
Requested by; Rene_is_siren

Warning; Angst and mad Dami. Both 20. Don't read if you're sensitive.


Damian just got back from a mission with his father, he had changed into his civilian clothes when he opened the door to your shared apartment. You greeted him with a smile like always and ran up to him, tackling him with your bear hug.

He returned your hug, burying his face in your hair. Inhaling your sweet scent as a refreshment for him, a small smile gracing his usually blank face as he tightened his hug.

"Miss me much, Damian?" You asked against his chest with your hands clutched onto his black shirt. You felt his chest vibrate as you heard him hummed against your hair. You could only giggle.

When you raised your face from his chest and leaned up to kiss his lips, you noticed a purple mark under his eye from the corner of your eye. You quickly pulled away and touched the bruise gently.

"Dami, what happened?" You asked softly, looking deep into his emerald eyes with worry in your (E/C) ones.

Damian suddenly frowned and pushed your hand from his blackened eye before he stepped further to the apartment, he walked to the bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror.

"Damian?" You softly called, you had stood in front of the open bathroom and watched his every movement.

"I'm fine." He finally replied, coldly which gave you a stab in your chest and bad feelings gathered in your stomach. You took a deep breath, bracing yourself and asked him a certain question.

"Did you fight with Bruce again Dami?"

Damian had a little-strained relationship with Bruce lately, Bruce had told you that he became more reckless and aggressive in a mission, thus worried you and him. You asked him about it, over and over again but the answers you received were always the same.

"There's nothing to worry about, I'm fine."

You then pushed the matter aside, trying your best to stop worrying. It didn't work, nothing worked to get your mind off his weird behavior. Something had happened and you knew it, he didn't tell you nor Bruce.


"Shut up!" Damian raised his voice at you, he had never done that before. He did, a few times but not as bad as this. You visibly flinched at his harsh tone, he didn't back down and glared at you. "Dami, Dami, Dami." He growled.

You bit your lip in anticipation, scared with what will come next.

"I've told you, I'm FINE, (Y/N)."

"But you don't look fine Damian, I've heard everything from Bruce. I'm worried." You whispered, your fists went up to your chest as if they could protect you from Damian's current condition.

"Father told you?" You nodded, "you believe him?" Another nod, "and not me?" No response. "Answer me!" Damian demanded, hitting the mirror with his fist and shattered it. His hand was bleeding but with all of the adrenaline running through his veins, he couldn't feel anything.

You screeched in fear when you heard the mirror cracked in half before the shards dropped down to the floor, then took a few steps back until your back hit the wall while your eyes trying to keep still to look at his angered figure.

"I'm sorry!" You choked out, legs almost giving up when he stomped his way towards you, "I'm worried, I just want to know what happened, I couldn't help it because I love you, Damian." You whimpered.

You were trapped now, both of his hand rested against the wall trapping you in between them.

"What love?" Damian chuckled dryly, face dangerously close to yours. His hot breath hitting your cheeks as you turned your head to the side, avoiding his dangerous glare with your eyes tightly shut. "You love me, you said you love me. Look at me."

You didn't dare to do so, your previous abusive relationship flashed into your head until you felt his hand gripped your face and roughly turned your head back to look at him. But you kept your eyes shut.

"Look. At. Me. (Y/N)." He growled with his demanding voice. You obliged, letting tears running down your face as your lips quivered in fear. Your legs had given up on you. You slumped down to the floor.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." You kept on chanting the same words, "don't hurt me, please. I'm begging you don't hurt me."

Something snapped inside of Damian upon looking at your shaking figure that slowly crawling your way out, away from him, away from Damian Wayne, out from your apartment.

"Beloved! Wait!" He exclaimed, guilt was all he could feel.

"No, no, no." You cried out, running down the stairs, blinking and rubbing your teary eyes so you wouldn't fall.

"I'm sorry, please, come back! Let me explain." He begged.

You kept on running and running. Gasp escaped your already dry throat when you stumbled on your feet and your body fell down to the stairs.

Damian caught you before the marble could even touch your body, before it could even hurt you, he pulled you into his arms giving you a tight embrace.

You didn't return it, you wiggled, fists flying to his chest and kicked him. Attempting to make him let you go.

"No, no!" You protested, pushing yourself away from him. He tightened his grip on you, face buried in the crook of your neck. He pressed his lips on your skin. You gave up.

"I'm sorry beloved, please, forgive me." Damian whispered softly, "Don't go." You could only cry and sob in his arms, slowly letting your body relax. "I'm sorry I worried you, I'm sorry I scared you." He continued, raising his face from your neck to place a soft, gentle and loving kiss on your forehead.

Finally after calming yourself down, you returned his embrace. A few tears still slipping out from your eyes. "Tell me your problems, Damian." Hesitantly raising your hand so you could touch his face, he saw it. He took your hand in his and placed your palm on his face.

"Let's go back first." He turned his face, you felt him kissing your palm gently as an apology. You nodded and let him carry you back.

You looked up at him, "I love you, Damian."

"And I love you too, (Y/N)."

[ END ]


2 updates in one day, PFFT. Aey me! (Actually, it's 3, one more is another book. Ayy!)
What ya think?!

Sorry for grammar errors! And if he's a bit ooc. Oops. Don't hate me.

