
"And then, Anthony and I woke up duct taped together! Look! I still have marks on my wrist from it!" Candy exclaimed showing her wrists to Kate who was sitting on a black box behind the stage, eating potato chips. Stage rehearsals were always a pain to Kate. They were boring. She would have to sit there for three hours and just watch the guys screw around and barely play. It was mostly about the lighting and sound checks. They had nothing to do with her whatsoever. But her contract had it as a requirement to stay for every band rehearsal.

"That's strange. Waking up taped together." Dave sighed while sitting next to Kate and grabbing a chip before asking, "What were you doing in the janitorial closet anyway?"

"Nothing-" Candy began to say before Kate interrupted, "Having sex." Dave began hysterically laughing as a blushing Candy put Kate in a headlock. The blonde immediately fired back at Kate, "Shut it! Says the girl who hasn't gotten laid in like two months!"

"Shut your mouth, Candy!" Kate blushed as she immediately broke out of Candy's headlock and ruffled her hair. Feeling someone pull on the back of Kate's tank top strap she turned around to Flea who smiled holding Clara.

"Look at you, princess!" Kate awed, while taking the little girl into her arms. "I'm Clara!" The three year old exclaimed while hugging the flabbergasted Kate. Walking around with the little girl in her arms Kate made her way out to the stage showing her the giant stadium that would soon be filled with hundreds of people.
"My Daddy plays right here!" Clara exclaimed, running to the exact spot where Flea plays. Kate laughed and smiled, "Yes he does!"

She decided to play some games with the bored little girl. "Tag your it!" Kate laughed lightly tapping the little girls head and began running when she heard the little girls footsteps. "Move!" Kate yelled opening the guys backstage room. Chad raised a brow confused as Kate hurdled over the couch. Clara laughed entering the room. Kurt laughed and grabbed Kate holding her and said, "C'mon Clara! I got her for you! Quick!" Laughter filled the room as Kate struggled to break from Kurt's grip. Right as Clara tagged Kate she laughed falling to the ground.

The laughter was interrupted as John quickly slammed his guitar on the table and stood up walking out of the room. It was silent. "What the hell is his problem?" Krist asked as Anthony shrugged and went back to tickling Clara. Toni was out with a friend, and would be back for the concert tonight. Candy was playing with Kate's hair sighing, "You have nice hair. I wish I had your hair. Look at these waves, Anthony!" Kate rolled her eyes as the couple sat there in amazement running there hands over the waves that naturally formed in her hair. "Anthony has nice straight hair. Surprisingly." Chad joked as Anthony laughed while flicking his long hair behind his shoulder smirking, "Aw Chad. Your making me blush."

"Damn. You all are weird." Dave laughed as Krist nodded in agreement. Right as Kate stood up, Dave pulled her to the side asking,
"Hey. Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah, what's up?

"In private?" He mumbled looking around the room. Nodding she followed him out of the room. Making there way through the stadium they sat in the empty front row seats smoking. Taking a long drag of the stick of nicotine, Kate asked, "So what's up?"

Dave continued, "I've been noticing things."

"Such as?"

"A tension between you and John..."


"You told us you didn't want to talk about your ex."


"Was your ex John?"

"Why do you need to know? Are you writing a book about my life or something?" It was silent and she quickly apologized, "I'm sorry. I got mad. I'll tell you the truth. John and I did date. For about a year."

"So he was the one who got you pregnant?"

"Yeah...How'd you know I was even pregnant?"

"Kurt told me."


"Why'd you two break up?"

"I don't know. He cheated on me. Then I cheated on him. So he cut the ties."

"Really? I thought you broke up with John."

"What makes you think that?"

"Kate...I don't know if you've noticed. But he still cares about you."

"Bullshit. He's dating Toni. It looks like he's obviously moved on from me."

"When your not watching, I wish you could see the way he looks at you."

"The ship has sailed. He's not turning around for me. He got her a ring and everything. We're just friends."

"Whatever. I'm just telling you this because this is probably why he's acting pissed off."

"What do you mean? Why is he acting pissed off?"

"I don't think he knows Kurt is dating Courtney. Because every time Kurt speaks to you he gets mad."

"Oh my god. Really?! I think of Kurt as a brother!"

"Right! I don't know how he thinks you two are flirting."

"Dave, I never knew you were such a good observer."

"What can I say? I like to sit back and watch everything take place." Standing up, Dave stepped on his cigarette and pushed the burning embers into the concrete mumbling, "You coming?" Shrugging she replied, "You go ahead. I'll be back in a couple minutes. I'm gonna finish my cigarette."

After Dave left, Kate sat there soaking in the silence. It was just her and the cigarette. Her thoughts were interrupted when the sound of something breaking startled her followed by a loud, "Fuck!" Standing up she followed to where she heard the curse. Freezing, she watched John pick the shattered beer bottle off of the ground. Sighing she rolled her sleeves up and helped him pick up the shards. "Be careful-" he began to say but it was too late. Her hand was cut by the big shard of glass. Cursing she held her hand, watching the blood start to leak. Rolling his eyes John quickly grabbed the first-aid kit near by, and sat her on a guitar case. Wiping her hand he watched her eyes water up, at the burning sensation she felt from the alcoholic wipe. Slowly and carefully wrapping her hand in the gauze he smiled, "All better." Nodding her head she stood up saying, "Thank you John....You okay? You stormed out of the room a while ago. You got me worried something was wrong."

"No...I'm fine. I didn't get enough sleep last night, so I guess I'm moody." John lied. He was pissed thinking,Who does Kurt think he is? Flirting with her...She's not ready for a relationship.

"Oh...ok. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. Okay?" She smiled while turning on her heel. Watching her walk away he thought, what the hell am I doing? Quickly following her he asked, "Kate?" Watching her turn around confused he quickly grabbed her face and kissed her lips hard. She frowned slowly kissing back as the two moved towards the closet. The quiet hallway was interrupted by the slam of the door shutting, followed by the tiny click of the lock.
