
Chapter 451 Jiang Yuan's Teacher

2024-04-19 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Or, without that big bug, there can be small bugs."

  After all, those small bugs have appeared everywhere now.

  Moreover, all the situations are similar.

  "That's not right either. Do you remember that the big bug was in danger before?

  But all the bugs rushed to rescue it one after another, even if they were burned to death, they were willing."

  When she said this, Jiang Yuan also remembered it.

  "It's really strange. Okay, don't think too much, you should prepare well.

  We can't control those things. Haven't

  there been a few strange things in the past year? Don't worry about it."

  She thought very simply. Since they said that there was a special medicine over there.

  It must be useful, otherwise it wouldn't be called this name.

  Moreover, everyone is in such a difficult situation. They

  also specially sent a special helicopter to escort this batch of medicines, which can show the importance of this seed.

  Researchers are the most cautious.

  At least like Jiang Yuan, they will report it only after the experiment and it works.

  Not to mention mass production, that is another process.

  "Well, OK, let's go and have a look together tomorrow."

  After she made an agreement with Ye Mianmian, she was ready to go back.

  Song Yi was not here, and she didn't know what he was doing, so she didn't care.

  When her parents learned about the special medicine, they were also very excited.

  The safety hazard of this insect was so great that no one could live a good life.

  At least the two children hadn't gone out for a long time.

  Now this news is undoubtedly a timely help.

  Moreover, it can also reduce casualties, which is the blessing of the Bodhisattva.

  The next day, they went to pick up people together.

  There is a large open space here in the base, which was cleaned up early and prepared for the reception.

  Usually, Zhang Tiezhu and his plane would also stop here.

  Now it has been driven out.

  At about ten o'clock, there was a rumbling sound in the sky.

  When I looked up, I saw a helicopter flying slowly over.

  "Here, look~"

  Captain Xie shouted, and the others were also excited.

  It was a special medicine on it!

  As the plane slowly landed, a group of people led by the leaders here all went to meet it.

  Jiang Yuan was in front, maybe they knew him.

  Jiang Yuan and Ye Mianmian were at the end of the team, but they could also see what was going on in front.

  "Teacher, you're here."

  Jiang Yuan was very excited and went up to grab the hand of the old man in the lead.

  "A Yuan, you've worked hard."

  "Senior Brother~"

  followed by a girl's voice.

  "He Lan, why are you here?"

  "I missed you, so I came to see you."

  The girl spoke very directly, and Jiang Yuan felt embarrassed.

  "Oh, by the way, I'll introduce you."

  Because they were all people he knew, this task naturally fell on him.

  That is, the main leaders who were received in front needed to be introduced, and the public behind were not mentioned at all.

  Several people followed to the laboratory. They were at the back and had to wait until the guests passed before catching up.

  "Who are you?"

  The girl named He Lan suddenly stopped in front of Jiang Yuan.

  "Do you know me?"

  She was also puzzled. She had never seen this person before, so why did she seem to be quite interested in her.

  "Are you Jiang Yuan? You look exactly the same as before."

  After saying that, she left.

  "Sister Yuan, do you know each other?"


  But it was so strange, why did she feel like she knew her, and she could find her accurately among so many people and call her name.

  Could it be that Jiang Yuan told her? This was the only explanation at the moment.   

  "Let's go!"

  They hurried to catch up and arrived at the laboratory.

  Everyone sat down, and immediately a little assistant brought tea.

  Jiang Yuan and Ye Mianmian were marginal figures, standing aside.

  Of course, it wasn't just them standing there, so it wasn't so abrupt.

  "Teacher, is this the special medicine?"

  Jiang Yuan looked at the silver briefcase in Feng Lao's hand and asked.

  Everyone's eyes gathered.

  "Yes, let's try it later."

  This box has always been beside him, and he never leaves it.

  He didn't ask others to help him get it, which shows its importance.

  "Mr. Feng, this is ready a long time ago, don't wait, let's get started."

  The speaker was another guard, who seemed to be of a higher position than Captain Xie.

  At least, he was respectful.

  "Okay, let's get started.

  Ayuan, go get ready."

  "Okay, teacher!"

  "Brother, I'll go with you."

  He Lan said, and chased out.

  At the same time, Song Yi and several other people followed.

  Seeing that there was nothing to do here, Jiang Yuan pulled Ye Mianmian and followed.

  When Captain Xie said they were ready, he meant the ones in the clinic.

  Several people with worms had already come over.

  "Song Yi, are these people okay?"

  She asked in a low voice. She knew everyone's desire to survive.

  However, if they developed a revengeful mentality like the previous person, it

  would be too dangerous. "Don't worry, this is an experiment. Captain Xie is more nervous than us.

  There is no room for any mistakes in this kind of thing.

  Wait a minute, go to the back.

  I'm not here, so be careful about everything."

  "Don't worry about me. It's not safe in front either. You should be careful."


