The Girlfriend

"Morning." Flea yawned watching Kate walk into the kitchen. He scratched the back of his head as he watched the egg fry and sizzle on the pan. "Do you like your eggs scrambled?" He asked turning to the disheveled brunette.
"Yes. Thank you." She yawned sitting at the kitchen counter. Kate couldn't get the image of John staring at her, out of her mind. The fact he was enjoying life, and she was stuck depressed made her pissed off. She couldn't understand as to why she felt so depressed. Smiling at Flea she nodded as he placed the plate of scrambled eggs in front of her. Sitting down next to her the two shared a plate of toast, eating in silence.

"You okay from last night? You seem off." Flea mumbled looking at her.

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just hard, you know?"

"I get it. Have you and John ever talked since your breakup?"

"No...He doesn't seem like he wants to talk to me."

"He gets pissy like that. I would give him some time. He'll slowly start talking to you again. Maybe he'll apologize."

"I don't need an apology. I'm fine without him.  I just don't understand how someone can be so conceited...."

"I get it."

"How's Clara?"

"Not sure...I haven't heard from my wife. I love her so much. I love little kids, you know? They make me feel young at heart."

"I feel that way too around little kids! When I used to babysit in high school, I would enjoy playing games with them and it made me feel as if I didn't have to grow up."

"That's why Clara has been the light of my life. I felt as if I was missing something for a really longe time. When she was born, that emptiness was filled with happiness."

"That's really wise, Flea."


"Your a very chill person. I should hang out with you more."

"You should! Before the concerts I like to have my own yoga session. I light some candles and it helps me relax."

"I never knew you were such a zen type person."

"You learn something new everyday." There conversation was interrupted by Anthony walking into the room joking, "Ew. I forgot you were on tour with us, Kate."

"Anthony, that hurts my feelings! I thought we were best friends!"

"We were until you stole my girlfriend from me. Taking her out on dates!"

"Maybe I had to take her out on a date because a special someone couldn't."

"Hey! Don't mock me! I have plans..."


"Taking! Yeah, shopping!"

"Nice one, Anthony. What a stud." Kate smiled rolling her eyes. Anthony began pouring himself a glass of orange juice when Candy walked out in shorts and a sports bra on.
"Yo! Put some clothes on!" Anthony snapped wrapping the blanket around her as Candy scoffed, "Please. Kate and Flea have caught us in the act plenty of times." Flea and Kate both shuddered at the thought, and the couple began hysterically laughing.

The laughing stopped as John entered the room holding hands with the girl he was sleeping with the night before. She was pretty, with curly red hair that was in a pixie cut. She was petite, and short with piercing green eyes. Clearing his throat John smiled, "Guys...This is my girlfriend. Toni. We've been going on a couple dates the past couple months and I decided we should take it to second base." The girl Toni smiled and waved,
"Hi everyone...John told me all about you guys so don't get weirded out if I know your names already!" Oh I can just imagine the wonderful things he told you about me, Kate thought.

"Good for you, John." Anthony smiled receiving a jab in the ribs from Candy. Kate rolled her eyes and began eating her toast again. It was silent. The only thing that could be heard was Flea crunching on the burnt toast. Toni fumbled with her hands and John smiled, "Maybe Candy can show you around the city later-"

"I'm busy. Sorry." Candy yawned making Kate stifle a laugh and turn away from the couple. So what? He has a girlfriend. I'm not jealous. Why would I be jealous? I'm doing fine on my own. Good for him. She seems nice... Kate thought as she stood up and began washing her dishes in the sink. The uncomfortable silence made Anthony cough and say, "So....Do you live in New York, Toni?" The girl nodded before replying, "Yeah. I love it here! I was happy to find out you guys were coming here! I would love to stay for tour, but I'm busy with work." Who said you were invited on tour anyway? This girl is irritating. I can see right through her. She's fake. I can smell the plastic from here, Candy thought. Anthony was starting to see the sour face his girlfriend was making so he quickly squeezed her hand and thought, please don't be mean. Even though you look hot when your mean, this is not the right time. You just met her. Give her a chance. John and Kate have moved on from each other.

Candy smirked and thought of the most devilish plan. She smiled and said, "Toni, right? I am actually free. We can go get dinner tonight before the concert. I wanna get to know you better..." Toni smiled, "Thanks, Candy! I look forward to it." I can't wait to hear the secrets this girls gonna spill after one bottle of wine, Candy thought. She could tell she was a weak drinker. There was only one bottle of wine found in the trash and she looked hungover. "What'd I miss?" Chad asked walking into the kitchen with a bowl of cereal in his hand.

"Your going to dinner with my ex's girlfriend?! What the hell is wrong with you, Candy? I thought you were better than this...."Kate sighed annoyed at her best friend before Candy continued,

"Relax! I'm gonna get her drunk, and ask her to spill the details John told her about us. I'm curious. Especially about what he said about you."

"Stop! I don't want anymore drama. Do you know how much trouble you can get in if John finds out?"

"He won't. Stop being a wuss. You think I'm doing this alone? Your coming with me, babe."

"What?! Hell no! Are you on drugs? John wants me ten feet away from him already, imagine what would happen if he found out I went to dinner with his girlfriend?"

"So? Screw, John. Your an independent woman who can do anything she wants. Don't let no man stop you." Rolling her eyes at Candy's remake she thought, this girl is driving me crazy. Sighing Kate mumbled, "Fine. I'm in. I'm gonna go take a quick shower before we go."

"The Shower! You better not be in that damn bathtub!"
