not everything can be saved || Batfamily



Chuck aka god is adorkable I want to hug him so badly and spoil him with my LOVEEE, Lucifer is so hot he's on fire (maybe that's why hell is burnin'), Raphael is a lowkey asshole and hottie, Michael is a lowkey jerk but he's cool (Except for that one time where Cas burn him with holy oil. HATE ME), Cas has god's adorkableness, I'm gay for Charlie but she's dead CUZ THE WRITERS ARE A-HOLES SOMETIMES, Dean is GaAaAyYyYy (no he's bisexual) and is being obvious about it, Sam is a genius, hot moose, Crowley can be an a-hole but he just needs to be loved.

---Alright, so, yeah! I will combine the requests!! (before I kept on going)

Prompt by; BunnyMarvel;  Hunter reader(supernatural) x Jason Todd

Another one by; ginger300; Yay!!!!!!!! So I was thinking like a batfamily supernatural cross over Sam and dean come to goth because of some strange deaths that have happened that has even the batfam on edge more than usual I'll let you pick the monster and of course cas has to be there but the boys and batfam run into problems with they have to work together because of how Sam and dean what to handle a monster by killing it in the bat family except for Jason and Damien don't want to do that because they think there might be a better way only to seee there isn't and Sam and dean kill the creature

The reader is from Gotham, an old friend of Jason and Bruce.

THIS IS THE LONGEST NOTE I EVER MADE! I spent more than 300 words on this!


"Gotham city?" Dean's voice ringed throughout the library, you were sitting down across from him and flipped the page of the thick book you were reading, barely lifting your head to look at the older Winchester.

"Apparently, random civilians started going nuts in there." Sam butted in, walking over to the table and leaned his lower back against it.

"So? It doesn't mean that it's our gig!" Dean leaned back against his seat, closing the laptop shut with a loud thud earning himself a glare from Sam, Dean held his hands up in a mock surrender and continued, "is nobody gonna question that friggin' Gotham exists!?"

After deciding it was enough to hear Dean's rambling, you sighed, closing your book. "Dean calm down."

"Gotham City!? I mean---really!?"

You shrugged as Sam showed Dean a recent newspaper.

"That means Batman is real!" Dean stood up abruptly from his chair, slamming his palms on the wooden surface of the table after he was done reading the news.

"And Superman too," Sam paused, "...maybe."

"Well, what makes it our gig?" You asked, trying to get them back on track.

Their attention soon went back to you, Sam cleared his throat and show you another newspaper. It was probably a week old since the paper a little crumpled, probably Sam kept on flipping it when he was researching about a suspicious thing before finally come up with the one in Gotham.

Sam pointed at a certain paragraph, "here."

"Missing people?" You read the article with your head slightly tilted, lists of names of the people that were missing was there. You soon take the newest newspaper and compared the lists with the new ones, where people were sent to the Asylum, Jail and those who killed themselves. You spotted a few similar names, "well, it is weird, but they could be tortured when they were kidnapped and traumatized so they sent them there."

"Exactly, traumatized, not aggressive." Sam pointed out as he waved a hand in front of Dean's face to get him out of his trance, "you remember the people who lost their soul back then? Including me. Get into their nerves, you're dead meat."

Dean who was staring into nothing slumped back into his seat, running his fingers through his hair as he licked his suddenly dry lips, "I can't believe this, I thought I've seen everything."

Your phone soon ringed, it was from your past friend, Dean wouldn't stop shaking and rambling if he knew where you came from. "Hello?"

"Hey, I need your help."


You drove the Impala to Gotham, yes, Dean allowed you since he didn't know the way. For once you were sitting in the front seat with Sam while Dean sitting in the backseat, he leaned forward so he could see the way and lectured you to be careful with Baby.

You arrived at night, you should've looked for a motel but you had a very much better idea. You pulled up the car in front of an apartment before leading them into an alleyway near there.

"Dean, call your boyfriend. We might need his help." You pondered loudly as you stopped walking and rested your back against the wall.