  He was very touched by Jiang Yuan's concern.

  This kind of man is quite strange.

  However, before he could think about it, Old Feng and a series of people followed.

  The most conspicuous thing was the box in his hand, which Jiang Yuan stared at motionlessly.

  "Teacher, everything is ready here. This person only   has one pimple on his body

  , let's treat him first!" Jiang Yuan had already figured out the situation of the three people here, and this was the only one with one pimple on his body.   The difficulty coefficient was naturally the lowest.   "Okay."   As he said that, he put the box on the table next to him.   This requires a password, and also a key.   When Mr. Feng took the things, half of his body was blocking the front, and no one saw the specific password.   Most people also have a sense of boundaries. Such an important thing, no matter how curious, should not be peeked.   "Ayuan, come here~"   Mr. Feng said, and brought a bottle over.   It is the kind of small one, and it feels like the kind of medicine prescribed when infusing in the hospital.   However, this one is in powder form and is also fully sealed.   Jiang Yuan took it over, and then took a reagent liquid and injected it in.   Shake it, and the powder will be flushed open.   Then suck out everything inside, and the medicine in this syringe is a special medicine.   "Wait a minute~"   (End of this chapter)

452. Chapter 452 Disadvantages

2024-04-19 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Jiang Yuan was about to start the injection, but suddenly stopped.

  It was Doctor Luo, who was supposed to be resting today.

  The intense work these two days made him faint several times.

  "Doctor Luo, why are you here?"

  "Professor Jiang, let me do this!"

  "Your health?"

  Jiang Yuan was also very worried. He couldn't just kill someone!

  "It's okay, don't worry."


  Since he said so, he handed over the needle.

  Every profession has its own expertise, and Doctor Luo is the most skilled doctor here.

  Everyone watched his movements calmly.

  Song Yi and others were also preparing on the side.

  If something goes wrong, they still have to forcibly remove the worm.

  According to the previous method, anyway, this person must not be allowed to get hurt.

  Just now, I took a look and found that the worm was on the man's thigh.

  It was not very high, just a little above the knee.

  It was not particularly serious, and it should be in the larval stage. Even without this medicine, it would be easy to deal with.

  Besides, there was only this one on the body, so it was naturally not a problem.

  Doctor Luo calmed down and started working directly.

  The room was full of important people.

  Jiang Yuan and Ye Mianmian were the only non-staff members, so no one paid attention to them.

  "Ah, it hurts, ah~"

  The man suddenly shouted, his voice trembling.

  He was a little scared, and his thighs were still tied with ropes.

  Logically, he should feel numb and numb, and have no feeling.

  How could he feel pain, and it was such a huge pain.

  I don't understand!

  "Don't move, tell me how you feel now."

  Doctor Luo was not sure, so he could only ask him about his specific situation first.

  "It hurts, it hurts~"

  Beads of sweat had already begun to appear on the man's forehead.

  Looking at the insect again, it was tossing and turning, as if it was in great pain.

  "Don't worry, hold on."

  The speaker was Old Feng, who also stood in front, and was calm.

  The rest of the people felt better when they saw him so confident.

  At least, they were not as scared as before.

  Sure enough, the insect slowly stopped moving.

  The man's pain gradually disappeared, replaced by numbness.

  Seeing that the time was almost up, the worm also disappeared, and the inside turned red.

  "Teacher, what should we do now?"

  Jiang Yuan still asked. He couldn't just stand there like this.

  If the blood didn't flow out for a long time, the man's legs would easily become necrotic.

  "It's okay, Ayuan, make an incision here and drain the contents out."

  He pointed to the location of the acne, probably referring to the red liquid.

  Doctor Luo didn't dare to delay and got busy.

  It only took two or three minutes to get everything done.

  "Okay, loosen it."

  The rope was untied, and the blood continued to circulate. The

  blood began to flow, and the changes were obvious. The man got better.

  "Okay, clean him up."

  Old Feng said calmly, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Teacher, it worked."

  Jiang Yuan was also very excited. Now it seems that this special medicine is effective.

  It can kill the worms directly inside the skin.

  However, the discomfort of this process is not something that ordinary people can accept.

  The worms are uncomfortable, so they naturally struggle.

  If it accidentally touches other places, it will be fatal.   

  Or, it got into the bone.

  Jiang Yuan thought that since the worm was relatively small, there would be no problem.

  But if the worm itself was relatively large, it would still be very dangerous. I'm afraid that this person would not be able to survive!

  Before she could raise any questions, Elder Feng asked another person to leave.

  Then, he told her about that incident.

  "This special medicine currently has disadvantages.

  The worms just found are fine, but if the color is a little red, it won't work.

  The chance of success is very small."

  Everyone was very happy just now, but after hearing this, everyone felt cold in their hearts.

  "Teacher, if that's the case, can we increase the dosage?"

  Jiang Yuan didn't know the specific ratio yet, so he could only raise his own questions.

