Perfect [Dick Grayson]

A reader from my AO3 told me that I haven't put any warning in here so..


"Dick!" You called for your boyfriend, who just came back from his nightly patrol. Yes, you knew about his 'Nightly Job' as he liked to call it. His head snapped at you as his piercing blue eyes looked at you and his lips curled up into a smile, you jumped into his arms. Wrapping your limbs around his neck and waist with a giggle, he chuckled at you.

"Miss me much?" He asked, he looked at you whilst wrapping his muscular arms around your small frame to support you, his smile still gracing on his lips.

"HAHA! You wish." You said sarcastically, you missed him like a lot. He was just gone for a few hours but you missed him so much, well you couldn't help it. His smile widens a bit before went into a frown as if he just realized something.

"Wait.." He started, "Why aren't you asleep yet?" He asked, arched an eyebrow at you.

You gave him a nervous laugh as you get off of him. He forbid you to stay up late, whatever reason you have he wouldn't buy it. You knew he just didn't want you to get sick or whatever, but being a rebel that you were you decided to stay up late. It was 3 AM.

You clapped your hands together before giving him a puppy eyes you knew very well he couldn't resist. "I just want to cuddle with you.." You looked at him dead in the eyes before continuing, "..Can I? Besides.. I only stay up late for tonight and tomorrow is weekend..Please?" You reasoned. He opened his mouth to argue but you quickly cut him off. "Please Dick.." You pleaded. He let out a sigh in defeat.

"Fine.." He said giving up because of your irresistible puppy eyes. You squealed startling him, quickly he put a hand on your mouth to shut you up. "You'll wake the neighbor!" He scolded, but ended up laughing slightly.

He took off his suit and wore only a pair of black sweatpants. You climbed onto the bed with him, when you both laid down you rested your head on his bare chest as a finger tracing it's way down from his chest to his abs lovingly. He wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you closer if it was physically possible and kissed the top of your head gently making you let out a sigh in content.

"How was it?" You asked, looking up at him.

"Same as always" He answered.

You cocked an eyebrow, "Thugs?"

He nodded.

You buried your face into his chest and took a deep breath, his cologne filled your nostrils. He laughed at you before asking, "What is it, baby?".

You just shook your head as a reply and mumbled 'Nothing' against his skin.

Little did he know you smelt another thing besides his cologne, a faint woman perfume. But you shrugged it off, 'probably he saved a girl' you thought, trying to think positive.

30 minutes has passed, he fell asleep still holding you in his arms. But your eyes still wide awake, you looked back up at him before slightly squinting your eyes. Your heart ached when you saw a faint red lipstick mark on his lips.

And it's been a few months after that.

You still smelt the same perfume, but no faint lipstick mark. And the different inflection when he said your name. Usually, it sent chill down to your spine, but now it just felt cold.

He still kissed you, still giving you the same dose of kisses, but it doesn't taste the same you could taste her lipstick it felt like you also kissed her too.

Was it real? Were you out of your mind?

"Barbara.." You heard him talked about her in his sleep. You knew her, Hell! She was the prettiest, hottest, strongest, smartest girl you've ever met. She is perfect. She even knew Dick before you. With that, you could love her like him too. Like him.

You weren't good enough. You knew that. You wanted to ask him about this but you couldn't bear to even say her name.

You could see her laying across his chest, how does she touch him? Can you try it too? You wanna know how could she made him cheat on you.

"I'll be back on 2 days princess, I'll call you! Love you!" He said giving you a quick kiss on the lips.

It's been a week and he didn't even call. You visited the manor and the boys were there. Even Jason was there too, but no Dick Grayson. You couldn't find him anywhere. Then you did. You did found him, he was in the cave sitting in front of the computer with her.

She was on his lap, an arm wrapped around his neck and a hand rested on his cheek whilst his arms wrapped around her waist pulling her closer as they kissed so passionately.

You could feel your heart dropped as it beats faster and faster and faster if it was possible. You went back to your shared apartment with tears brimming in your eyes, the boys saw it. They gave you an apologetic look and you just smiled at them. Well, you tried.

You were already depressed too before. He met you when you were at your worst, all beaten up, blank (E/C) orbs, dirty, your (H/C) locks were a mess. But he picked you up, cheering you up, lifting you up, he promised that he wouldn't leave you when he said he loved you.

But now he is also the one who destroy you. You were hurt mentally and physically, you tried to paint to ease the pain. No avail, useless. You cried and cried, blaming yourself, telling yourself that you weren't good enough. And there's one thing you could do. The thing you always wanted to do back then...

Dick went back home the boys also came with him to play but they stopped dead in their tracks when they saw you, he regretted everything when he saw you.

He slumped down onto the cold floor in your apartment, tears ran down to his cheeks. He hugged himself, he broke down, he screamed. You were there, thick rope wrapped around your neck tightly, your legs were swinging, there was a chair below you but it was kicked.

You hung yourself. You Committed suicide.

There was a note on the desk beside your corpse, the boys read it.

"Hope you are happy.! :) I'm sorry I'm not good enough. You two looked perfect together!! :)) <3
I love you. I always do.

--Your Princess"

The boys punched him as hard as they could before helping him up, they liked you, they saw you as a sister. But their stupid and egoist brother decided to hurt you. They should've stopped you. Dick should've realized that you knew. No. He knew, but he decided not to bring it up because he thought you didn't mind. God, he was wrong. So fucking wrong. He regretted it, the love of his life died and it was because of him. The only thing that he could make out was, "I'm sorry.."

But it's too late.


A/N : Don't worry guys you are perfect just the way you are. I'm sorry if this story is so fucking depressing. *bows*

I'm sorry for the grammar errors too. Don't sue me..

Okay okay.. Quick questions.

Have you ever love somebody so much and then it turns out that you're obsessed with them?

Because.. I have, I do and I am. I even cried and almost went crazy when I say his name. Just his name! Omg. It felt so good and hella sweet when I said it.


Is it weird?


