The Detective

"I'm bored!" You whined, throwing a ball to the wall as you slumped on the couch making it bounced back to you and hit your forehead. "Ouch!" You cried out.

You've finished your work, you've read every book. You even finished all of the tests that the books have! You need something thrilling, something to make adrenaline rush in your veins, to make you think.

But it was answered when you heard a police siren went off from the outside of your apartment.

You poked your head out to see what happened at the alleyway beside your apartment, you were on the second floor. It wasn't that clear but looking at the situation it seems like a murder scene.

"Batman will be here anytime soon!" You chirped excitedly, putting on a coat since Gotham is cold at night.

And you were right, he was there when you reached the alleyway. But it wasn't that clear, you were too far from the scene but you could make out what they said a little bit.

".... No weapon....Trace...." You heard a slightly gruff voice murmured.

You pushed all the cops to the side to make a way for you to walk through them since you couldn't take it anymore, you were curious. Of course, a cop needed to stop you by grabbing your arm harshly.

"What are you doing? It's a crime scene!" He told you sternly, pulling you farther from the scene.

"I wanna help!" You argued which emitting a laugh from him.

"You? Help? A kid like you better back off and cuddle with your mom." He mocked you, you sent him a glare and decided to gave him a little deduction.

Your eyes went from his head to his toe then went back up, as your brain starting to work.

Black lips, yellow teeth, a smoker for 10 years, a slight wrinkle can be seen on his forehead and right below the eyes he's at his late 40s, poor hygiene, ----Your eyes then went down to his hand and shirt---Married for more than 8 years, he rarely took off his ring because of how dirty it is there is a few scratches too and is having an affair with two women, can be seen from smudged lipstick stains on his collar and they were in different colors too.

"Did your wife know?" You blurted out, he didn't answer instead, a terrified and confused expression can be seen on his features. "How is it feels like to have an affair?"

His eyes widened and let you go, he probably thought you were his wife's friend, sending him a victory smirk you continued to walk towards Jim Gordon and Batman. They looked so confused making you giggle, your giggle made their heads snapped towards you.

"Who let this little girl get into the crime scene?!" You heard Gordon questioned a bit angrily, you could easily tell that he was frustrated.

"Oh hey kind sir, thank you for the compliment but I'm not that young," you said casually with sarcasm laced in your tone as you inspected the area around you. "And it would be that man over there." You pointed towards the cop earlier and happily waltz your way to the scene.

You could felt the intense stare Batman gave you, that would only mean two things. First, he doesn't like your presence in his territory, secondly, he was watching you with interest.

Honestly, he was the only man you couldn't deduct.

"Eh.. Weird," you mumbled, kneeling towards the corpse.

"Stay aw--" you cut Jim off with bringing up your index finger, silently telling him to shut his mouth. Batman, on the other hand, kept silent, but he did move to your side.

He knew about your ability, deducting people was your thing. You loved to do it.

You narrowed your eyes and leaned closer to the corpse, "what if he's not from here?" You mumbled to yourself but the big bat heard you.

"As if, he was killed somewhere else?"

This caught your attention, you looked at him with a determined expression as you nod.

"Exactly," you snapped your fingers before using them to point at the man. "Sniff him."

He gave you a weird look under his cowl but complied, he breathed in the man's scent for a brief moment. "Alcohol? He was drunk?"

"Anybody have a napkin? Cloth? Tissue? Anything?!" You paused waiting for an answer, "never mind I asked." You huffed when your questions were answered by silence, and then proceeded to open the man's mouth with your hands. Your face scrunched up in disgust as you did so.

"Broken teeth." The Bat inspected once more before standing up with you following after.

"This man wasn't killed here, probably in a bar or something. He was resisting and because of that he received a punch in the face. He was poisoned, because there is no blood on his clothes, " You wondered out loud, Jim scoffed at you. You knew very well he didn't believe you until Batman nodded and surprisingly patted your head.

"So you were saying this is only some normal murder case?" Jim sighed, he gave some instructions to his subordinates to take care of the corpse.

"Yep, but to be more specific it was a fight. Probably 4 people beat him up senseless."  You corrected, "The way they hid the evidence was smart! But not smart enough."

"So Bat--" Jim stopped, looking around for the big bat but he was nowhere to be found, "--Again?"


You opened your apartment door, taking off your coat and threw it on the couch since you were too lazy to hang it. You were about to change into your nightwear until you sensed a presence from behind you,

"Can't a lady get some privacy here?" You huffed turning around to see Batman without his cowl.

Bruce grunted and walked towards you, "You should've been asleep by now." He said, motioning towards the digital clock beside your table.

02:48 AM

Your eyes widened, "Oh holy crackers! I'd be damned!!"

"That's what you get for wasting your time in a crime scene."

"I can't help it, I'm bored! Besides my boss will understand."

Bruce let out a frustrated sigh and kissed your lips passionately, his arms wrapping themselves around you as you kissed him back.

"Your boss will happily punish you if you fall asleep at work." Bruce smirked putting his cowl back on after he broke the kiss.

You stood still for a moment, processing whatever he had said. "Oh no dude, you did not!" You stared up at him in horror, he made his way out of your apartment through the window before you could beat him up.

Sighing you changed into your nightwear and sat down on the bed, putting your head in your hands, you shook your head with a small forced laugh.

"My innocence."


Boom! Finished.
I had no idea where I lead this freaking one-shot to.

Now I'll work on some requests I've received... I haven't close it, so if you wanted to request. Please do comment on the page before this, before I close it in a few days!

Hope you enjoyed though! Sorry for grammar errors!

