
Warning; Death, a very..very short one and cringy.

Daddy Bruce x Daughter Reader.



She called for him from her bed, her body was covered in a thick blanket. She was laying on her side facing her father who was sitting on a chair right in front of her. Her bright eyes looking at him with admiration.

Bruce hummed as a response, he bent his body forward to tuck a strand of hair from her face behind her ear.

He had changed, not completely, but he did. He spent more time with his kids even though it's just watching or talk with them. He changed when he met her. She was cold, waiting in front of a garbage bin for god knows what.

He took her in, raising her like a daughter of his own. Her cheerful demeanor changed him.

"Are you going to sing that lullaby for me again?" She asked, her voice was soft due to the exhaustion she felt but it didn't make the happiness in her tone change.

He chuckled as he nodded. "Yes, I am. I've promised right?" He replied.

She giggled as an answer, soon she rolled over again to lay on her back as Bruce moved from his chair to sit on the edge of her bed. He reached his hand to brush her hair softly.

He started to hum the tune of the lullaby she loves the most. The lullaby they made a week ago when she couldn't sleep.

"You're my sunshine." He sang, his blue eyes looking at his adopted daughter while the corner of his lips curled into a small smile. Watching her eyes slowly closing.

"Your smile, giggle and laugh brighten up my dark days." He continued, placing his warm palm on her slightly cold cheek. "You're a punny little girl."

He heard her laugh weakly, remembering that lyric was her idea. He watched her eyes closed and her breathing became slow, much slower than usual.

"No matter how much we fight, argue and bicker. Harsh words that left my mouth. You always knew I didn't mean it."

He lifted her up by the back of her head gently, feeling her weakened under his arms his expression fell.

"Darling, you know how much I love you.." When he felt she didn't move anymore. A tear slipped from his eye, hugging her closer to his chest.

"Please don't take my sunshine away."

After a few minutes, a faint knock was heard on her door. Bruce stood up from the bed, putting her back onto the bed gently and fixed the blanket to warm her up more.

He walked out from the room and was greeted by Alfred.

"Master Bruce, is she..." Alfred couldn't even finish his words, they were stuck in his throat. And it got worse when Bruce nodded.

"Call the boys Alfred, I have an appointment with that clown."


Sorry.. I'm restarting my brain.

I'm not in the mood to write lately. But now I've warmed up and ready to write again!
Sorry for the slow updates!

I'm still working on the requests.. I'M SORRY IF I TOOK SO LONG. PLEASE FORGIVE ME.

And the song, is not a real song XD it's just... I dunno XD it just popped into my brain.