  "It can be possible. A large dose can solve the worms, but it's not so easy for the human body to bear.

  This thing will have certain side effects more or less.

  We also found this problem in our experiment, but there is no way to solve it now."

  After Elder Feng said this, everyone was not calm.

  She said, how could a special medicine be developed in such a short time.

  "Teacher, that needs to be improved."

  "Brother, time is running out, we can only do this."

  He Lan also came over to help speak, and Jiang Yuan could only sigh.

  They didn't avoid people at all, they were just not afraid of everyone knowing.

  Sure enough, the next second, the leader here came over.

  "Mr. Feng, we still need to discuss this matter from the beginning."



  With that, the group went out.

  "You go back obediently, I'll go over and take a look."


  Since it is a matter between leaders, it is definitely not convenient for them, such small minions, to participate.

  If they don't want to go, then don't go. Anyway, Song Yi will tell her the result when he comes back.

  Otherwise, there is Jiang Yuan.

  "Doctor Luo, is there anything we can help you with?"

  "Clean up here, you've worked hard."

  "It's okay, you go back and have a rest."

  Jiang Yuan said, and asked his assistant to help the person over.

  There is nothing here, just some instruments and hygiene just now.

  In addition, it is disinfection.

  She and Ye Mianmian cleaned it up quickly.

  Then, locked the door and went back.

  "Sister Yuan, that special medicine doesn't seem to be particularly effective."

  "Yeah, it's not that easy."

  Jiang Yuan sighed. It is estimated that many people will not be able to sleep tonight.

  "If this is really the case, what about those people with serious conditions?

  They didn't want to cooperate before. With the special medicine, there was hope.

  But now there is nothing."

  "What can we do? We can't endanger the interests of everyone because of a few people!"

  After these words came out, Ye Mianmian covered her mouth unconsciously.

  "Oh my God, they won't take action against that group of people!"

  Seeing that Jiang Yuan didn't react, she was even more shocked.

  "No way, that's a human life, and everyone worked hard to save it.

  Sister Yuan, they are the people's soldiers!"

  Jiang Yuan sighed and looked at her helplessly.

  "Mianmian, now is different from the past. There are some things you have to understand.

  Everything cannot be thought of according to the inherent ideas.

  This group of people has endangered the interests of the majority, and action should be taken."

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 453 Two Choices

2024-04-19 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Ye Mianmian swallowed her saliva. Although she didn't want to admit it, it was the fact.

  "We are just the meat on the chopping board, and we can only be slaughtered by others."

  Jiang Yuan sighed. Since Ye Mianmian had this awareness, it proved that she was well trained by reality.

  "Well, don't be too sad.

  As long as you abide by the law and do everything according to others' requirements, there will be no problems."

  "It can only be like this."

  Jiang Yuan's statement was confirmed by Song Yi.

  However, it is not so cruel.

  The decision over there is still very humanitarian.

  Those with lighter cases and fewer acne on their bodies can still use those special medicines.

  However, most of these people have gone to the health center by themselves before.

  As for those with more serious cases, let them choose for themselves.

  It is okay to use medicine or directly remove the worms.

  "Doctor Luo will probably be busy for a while, so you don't have to go there these two days.

  Just stay at home, I'll go out and help."

  "Doctor Luo's body is also seriously overdrawn.

  Let him have a good rest, otherwise, it won't have any good effect."

  Jiang Yuan just talked to Song Yi. She would have expressed her own opinions before.

  Now she dare not have any opinions at all. Although this place is different from Changming Manor, when it comes to life and death, the approach is similar.

  She doesn't want to stand out, nor does she want to be too high-profile.

  Peace and safety are the most important.

  Now it's Song Yi, who has a special situation and has to report every day.

  If he can stay, then there will be no worries at all, and she won't worry at all.

  But this man is too outstanding, and his talents will be discovered wherever he goes.

  It can be regarded as a part of conveying news to them. In short, it's a blessing, not a curse, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided.

  She has no way to change anything, so she can only learn to accept it.

  "Well, we discussed this matter today.

  There are not many people left now.

  There are also those who are stubborn and unwilling to try.

  Now it is mandatory, and there is no room for negotiation.

  Dr. Luo's working hours are also quite clear, and it must not exceed eight hours.

  Moreover, the food should be better.

  If the nutrition is up to standard, it can be replenished after all, so don't worry."


  In fact, the leaders of the base are not stupid.

  Dr. Luo is the central figure of medical care. If he gets into trouble, any problems that arise later will be very troublesome!

  Therefore, it is necessary to ensure his health.

  "By the way, Song Yi, do you know who that old Feng is?"

  In fact, she wanted to ask He Lan.

  It's just that she was afraid that this person would be jealous, so she asked the big shot.

  "He is Jiang Yuan's teacher. I don't know the details. I'll ask him later."

  Song Yi didn't say much. He knew Jiang Yuan's character.