"B--boyfriend?" He stuttered, looking at you with his bitch face.

"She means Cas, Dean." Sam snickered.

Dean grumbled something under his breath as he prayed for Castiel to get his feathery ass down and help all of you, soon enough a rustle of feathers was heard and Castiel appeared behind him, making the older Winchester jump in surprise.

"Damn it, Cas!"

"Sorry, Dean."

You waited for a few more minutes, the boys slowly getting impatient since they were starting to pace around, well it was Dean who paced around while Sam and Cas stayed calm.

"What are we waiting for?"


You felt a hand resting on your shoulder, you looked up to  see a man in a red helmet with a red bat symbol on his chest, "took you long enough."

Dean's head whipped around, a questioning look appeared on his handsome features but he wasn't the one who asked a question, it was Cas, "I thought the man of bat wears all black?"

"He does," The tall man beside you spoke, his voice sound just slightly muffled by the helmet he wore so you still could recognize who he was just by his voice, "Because I'm no Batman, I ain't going to be one."

A grin spread across your face, "you upgraded?" the words were meant to tease but he didn't seem bothered by it.

"It's a long story, I don't think if I tell you, you will believe me."

A scoff came from you as a response, you crossed your arms as you stared up at him in a challenging manner. "Try me, Red."

"Let's go to my safehouse first for some privacy, I don't think the old man is ready for some--Ghostbusters going into his cave before we explain everything to him."

"These Ghostbusters are here to save your bacon." Dean rolled his green eyes just before Red hood disappears up to the roof after giving you a coordinate to his safehouse.

"Who was that?" Castiel asked again, being a curious baby in a trenchcoat that he was, with his adorable head tilt that had never failed to make you breathed out an aww without getting embarrassed to which you just did.

"That was my old friend."

"Old friend?" Sam asked curiously while you answered with a curt nod.

"Let's go and I'll tell you everything when all of us are gathered."


The two families gathered around in Jason's safehouse, it was so crowded but you were still a little grateful that you could breathe without struggling. You were practically squeezed between Sam and Dean, Cas sat on the arm couch by Dean. Oh, how much you wanted to shove Cas into Dean's lap.

"So, you were dead?" You asked Jason a little too casually, who could blame you really.

"Yeah, pretty much."


Then silence.

"Oh?" Robin a.k.a Damian Wayne slash little Bruce Wayne a.k.a not-so-literally Demon Spawn spoke up (they thought it was no use to wear their masks since Dean, Sam and Cas already know Bruce's identity), amused with your and the boys' reply.

"Well..." You shook your head, "nevermind that, let's just get back on track. Tim, can you show Sam the correct lists of the people who  went missing?"

"Yes, come on." Tim gestured to another room, Sam following. Tim looked 

"Cas, bring Damian and Dick (yes he was there) to the GCPD and see the vics." Your voice was stern and full of authority, you could see Damian frowned, you knew he was about to protest but said nothing. "Bruce, you go with Dean to the asylum."

"Awesome, the Batmobile." The older Winchester visibly grinned with glee as he followed Bruce out of the safehouse.

On the other hand, Dick walked over to Cas and gave him a mask, "here, we can't risk them to see your face."

Cas tilted  his head curiously, "why?"

"Secret identity thingy," Dick explained simply and helped him put on his mask before Castiel put his hands on Dick's and Damian's shoulders then disappeared with a flap of his wings.

Jason looked at the spot where his brothers and Castiel once stood with his mouth open ajar, "he--- what? How?"

You let out a sigh and began to explain everything to him, from how you met the Winchesters and Castiel,  how you became a hunter after watching your friend got killed by a werewolf. You didn't tell him everything though,  it was a story for another time. You fill him up with everything and vice versa.

"No wonder you didn't bat an eyelash when I told you I came back from the dead." Jason crossed his arms across his chest as he sat down beside you while you did some researching yourself to get the case over with as fast as possible.

