Kidnapped || 2

Requested by; AlexandraRusso7

Part 2 of Kidnapped.
Short one because I don't really know how to continue it XD


"(Y/N)." Bruce's voice boomed from upstairs, while you stopped dead in your track. Ducking your head as if he had thrown something.

You let out a small, barely audible groan as an act of protest.

After that little event of you getting kidnapped and got sick, just the day after Bruce just wouldn't stop tailing you everywhere, he would always hot on your heels. You just need an alone time, a me time. You just wanted to go out, inhaling some fresh air but no, your - oh so deary and loving - husband have to stop you.

You heard his rapid footsteps getting closer to you.

Okay, you thought closing your eyes as you tried to make a decision, should I make a run for it and have him chasing me hot on my tail? Or should I (begrudgingly) wait for him and tells me to go back to bed and rest? Nah.

You looked behind over your shoulder, his figure getting bigger and closer. You took a deep breath, cue the hunger game whistle. And after encouraging yourself you finally made a run for it.

"(Y/N), no!" Bruce exclaimed from behind you.

"I ain't goin' back to bed!" You exclaimed back childishly, bursting out from the manor to the street. You looked over your shoulder, breath hitched when your husband was so close behind you.

Your bare feet made some noises against the contact with the concrete as you ran for your life from your husband that was chasing you. You started to sweat, Bruce on the other hand, barely panting.

Ugh, so this is how it feels like when you have Batman trying to grab your ass?

You and Bruce received some stares from the passers, some even took their phones out and took some pictures. You could hear the clicking and snapping noises from their phone. You knew for sure that tomorrow would be a busy day because damn paparazzi are everywhere.

You kept your gaze forward, to the street, dodging from the other passers. No matter how hard you run you could always feel that Bruce was so close, his fingers brushing against your clothed back. You thought it was only your feeling until he finally caught you and threw you over his shoulder.

"Stop acting like a kid, (Y/N)," Bruce grunted, his hair was all messy and goddamn if he didn't look hot, looking all messy, then you didn't know what else.

You hit his back repeatedly, wiggling your way out of his iron grip only to gasp when you felt something hit your bum, a little too hard.

"Bruce!" You whined while your ears caught a few more snapping and clicking sounds, "I just want some fresh air!" He walked back to the manor with you over his shoulder, like a potato sack.

"You didn't have to run," he sighed, he stopped walking and fixed the way he held you. He now had you in his arms, walking as he carried you like a bride, just like when you got married to him. "Besides, you still need some rest."

As soon as he stopped talking, a soft and small yawn left your lips, face slowly getting red as exhaustion started to wash over your body.

"I hate it when you're right." You huffed, resting your head against his chiseled chest and arms wrapping themselves around his neck, sighing in relief when you felt his warmth.

Bruce looked down at you, a brow was cocked as his sky blue eyes stared at you, stared right into your soul.

"So, does it means you always hate me?"

You snorted, "yes, I hate you so much." You paused, bringing yourself up and pressed your lips to his cheek, giving him a soft peck. "Not as much as I love you though."

"I know."

You only rolled your eyes as you groaned at his answer.


[ END ]


Yeah, sorry for grammar errors! Hope you like it!
Feel free to tell me if you do...or you don't!

I ain't makin' a part 3 of this, sowwy...AND SOWWY IF THIS IS NOT WHAT U WANT. I SUCK. OK. I'M NOT GOOD.

