Look Behind

Night Owl x Exorcist


TW: Murder, death, blood, mild gore


A blazing fire crackled before all their eyes. The dancing scarlet flames reflected the liveliness and courage they must have shown in their last fight. The journey to get here had been long and perilous. Mother Nature was not always generous to their group and they often thought they were at death's door. Fortunately, this whole adventure was very beneficial to their growth. They were no longer the inexperienced beginners of two years ago but now proud warriors.

"AH AH AH! That was amazing Aesop!"

William laughed so loudly that it almost sounded like the ground was shaking. His gray-haired counterpart was sitting on the other trunk in front of him, an embarrassed smile on his lips.

"You're being too much..."

"You're being too modest Aesop! You'd feel the same way if you could have seen yourself in action!" the man shouted.

"Your mastery of fencing is indeed remarkable, Lord Carl."

"You too Melly..."

He sighed. So much praise made him uncomfortable. He had only managed to slay the dragon through everyone's efforts to keep him under control and allow him to see an opening.

His thoughts faded into the background as his companions seemed determined to celebrate their victory until dawn.

Their goal had been achieved... Glory and money would surely await them upon their return to the capital. He was sure that the king would insist on giving him a title, but he was already thinking about how to reject his gift. He didn't need all this extravagance.

His daily life during these last months was always hectic in many ways and he only wished to retire to a remote corner of the countryside to live quietly for the rest of his life. A place where he could grow flowers that wouldn't be trampled by demons.

"What are you thinking?"

Aesop came back to reality at once and turned to meet two blue pupils looking at him fondly.

"Eli... I was picturing the future."

"Is there anything you'd like to do when we get home?" he asked in a cheerful tone. "William said he would become a mercenary, I'm not surprised to hear that from him. Melly plans to go back to the Tower and Andrew will probably go to the Temple on his side."

"Everyone has a new goal already..." He sketched a bitter smile. "I don't really have any particular ambition... I'd like to live peacefully."

"That's fine too." he replied in a calm tone, "Maybe I should do the same."

Eli tilted his head back, his eyes still staring seductively at him. Aesop blushed and looked away, a low chuckle from behind him reaching his ears. Eli really was infuriating when he acted like this. His words and actions were simultaneously brazen, bewitching, and above all, terribly implicit. Since Aesop had never been in a relationship before joining this group, it made the problem even more complex than it already was.

If only this arrogant loudmouth could get to the point-

"AH AH AH-!"

A loud laugh startled both men, Aesop really needed to get his act together, twice in a row was not acceptable coming from the leader who was supposed to shoulder the responsibility of being mindful of their surroundings.

"E-Ellis- I think you've had a little too much to drink for tonight-" Andrew muttered as he tried desperately to help him stand.

"Sorry to bother you Eli but could you help Andrew for a moment?"

"Ah, no problem."

"I can go-"

"Don't worry about me, Aesop. You've given yourself more than any of us so take the opportunity to rest."

Eli winked at him before going to join the poor priest who would soon collapse under William's weight. Only Melly and Aesop were left by the campfire now.

"Sorry again, you and Eli seemed to be having a good time..." the young woman apologized.

"I-it's not what you think..."

Melly was a very charming person. Her silky wheat-blonde hair and elegant manner radiated her noble heritage. She and he came from two completely different worlds.

"It's a shame..."


Aesop squinted because of a sudden headache. What the-... He leaned against the trunk, but the pain was so severe that he could hardly stand properly. From the outside, it was as if he had been struck by the same drunken state as William.

"Well, is something wrong, Lord Carl?"

The woman let out a low laugh as she stood up, her staff in hand. She slowly approached Aesop, the ruffles of her long cyan dress rippling like waves with each step she took.

Something was wrong, Aesop could feel it. He had to get out of there, leave, call Eli, anything-! Unfortunately, the pain was so great that his dagger would only graze his enemy if he tried to draw it. Shit- He would have noticed if she had cast a spell on him, but she hadn't used her staff before this. Had she drugged his food or the drinks?

