It's Been Fun [Damian Wayne]

A/N : It's gonna be a short one. You and Damian are 18 here.

(F/N) : Friend's Name.


Reading.. Reading, that's what you do everyday at school. You were the nerd type at your school, (H/L) (H/C) braided twintails, big glasses, up to knee socks, pair of shorts and a jacket to cover your body shape. And of course to make things cliché, you were bullied. But the good thing is you were dating the school prince. Damian flippin' Wayne for 4 years. Nobody knew about you dating him. You told Damian to promise you not to tell anybody which he kept his promise but you knew for sure. It won't be long.

You were about to flip to the next page, but something or someone slam their hands onto your table.

"(Y/N)!" (F/N) yelled, slapping the table with her palms.

"Yes?" You answered, not looking up from your book. She also didn't know about you dating Damian of course, she was the most beautiful girl in the school. Yes 'popular girl' type. Why did wanted to be your friend anyway? To use you of course, what else?

She closed your book making you looking up at her with a frown, "What was that for?" You asked trying to be patient with her, when actually you were pissed. Your question were answered when you heard the girls from your class cheering. You already knew the answer, "Wayne.." You muttered under your breath.

He walked to your table, you arched an eyebrow at him giving him 'What are you doing here' look. Him being an ass he ignored you. (F/N) clapped her hands whilst squealing like an idiot, she ran over Damian. "Damian! What are you doing here?" She asked with her high pitched voice as you opened your book back to continue reading.

The girls surrounded Damian asking him to go somewhere with them or do something with them. You weren't jealous, you were used to it. Okay.. It was a lie, you were jealous so jealous you just wanted to kill them right there right now, well you could with you ability with sharp things even guns since you were an assassin. But you couldn't Damian would hate you if you do that.

"Damian let's go.." You heard (F/N) chirped, trying to ignore it but no avail. You took a glance at them with a blank expression but turned into a frown when you saw (F/N) and the girls (some of them are your bullies)  clinging onto him. They linked their arms with his, a girl even wrapped her arms around his torso. Your felt your blood boiled, pure anger in your eyes and that's when you realized you had enough of this bullshit. Even Damian trying to get out from their filthy touches.

"THAT'S IT!" You screamed, surprising the girls and some boys in the class even (F/N) and Damian. You ripped off your braided twintails fixing it to it's normal look, removed your glasses revealing your full delicate face, taking off your jacket revealing a turtleneck shirt that matched your shorts that fits your body perfectly showing your curves.

They looked at you with their mouth agape, "What? Is there something on my face?" You asked innocently, Damian looked at you an amused expression on his face.

"I thought you will never do that." He said amusement in his voice.

You walked over him moving gracefully not bumping into anybody, "I just can't take it anymore." You simply said, "Hands off my man." You growled, removing the girls arms from your boyfriend's muscular body after you were in front of him. Their eyes widened more it almost looked like their eyes would fall off from their sockets.

"Your man?" (F/N) asked, you nodded confidently with a charming smile.

You looked straight at Damian with a gentle loving smile before saying, "I've been dating him for 4 years." and pecking his cheek, making them more shocked than they already has.

"But Damian dated the famous model!" One of the girls exclaimed, you nodded again.

"May I know her name?" You asked, crossing your arms over your chest smile not leaving your lips.

"(Y/N) (L/N)." She answered then they gasped. "I- I-- It's you! YOU ARE HER!" They screeched pointing at you with a scared look. Your supermodel job was just something to do in your free time. You chuckled dryly as you shook your head. Feeling an arm wrapped around your waist you turn your head slightly to look at a smirking Damian.

"Having fun Beloved?" He asked, amusement still in his voice.

You turned around, fully facing him this time. "I always do my love. Their expression were priceless and amusing to look at." You looked at your surrounding, scanning their still shocked faces with a little laugh.

Damian scoffed, "They messed with a wrong person." He copied your action, looking at his surrounding before looking back at you, "I can not believe that they didn't notice. It was so obvious, the only thing that different was your hairstyle. They were tricked by the glasses too? How stupid." He mocked.

You giggled, "Why don't we leave. It is time to go home anyway." You suggested, he nodded as an answer.

You walked hand-in-hand with Damian after grabbing your things, when you were about to exit the class your looked back at them, "It's been fun guys. The bullying.." You trailed off, looking at (F/N) with a twisted smile, "fake friendship, acting as a nerd. Don't treat me different after this. I'll see you tomorrow." You winked at them before leaving the class with Damian.


Yay finally I write this.. It's been stuck in my head for weeks! I might do another version of this with the rest of the boys. So yeah just wait for it.

