Kitty Cat || Jason Todd

Requested by; freshswag123

Hey can you do a Jason Todd x reader where the reader is catwomans daughter and Bruce's daughter? It's okay if you can't

Warning; suggestive.


"Hurry up, sweetheart!" Your mother called, she was ready to get out of the museum. One foot was placed on the window frame along with her hands.

"Wait up!" You whined for your mother and quickly snatched the ruby ring into your hand before running over to the window, to catch up with your mother who had climbed up to the roof.

You had been a-- well-- thief for more than a year. With your mother the one and only Selina Kyle as your mentor and partner in crime. She taught everything you needed to know about fighting, using the devices, sneaking. Anything.

Even as far as telling you that Bruce Wayne is Batman, him being your father, biological father, was a bonus and speaking of the Devil.

"Put it back where it belongs." Batman's gruff voice was heard just as soon as you reached the roof, he was standing a few feet in front of your mother.

"Batman." Your mother purred, walking over to him slowly yet confidently not even showing a sign that she was quivering. "You're not the boss of me, so why should I?"

Catwoman walked around him as if she was judging him or checking him out, her fingers were ghosting along his chest up to his shoulder then his broad back, shoulder before went back to his chest and retreated.

"Catch." A small pocket was thrown towards you which you swiftly caught it. You knew what your mother wanted, you ran from them to your client's place after tucking it in your utility belt around your waist.

But you were not that stupid, Batman always has his way.

After you were far enough, you stopped and turned around. "Bucket head, I know you're there."

A figure walked out from the dark shadow of the billboard on the building. Classic. You thought. Still amusing to you how he would make a dramatic entrance, or it was just you?

You would always meet him, literally everywhere you went to he would be there too. Running after you, trying to catch you or just to follow you for some information. You didn't stop him since he was such an interesting guy, you kinda liked the guy.

Who doesn't? He was hot with or without his helmet or mask. Oh yeah, you had seen him alright,

"My favorite little kitten, don't you have a better name to call me with?" Red hood crossed his arms across his muscular chest, the sight of him doing that always makes you gulp almost audibly. Nobody could blame you since his muscle flexed and it was endearing.

"Pill head? Bullet head? Red riding hood?" You listed all possible names you could think of, they were all ridiculous and you just couldn't help it. "look, can't you just leave me alone?"

You heard him breathed out a chuckle under his helmet as he walked closer to you, "what kind of guy who leaves a pretty girl alone?" He inquired, now standing right in front of you. "I'm not a jerk."

You really had to tilt your head up to take a good look of his lenses-covered-eyes with your own. You knew you were distracted, the next thing you realized that he had pointed his gun right on your forehead. The hard metal pressing against your soft skin painfully.

"Now give it back."

You only scoff, your hand reaching to trail along his knuckles up to his wrist, forearm, upper arm before finally resting on his broad shoulder. "If I don't?" You found yourself challenged.

"I'm going to shoot your smarty brain." He responded simply.

"No, you aren't."

"True," he then drew back his gun, putting it inside his brown leather jacket calmly. "But I will still hit and fight you." He added.

"Oh, how could you say that to a weak, young girl like me!" You said in a mock hurt and offended tone, giving him a playful glare from behind your mask and he could tell.

"You are anything but weak, kitten." Jason pointed out a matter of factly, his gloved hand reaching to your hair that was tied in a ponytail before his, gloved, fingertips brushing against the soft locks.

You gently swatted his hand away from your hair, as much as you liked it you couldn't let your guard down. Especially around him. "Whoa there tiger, personal space."

Jason didn't take his eyes off you until he decided to take his helmet off, leaving the domino mask on his face to hide his gorgeous green eyes.

"Aww," you cooed in a false disappointment, moving your hand to cup his face. "Why don't you take the mask off too?" Your thumb brushing along his cheek. You could feel a faint bump of his old scars under your finger.

Jason's arm slithering around your waist pulling you closer to him, "my little kitten wants to see my face?" He asked in a husky purr, his face became closer to yours every time his lips moved.

You could feel his warm breath fanning your face as you wrap your own arms around his neck, you gently bit your lower lip before a small sly smirk plastered across your red colored lips.

This always happens, the flirting. There won't be a day where you meet him and not flirt. It almost sounded like a ritual between the two of you, a habit that would never fade or go away. Yet, you didn't mind, you liked it that way. You could get closer and talk. Give each other feathery touches.

Though none of you ever do or even thought that far.

"What can I say, I won't miss my chance." You purred back.

Jason hummed lowly, giving your words a little thought as he returned your smirk with his charming one. This damn guy always an effect on you, and god did you hate it.

"What about a trade?"


"You get to see my face and I want whatever you stole back."

"Wha--?" You breathed out amusedly, an eyebrow raised. His request, or trade, was unbelievably stupid. It was so stupid you wanted to accept the offer. "Sorry baby, a client's request. Girls gotta eat." Unfortunately, you had to back away from him to prove your point. "It was tempting, I have to admit that."

"Worth a shot." The dark haired male shrugged, putting his damned helmet back on, covering the rest of his attractive features.

You frowned, did he just gave up. This guy had almost, almost, never ever gives up. It was disappointing but at least you didn't have to argue with him further, less the trouble more time you got to get back home and sleep the night.

You saw him turned on his heels, starting to walk away from you. "Leaving already?"

"You didn't want to trade then I have no more to say." Jason waved his hand before vanishing into the darkness.

You let out a light chuckle, sighing when you finally realized what he actually had done. Your hand had dug into your belt, where the small brown bag and the ring you placed in before, they were gone.

"Todd, you one sly dog." You only could laugh.

Jason, on the other hand, was hiding on the other side of the billboard with his back leaning against the metal, the bag dangling in front of him as he held it.

"You need to learn from your previous mistakes, kitty cat." He chuckled to himself.


Too much?