Melly was already in front of him when he came to that conclusion. She reached out to him lightly, a big smile on her lips, as sweet as a mother's welcoming her child. The reality was not so dreamy however. Her fingers landed on Aesop's shoulder and came to burn him instantly upon contact.


He grunted in pain, his teeth clenched. He grabbed his wrist to pull her hand away, but Melly had the advantage over him and pushed it in further. Aesop felt the leather of his clothes melt and the flaying inflammation reach his skin. Melly withdrew her hand, though, before she could char him raw.

"It would be unfortunate if you alerted the others."

These words were followed by a violent kick that the young woman delivered to the man, making him bite the dust.

"W-Why- Ugh..."

Talking made his wound even more painful but the confusion was just too much.

"You know I'm from a duchy, don't you. My family is one of the most loyal to the royalty and it is my duty to be an exemplary vassal..."

"The king-"

"Right." She struck his abdomen with her foot again, making him groan. "You are a very powerful exorcist, Aesop... Too powerful even... The crown deemed your power dangerous to the nation and so charged me with eliminating you once our quest was fulfilled."

So that was it... The corner of his lips turned up. If he could, he would laugh.

He was stupid. Nothing but a poor fool who hadn't been able to notice that his life had been on the line all along not because of the demons he'd killed along the way but instead by a much closer enemy than he could have ever imagined.

"You don't seem so surprised. Anyway, let me show you a spell I learned for this special occasion... It took me the last two years to develop it, ha ha ha."

Melly raised her hand in his direction again. Aesop expected to receive another impact but nothing happened. That's what he thought at first at least. This magic the young woman was talking about was unlike any he had seen before but he knew exactly what it was.

Aesop cowered, blood suddenly gushing from his mouth. He coughed violently, stains painting the floor a red wine. Unseen blows struck his body like a whip, creating a pool of blood around his body.

"The...- forbidden-"

"It doesn't surprise me that you've heard of it. Its use is illegal but his majesty made an exception." she replied with a smile.


Just then, Eli had emerged from the tent set up a little further away from the campfire they were at. However, the scene he stumbled upon when he arrived would never have crossed his mind even in the worst of his nightmares. His eyes widened in horror as he saw Aesop's body lying on the ground and he didn't hesitate for a second to run to him.

He caught the exorcist in his arms and held him tight to his chest. Aesop was still breathing but it was obvious that it was hard for him.

"So you will stay by his side until the end..."

"Melly-! Explain yourself!" he shouted angrily. Andrew also arrived on the scene at that moment and Eli forgot about Melly, Aesop was what mattered most now. "Andrew! I beg you, heal him!"

"Sorry... I couldn't hold him back..."

"That's okay, he won't last long anyway."

"How could you- Brooke-!"

Eli whistled to call his owl but it didn't come, confusing him further.

"Poor Eli, love has really blinded you. That's probably why the drug didn't have the same effect on William as it did on you. You were so engrossed earlier that you didn't even realize your bond had broken. You're a beast tamer, Eli. You may be able to form contracts with powerful beings, but without them, you're nothing more than a regular guy who doesn't pose a threat."

"I will kill you... Melly, Andrew, the throne, the temple... I will kill you all one day-!"

The young woman laughed gracefully.

"I doubt you can do much on your own. You should be enjoying your last moments instead of barking."

Melly and Andrew finally walked away. The young woman was right, Aesop didn't have long to live.

Eli panicked as he realized this and put a hand to his face. His body temperature had dropped and he could feel the rate of his pulse decrease.

"Aesop-! Hold on- I'll save you then-"


Aesop had gathered what little strength he had left to stroke his cheek. A faint smile was drawn on his blood-covered lips. Eli clutched his hand in his, stifling a sob.

"Aesop- Please- No... Not you, anyone else, I will even give my own life if I have to so- I beg you... Stay with me..."

Tears were streaming down his cheeks but it was too late.

The hand he was holding became livid.

Life left the exorcist and went with it, the last chance Eli had to admit his feelings to Aesop.
