New Guy

Requested by; LoveandHateMyself
Prompt; Can you do one where the reader is known as badass of Gotham Academy and meets Jason?

Warning; CURSING.


A hand was holding your lunch as the other held up a pen, you were currently finishing the task in hand a.k.a homework you hadn't finished last night because you were tired.

You sat beside your friends, they were gossiping about that new guy in your class. You didn't know and hadn't seen him since you were sleeping soundly but stealthily on your table.

Muttering a few words under your breath, you proceeded to write them on your book. As you were about to write some calculation your oh-so-helpful friend slapped your book away, it fell down on the cafeteria's dirty floor.

"You little piece of flipping horse poop!" You groaned, looking over at the culprit who was grinning like an idiot while your hand put your lunch down into your lunch box.

"I'm so sorry!" They apologized, hands clasped together before picking the book up and handed it to you.

They flinched when you took the book from their grasp harshly, they knew they shouldn't have done that, the last thing they wanted was to get a black eye.

(E/C) eyes examined the book, thank god it wasn't that dirty.

You put the book down after closing it and looked towards your friend with a glare.

"Shoot." You demanded, waiting for them to open their mouth and explain what's so important until they had to slap your book away while you were concentrating.

You could see and hear them gulping before answering your question.

"Have you see the new guy in our class?" They finally spoke up, you raised an eyebrow wondering what they meant. They saw your confusion and continued, "that's what you get for sleeping in the class." They sighed.

You gave them a shrug, plopping the last bite of your lunch into your mouth.

"Tired. Anyway, what's with him?" You asked after emptying your mouth as you clean your things from the table.

"He's hot! You should've seen him! I mean, oh Lord!" They cut their own words by swooning over the new guy. They fan their face with their hands as if the cafeteria was on fire.

Was he really that good looking?


You spent your lunch break by listening to your friend blabbering and praising the new guy that you knew his name was Jason Todd.

His name gave a bad boy vibe for some reason.

"Now, Mr. Todd, raise your hand please?" Your science teacher asked kindly, turning around from the board to look at the students.

You felt someone beside you raises their hand, you hadn't noticed that the empty seat beside you was occupied now.

You turned your head to look at them or him. He got quite attractive features, sleepy yet beautiful emerald eyes, raven hair, that jawline, he was quite muscular too.

You hadn't noticed you were staring until he looked at you.

"What?" He whispered.

"Just noticed your existence," you said smoothly as you reached a handout, "(Y/N)."

"Jason." He shook your hand.

He stood up to answer a question that the teacher had given him. Tapping his arm gently to gain his attention after you noticed his troubled expression and showed your notebook to him that had the answer for the question on the board.

He looked down, memorizing each word before walking towards the board, where your teacher was currently waiting. He took the marker and began to write everything correctly.

"Correct!" Your teacher praised.

Jason ignored her, he yawned as he walked back towards the seat.

"Thanks." He whispered to you, making you look up at him in confusion as he sat back down. You let on an 'ah' before answering.

"Don't mention it. Been there," you answered casually.

You could felt all students staring at you, but you could care less about that. Continuing on writing.


"(Y/N)!" Your friends called from the school gates, it was already 6.30 PM, you were held because of your stupid math teacher, your friends were loyal enough to wait for you, the teacher didn't let anybody came out from the classroom until the one who hadn't done their papers, finished their works.

You weren't one of them but there was no exception, except for Jason, He was new, so he didn't get punished and got to went home early.

Scoffing, you waved at your friends and walked home with them.

"Took you long enough, you look horrible." One of them started, fixing the strap of their bag.

"No shit." You fired back, rolling your eyes as you walked.

Today was already shitty enough, you thought it couldn't get worse. But it did. It fucking did.

You accidentally bumped into a huge buff guy, he was holding a cigarette in his right hand while a cup of coffee on the other.

The coffee spilled on his white shirt, you knew what was gonna happen. He wasn't alone either, his friends showed up a few seconds later. It was planned.

Why'd this has to happen to me, you thought with a silent sigh.

"Look what you've done to my shirt!" The guy roared, he was clearly pissed off by this.

You glanced up with an uninterested expression as you crossed your arms.

"Well dude," you started calmly while your friends cowering behind you, seeking for protection. "You were clearly bumping into me purposely so you can get something from me, which is not gonna happen."

He growled in irritation and attacked you, but before his fist could make a contact with your skin you caught it effortlessly. Your hand gripping his hand tightly.

You saw him winced, you might be small, but you were strong. It shocked the rest of the men, you surprised them more when you kicked the biggest guy in your grip in the most sacred place.

You heard a faint crack as he hissed, clutching his crotch. A smirk of satisfaction gracing your lips.

You heard another hiss from behind the men, "Right in the baby maker. You might not be able to use it for awhile." The voice chuckled.

You recognized the voice, in fact, it was the voice you heard in class this afternoon. You moved to the side slightly to saw Jason walked towards you with grocery bags in his hands.

"I thought you were home." You quizzed, a brow raised. Ignoring the men who were glaring daggers at both of you.

"Oh, trust me beautiful, I was." He growled, stopping right beside you, ignoring your friends that were gawking at him. Looking at him as if he was a piece of meat.

"You little shits, don't ignore us!" The men yelled in pure rage.

"Need some help?" Jason offered, putting his bags down on the ground. Your lips curled up into a smirk.

"The new prince can fight?"

"Can you?" He challenged, giving you a smirk of his own.

"You'll see, handsome." You purred.

The men charged towards the both of you as your friends backing away, not wanting to get some hit. You and Jason fought as if you've done this before, it was more like a dance than fighting.

You finished all of the men easily, without breaking a sweat. Thanks to Jason's help.

"You got some move," he praised, smirk still gracing his features. You turned around, fixing your messy hair by combing it with your fingers.

Before you could say anything, one of your friends cut you off.

"Everybody are scared of her not for nothing." They said proudly, you rolled your eyes and scoffed.

"I won't hit people randomly."

"How about a date?" Jason blurted out confidently as he picked up his groceries from the ground.

You turned your attention to him.


"You heard me."

You pointed to yourself, he nodded. You didn't know how to react, there was some silence between both of you until your friend yet again spoke up for you.

"Oh, that'll be great! She needs to go out and hang with boys more!"

You hit their shoulder with a glare making them shut their mouth. But it was too late.

"Tomorrow, after school." He then left without any more words.

You stood there for a minute, processing what happened before turning around to your friends who were grinning. For the second time.

"I'll count to three, you better be running." You paused, "one.."

Without any more words, they run away from you as fast as they could. You chase them after you done counting, deep inside you knew. Maybe tomorrow won't be that bad.


Another request is finished!
Sorry if it took long, and not what you wanted. I actually came up with two ideas but I decided to go with this.

I still open requests, I'll close it in 2 days! Feel free to leave them in the -REQUEST- page!

Sorry for grammar errors, hope you enjoyed! (I've fixed some errors!)

