He's My Son

Requested by : 9Zio6TSIOX ! Here you go! Thanks for requesting!!

Prompt : Batmom used to be a merc. She's basically Lady Deadpool. Maybe Talia wanted Damian back - like reaallly wanted him back. She would get aggressive. Batmom gets all defensive and kicks ass?

Warning : Cursing.


Married with the famous Bruce Wayne was kind of.. Exciting. Especially for a woman named (Y/n) Wayne, she knows all of his secrets of course. She knows about his Robins which she already met. It took some time for them to warm up, Dick and Tim being the easy ones to warm up to her, then Jason. He was the trouble maker but..She was much much worse than him.

Then lastly Damian (Al-Ghul) Wayne.

He was the hardest one, he literally acted like mini Bruce. That kinda make sense because he's his blood-son. But (Y/N) doesn't seem to care about that, she knows what Damian went through, how his mother treated him like a damn weapon which pissed her off.

How the fuck a mother acted like that? A fucking mother. That always gets in her mind.

After he told her everything that happened in his life, she hugged him. She gave him a motherly hug. Of course Damian being Damian tensed up and questioned why she did this in his mind but he hugged back anyway, for the first time in years he felt save, he felt a mother love.

Since then Damian called her Ummi which she didn't mind instead it making her happy because he accepted her, making her babying him every.single.day. Of course the other boys knew and teased him about it resulting them getting a Mom-glare from (Y/N).

It was supposed to be like any other day, (Y/N) was baking cookies for Damian and Alfred preparing dinner, the bigger boys were outside and Damian munching some cookie dough that (Y/N) already prepared for him. And for Bruce well he's in the batcave like always trying to track the Joker.

Until Talia barged into the the cave.

"Damian!" She exclaimed, her voice ringing in the manor enough for (Y/N), Alfred and Damian to hear and came out from the kitchen then ran to the Bruce's office down to the cave. Damian took out his sword that he always brought with him everywhere.

"Mother! What are you doing here." He hissed at his mother.

"Ah my son. Come, let's go home." Talia cooed.

"I'm not going with you."

"He's save with us Talia, you wanted me to take care of him and I did." Bruce interrupted, he walked to Damian, standing right in front of him in a protective manner. "And you are not taking him back, he's happy with us."

"Us? What do you mean by Us beloved?" She questioned with a slight pissed off tone.

A clicking sound of a pair stilettos can be heard through the batcave, "Ah..That would be me Bruce's wife and Damian's mother..Talia." (Y/N) chimed in with venom laced in her voice.

It was her first time to meet Damian's mother, she of course heard how good she is with fighting.

She wore her Merchant suit, a simple blood-red tight jumpsuit which revealing her body shape that will make any men droll because of her beauty with utility belt wrapped around her delicate waist and both of her swords crossing against each other resting on her back.

Talia's eyes automatically looked over at (Y/N) who was glaring dangerously at her, her arms crossed as she stood beside Bruce.

"Hilaria." Talia hissed under her gritted teeth.

"Yas! It is I Hilaria The Mercenary!" (Y/N) said with a sickening smile that already creeping up to her lips as she walked towards her. "What do you want?" She said seriously this time.

"I want my Son back." She growled.

"Not going to happen, he's MY son now. Not yours, I won't let you to take him."

Talia moved closer to Damian but not fast enough, her hand was slapped by (Y/N).

"You fucking whore. He already told you he will not go with you!" She hissed, aiming her combat knife against Talia's neck.

With that Talia prepared to fight so did (Y/N).

"Damian..This is going to be a bit dangerous for you. So please, go up to your room." (Y/N) commanded.

"But Um--"

"NOW! Bruce take Damian upstairs!" She yelled cutting Damian's words as Talia charged towards her.

Her sword made a contact with (Y/N)'s once unscratched (S/C) cheek.

"Ummi!!" Damian screeched his face got a bit pale.

"I will be fine! Go ibni! Upstairs! NOW!"

Damian hesitantly obliged, he ran upstairs to his room along with Alfred while Bruce kept watching. He wanted to interrupt but he also knew that his wife won't let him so he just stood there.

Talia tried to roundhouse kick (Y/N) but failed, she took her legs and because she's strong she threw her towards the wall of the cave earning a grunt from Talia.

A 20 minutes has passed, none of them seemed to be exhausted yet. This time (Y/N) who wanted this to end as quick as possible charged towards Talia who also did the same, both of their swords met, making a loud 'clink' echoed in the cave.

"Why don't you die already." Talia growled.

"Same goes for you. Just give up already."

Talia threw another kick towards her gut, making (Y/N) gaged and coughed a bit of blood before stumbling back.

Bruce's hand twitched, he wanted to help. When he made up his mind it was too late. (Y/N) already charging back towards Talia, her usual bright happy eyes were replaced by pure rage.

"Enough of you, just fucking leave already! Leave me and my family alone!" (Y/N) screamed, her strong fists making contact with Talia's cheek and her knee making contact with her gut.

"Karma is not the only bitch that existed" She said, "So is payback.." She roundhouse kicked Talia, lucky for her (Y/N)'s stilettos already thrown else where before her feet kicked her head, "And YOU!" (Y/N) exclaimed, making Damian's supposed to be mother fell unconscious.

(Y/N) landed gracefully onto the ground, she pulled out a handkerchief to clean her face from sweats.

"So much for work out." She muttered under her breath, she kicked Talia's unconscious body a bit hard, but not hard enough to woke up.

"Are you okay?" Bruce's husky voice asked, worried about his wife's condition.

Her head snapped towards him, her usual gentle smile making it's way to her lips, "I'm fine Bruce." She answered as she walked towards him to peck his lips lightly. "I'm okay.."

His gloved thumb brushed against her bloody cheek, she winced.

"Let's treat your wound." He suggested, she nodded following her husband to the medical table.

"This might sting." He warned, again she nodded.

"Just do it babe, I've got worse."

He let out a gruff hum before stitching her cheek. She winced in pain but soon adjusted.

"Ummi!" Damian called, he ran towards his mother hugging her legs when he reached her.

"Hey baby, you okay?"

Damian shook his head, he looked up at her with a slight teary eyes. "Are you okay.?"

"I'm fine. It's okay, her minions will pick her up. But not with you. You are staying with us ibni." She told him everything he missed with a smile.

"Thank you.." He whispered.

"Anything for you son."

After that (Y/N) swore, if Talia dare to came back to ruin her family lives, she swear she'll kill her as soon as she saw her.


Sorry if it sucks. I'm not really good with fighting scene..
And sorry for grammar errors!

You can request too you know! I don't bite. (Lie. I bite everything)

