
This idea is from; artqueen001
I tagged youuuu!


A small huff left your lips as you glared at your husband. That man had been too much for you lately, the air between the two of you was so intense the tugs around you just stared and tried to get their way out.

Yes, you were fighting during a fight.

"Can't you just drop it?" Batman sighed, he caught a glimpse of something moving and quickly threw his Batarang towards its or now his way since that something had let out a small squeak.

"Drop what?! The fact that you didn't call me that you wanted to go out tonight?!" You exclaimed, your fist met someone's face. A faint cracking noise was heard but you paid no attention to it.

You were fighting because he didn't tell you that he wanted to go on patrol. He had promised a few nights back but he probably didn't remember that's why he didn't tell you.

All thugs fell unconscious when you finally stood face to face with your oh-so-loving husband. You glared up at him, hands on your hips as your cape rested on your back. He just stared at you with an uninterested face.

"Will you stop?" He finally spoke up, breaking your staring contest.

"Stop what?!"

"Being such a goddamn kid, stop with your pouting. I'm tired of it."

His words made you gasp loudly in a mock hurt before you point an accusing finger on him, "You!" Taking a deep breath to calm the adrenaline that was pumping through your veins as you lowered your hand down. "Okay, fine."

He began to relax until the next words came out from your mouth.

"I'll leave then." You turned on your heels walking away from him, you missed the slight guilt expression he had under his cowl. Before he knew it you were gone into the night.

Time seemed to pass slowly after you left, the manor was quite without your cheerful motherly voice. Not only that there was another maniac not too long after you missed, it was about 2 days after.

Making it harder to find you and to make the antidote for The Joker's newest laughing gas a.k.a Joker Venom. It had happened before you left. When you were fighting you were looking for the clown to stop him from using that gas and continue to search for the antidote.

Again, with no luck with the antidote, Bruce sighed and head out for the night. He had a few encounters with some thugs and when he grappled near a gold store a familiar cackle ringed in his ear.

Just soon after the alarm from the store went off, him being the protector of Gotham City immediately took action.

"That was a good laugh!" The now familiar high-pitched voice chirped from under the vent he was in, Joker's signature laugh was heard soon after along with Harley's clapping and cheering.

There were some whimpers from the hostages.

Soon the maniacs' cheering stopped and was replaced yet again by Jinx's high-pitched voice. "Big bat! I know you're up there. Come on down here and join the fun!"

Finding no more reason to hide from them he kicked the vent open and jumped down, landing gracefully on the ground.

"Superhero landing!" Jinx gave him a clap that Bruce returned with a glare. She didn't chicken out instead, her grin went wider than it already had.

"Seems like we're done here puddin'!" This time Harley spoke up, looking up at her beloved Looney with admiration behind the mask.

Joker responded with another laugh, swinging both of his arms over Harley's shoulder and the other over Jinx's. "Ahh, too bad batsy. We can't play." Joker frowned and retreated his arms to pat his newest trusty partner's back. "But don't be upset! You'll have Jinx with you!"

Jinx flashed him an uncanny familiar grin as Joker and Harley left them alone.

"Hee... We're alone now batsy." Taking a few steps closer, her hands were resting on her back intertwined with each other. She stopped face to face with him. She wore a sick grin on her face as she extended her hand. "How about a dance?"

He ignored her hand and let out a grunt. Jinx hummed, she waltzed her way over to a bag and brought out a portable audio player. She pressed a few buttons and a slow jazz soon filled the room.

"Let's dance?" Jinx winked, bringing out a gun and began shooting at the bat making him jumped out of the way. "Dance baby dance!" She cheered and kept on shooting.

Bruce soon tackled her to the ground with an 'oof'. She giggled and kicked his armored stomach, hard enough to make him stumble back and got off of her.

"Feisty feisty, but I need to finish this quick!" She got up from the floor and launched herself towards him after taking a broken table feet. "Night..." She hit him hard enough to make him unconscious, "...beloved."

Bruce woke up in his room, as he tried to stand up a stinging pain struck his head. He brought a hand up to rub his head. The familiar giggle ringed in his head.

"Gah, I was too frustrated with that woman her voice still in my head." He groaned.

The giggle became louder, "Aw, you think about me batsy?"

Bruce immediately looked to the side of the bed, Jinx came out from the shadow. "How?!"

"You're so clueless Bruce."

She opened her mask, revealing none other than his wife. You.

Walking up to his bed, you bent down looking at his blue eyes with a smile. "I miss you."

"The hostages?! Do you kno-"

"Calm down!" You cut him off, rummaging your utility belt, "They're safe, I've moved them and look what I got." You brought out a vial, filled with a purple liquid.

"What is that?"

You face palmed, "Did I hit you too hard? It's the antidote, why do you think I work with the Joker and got to his good side?"

"Ah yeah right, and about what I said.."

You patted his back, a bit harder than intended making him cough a few times. "I already forgive you. I acted like that to find a way to leave you for awhile."

Bruce raised a brow, he leaned against the boat headboard and crossed his arms across his chest. "I don't plan to apologize, I just want to remind you to stop acting like a kid."

"Are you serious right now?"

[ END ]


Boop, this is disappointing.
I was distracted. I'm sorry...


