He What?!

"Kate...I need you." John hoarsely whispered as he pushed Kate onto the couch and began playing with the zipper of her pants.
"John. I'm so sorry. About everything." She cried pressing her forehead against his.

"Yeah. Whatever it's fine." He mumbled trying to slide her pants off. Frowning she said, "John...It's not fine. I hurt you. I didn't mean too." When she noticed he wasn't listening she grabbed his hands and snapped, "John. Look at me." Slowly looking up she looked at his eyes that were stained red. Shit, she thought to herself.

"Are you high?!" Kate asked as he rolled his eyes and mumbled, "No...I'm fine. Allergies." Unbuttoning her shirt she stared at the wall thinking, What do I do? He's high as a kite.
"John. Please. Stop." She sighed trying to push him off of her, when he forcefully kissed her. Running his fingers through his hair he began unbuckling his belt. Shoving him off of her she yelled, "John! I told you to stop!"

"I thought you said you loved me?" John scoffed while rubbing his eyes.

"Loving someone isn't about if you fucked them or not."

"Yeah, but you gotta have some connection."

"John. Stop. Your pissing me off."

"I'm pissing you off? Says the cheater."

"Oh fuck off. You cheated on me too."

"Yeah but I told you."

"Um, no! No you didn't! The bitch showed up and told me herself!"

"Yeah well I had to hear you say you cheated over a voice recording."

"I don't understand what your trying to prove. You didn't have the balls to even tell me. Were you even gonna tell me?"

"No...Were you?"

"No...I figured you didn't need to know."


"Because we were broken up!"

"A month! A stupid month! But you fucked him the minute I broke up with you! He was standing there first in line!"

"Stop! Your hurting my feelings!" She croaked, blinking the tears away that were beginning to form in her eyes.

"Good! You deserve it! You hurt mine! I bet you liked having sex with him. You probably even considered being a thing him. Hm?"

"Shut the fuck up! Your forgetting the reason I went to Dave's....He saved me from getting raped by Bill! From doing heroin! He protected me better than you've ever done for me!"

"Oh, sure! Dave, this! Dave, that! Quit it with Dave? Why do you even like him? You still got a crush on him? Let's call him?"

"John! Stop! Your high! I love you! Not Dave!"

"That's a lie!"

"Why would I lie to you?"

"Because you seem to hide everything from me. Like when you cheated on me."

"You cheated on me too." Silence filled the room as she wiped her tears and stared at the wooden floor.

"I think we need a break." John sighed before continuing, "A long break. I can't even look at you the same." Her heart shattered as he said that and she began thinking, Why is he being such an asshole...I apologized. All because I wouldn't have sex with him? What the Fuck? What a prick. Staring him straight in the eyes she nodded and stuttered, "I think that's a good idea."

"Yeah. No shit. Pack your things and leave. I don't want to see you anymore." He snapped turning his back away.

"Where am I supposed to go? Can you let me stay here for the night? So that way I can figure out-"

"No. I don't care if you have to sleep on the streets. Just get out."

"Why are you being such an asshole?!"

"Because you don't get it! I've devoted myself to you! Gave you everything I had! And you broke my heart!"

"How do you think I'm feeling right now?! I'm still in love with you! And your being so mean, and cruel to me!"

"Karma's a bitch, I guess." He mumbled. Shoving past him Kate threw her two suitcases on the bed and began tearing the closet apart. Violently, and sloppily shoving clothes into the suitcases she sighed leaning against the wall. Walking into the room John replied, "Can you hurry it up?" Her hands formed into fists. Grabbing the two suitcases that were ready to explode, she yanked the necklace off he had gotten her and threw it at him yelling, "We're done."

Stomping out of the room she knocked a picture of them off the wall and began violently yanking all of the pictures of them off the wall. Stomping on the glass frames, breaking them tears continued to stream down to her face. Walking out of the room John yelled, "What the hell are you doing! Do you know how long that's gonna take me to clean up!" Running to the front door she sprinted outside and made her way to the parking lot thinking, I need to be far. Far,far, far away from this place.

"Hey! Look it's you!" Candy exclaimed hitting Anthony as his face popped up in the music video Give it Away that was playing on the screen. "I don't know why you get so excited when I'm on tv..." He mumbled wrapping his arm around her shoulder as they watched the music video play. Getting annoyed, Anthony grabbed the clicker and changed the channel.

"Hey! What was that about?!" Candy pouted looking at him.

"Sorry...I don't like seeing myself on tv. I like to think I'm normal sometimes."

"Don't worry about it. Besides, I can look at you right here." She smirked sitting in his lap as he smirked back and mumbled while biting her earlobe, "We can do more than that..." Right as they leaned in to kiss the door bell rang making him curse. Standing up, Candy fixed her hair before opening the door to exclaim, "Kate! Are you okay?! Your sopped! It's raining outside! Did you walk here?!"

"Yeah...Remember my cars at the auto shop getting more repairs." The distressed Kate mumbled stepping inside to be greeted by Anthony saying, "Holy shit. Did you go for a swim before you came here." It got silent and the couple frowned noticing she didn't seem like herself. Noticing the suitcases in her hands Anthony thought, shit before saying "You ok-"

"John broke up with me."
