Shut Up

Um... Jason Todd x Reader!

Warning: ...Jason...


Standing on the edge of a roof, Jason huffed under his helmet. It was supposed to be his calm and relaxing day, but no... Bruce had to need his help since he had another thing to do.

Jason was sprawled on his bed, a hand held a cigarette while he stared up at the ceiling in one of his safe house puffing smoke from his mouth until Bruce called him.

Actually, he didn't hate going to patrol so much, there was one thing he hated the most.

You. And speaking of the devil.

"Oi! Bucket-head!" Your voice ringed in his ear making him cringe.

Letting out a groan not bothering to turn around he answered, "what?"

"Watcha doin'?" You asked rather excitedly as you walked towards him and stopped right beside him after you landed safely on the roof.

"Are you blind?"

You shook your head, though, instead of answering you shoot him other questions making his eye twitch in annoyance. "Who are you looking for? Oooh, is it Sionis again?!"

Honestly, at first, he thought you were the quiet type of gal when he met you at the manor when Bruce took you in. You didn't speak a word as you fought on his side for the first time.

He spoke too fast.

After a few weeks you started to ramble, squeal, scream and made more weird noises around the manor for God knows why. Nobody seemed to mind though, not even Damian. The Demon spawn somehow loved to talk to you, maybe because of the same interest? Who knew. It was just him who seemed so annoyed with your presence so he always went to his safehouse if he missed silence.

You kept on talking and talking and talking. Even when you supposed to fight you didn't stop on rambling on how it wasn't fair because they were a lot, why they had to wear the same outfit, etc.

Soon he had enough, he punched the last man a little too hard until his nose started to bleed as he fell unconscious. You, on the other hand, gasped, eyes widening behind the domino mask.

"Jason! Ca--!"

"(Y/N), shut the fuck up!" He snapped, turning around to glare at you after he took off his helmet resulting you to flinch on his harsh tone, "You just won't stop babbling, will you? Did you fucking know how noisy you are? How annoying you are? All you do just talk, ramble, babbling. I don't fucking care (Y/N), I don't give a shit about whatever the fuck happened with your life before. Just shut up!"

Your usual cheerful face dropped as he panted slightly due to the anger he just let out. You bit your plump lip in an act if nervousness as tears bothering to came out from your eyes, he saw it and curse himself. He just meant to tell you to shut up but it came out harsher than he intended.

"Oh. Sorry." You scratched the back of your neck, looking to the side avoiding his emerald eyes that held guilt in them. You stretched and sighed, pretending his words were nothing, "Well then, I'll go the other way so I won't bother you. Bai-bai!"

He watched you wave and leave.

"Oh shit, I didn't mean it like that."

You hadn't talked to him since you didn't avoid him though. You still went on some mission and help him, didn't say or mutter any words.

Again, nobody seemed to be bothered that you didn't talk much. Weirdly enough it did bother him, he didn't admit it but he missed your voice and laugh. He just pretends that nothing had happened between the two of you despite the fact he wanted to apologize.


Jason averted his gaze from the tv to look towards the youngest Wayne who just came out from the kitchen, "what is it, spawn of the devil?" He smirked.

Damian simply scoffs as he took a cookie from the plate he held in his left hand. "You're stupid, aren't you?" A vein popped on Jason's forehead, Damian casually munched on the cookie before continuing, "She likes you."


"Yeah, Jason you're dumb." Dick chimed, showing up out of nowhere before leaving the room.

"What's up with you guys calling me stupid." He muttered not bothering to smack their heads, looking back towards the screen. "And what the hell did you mean by 'she likes you.'"

"Isn't it obvious." This time it was Tim, he held a cup of coffee in his hand. He walked towards Damian and stole his cookie before running away. "Thank you Demon!"

"DRAKE!" Damian screeched looking down to his pile of cookies on the plate and went after him.

"What the fuck, can't you at least explain before leaving." He huffed, not bothering to use his brain to think since he just wanted to be a potato today.

The couch shifted beside him, turning his head only to be greeted with your messy face. Eyes red and puffy, lips tugged into a pout along with messy hair that you tied into a bun lazily.

"What happen to you?" He asked curiously.

"Are you blind?"

Wow. Didn't see that coming.

"No, why were you crying?"

No answer.

Soon after a brief silence, Damian came back, his face was beaten up but somehow he still had his cookies on his hand. He shoved a cookie in front of you face as an act to feed you which you gladly took a bite of.

"Are you two dating or something?" Jason laughed.

You were only a year younger than Jason, you looked at Damian as a little brother and vice versa. Quickly you shook your head no as you chewed on the sweet treat that always lifted up your mood.

"He still doesn't get it, does he?"

You shook your head.

"Seriously." Then Damian left once again.

"God! Just fucking tell me already, stop with the codes and hints!"

"I like you, Mister." You huffed, finally admitting your feelings. Jason didn't seem that he was going to answer or talk anytime soon so you continued, "honestly, I talked much just to gain your attention."


"You're not gonna apologize for your words, Red Hood?"

Another silence.


You stood up to leave him alone with his thoughts until he finally open those sexy lips of his to talk,

"Okay, fine, sorry."

"That's how you apologize?"

"I, Jason Todd wanted to apologize to you (Full Name) for my words a few days back." He finally said through gritted teeth.

You burst out laughing, falling onto your back on the couch. Tears rolled down your cheek as you did.

"Oh Jay, that was priceless." You finally stopped laughing and looked at him with a smile. "I already forgive you."

"Seriously, what was that?"

"What was what?"

"The sudden change of attitude."

You softly snorted, covering half of your face with both of your hands, "There was no 'sudden change of attitude', I was just tired and wanted to tease you a bit."

"Oh, wait, what?"

You ignored him, "Your answer?"


"My confession, you jackass." You face palmed, "since when you get so absentminded?"

"Oh, yeah. How about a date first?"

You rolled your eyes. "Oh no, you ain't gonna leaving me hanging, are you?" He shrugged.



Ahh... Yeah, what the fug was that lol.
I hope you didn't read it and just scroll down to the notes... XD

Anyway, feel free to leave requests!