"Yeah, in my world there are so many deaths I'm so fed up with it, I'm glad you came back though," you flipped a page of the book you brought from the bunker, "that explains why you didn't contact me for a long time."

Jason peeked at the book over your shoulder after he scooted closer to you, he didn't understand anything that was written in the book. Mostly about monsters. The only monsters he knew where the Joker and his nightmares.

"This is your job?" Jason asked as he read the part about demons.

"Yeah, I do road trips with those boys, sometimes I stay in the Bunker to do the research."

"You have a Bunker?"

"The Winchesters are Legacy, as they put it, and I won't call it a Bunker though, it's more like home than Bunker to me."

A hum rumbled in Jason's throat while you changed the book and began to read before you finally stopped to blink your slowly drying eyes.

"Geez, they took longer than I thought they would."

As if on cue, Sam came out from the room he was in earlier with Tim as they chatted.

"God, don't tell me your friend is a nerd too." Jason groused as he looked up at his younger brother, arms still crossed over his toned chest.

"Sammy is a nerd, a hot nerd." You corrected confidently, giving the tall Winchester a wink. Sam rolled his eyes in reply to your teasing while you chuckled as you unconsciously leaned slightly against Jason, "what you got?"

"So, get this...the victims had a cut on a part of their bodies, it was random though, whoever it was seemed not to care about where they cut his victims," Sam showed you a picture of the recent victim, "this one is in the neck."

"What kind of psychopath is that?" Tim piped in.

"It couldn't be the Joker," Jason shuddered when his torturer's name rolled off his tongue, still traumatized with the memory, you placed a hand on his arm to comfort the ravenette emitting a sigh from him, "then who?"

Castiel soon came back with Dick and Damian who were holding their heads in their hands, Dick let out a groan, clutching his dark hair in his hands tighter.

"Ugh, this is worse than getting punched in the gut." Dick protested, "I think I'm gonna throw up."

You watched the poor male ran towards the toilet to puke out his dinner, Damian though, he clutched his stomach as he slumped down to his knees. Groaning to hold back his own sickness.

"Buckle up, Robin." Jason jostled.

"The victims have no soul," Castiel informed you, you weren't surprised but Jason did.

"Wait, literally soulless?" Asked Jason.

"Yes," Castiel responded.

"Is there a way to get the victims soul back?"

"It depends." You answered Tim's question for Sam and Castiel, sighing in frustration soon after. The only hope you got was Bruce and Dean's information and all you had to do was to wait for a little longer. Taking the remaining time to rest.


After Dean and Bruce came back from the asylum, they told you about a victim that managed to escape from her captor. They explained everything about her captor, they also mentioned that the victim said that she was a hot man making you breathing out a laugh but then again explains how he got his preys.

"She also mentioned that he used an Angel Blade." Dean finished, the sun had risen and the rest had changed out of their suits.

"What kind of monster that has an Angel Blade?" Castiel wondered out loud.

You were laying down on the couch, legs draped over Jason's lap while Jason himself had his green eyes closed, still tired from last night yet somehow managing to listen to everything.

"If it is a monster," you tiredly speak up, all of them raised an eyebrow at you at the same time but you were too tired to laugh. The only word that came out from your mouth was, "Grigori."

Castiel growled, his fists clenching, "Abomination."

Bruce and his sons, except for Jason who went to sleep again, stared at each other, clearly didn't understand anything you or Castiel were talking about.

Sam fixed his hair by tucking the stranded locks behind his ears and began explaining. "Grigori once was a squad of elite angels, they were watchers of the earth until some of them began feeding human souls."

"How do we catch it?" Bruce inquired after being silent for a long time, he looked frustrated with the situation. It wasn't logical but then nothing is, he could accept aliens being real...some monsters are made, but angels? No, it was maybe a little too much for the main Wayne.

Dean shook his head, he knew about Bruce 'no killing' rule which was an exact opposite from his usual ways to get his cases over with.

The Grigori had hurt a lot of people and his victims couldn't be saved anymore.

