Mrs. Wayne

Requested by; webcraft4eveh


You looked down to the dress you supposed to be wearing that had been placed on the bed. The dress was too fancy for you plus the box full of accessories that were made of gold and diamonds. Why did he give you this? Oh yeah, for your birthday a few weeks ago. You had told him not to give you anything too expensive or too fancy, you just want a simple date or a movie night. But no, he had to do it.

You slipped out from the towel that hugged your body to replace it with the dress your husband had bought you. You didn't mind with him buying you stuff, no matter how rich he is, it was still a little too much. It was his way to show his love if he got too busy with work or protecting Gotham.

"Who is this?" You asked yourself in front of the mirror, judging your own reflection with a small huff. You were not going to lie that you looked hella good in that dress, a light makeup dolled up your face, your (H/C) locks curled and the simplest accessories Bruce gave you wrapped around your neck complete with the earrings.

You felt arms sneaking their ways around your waist, pulling your closer to the muscular body behind you. "It's you." Bruce's deep voice whispered in your ear, he placed a small kiss on your temple emitting a small hum from you. "You look gorgeous darling."

There it is, he showered you with compliments again.

You turned around in his arms, giving him a playful pout which he raised a brow at. You leaned up, gently kissing his chapped lips briefly with your hands resting on his chiseled chest.

"I look like a whole different person." You mumbled, staring into his blue eyes.

"Of course," Bruce responded to your small statements, his arms still around your waist holding you close. "You're my wife, a mother to my sons."

"Yeah, you're right."

You slipped out from his grip before walking over to your closet to pick up a box that had your black stilettos. You brought them out and quickly wear them.

You and Bruce walked down the stairs to where the party was held. You had your arms linked around his, the chatter stopped when you walked in with your new husband. All eyes staring at your beautiful figure.

"Look, that's Bruce's wife." You heard someone whispered in the crowd. Bruce must have heard because he glanced down at you, flashing you a reassuring smile. "They're probably won't last long."

Your brows twitched, bothering to knit together forming a deep frown. How could they said that, they didn't know the truth they better shut up! You grumbled in your mind.

The Gala went just smoothly, you chatted with a few millionaire's wives. They won't stop asking you how it feels like to marry a playboy like Bruce, how it feels like to be surrounded by fine men. They also told you to be careful, he could cheat on you and dumps you so easily because all the girls want him, that he will be a perfect man if he's not such a player.

Yet again, you almost scowled. You wanted to pour your luxury champagne onto their heads to remind them that you were his wife, the only woman he loved. Too bad you had to control your temper because it could ruin Bruce's name.

While you chatted and mingled with the other wives, Bruce was talking to the husbands who wanted to work with him. Despite the talking he did, he could hear other people talking negatively about you. He couldn't let that happen.

"She must've been chasing after him for years." Bruce heard a woman whispered from behind him, "I hear she's good in bed." The other butted in, "Maybe it's because she was a stripper and she gave him a private dance almost every day!"

"She's so lucky, I've been all over him for years yet he still hasn't noticed me!"

"They won't last long."

Oops, too far ladies. That was the last straw for Bruce, people can talk whatever they wanted about him but not you. Oh, not you.

Bruce politely excused himself before walking gracefully to the center of the ballroom. Clapping his hands a few times to gain the guests' attentions and you.

"Sorry for interrupting your little chit chat." Bruce's voice was loud, it echoed throughout the ballroom. You walked to the front still with a glass of champagne so you could see your husband properly and sent him a 'what are you doing' look.

"But I have an important announcement to make." He gestured for you to stand by him, you pointed to yourself and walked over to him after receiving a small nod. His arm sneaked back around you.

You looked up to your husband, he had his head held high and his spine straight as he stood in all of his glory. You blush pure red at the sight and averted your gaze to the floor.

"I heard some of you talk about my wife and from what I had heard it was not a good thing. I want you to stop talking inappropriately about her, she is a lovely woman. I will not hesitate to break the agreements we had made earlier if I hear any of you talk about her again and I will not hesitate to ask you to leave my place now."

The ballroom went silent as half of the women and men hung their head low.

"You heard it too?" You asked your husband in a whisper. "I thought you were doing your business."

Bruce led you out from the ballroom to the pool just right outside to get some privacy. The both of you sat on the bench, staring up into the sky as you leaned against him.

"They were loud." Bruce sighed.

You chuckled, they sure were loud. "Thank you, Bruce."

"There's no need to thank me, I'm your husband. It's my responsibility to keep you safe, Mrs. Wayne." He teased.

You rolled your eyes at him, "Oh, you are such a flirt, Mr. Wayne."


2 down! Omg, can I do all of them.... I'll try to do 1 request/day! I hope my brain can take it...

Grammar errors will be fixed soon! Hope you enjoyed!

