Joker World

Rough summary (because this isn't meant to have much sense unless you know a bit about Otomate's Amnesia game) : Eli crossing through worlds/back in time/parallel shit whatever you want in which he's not dating Sop yet


"Do I know you...?"

Aesop wasn't really sure why he asked that. It has only been a few weeks since that new survivor, the seer, arrived at the manor. They didn't get matched together often and the embalmer barely talked to anyone unless it was necessary. That was to explain why there was not any kind of bond between the two men and still... Eli Clark was a strange man.

Aesop could never tell what he would be thinking due to the blindfold over his eyes and the owl on his shoulder sent a weird shiver down his spine when it stared at him.

"Oh, I guess so. Well, yes. Although maybe not this time." His vague answers were also one of the reasons. "Sorry, this must be confusing to you... Just know that- Hum, if you ever need help- I'm here for you."


"I know, this must be weird coming from a stranger but trust me I only wish for your well-being. Oh, by the way, if you ever get matched against the photographer you should let the kiting to the others, don't try to get involved with him, and stay out of trouble!"

Needless to say, the embalmer was indeed struggling to understand why the man was so worked up about his safety on top of the weird phrasing. Yet, he could clearly hear sadness in his voice, which troubled him even more. Why was he behaving so oddly and most of all, why did he feel like he had forgotten something.

His memory was a bit hazy these days but whenever he talked to Eli he felt as if a large part of his memory just vanished. Did he feel upset about it? Maybe. He was not really sure either.

"Please just listen to me, at least this time-!" The seer's pitch went a bit higher, surprising the man himself who laughed awkwardly before stepping back. "Even if he avoids Joseph there's still more danger creeping around... I wonder how his relationships are this time... It would be good if he could be friendly to Ganji too..."

The man kept mumbling while the embalmer stood there in incomprehension. Who was Ganji? Although he did not talk to the other residents of the manor, he still knew everyone's name and was sure that no such person existed.

"Are you alright...?"

Eli flinched.

"I'm sorry... I can't really explain everything right now but this is for your own good."

The seer just walked away after that before he could utter an answer. This man only did whatever he wanted, thought Aesop. He did not really like to mingle with other people but would trying to know more about Eli Clark be a mistake? He needed some time to assess how things progressed for now.

Then, maybe he could invite the man for a cup of tea later to discover his secrets.