"Sorry to break it to you man, the only thing that could stop them is to kill them." Dean sat down on a chair near the couch you were laying on, "your no-kill rule doesn't work in my kind of job."

"Is there really no other way?" Bruce tried to argue, exasperated with the thought of killing a human being.

"I'm sorry," you shook your head sadly, sitting up before fixing your bed hair with your fingers, looking at the slowly waking up Jason. He gave you a sleepy smirk as he fixed his own messy hair. "There's no other way, he killed a lot of people and he's no human."

Tim and Dick looked at each other sadly, they also didn't like the idea. They say nothing to protest though. Meanwhile Damian, who was used to the word death and kill, just stared at the rest tiredly. He also got no sleep. Poor kid.

"I'm really sorry Bruce." You apologized sympathetically, looking up into his saddened sky blue eyes. "Not everything can be saved."

Bruce slowly nodded and declared to finish the problem at night, he couldn't believe himself for agreeing to kill. He knew whoever or whatever they were, were not human, not anymore at least. The thought made it easier to do the job.


The day passed, you spent the entire day by sleeping and eating, occasionally talking with Jason and helped him with his gun. Dean, Sam, and Cas went out to explore Gotham before getting some sleep themselves and the rest went back to the manor to get their own business done.

When the night comes, all of you were ready with the plan. You were the bait since the Grigori seemed only interested in women because they were an easy prey.

Jason, being a good friend that he was, protested with the idea. He didn't like it, of course you had explained that you were used to it, you knew the risks and consequences but Jason was stubborn, he ended up joining you---well, watching you from afar, his gun that was filled with bullets that were made from Angel Blade was ready in his grasp, blocking it from other people's view with his leather jacket as the other hid somewhere out of everybody's eyes, their weapons were ready in their hands.

It wasn't long for the Grigori to show up, he was a good-looking man really. You had to act as if you were enchanted with his words and agreed to go out from the bar after an hour-long sitting in there.

He led you to a car, probably his or maybe stolen, you could care less about it, he opened the passenger seat for you, motioning you to get in which you did. Faking a smile to make it less suspicious.

The street was almost empty, only one or two car passed. No people walking by either.

The man joined to sit on the driver seat before he looked at you with a smug smirk, "does anybody ever told you how pretty you are?" He started, leaning closer to you.

You slowly backing up but reaching your hand up to cup his stubbly cheek, giving him a coy smile as you answered, "I think you just did."

You heard him chuckle, his lips were so close to yours. His hand went to rest against the car window behind you as the other rummaged his pocket, "did I?"

You had to let out a fake shriek as you dodged when a bullet went through the man's head, then another and another. The man groans loudly, he gave you a glare before he finally screamed painfully as a blinding light went out of his mouth and eyes, as an instinct you covered your eyes with your hands.

You didn't realize the car door was opened until Jason's voice run reached your ear.


You moved your hands from your eyes, looking at Jason who had half of his torso inside the car to move the corpse to the backseat before he went into the driver's seat.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Where are the others?"

"They left first to free some of his victims." He motioned to the corpse behind you as he turns the key before driving down the street, "what we should do next?"

"Burn the body."

"That sounds so psychopathic," Jason tried to joke as he kept his eyes on the street while you laughed at his bad attempt, there was a silence between you two but he broke it. "When are you going to come back?"



"But I can stay."

"Really?" He inquired, glancing at you from time to time.

"Yeah, let me give the boys a call." You started to fiddle with your phone before bringing it up against your ear.

"Good because I want to bring you somewhere."

You chuckled, Castiel was the one who picked up the call since he still had his phone. He told you that he and the Winchesters would stay for another few days. You smiled at the thought spending the last next few days with them and Jason.


I rushed on the ending, sorry. MY THUMBS!!!
This is probably the longest chapter in the whole book(?)

I hope you enjoyed! Sorry for the grammar errors though!
Is it end up okay? I'm sorry if this is not what you wanted, I suckkkk baaadddd.

Leave a comment and feel free to tell me your thoughts!

-Lots of love, Kaz!🍻💕