  Now a big shot has suddenly come. In the laboratory, he is definitely a top-notch existence.

  There is no harm in knowing more .

  "Well, it's nothing, you should go to bed early, I'll go back."

  "Wait a minute..."

  Song Yi said, and pulled her.

  "Now that we're done with business, do you want to comfort me?"

  Seeing his face full of anger, she had a bad feeling.

  "Stop, I still have to ask Ye Mianmian.

  Zhang Tiezhu is back too, what exactly is going on with their marriage?

  You can't delay me, you're so dishonest."   

  Song, who was given a cold look, didn't think it was a big deal.

  He pulled up her little hand, put it to his lips, and kissed it.

  "Then I'll go with you."


  Jiang Yuan forcibly pulled her hand back, not giving this guy any chance to take advantage of her.

  Next door, Ye Mianmian and Zhang Tiezhu were cutting paper.

  "Sister Yuan, Brother Song, you are here, come in quickly."

  "What are you doing?"

  "The red paper given by the logistics department asked us to cut some wedding characters and stick them on the wall, which looks festive!"

  Oh, they really put a lot of effort into it.

  "That's great, it really looks like a wedding now."

  As he said that, he picked up the red paper on the bed.

  Ye Mianmian was still a little embarrassed.

  "We don't know how to cut, so we drew it in advance, and then cut it with scissors."

  "Yeah, that's good, there are always more solutions than problems, I'll help you too.

  By the way, Tiezhu, when are your holidays?

  Have they agreed on it?

  What day is the wedding day?"

  Her series of words were all about concern.

  "The wedding day is the day after tomorrow, so we can prepare for the day tomorrow.

  I will be back tomorrow afternoon, and we can go to the logistics department to pick some things.

  By the way, Brother Song, Sister Yuan, we are going to move to the one-bedroom and one-living room in the front.

  It is also on our floor, but not next to each other.

  But don't worry, it's just a matter of walking a few more steps."

  "You are assigned a one-bedroom and one-living room, which is also good, and it is more spacious."

  This means that both of them have to give up their houses.

  It is not bad to change to a larger one.

  She had seen it before, and the one-bedroom and one-living room is better than their two-bedroom living room.

  It is bigger, and if there is a sofa or something, she can buy one.

  "Sister Yuan, if you are not busy tomorrow afternoon, accompany me to pick things!"

  "Okay, I don't have anything to do at the moment, just call me when you are done."

  "Well, that's great!"

  Ye Mianmian was also happy, and now she treated her as her own family.

  "This time, when Mianmian and I get married, we will hold it at the door of the restaurant.

  There will be a simple ceremony, and then we will eat directly in the restaurant."


  If you say so, the leader's arrangement is still very clear.

  "Very good, let's put it this way!

  By the way, who are the people you are going to invite for your wedding?"

  Hearing this, Zhang Tiezhu did not hide it.

  "They said that those we know and have a good relationship with can be invited.

  The rest are some people in the base, and I don't know much about them.

  Mianmian's marriage to me this time is regarded as a typical example by this side."

  His words were somewhat complaining.

  Jiang Yuan smiled faintly. People are pointing to this matter to make trouble. Who can do anything about it?

  It's all a matter of strength, just muddle through!

  "There is another thing. Our leader is expected to come to witness the wedding that day."

  After saying that, he glanced at Ye Mianmian embarrassedly.

  The other party snorted, obviously unhappy.

  "It's so annoying. I'm getting married by myself and I'm still subject to their restrictions. There is simply no place to complain.

  Originally, I wanted to leave the witness position to Sister Yuan.

  You know how important this is to me."

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 454: The Logistics Department Meets He Lan

2024-04-19 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Mianmian, don't forget what I told you during the day.

  Are you stupid if you're still saying this now?"

  Jiang Yuan said, and gave her a look.

  Ye Mianmian was still a little angry, always feeling that she couldn't make the decision on her marriage.

  At the beginning, she said that she didn't want a big wedding, but now she was completely framed. It

  was neither forward nor backward.

  "That's right, it didn't follow my ideas at all. I

  won't say anything else, but I can't agree to this."

  Hearing what she meant, Jiang Yuan could be considered to have tasted the meaning.

  "So, you still mentioned it to them?"


  Speaking of this, he was still a little embarrassed.

  "Sister Yuan, you won't be angry, will you?"

  Suddenly, he felt something was wrong.

  Jiang Yuan didn't like to put herself in the spotlight the most.

  "It's okay~"

  "I neglected it, let them do whatever they want, I won't say anything."

  It was indeed a little embarrassed, so she hurried to cut the wedding character.

  After a few words, the few people went back.

  The next day after lunch, Ye Mianmian came to find her and went to the logistics department to choose things together.

  "Sister Yuan, uncle, aunt~"

  Everyone greeted her, and she also called her father, mother and two children out.

  It's okay to be away from the space now, as long as you don't leave the room, you'll be safe.

