Ink on the Paper

I know there's quite a few skins I didn't write about since quite a few B tiers are quite underrated but then I realized there was no shit about Banker !? How could I forget him, shame on me for that so here we go /


Recluse x Banker


Banker was in charge of the library. He was the one who sorted out and classified the books containing different and diverse knowledge. His work was not really complicated but it required a lot of concentration and patience in order not to make mistakes in the process. However, this was perhaps a little more difficult for the young man since he was the only employee of the place.

It wasn't so bad though, he enjoyed the smell of the old books and the coffee that he always had at the same time every morning when he arrived at the place. This perfect silence would disappear if there were more people and he certainly wouldn't want that. Few were the visitors and they were mostly old people, therefore he could rest his mind.

Occasionally, Banker would have some free time.

During such moments, he would immerse himself in writing a novel. His story was no masterpiece, but describing the scenes in his imagination and forging the characters in the story was the most entertaining thing in this city of steel and iron.

His gray eyes turned to the huge windows bathing the bookstore in an orange glow and he wondered what could be outside this city. In his writings, he spoke of a place where nature flourished and the sky was a resplendent light blue.

He had read about it in books, but he had never seen such a thing with his own eyes. The desire to travel and discover it was appealing but at the same time, he was enjoying this jail of copper.

One day, Banker was faced with a rather annoying problem in his monotonous life.

He was stuck in the writing of his novel. The words didn't seem to come to him and he lacked inspiration. This had never happened to him before and he was not sure what to do now. The brunet tried to write some lines as best as he could but the result was not really satisfactory.

He sighed and put his diary on a shelf before returning to the counter of the library when he realized that an old man wanted to borrow a book. His thoughts were then distracted by a gigantic air balloon passing through the sky, it was impressive to see what the advancements in technology could do.

The rest of the day passed in a blink of an eye after that and it was almost dark when it was time for him to go home. He first walked to the alley where he had left his diary and flipped through it again, hoping to receive a sudden enlightenment now that his work was done.

However, his eyes widened when he realized there was a new paragraph continuing his story that was not written in his handwriting.


That would teach him to leave his stuff anywhere, he may have been the only librarian but that didn't mean he could loosen up that much. His gaze however went over what the unknown pen had written and he was surprised to discover how beautiful the excerpt was, it captured things he had never thought of before and even though it was obvious that the foreign author looked more talented than he was, the latter had stayed close to the original style to keep an harmonious rhythm.

That night, Banker had no trouble writing the rest of the story. Nevertheless, he stopped at a certain point and put his diary in the briefcase he took with him to work. The next day he went to the same aisle of the library where he had left his book the first time and put it there again. It may have been an unreasonable and crazy move, but he was hopeful that whoever the mysterious author was, he would find his journal again.

This time there seemed to be more people than usual and Banker was busier than he was used to so he couldn't keep an eye on the familiar aisle to see who his correspondent was. When the crowd disappeared and he was finally at peace, he went to retrieve the diary.

The gods had finally heard his prayers and he smiled faintly behind his metal mask as he read the new lines that had appeared.

Over the next few days, Banker did the same thing, leaving the diary on the shelf each morning before picking it up in the evening.

He spent his nights rereading these passages written by a hand other than his own and enjoyed them.

Nevertheless, the young man was curious about the identity of the second writer.

Aside from the words written with ink on the paper, neither had ever attempted to leave a note or a message. Banker wasn't really a social butterfly, so even if he wanted to meet this person, he probably wouldn't know what to say when meeting them face to face.

The next day, he returned to the same place in the library. However, in front of the bookshelf where he usually put his journal, there was already a person. A young man who looked to be the same age as him and wearing a long beige coat.

Banker stood there for a few seconds frozen in place until the man turned around, his blue eyes meeting his gray ones, and sketched a smile at him.

"I guess I got here a little early," the stranger announced.

"You are...?"

The blue-eyed brunet widened his eyes in surprise before letting out a weak laugh. He then pointed his index finger at the diary that Banker held in his hands and all the pieces of the puzzle suddenly came together in his mind.

"I'm sorry for looking at it without permission, I thought it was an ordinary book at first." he apologized.

Banker was as if hypnotized by the man's appearance for a brief moment. His voice was calm and low, so relaxing he could listen to it all day long. It was the first time he had felt such a thing about someone and he couldn't help but blush slightly before resuming.

"Ah, no... It's my fault for being careless. P-Plus, I'm grateful... I couldn't write the rest and you were actually a great help."

The stranger laughed again before delicately taking the journal from his hands and scanning the contents with his sapphire pupils.

"I found the story captivating when I read the beginning but I noticed you seemed to be having trouble continuing it so I simply added a suggestion."

"It's not just a suggestion-! I was... moved by your words."

"Really? I am touched." he replied with a smile.

"Are you by any chance a writer?"

"My apologies, I forgot to introduce myself," he closed the book with one hand and held out the other to Banker for a handshake, "My name is Recluse. I'm not a writer but a reporter currently, but I suppose that job shares some quirks with the work of an author."

"Oh... I see..."


"N-No....! Um, to be honest, I've been wanting to meet you..."

Recluse smiled wider and handed the diary back to him, however, upon retrieving it, Banker noticed a piece of paper on it with the man's contact information. He hadn't seen him do it, but his bright smile was confusing all his senses right now.

"I know a rather nice and quiet bar, why don't we grab a cup of coffee together sometime?" he then offered.

"That... would be my pleasure."

Banker sketched a faint smile behind his mask, relieved that it hid it because he would feel terribly embarrassed otherwise.

"Perfect in that case! I can't wait for that day!"

Recluse exchanged a few more words with Banker afterwards, but he excused himself soon enough because of the work that was calling him.

Banker was a little sad at the man's departure but he remained in high spirits knowing that he would see him again soon enough...
