A Horse Ride

Got sick due to sleep deprivation and college load of work and pressuring teachers so taking a short break from kinktober to write some healing stuff for myself... ♥


Final Honor x Honored Guest


"Do you not enjoy the party, sir?"

The silver-haired man turned around, the fresh breeze of the night brushing his bangs slightly. The fact that he wore a mask was quite unusual but the knight was not entitled to criticize. His duty was only to make sure that no commotion would arise and the nobility stay safe. Though, the number of guards was relatively high tonight so no one would say much if he wandered away from the ballroom for a while. Ensuring that the guests had fun in order to improve his country's image was also one of his tasks, right?

"I do, it's very well organized. I think I just prefer calmer places..."

His voice was softer than he expected. The knight bore a faint smile as he snatched two glasses of champagne from a waiter's tray who was passing by, handing out one to the other.

"This kind of event is always more pleasant with a drink, don't you think?"

The noble widened his eyes for a moment then accepted the glass with the golden liquid.

"Thank you."

The knight nodded and took a sip of his drink, watching from the side the gray-eyed one dropping his mask under his chin to do the same. He had a fairly gorgeous face under that piece of cloth.

"This olive-green color isn't something common here, are you perhaps from the Vandergaw Kingdom?"

"You have keen eyes, sir knight. Indeed, I'm actually the crown princess personal attendant."


"Don't worry, there's no need to be courteous with me, our country doesn't care much about ranks." he answered with a chuckle.

"I-I see..."

"I forgot my manners because I didn't expect anyone to find me here, my name is Aesop Carl, and you?"

"Eli Clark, just a mere royal guard." he laughed.

"Well, I thought so with the armor and the sword on your waist."

The two men exchanged a smile at their carefree chat. It was rather weird. Eli had always thought the nobles were arrogant people whenever he heard their princes or princesses talking behind other people's backs during tea parties held at the castle. However, he didn't feel that same pretentious and fake pride coming from Aesop.

Maybe it was due to his country's social rules which were different from his.

"How long will you stay here?"

"Our princess is here to expand the trade between our two countries so I would say... A month at most?"

"I guess it gives me a handful of opportunities to meet you! Should I volunteer to be part of your escort?"

Eli snickered and Aesop blushed, which he tried to hide with his gloved hand.

"You are very honest, sir Clark..."

"Am I? I just appreciate your company."

Aesop stared at the man at these curious words. There was a strange flicker in Eli's blue eyes that mesmerized the noble for a second.

"You should be careful with your words, sir... It could be misleading..."

The knight suddenly stepped closer to the other, just close enough so his breath would tickle Aesop's ear.

"Everything I say is with great earnestness though?"

"...! F-Forgive-me, sir- I think the princess just called me..."

Eli was surprised when he saw Aesop flee back into the main hall, was he too straightforward? Well, it didn't look like it had a bad effect. He let out a laugh and grasped the forgotten glass the gray-eyed one had left on the ledge of the balcony, finishing its content through an indirect kiss. 

"Sir Carl!" cheered a blonde woman dressed in an elegant puffy dress with blue laces.

"Your highness..."

The man bowed in front of her as an act of courtesy to show his respect but the woman patted his shoulder in a friendly manner.

"Don't lower yourself so easily, aren't you a duke's son?"

"Yes but-"

"Shh, let's leave those things aside."

The woman took a glass of champagne and as she was about to grab a second one, Aesop was suddenly hit by a brutal déjà-vu.

"I-I'm fine."

"Oh~?" The princess left the other glass, sipping her drink with an amused smile on her lips. "Having fun with some knight from here?"

The man almost choked on his saliva.

"Y-You saw us-...?"

"I don't mind whoever you hook up with, as your childhood friend I'll always support you!" She said as she lifted her thumb to give more weight to her words.

"Your highness-! Please beware of your speech..."

This was very similar to what happened earlier, thought Aesop. Both the lady he served and that knight had the knack to make him flustered in many ways.

"You're so stiff, Carl."

"I believe you should behave more like royalty, princess."

"Heavens, what grand words!"

"Your highness Gertrude!" an unknown voice called.

"It seems that I'm unable to talk any longer with you my dear friend. I guess I'll see you tomorrow at the hunting grounds."

The woman let out a sigh discreetly behind her fan, only taking an instant to regain her composure and sketch a bright smile before walking away towards the other nobles. 

Gertrude Vandergaw... If Aesop had to describe her, he would say that she was a bold woman. Her personality was stronger than the other noblewomen and he never won an argument against her. Nevertheless, the blonde was indeed a great friend of his. Due to his rank, they had been playmates since they were young and there was even talk that they would get engaged to each other but Gertrude firmly opposed it and the rumors eventually died out.

She wanted to pursue love and Aesop was only like an older brother to her, likewise the man just saw her as a sister, in addition to not swinging that way.