  Jiang Yuan followed and went out, ready to go to the logistics department.

  Their one-bedroom and one-living room is on the left hand side of the stairs.

  The row they lived in before is on the right hand side, also very close.

  "We have just cleaned the sanitation, Sister Yuan, what do you think of the layout?"

  One bedroom and one living room, square, not particularly large, but more than enough for two people.

  "It's really good, this living room is not small, much better than ours.

  You two live here, it's the most suitable."

  She said this, and she really thought it was good.

  The three of them went to the logistics department together.

  There are a lot more things here than before.

  In addition to these, there are also people who have been sent out to collect them.

  Now the weather is much warmer, all within the acceptable range for the human body.

  There is no sitting here waiting to die. In addition to the planes, there are also many people who have formed a search and rescue team to go out to work.

  In addition to saving people, there are also some useful things that can be brought back to enrich the rear here.

  Of course, there is no need to worry too much.

  There are basically no survivors in the surrounding villages.

  Moreover, they are very far away from this base, and it is very difficult to go out.

  Therefore, it is understandable to take some things.

  If you meet a living person, it will be even better. Just bring the person here.

  Become a member of the base and enjoy the help of the base, the best of both worlds.

  Zhang Tiezhu showed the approval slip to the guard, and the three of them went in very smoothly.

  "Sister Yuan, look, there is a small sofa here.

  Isn't it nice to put it in our living room?"

  Ye Mianmian's eyes lit up. You know, they haven't sat on the sofa for a long time.

  That kind of soft feeling, but the bed can't give it.

  "Jiang Yuan?"

  A tentative voice sounded, and several people turned their heads to look over.

  There are several places here, with load-bearing walls in the middle, not the kind that are blocked.

  Gaps are left as passable places such as doorways.

  "It's Professor Jiang and his junior sister!"   

  Ye Mianmian whispered. Last time, she had a big doubt about this person knowing Jiang Yuan.

  As soon as she finished speaking, the two came over.

  "Yuanyuan, are you here to choose furniture?"

  "Yes, some things for Tiezhu and Mianmian's new home.

  They are living in a one-bedroom apartment now, so they can put a lot more."

  She did not hide it and chose to tell the truth.

  Jiang Yuan nodded to show that he understood.

  "That's good. That apartment is the most regular. Congratulations."

  "Thank you!"

  Ye Mianmian thanked politely.

  "Brother, where are you talking about? Can I live there?"

  He Lan was a little familiar. In front of so many people, she did not restrain herself and directly took his arm.

  "No, that's the living area. Our people are here.

  It's not very convenient for you to go there by yourself."

  Jiang Yuan said, and was about to pull his arm out.

  But the girl held it too tightly, so he could only shake his head helplessly.

  "Yuanyuan, don't get me wrong. My junior sister is just such a lively person."

  It would have been better if she didn't explain it. Once she explained it, she held it even tighter.

  "Hello, Sister Jiang Yuan. I'm He Lan.

  I was in a hurry last time and didn't have a good chat with you."

  Uh, why do I feel that there is a sour smell in the air?

  "It's okay. You were busy last time. I know everything."

  "I've known you for a long time. My senior brother has a photo of you. When he's free, he'll take it out and look at it."

  Speaking of this, Jiang Yuan was flustered for a moment .

  "What nonsense are you talking about? I just happened to see it, and then you saw it again.

  Yuanyuan, don't listen to her nonsense."

  Jiang Yuan smiled faintly and shook her head slightly.

  "What's wrong with seeing it? We are all good classmates."

  "That's great. My senior brother came to help me choose furniture today. If Sister Jiang Yuan is free, let's go together!" Does

  she look like she has a lot of free time?

  "Sorry, I still have to accompany my friend."

  An awkward but polite smile was given to the two people opposite.

  "Okay, stop making trouble. Hurry up and finish choosing. I have to go back."

  Jiang Yuan said, nodded to them, and went over.

  "Sister Yuan, why do I feel that He Lan seems to regard you as an imaginary enemy?"

  "Then she really found the wrong person, okay, let's continue!"

  Let alone, she already has Song Yi.

  Even if she doesn't, she won't have anything with Jiang Yuan.

  Although they haven't seen each other for many years, the two are too familiar with each other.

  Familiar to the point that there is no passion at all.

  If you say that they are relatives, then it is definitely possible. As for

  love, it is probably still a little short of the heat.

  "Sister Yuan, have you seen it? I always feel that Professor Jiang doesn't seem to be particularly interested in this junior sister!"

  Ye Mianmian wanted to ask more, but Jiang Yuan interrupted directly.

  "You, why do you think so much, go and pick out what you need.

  We have limited time, and we can't lack this or that."

  Well, okay, the three of them didn't talk about those irrelevant things, and began to carefully select items.

  The bed also needs to be re-selected, a bigger one, otherwise the two people can't sleep together.

