry. Candy walked in hugging her. "You both just need time. Give it some time. Just call him back and tell him that." The blonde explained while squeezing her hand.

"John?" Kate asked as she heard the phone pick up.

"K-Kate! I'm so worried. Bill called and said you tried to shoot up! Are you okay? Did you do it? Please don't tell me you did it."

"No...I'm fine. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I wanted to call you regarding last night."

"Oh...ok. I didn't mean to fuck her. I should've told you-"

"You should've." She snapped back. Candy rolled her eyes thinking, I didn't mean to fuck her...Is this guy serious?

"I-I'm sorry."

"It's ok. I'm sorry too."

"I don't know what I'm going to do. She came because she wants me to pay for her abortion."

"I don't know what your gonna do either. I called because I think we need a break."

"I understand. I'm sorry. I hope to see you around when I get out of rehab. Love you. Bye."

"Bye." Slamming the phone she hugged Candy hard and began crying again. Fuck. That was harder than I thought it would be, she thought to herself while wiping her tears. She still loved John Frusciante. They just needed time to recover. Kate just didn't know if she was prepared for a break.

Fuck, I sounded like an ass, John said to himself while running his fingers through his hair. Sitting down in the leather chair he began spilling everything that had happened to his therapist. Tears leaked down his eyes as he croaked,

"I fucked up. I should've told my girlfriend. Now she broke up with me. I have to find money for an abortion at the end of the month. My life sucks. Everything sucks." The therapist frowned writing all this information down on his clipboard. Taking his glasses off the old therapist asked John,

"How much does the abortion cost?"

"Eight-hundred dollars."

"Give me the address. I'll pay for it."

"W-What?! Why?!"

"Because I don't want to see you back here ever again, Mr.Frusciante. You remind me of half the heroin addicts who come in here again, and again. It's very rare you were able to get clean. Please get your life together when you leave. Your girlfriend seems like a nice girl. Make it up to her. Go make something of your life. Today's our last therapy session. When you get released Sunday think of me. And how I payed for your mistake."

"T-Thank you, sir."

"Don't thank me. Please don't end up here again. Please."

"I won't I promise you." John said before standing up and giving the therapist a hug. Kate Viverette, I promise I will make you mine again. Just friends isn't enough. And I will never ever in a million years ever break your heart again. Love, John Frusciante.
