Starting Over


I decided to make a part 2 since a few people requested for it.

If you liked Mistakes just the way it is without continuation whatsoever, don't read this one! I'm bad at writing... This will (hopefully) be short, I'm afraid this won't make sense at all and ruin the first one shot. So, I suggest you to not to.


Currently waiting for your new friend, it's been 2 months since your encounter with your former family. You missed them so much but you couldn't do anything about that, you kept your words. You came back to Gotham because living with Talia starts to get boring. All you saw were people sparring, killing each other, experiments, Talia screaming at her men and many other things. You need to see something, or at least someone new to finally move on. Your death didn't reach Gotham, Bruce kept it as a secret. No, he kept you as a secret. Nobody knew you because you told him to shut that charming mouth of his.

Despite all of Talia's attempts on keeping you with her to help her since you were a good tutor for her men, she lets you go nonetheless and about Angela... She was taken care of, so you don't have to worry about her. You could care less about whatever Talia gonna do to her.

Well, seems like the Lazarus Pit did change you after all.

You still keep in touch with her, just in case. Now, you work at a café in Gotham, it's quite popular too, because of you though. Your beauty makes the café popular. You made some new friends and try to live a normal life. Forgetting all the heartbreak you went through.

You became close with another beauty, Nicole is her name. She became your best friend and you tell everything to her including your love life. (Except for the secret detail and your husband was Bruce Wayne) and did she let you stay single? Nope.

"Wait for me after work! I'll introduce you to a friend of mine." She said in a cheerful tone.

That's why you were there in the first place, waiting for Nicole in front of your workplace for a double date. She will bring her friends- and whoops there she is.

"(Y/N)." She patted your shoulder as the door behind her closed. "Let's go."

You raised an eyebrow at her, seeing no man anywhere. "Where is this friend of yours?"

"Where are they." She corrected, "he'll bring another friend, he said we'll know him." She then proceeded to drag you towards a restaurant.

It was a fancy restaurant, to be honest, you felt a bit out of place. When you dated with Bruce he also did take you to this kind of place, after a while, you begged him to stop and just do a not too fancy kind of date.

You felt eyes staring at the both of you, your clothes weren't that revealing but it still hugged your curves perfectly, different with Nicole who wore a quite revealing dress.

"There they are." She waved towards the men who were sitting facing each other.

And one of the men has to be Bruce Wayne.

He also seems surprised by the sight of you, soon he gave you a smile. His signature smile. You returned it with one of your own as you sat side to side with Nicole when the other guy had stood up and offered his seat to her.

You guys chatted for a while, you and Bruce pretended not knowing each other. When Nicole and her date were flirting with each other you took the chance to talk with your former husband.

"What are you doing here?" You mouthed, ignoring the fact that you had accidentally breaking your words by not showing up in his life.

Giving you a shrug, he glanced towards the man he is with. You assumed he was dragged too, just like you. But does it really has to be Bruce!

"So, how did you two met?" Nicole asked the man named Ron.

"Ah! I was his acquaintance. I worked with him in Wayne Enterprises, well you can say he's my boss at work but a friend outside of the building. I've been there since his former wife died and his girlfriend cheated on him." He proudly explained.

You bit back the urge to roll your eyes and scream, 'his former wife is right here, I'm his former wife, heyho! Look at me!'

Bruce saw your childishness behind your eyes and chuckled, making you blush all over your face. Quickly you clear your throat silently to fade it away and it did, but it was too late since Bruce noticed.

"(Y/N), you better not cheat on Bruce." Nicole nudged your side jokingly with her elbow as she whispered those words.

This time you rolled your eyes and scoffed loudly enough for the three of them to hear, "as I remember I also got cheated on." You retorted, stealing a glance at Bruce.

Guilt started to ate him once more when he heard your words.

After a few hours of chatting, trying to ignore your ex-husband and eating, the lovebirds decided to take a walk, you and your former husband trailing behind them walking in silence meanwhile they linked their arms together and talked happily.

"I'm sorry." Bruce mumbled as you passed a pet store breaking the intense silence around the two of you, his hand that was in his trousers pockets now went up to pat your head when his friend looked at the both of you.

You gently brushed his hand away, feeling a bit sad at the pain you caused him. You were the reason why he felt guilty, but it also wasn't your fault.

"It was in the past, Wayne." You called him by his surname, making his chest tightened at the thought of you trying to distance yourself from him. "I don't really care about it anymore." Lie.

"As disgusting as this will sound..." He paused, looking at you with those blue eyes of his that somehow still make your heart flutter. "Can you give me another chance?"

You snorted softly looking towards your friend who was happily laughing at whatever joke Ron had pulled off, "Did you even paid attention to what I said a few months ago? 'I love you, Bruce Wayne.'" You paused looking back at him, "And I still am. Despite the fact that you moved on so easily."

Another uncomfortable feeling hit his chest, yet again his guts filled with guilt but soon disappear when he saw your kind smile. You are so forgiving.

You looked up to his hand that he used to ran his fingers through his raven locks, you noticed a ring that around his finger.

"Bruce, you know you shouldn't have wear a ring on a... Blind date right? You'll make the girls stay away from you." You laughed, pointing towards the golden ring.

"But you didn't, did you?" He teased with a blank face but it was enough for you to groan in embarrassment, "besides, I did it on purpose. I don't want to fall for the wrong woman, like I did." He sighed, fiddling with the ring.

As you were about to say something to comfort him, his phone buzzed in his pocket and the both of you stopped walking, letting the couple kept on walking. He picked it up and suddenly his expression became serious.

"Go. I'll cover you." You patted his shoulder in a friendly manner when he stuffed his phone back into his pocket, he seemed hesitant at first until you quickly urged him to go, "go, Batman, save the city, protect the city. Protect me." You whispered the last words softly, eyes looking at his.

"Thank you." Pulling you into a tight hug he whispered, "to make up that I didn't return yours and please do come to the manor, they missed you."

He then vanished in an alleyway, leaving you alone. When you catch up with your friend they started to question where the hell were you and where was Bruce which you told him that there's a family business.

"I'm sorry, he always leaves his date." Ron apologized with a sigh to you which you brushed off.

You knew where he went, you know who he is, what he does, his sacrifices. Maybe, starting over won't be so bad? And this time, you'll make sure he'll only see you.


I told you. It's bad. Doesn't make sense at all. But please do tell me if you like it or not! XD

And if you had requested for the second part of Attentions, I'm sorry, I can't write it. I think I'll leave it that way.
Sue me.