  But there is no particularly big one now, 1.8 meters is the largest, just like the one in Jiang Yuan's house.

  "Sister Yuan, let's take this one.

  The bug problem isn't that serious right now. Look, there's a box underneath it, you can put some stuff in it!"

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 455: Bugs in the Quilt

2024-04-19 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Okay, as long as you like it."

  Ye Mianmian chose a box bed with hydraulics.

  It has thick pine boards on top and a painted headboard, which is also very easy to clean.

  In addition, she chose a wardrobe.

  It is a smaller one, probably made of plastic, and is specially made for children.

  In the current situation, the two of them don't have many clothes, so this is completely enough.

  There are so many drawers, and many small things can be stored. There is

  also a small sofa that I liked when I came in, and I also asked for it

  . By the way, I also asked for a low table that is not too big or too small, which can be used as a coffee table.

  There is nothing else.

  Zhang Tiezhu asked for a table before, and they are not going to return it.

  Add her own dressing table, which is also very important.

  A simple home is almost there.

  Daily necessities, etc., are also what I have.

  "Sister Yuan, you can also go to get a quilt. Let's go together later."


  It stands to reason that it is best to use this kind of thing yourself, but now I don't have it, so I can only find a slightly better one.

  After returning, I can just unpack and wash it.

  Several people went to the back, where they put their luggage.

  There were all kinds of things inside, probably in addition to the leftovers here, there were also things that were searched up from the bottom of the mountain.

  "You can take a look at the things here, take whatever you like."

  The administrator didn't have much patience, he brought the people over and left.

  "Okay, thank you."

  Several people were also very polite. Coincidentally, Jiang Yuan and He Lan also came over.

  "Yuanyuan, you guys are also choosing luggage!"


  "He Lan didn't bring any, I'll help her choose a set."


  Jiang Yuan didn't say much, for fear that this junior sister would have an opinion on her.

  "Sister Yuan, take a look at this red one, isn't it particularly suitable for us."

  If you're getting married, of course it is.

  And this one is also very big, it looks like a double luggage.

  Maybe it was something that the newlyweds had before.

  It's not bad for them to use.

  "Yeah, this one looks quite new."

  "You're getting married, it's a great thing.

  This one is really suitable, I like it all."

  Unexpectedly, this He Lan was so familiar and came over directly.

  Jiang Yuan didn't stop him, as if he didn't feel anything.

  Ye Mianmian smiled faintly, and was about to stretch the quilt open to see the specific size.

  In addition, there are two other quilts on top of this one.

  They are placed loosely, and they have to be taken down, or this one can be pulled out directly.

  "Wait a minute."

  Just when she was about to touch it, Jiang Yuan stretched out her hand to stop her.

  Ye Mianmian was a little confused, and turned her head to ask.

  "Sister Yuan, what's wrong?"

  "Mianmian, I seemed to see this quilt move just now."

  "The quilt moved?

  Sister Yuan, it's impossible."

  Zhang Tiezhu also came over, and there was really no reaction when he looked at the quilt!

  "It may also be that I am dazzled, I'm just afraid of mice."

  She said this, this kind of cotton stuff is the easiest to attract mice or something.

  Warm, willing to come and make a nest.

  "Haha, Sister Jiang Yuan, you think too much. It

  was so cold before, even if there were mice, they would have frozen to death.

  Don't make a fuss, it's really okay, I'll help you."

  As she said, He Lan was about to step forward.

  Ye Mianmian was embarrassed, so she followed and pulled it out.

  "Wait a minute~"   

  Jiang Yuan's voice was so loud that they both got startled, as did Zhang Tiezhu and Jiang Yuan.

  "Sister Yuan, what's wrong with you?"

  He Lan also looked at her helplessly, and gestured to Jiang Yuan, as if she was being unreasonable.

  "Be careful and you will survive. Tiezhu, I saw a clothes rack at the door just now, go get it."

  Seeing her so serious, the others also became nervous, except He Lan.

  "Okay, I'll go right away."

  Zhang Tiezhu ran over directly.

  "Sister Jiang Yuan, are you a little bit paranoid?

  Besides, even if there is, what can a mouse do?"

  "He Lan, please speak properly, you are rude."

  Jiang Yuan couldn't bear to hear her talking about Jiang Yuan, so he scolded her directly.

  "Brother, I'm just telling the truth, don't you let me talk!"

  As she said that, she pouted, obviously a little angry.

  Jiang Yuan could see it completely, this person was definitely interested in Jiang Yuan.

  It is estimated that Jiang Yuan didn't think about it that way, or there were other reasons, anyway, it was not to the point of being a matter of course.

  "Sister Yuan, the clothes rod."

  Zhang Tiezhu came back, so she didn't look at the two people.

  She took it directly and prepared to poke the two quilts on top.

  "I'll do it!"

  Before she started, Zhang Tiezhu actually picked it up and threw it aside.

