
I came up with this idea.. Idk how. It's just I got bored, and I managed to write this. This is going to be short since my toothache... Pains me so much. And yes I'm working on the latest request!

Don't worry no SMUT in here, just cursing, a slight sexual content and a lot of dialogue. I guess? (I'll be in this story ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [Why this face?] you'll see! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

You woke up in the morning, eyes fluttered open slowly as you turned your head to the side. You were drunk last night and didn't really remember anything. Well, at least not now.

Everything was a blur at first, a raven-haired... Man? He's still sleeping. 'Huh.' You internally scoffed, 'wait? A raven-haired... MAN?!'

You bit your lip, slowly getting up careful not to wake the man beside you. Your head snapped towards him when he shifted but sighed in relief when you knew he was just changing a sleep position.

Slowly you went to the door, opening it slowly. Fist pumped the air as soon as you reached outside.

Kaz already waiting for you outside, she was leaning against the car door slurping a cup of.. Wine? Huh?

"There you are!" She exclaimed, spreading both of her arms as she did so. Thank god her cup didn't fall.

"Are you drunk?"

"Yeah, you're driving." She said, throwing the car keys towards you which you catch it with ease since you got a good reflect. You rolled your eyes as you walked towards the driver seat meanwhile she went to the passenger seat.

You raised an eyebrow at her, "How can you be drunk already?" You asked, taking a seat before closing the door and she did the same.

"You were taking so long!" She whined. "It's just a tomato juice.."

'Yeah, she's drunk alright.' She can't stop slurping her drink in the car, it was so loud. You frowned at her, giving her a glare.

"Do you really have to be that loud?" She just shrugged, making you glare more at her.

"Okay okay sorry! I'll chug it." She apologized but kept on slurping her drink loudly.

You ignored her, feeling something was missing, but what is it? A gasp left your lips when you realize what's wrong. "Oh, Fuck!" You cursed, rubbing your temple as your elbow rested on the wheel.

"Sorry! I'll be quiet!"

"No dude no, I left my purse inside!" You panicked, she just gave you a confused look.

"Well then go get it. I'll wait here."

Turning your body to the side so you can properly look at her and grab her empty hand giving her a puppy eyes. This time it was her who rolled her eyes at you, she knows what you wanted.


"Yes we, I can't just go back inside alone now." You pleaded, opening the door and stepped a foot outside.

She groaned in defeat, still slurping her drink loudly she followed you. Walking back towards the apartment. Carefully opened the door, you poked your head inside. But Kaz? Oh no, she went in as if it was hers.

"Hoohh, he got a nice apartment!" She said excitedly with her loud voice, you shushed at her telling her to shut her damn mouth as you closed the door slowly. "Sorry!" She whispered loudly, placing her cup on the kitchen counter.

"Oh my god you're going to wake him up!"

Kaz ignored you and took off her jacket letting it fall down to the floor making you groan, seriously this girl has to be stopped. She found a Kumquat, a gasp escaped her lips. "Look at these tiny babies!" She whispered loudly.

"Shush! Now go! I'll look in the living room."

She nodded, "And I'll look in the bathroom!" She said, rushing to the bathroom. Bathroom? You shrugged and went to the living room continuing your mission to look for your purse. You tiptoed your way there, hurriedly but silently rummaging everything.

But stopped when you hear a flush from the bathroom.

"That woman.." You sighed, walking towards the bathroom. And there she is just came out from the bathroom, crossing your arms across your chest in irritation. A foot rapidly stomped on the ground.

"Need to pee.." She said sheepishly.

"You. Need to think before you act!" You whisper yelled at her, "Thank you for helping me--"

"You're welcome." She cut you off.

"But you need to think before you move!" You told her, she slapped you making you gasp. After gaining your composure you slapped her back, she did the same. Gasped.

"Okay sorry, let's get back on track here. Did you checked the bedroom? It's the most obvious place!" Kaz whispered, finally she thinks like a normal human.

"No, I haven't."

Kaz sent you a 'really?' look and pushed you into the bedroom, since it wasn't really big it was easy to find it. Slowly you opened the door, peeking your head inside. Kaz again, she casually walked in pushing you aside making you fall. Deja vu?

She gasped, her mouth opened wide as an eye squinted and eyebrows narrowed when she saw the man you were sleeping with.

"This is him!?" She whispered loudly in disbelief, eyeing the shirtless sleeping man who was snoring softly. Not knowing what was happening in his room.

"Get out get out!" You whispered.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" She whisper yelled, looking at you with wide eyes. Ruffling her hair. "You get back here!" You tiptoed closer to the bed.

"He's hot! You take off your pants right now! Get in this bed NOW!" She demanded in a whisper, pointing at the empty spot beside the man. "Fuck, does he has a brother?" She muttered to herself.

"I never took off my pants in the first place!" Kaz looked at you, mouthed a 'what!?'. "I'm not ready for a One Night Stand!"

"But look at him! He's gorgeous! He's a cutie!"

"The kind of cute that will be mean to me in the morning!"

Suddenly she kneeled down, pointing towards where his manhood supposed to be.

"Look at this bulge! Do you see it?!" She whispered.

"I see it! Now shut up!"

She then standing back up. Taking both of your hands in hers. "Not all men are assholes (Y/N)!" She assured. Suddenly the man shifted, making you and her panic.

"Get back in his bed!!" She whispered with panic laced in her voice and rushed outside. You on the other hand quickly got into the blankets, acting as if you just woke up.

"Hey." You greeted. The man looked surprised but cracked a smile at you. His smile almost made you fan your face right now and then, a smile that could make any girls swoon. His bright blue eyes.. 'Oh my god.. Yes please.' You internally fangirling over him. They fit him so perfectly.