At last, exhausted from all those interactions, the attendant didn't stay until the end of the party and decided to retreat to the room given to him in the castle to wait for the crack of dawn.

The next day, Aesop was accompanying her highness to the hunting grounds for a game. Although, rather than a real hunt, it was more like horseback riding since women weren't allowed to participate and as a personal attendant Aesop wouldn't leave her side.

The man was fine with it since getting all sweaty and dirty was out of question for him. Moreover...

"I'll be in charge of escorting you today, your highness."

Wearing an equally shining smile as the blonde woman, stood the knight from yesterday.

No way, he had really done it.

Eli gave a glance to Aesop and Gertrude peeked at them behind her fan with great interest.

"We will be in your care then, sir knight!"

Following the short greetings, the knight helped the princess get onto her horse and precisely when Aesop was preparing to do the same, Eli approached him with his hand held out.

"Let me help you too."

To be fair, Aesop didn't need help.

But he still took the knight's hand, only not to embarrass the man of course.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Eli shot him another one of his flirtatious smiles before getting on his own horse.

"There's a kiosk near a pond farther away, I can lead you there if your highness wishes. I can guarantee that the view is worth it." suggested the knight.

"That sounds lovely!" answered Gertrude.

The blue-eyed man laughed as he tugged on the reins of his horse, the princess and her attendant trailing behind him. They trotted along the path drawn for walks through the lush forest, the mass of trees sheltering them from the sunlight with their shade and the birds chirping on the branches. They really chose the perfect day to spend some time outside.

They may have walked for about ten minutes before reaching the pond, though when they finally got there, Gertrude and Aesop were rather astonished by its size which was closer to a lake.

"I don't think we have the same definition of a pond, sir."

"Aren't the two like a big pool of water in any case?" answered the knight heartily.

Aesop sighed even if the corner of his lips were slightly turned up and he got off his horse to help his lady down.

"I would like to take a look around for a bit, you don't need to follow me, Aesop."

"I understand but remember not to go too far and be careful."

The woman nodded while adjusting the hat on her head then walking away, leaving the two men alone.

"So... You look rather close to your master..."

"I suppose, we took classes and played together as kids."

"Hmm... I'm jealous!" Eli said that with such a straight face that Aesop wasn't really sure how to react. "I wish I knew the younger lord Carl too."

"You... can always get to know the me from now..."

"Are you serious?" asked the knight bluntly.

"Y-You don't believe me-!?"


"Ah! Aesop, sir knight!" shouted a high-pitched voice that made the two men turn. 

A shadow in the sky caught their attention, belonging to Gertrude's hat that seemed to be flying away. Instinctively, Aesop tried to grab it but a sudden arm wrapping around his waist followed by the knight's cape hiding his sight surprised him.

"Goodness, that was a close call-" gasped the brown-haired one.

It took some time for Aesop to understand what was happening and for his throbbing heart to return to a steady rhythm. Eli was currently extremely cl-, he was literally hugging him tightly in his arms to prevent him from falling into the lake and his breath was ticking his ear.


Eli widened his eyes when he realized the situation too, his body acted on himself and he wasn't aware until now of their closeness.

"M-My bad-!"

After stepping a bit away from the border of the water, Eli set Aesop free, not without rosy cheeks.

"Aesop-! Are you alright?" inquired Gertrude with a worried tone.

"I'm fine, your highness."

"I'm glad to hear so, thank you for saving my attendant, sir knight."

"Oh, hum, no worries. I'll ask a servant from the castle to retrieve your hat later, your highness."

"Such an efficient knight you are! Won't you leave this place to come to our country instead?"

"Your highness-?!" shrieked Aesop.

"We will pay you twice your salary here!"

"Y-Your highness, you can't make such decisions..."

"Our kingdom focuses on trading so money isn't the problem!" she argued against the gray-haired one.

"Twice my pay? I must admit that this is an interesting offer."

"Oh but, since I can't enroll you right away in the royal guard as you are from another country, I'll have you work at the Carl's estate first!"

"My house-?!"

"I guess there's no reason for me to refuse then."

The princess and the knight exchanged a handshake while the young lord watched them on the side without a say in the matter.

Eli looked at Aesop with a tender smile before stepping forward to the man and grasping his hand delicately in his, letting his lips meet the fabric of his dark glove.

"I hope you will treat me well from now on, master."

"Of course-! It would be a disgrace to the duchy otherwise..."

And just like that, after a month in the Oletus Kingdom, Aesop and Gertrude had gone home with a new knight in their escort. Eli had no family or whatsoever retaining him there and his position in the army wasn't that high so bringing him with them wasn't a difficult issue.

Everything couldn't end in a better way and Eli couldn't wait to serve his new lord when they would arrive at the estate. 