  She didn't have time to stop him.

  "It's okay, even if there are mice, I'm not afraid."

  The other party was still smiling, and it seemed that there was really no problem.

  Jiang Yuan didn't care anymore, and took the clothes rod and started to pull the red quilt on the bed.

  This thing has a fork in the front.

  There is also a small hook next to it, which is just right.

  "It does seem to move inside, Yuanyuan, let me do it."

  Jiang Yuan didn't dare to delay, and directly took the clothes rod from her hand.

  The man was strong and opened it up in an instant.

  At this moment, everyone's scalp was numb.

  It's no wonder that Jiang Yuan said that, there were insects all over it!

  Various colors of red, because the background is a red bed sheet, it is not particularly obvious.

  But the feeling of crawling makes people nauseous.

  "Hurry, get out quickly."

  However, it was too late.

  Those bugs actually started to fall down with a crackling sound.

  This was a deadly thing, and several people quickly jumped back.

  Jiang Yuan took out the lighter behind her, aimed at the bugs coming over from the ground, and sprayed them.

  The bugs soon exploded, and then emitted a foul smell.

  "Jiang Yuan, no, this side has to be burned directly.

  However, these things will definitely not be saved."

  If it were her own, she would have made a quick decision long ago.

  But the things inside were public property, and she couldn't make the decision.

  Moreover, there were too many things.

  She didn't want to make trouble for herself.

  "Burn them all, and I will take responsibility for any problems."


  Since he said so, Jiang Yuan didn't hesitate. She

  fired directly at the quilt next to her. They were all flammable and caught fire instantly.

  "Yuanyuan, back."

  Jiang Yuan shouted, and Zhang Tiezhu was also next to him, doing a protective state.

  Ye Mianmian had already run out to call for help. He Lan next to him had never seen such a scene before, and was instantly terrified.

  They set fire while retreating, fearing danger.

  "He Lan, come here!"

  Jiang Yuan walked out and found that this person had not come over yet, and he immediately became anxious.

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 456: Junior Sister's Thoughts

2024-04-19 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Fortunately, it was not far away, so she ran over and pulled the person out.

  "Brother, it's so scary."

  This person must have been scared silly, and he only reacted now.

  "Jiang Yuan~"

  Song Yi's voice was very loud. He ran over.

  The people who came with him were left behind.

  Seeing that she was safe, he went over and picked her up.

  "Song Yi, it's okay, let's leave here quickly."


  Now is not the time to talk. There are so many bugs in this.

  The rest of the quilts were not all opened, and I don't know what is inside.

  If there are still bugs, it would be too dangerous.

  The explosions inside were still coming one after another.

  I don't know if it was the sound of bugs exploding or sparks exploding.

  She didn't dare to think too much, fortunately, the person was fine.

  At this moment, the guard also ran over, with a look of grief on his face.

  "It's over, it's all over, you really deserve to die!"

  As he said, he actually came towards Jiang Yuan.

  Song Yi was right next to him, and he kicked him directly, and the person flew out.

  It happened that Captain Xie and others also came over. "What are   you


  The old guard was controlled, and Song Yi walked over with a fierce look. "What do you want to do?"   As he said that, he pulled up his collar.   Because his two hands were held by the people next to him, he couldn't move.   The man stiffened his neck, looking fearless.   "You actually set fire here and burned so many things.   How can I explain it? You must be responsible today."   He roared at the end.   "Are you because of these things?"   Captain Xie was also suspicious, always feeling that things were not that simple.   "Otherwise, these warehouses are connected.   If the quilts inside are burned, the furniture next to them will also suffer.   They are all destroyed by this woman, you have to be responsible."   As he said, he began to roar at Jiang Yuan again.   Song Yi gave him a slap in the face, and his teeth were knocked out.   "Shut up, there are bugs inside, and you didn't even notice it. What are you doing   ? It's too late to act seriously and responsibly now?"   Jiang Yuan said nothing, and went straight forward and pulled Song Yi over.   The most urgent thing is not to talk quickly.   Although this person's actions were extreme, his words were correct.   "Song Yi, clean up the things at the joints first."   "Yes!"   He said hello to Captain Xie, and someone came over immediately.   Not only do we have to watch the fire inside, but we also have to save the outside.   As long as the things in the middle are cleaned up, there will be no problem. If   the burning materials are gone, the expansion can be stopped.   Fortunately, there are more people here, and it was done in no time.   "Take this person over for interrogation."   Song Yi muttered quietly beside Captain Xie.   The other party was also a little surprised: "You mean, something is wrong?"   "Yes!"   At this moment, everyone came out and was on the flat ground outside.   Jiang Yuan also felt a little puzzled, so she went to Ye Mianmian.   "Mianmian, did you run into this person when you went out?"   "Are you talking about the old guard?"   "Yes, that's him."   "No, I didn't see him. Could he be slacking off?   So he was so excited when he saw the fire?"   Ye Mianmian's analysis was not unreasonable.   However, Jiang Yuan felt that his desperate attitude just now did not seem like the fear caused by dereliction of duty.   "I don't know, I hope so!"   