"Hey, Morning." He greeted back with his husky deep morning voice.

You swore you would melt right away if it wasn't for Kaz, peeking from the door crack. You whispered 'Stupid' to her. But too bad this didn't go unnoticed by the guy.

"Stupid?" He asked. You knew this man couldn't be fooled. It was written all over his face!

"Stupid.. Dream, I have a dumb dream." You said, laughing it off hoping this man would buy it. Your eyes landed back on Kaz, who's mouthing a 'Fuck him!' towards you.

Sending her a glare, he noticed looking behind him since he slept near the door. Kaz quickly hid back as soon as the man's head whipped towards her.

"Is there something wrong with my door?" He asked.

"No no! It's just I think I saw something, but no. I think it was my imagination." You explained sheepishly, fiddling with your fingers on top of the blanket.

"Oh the name's Dick Grayson." He said, reaching a hand for you to shake which you gladly took.

"(Y/N) (L/N)." Shaking his hand, you felt small. His hand was so huge.

He stood up, you were practically drooling over his body. He was shirtless and only wearing sweat pants. God damn that bulging muscles, his biceps. 'Lucky me..' You thought, biting back a smirk and gulping your own saliva.

He went outside the room after wearing a shirt. A tight shirt, it looked like his damn muscles would rip it any seconds. Breaking yourself from your imagination you gasped, Kaz was there!

Jumping from the bed, fast walking towards Dick. Only to find no one, you heard a 'beep' from a room-- the kitchen.

"---Coffee?" Dick asked you when he saw you poking your head from around the corner.

"Yes sure."

Now the thing that bothered your mind is, where the hell is she... But it was soon answered when you spotted her hiding under the counter. 'Oh my god..'

You need to get him outta the kitchen before he saw her. Oh you didn't want to get into a trouble now, not with him around.

"Oh hey. I'll make the coffee, you can.. Do whatever you wanted to do."

He gave you a confused look not catching your blabbering.

"Uh you can take a bath or something, I'll make the coffee for us." You told him clearly this time, to be honest. You felt a little tingle towards this guy.

"You sure?" You gently nodded as an answer, on the inside you were screaming at his handsomeness, "Okay, then I'll leave it to you." Dick said, smiling at you before leaving you alone--- well not really since your friend was hiding.

"That was so close!" Kaz breathed, letting go a breath she didn't know she was holding as she crawled outside her hiding spot. But now the door opened, revealing another man. He has a raven hair like Dick, but there was a white streak on his bangs and his eyes were green.

He raised an eyebrow at you and her, "Uh?"

Dick came out from his room, his eyes landed on Kaz and the other man as a confused expression started to show on his face. "Your girlfriend Jay?"

Before this Jay can answer, Kaz blabbered first. "No no--- I hope I was--" You facepalmed at her stupidity, "--I mean I'm (Y/N)'s friend! Yeah... Call me Kaz."

"Ah, Dick Grayson and that's my little brother---"

"-- Adoptive, unrelated, non-biological. Brother, Jason." Jason corrected coldly.

Kaz scooted closer to you, leaning into your ear as a hand covering her mouth to prevent them hearing her words she about to say. "He has a brother!" She whispered, you could tell she was fangirling like her life depended on it in her mind as soon as you heard her voice.

'Looks like someone got a new obsession..' You thought. Sighing you continued to make 4 cups of coffee, the others went into the living room. Or so you thought.

"Let me help." Dick said from beside you, almost making you dropped his cup. "Did I startle you?"

Quickly you shook your head, "No."

You continued to do your job, your hand would accidentally brushed against his every now and then. Was he teasing you? Nah.

Walking to the living room with a tray of cookies in your hands and Dick holding the coffee, you were greeted by your friend blushing beside Dick's brother.

She noticed you giving you a 'help me' look. Okay it might be too late, but both of you could communicate with just looking at each other. Your bond with her was that strong.

You replied her look by smirked slightly and widened your eyes evilly. 'Bitch, SUFFER!' You mentally told her receiving a puppy eyes but eh you didn't care, putting the tray down you sent her a smile making her rolled her eyes.

The rest of the day you chatted with them, getting to know each other. Jason would tease Kaz once in a while, Dick would tease Jason back, and you did the same to Dick and Kaz did the same to you. You would laugh at Dick's compliments you found them funny, even dirty jokes.

Without you knowing the time was up, it was already 8 PM.

"I've never been in your house this long." Jason chuckled, Dick nodded and glanced at you.

"I think we should do something like this one day, just the two of us? You know, without getting drunk and one-night stand thingy?" He whispered to you.

"I'd be glad to." You whispered back, leaning up to kiss his lips for a brief moment. "Gotta go." You said, standing up and rummaged your pocket to gave him your business card.

"Business card?" He asked, taking the card from your hand.

"No time to write my number so here and bye Dick." You waved walking towards the door and went out from the apartment building, Kaz on the other hand already outside waiting for you. She was holding your purse.

"Your purse." She said, giving it to you.

"My purse!" You cried out.

"Yes your purse, and you have to screw him next time."

"Fuck you."


Did I say I'll make it short? Hahahaha noooo!
I lied XD

AND MY TOOTHACHE ALREADY GONE! But it'll come back soon enough. And I'm still writing the latest request! It'll be here soon. (I hope.. Because I get a writer's block.. I feel so empty without writing..)

Hope you like it! Sorry for curse words and a slight sexual content. And grammar errors!


I'm just a virgin who loves to write...And imagining nonexistent things :') my life is so miserable.
