I Got You

Requested by; XxQueenFandomxX
No this is not a song fic.



You curled up in the corner again, hugging your knees close to your chest as you shook in fear. Your eyes gazing into the blank space of your room. Your father was at it again, he got drunk. He didn't get to sell the good stuff he always told you which made you receiving a few punches and kicks. He even goes as far as chasing you around the house when you ran away from him because he tried to stab you.

Your father changed, he changed into a complete monster after your mother died. He couldn't afford the bill for her hospital treatments, it was too expensive. He blamed himself for her death then soon he blamed it on you. To the little you.

"She died because of you! I also needed to feed you and pay for your school! I should've thrown you away so I wouldn't have to pay those! Better I should've sold you so she could've lived, you get that? You ungrateful shit!"

His harsh words buried deep within you for years, it made you depressed. You tried to commit suicide once, tried to poison yourself. It scared you, the thought of dying with nobody around you to cry for you was too hard to imagine. You want at least one person in the world understands you.

And you have him, Damian. You glanced at the bird shaped necklace around your neck with a sad smile. Your fingers reaching up to brush them against the bumpy surface that shaped the wings of the bird.

Damian was the reason you stayed strong, the reason you stopped hurting yourself. You had realized doing that kind of things such as cutting your wrists or any parts of your body, were not the right way to keep reminding yourself that you were alive, still intact with this world.

The soft kisses on your cheeks, the back of your hands, your shoulder, either sides of your neck, your nape, your temples, the top of your head, your forehead, your cheeks, the tip of your nose, the corner of your lips and your lips were the things he gave you to remind you that you have him. The son of Wayne's heir.

Damian always whispering sweet things to you, he didn't know how crazy your father could be. You didn't tell him. Not yet, it wasn't the time. He always told you how much he loves you, how much he cherishes you, how much he needs you. It could be through texts, phone or right on your face (that he preferred more since he could see your reactions)

You always appreciated his little gestures, they were so cute and they were the only things you needed. You returned them by making him some treats if your father wasn't home, returning his kisses awkward and shyly and much more.

Your little happy thoughts were disturbed by the sounds of your father banging on your bedroom door.

"Open up!" Your father banging at the door, your heard him kicking and hitting the door urging you to open it.

You silently squeaked and ran somewhere to hide. You needed someone to help you now, you needed Damian. More tears running down your face at the thought of him, soon you had quietly run to the bathroom and locked the door. Praying for all the gods up there to help you.

You whimpered when you heard the door had kicked open, the loud bang was followed by another voice of a few things falling. You had come to a conclusion that the door had broken and your father is trashing your room in an attempt to lure you out of your hiding place.

Minutes passed, it felt like hours for you. Your heart almost immediately stopped when you heard him trying to open the bathroom door, you bit your lip hard enough to prevent any screaming came out when he did the same with the bathroom door.

You were hiding inside the sink's cabinet, it was large enough for your small frame to hide in. Your father's footsteps were heard. Your already weak heart did a somersault hearing the footsteps stopped in front of your hiding place and your body almost blacked out at the wrong time after he grabbed your upper arm and dragged you out.

"Found you." He smirked, pulling you harshly out of the cabinet making your head hit the floor pretty hard until it bleeds. He kicked your side emitting a scream of pain from you.

Your body already wrecked, there were some cuts and a broken rib. You thought you would finally die tonight until you heard someone's voice telling your father to stop before the person lunged at him and beat him up. You could only lay down on the floor, whimpering and shaking in fear.

"Robin! Stop!"

You lifted your head up just slightly to see the town's bat vigilante, then turned it to see Robin still hitting your father with all of his might. Who is he anyway? You were just another damsel in distress, right?

"Stop." You croaked out, your already weak state prevent you from talking properly and loudly.

Robin turned around, he saw your tear stained face along with the injuries you had. He ran towards you before gently cradling you. "I should've come sooner, I should've been here sooner." He rambled under his breath, he couldn't think straight.

Batman slung your father over his shoulder as if he was nothing but a sack of rice. He sighed at the sight of his sidekick (and his son) cradling your fragile body and resisting the urge to give you a bone-crushing hug. He then left the two of you alone.

"I'm going to carry you to the hospital myself." Robin lifted you up into his arms gently as he stood up and made his way out from the bathroom and your house. The cops already out there.

"Who- ?" You paused, "No, forget it."

Robin looked down as he walked past the cops that questioned him where he was going with you, "You will find out soon, dearest."


Sorry if this is shitty and a little hurried, I was stressed out and ended up falling asleep in the middle of writing. It's also the reason I updated a little late XD

It's 3.40 AM, I'm tired.

Grammar errors will be fixed soon!

