One Night Stand [J.T] (18+)

Warning : Swearing, Lewd Language (I'm serious.. I'm going to be rather blunt), NSFW/SMUT/LEMON. If you're underage please..Don't read this because I don't want to ruin your innocence..Please I'm not joking.

1k..!!!! YEYEAH... Soooo as my token of gratitude I make my first official SMUT/NSFW/LEMON I dunno! I'm gonna make it fast. I hope...

So don't bully me if it's not good!


The first time he met her, he was the first girl he landed his eyes on in that place.

He was at a bar, he saw her sitting alone at the bar counter one hand twirling her drink and the other held her head, her eyebrows knitted together like she was thinking about something. Her plump lips was in between her teeth, her (E/C) orbs looking down, (H/C) locks tied in a messy bun. She wore a strapless tight red mini dress showing her body shape that would make any men drooling with the sight of it.

He decided to approach her slowly, he sat beside of her ordering a glass of drink for himself which he finished with a few gulps before gently slamming the glass making a low thud but loud enough to make the girl noticed his presence.

Slowly she moved her head towards the source of the sound, her (E/C) orbs eyeing the glass before went up to his face with her still frowning face.

"Rough day?" She said, deciding to start a conversation with him.

Her voice sounded so beautiful. He loved her voice, it's like a music in his ears. His eyes widened slightly before went back into it's blank looks, lucky for him she didn't notice it. He just nodded as a response.

The girl hummed as she nodded also. After a few drinks she was drunk, her (S/C) flushed pink. She rested her head on his shoulder making him flinch at her sudden action but she was too drunk to even notice.

"(Y/N).." She mumbled.

His head snapped towards her, "What?"

"I'm (Y/N).."

"Jason." He said, he chugged on a few drinks before getting slightly drunk.

She stood up from her seat making a slight creak, she leaned closer to his ear her sweet scent filled his nostrils as she whispered, "Distract me Jason.." making chill went down to his spine.


The next thing they know they were in a hotel room. Alone, just the two of them. He hovered above her, her arms and legs wrapped around his waist and neck. As they kissed their tongue battling for dominance which resulting Jason as the winner.

When they pulled away a thick string of saliva connecting each of their tongue. Jason's emerald orbs boring at her (E/C) ones.

"How did we ended up in here again?" She laughed.

"You said you wanted me to distract you." He simply said before attacking her neck emitting soft moans from her making him smirk.

Her hands moved from the back of his neck to his raven hair, enjoying his soft chapped lips on her warm skin. Her hands began to tug when he found her sweet spot this didn't go unnoticed by Jason, he licked the skin before gently nipping on it.

She bucked her hips upwards, soon started grinding her wet core against his hardened shaft.

He pulled away and start undressing and she sat then doing the same leaving them in their undergarments. Both of them staring each other's bodies no words came out from their mouth, she couldn't stop herself from eyeing his perfect pack whilst her fingers unconsciously and teasingly tracing his abs again making shiver went down his spine.

Couldn't take it anymore, he ripped her bra and threw it else where pushed her to lay back on the bed, then leaning in to take her already hard bud into his warm mouth whilst his hand massaging the other one earning soft gasp and soon the gasp turning into moans.

His mouth went downwards taking the edge of her panties between his teeth dragging it along revealing her already wet pink pussy.

"Fuck.." He muttered under his breath feeling his shaft getting harder under his boxer, his thumb tracing circles on her clit earning yet another moans from her.

" me..already." She said between moans, Jason complied taking off his boxer then putting on a condom.

She gasped at his length and how thick it was, How the fuck that cou--.  Her thoughts was cut off by Jason roughly thrusting his shaft into her filling her entirely.

Her eyes snapped open, "Ah-Oh! God!" Her hands digging into his back due to the pleasure she received as Jason start pounding. A sound of skin against skin, moans and grunts filled the room. Their voices probably can be heard outside the room but they could careless.

His finger that still on his clit starting to do it's job again, a wave of pleasure filling her mind as her walls tightened around him. His hard cock accidentally hit a spot that indeed made her scream.

"Mmh--Ah! Shit! Yes right there!" She screamed making Jason smirk slightly. He pulled out only to threw her legs over his shoulder then move back into her. His thrusts became harder and deeper and soon became rather sloppy but still hitting her g-spot making her a moaning mess under him.

They knew that one of them will leave in the morning, it's a One night stand after all. But it was a problem to solve in the morning, now they just focused with pleasuring themselves.

She could feel a tight knot starting to perform in her stomach and his cock throbbed inside her, She looked at him trying to not break any eye contact between them. Jason leaned closer to give her a rough but still enjoyable kiss, they kissed until they both reached their climax before slumped onto the bed and fell asleep.


Jason woke up when a slight ray of sunlight hit his face, he groaned rubbing his temples as he sat. Looking around he noticed that the gir-- (Y/N) already gone from the bed, he put on his boxer before walking towards the shower but stopped when he heard the shower already occupied and a faint humming.

He walked in to the shower to join her with a faint smile that already creeping up to his face knowing that their relationship will not be a One night stand.


A/N : Yay done! Sorry for the grammar errors and if this chapter sucks (like the others..) it's my first smut and I was kinda distracted while writing. Please be gentle with the comments.

AND IT WAS AWKWARD TO WRITE! But still.. I'm having fun writing this. I'll try my very best for the next one!