  As soon as she finished speaking, He Lan came over.

  She seemed to be frightened, and her situation was not much better now.

  "Sister Jiang Yuan, who was that person just now?"


  "Are you talking about Song Yi?"

  "Yes, I saw him hug you."

  The girl looked at her expectantly, as if she had discovered some earth-shattering secret.

  "That's my boyfriend. Do you have something to do with him?"

  "No, no~"

  He Lan waved her hands quickly. Sure enough, when she heard this, her eyes lit up.

  "I just asked, you have a good relationship, why is he so nervous about you."

  "Yes, we have a good relationship, and there will be no third party involved, so you can rest assured!"


  The other party was obviously touched by someone else's thoughts and was a little flustered.

  "Sister Jiang Yuan, did you see it?"

  Ye Mianmian next to her couldn't listen anymore. This person is really spoiled.

  "You are so obvious, it's hard not to see it!"

  Hearing this, He Lan lowered her head shyly.

  "I have always liked my senior brother, but he seems to like someone else."


  This is interesting!

  "So, you think that person is me?"

  "Well, I saw him peeking at the photo of you two.

  I snatched it away at the time, and he was very angry."

  A photo?

  Maybe it was taken when we were in high school, when we were about to graduate, and everyone took it together!

  At that time, many people wanted to keep a souvenir.

  As for her and Jiang Yuan having a photo together, it was normal.

  The two had been deskmates for three years and had a good relationship.

  However, she didn't remember any photos.

  "That doesn't mean he likes me. When people get older, they like nostalgia. Do you understand this?"

  At this moment, it was He Lan's turn to be confused. "

  If you like him, go and tell him.

  There is nothing between us. As for whether he likes you or not, I don't know."

  Apart from anything else, she knew Jiang Yuan very well. He

  obviously knew what he wanted and would not change because of other factors.

  He might like Jiang Yuan, but she is now in a relationship with Song Yi, and this person will definitely not act like a demon.

  Moreover, he would not choose He Lan because of this.

  He must be with someone because he likes him.

  As for whether he likes this junior sister or not, she has no idea. She

  has never heard him mention this person.

  "Do you really not like him?"

  He Lan did not give up and asked again.

  "Come on, my sister Yuan has made it so clear, why are you still hesitating?

  Hurry up and go!"

  Ye Mianmian did not want to talk to her any more. She always felt that this person was like a child who had not grown up and spoke without thinking.

  If she had not been brought here by Old Feng, she would really want to scold her.

  "Sister Yuan, let's go back too."


  Seeing that they were going over, Song Yi asked Captain Xie for a few people.

  He helped to send back the things that Zhang Tiezhu and Ye Mianmian had chosen.

  There was no quilt this time, so they left the previous bedding behind.

  "Yuanyuan, I want to interrogate that guard later."

  Song Yi held her hand, and was also a little scared.

  When Ye Mianmian came to report the news, his heart almost jumped out.

  "Do you think there's something wrong with him?"

  "Yeah, his reaction is too big, I always feel it's not normal."

  "Well, then ask.

  Apart from anything else, those bugs are inside the quilt and can come out at any time.

  He usually works next to them and he's not afraid."

  (End of this chapter)

   Chapter 457 People of Yueban Lake

  Song Yi deeply agreed with this. Jiang Yuan's idea coincided with his.

  "Yeah, if he doesn't know, it's fine.

  If he knows, it would be too dangerous.

  I always have a bad premonition. Do you believe it?"

  "I believe it. Let's do this. I'll go with you."

  Song Yi did not refuse. Jiang Yuan wanted a peaceful and prosperous world more than anyone else.

  He knew this himself.

  "Okay, let's go now."

  "Okay, then wait a minute, I'll go tell Mianmian."

  The furniture has been delivered here, and Zhang Tiezhu and Ye Mianmian packed it up.

  In addition, there are not many things in the house, so there is no problem of too much help.

  "Sister Yuan, I'll accompany you!"

  "No need, you and Tiezhu pack it up together, I'll go over and take a look and come back."

  Anyway, with Song Yi accompanying her, she is not too worried.

  "Okay, you must be careful."


  The two went directly to the territory of Captain Xie. They have a separate place here.

  In addition to living there, they also work here.

  It was the first time for Jiang Yuan to come here, but Song Yi was familiar with it.

  This was a place similar to an interrogation room. Captain Xie was sitting on a chair, listening to his men asking him questions.

  "Song Yi, you guys come over, bring two chairs."

  Obviously, he also knew their purpose.

  "How is it, is there any progress?"

  "She is very stubborn, insisting that she is afraid of being punished, so she wants to teach Jiang Yuan a lesson."

  "Let me do it!"


  Song Yi said, and walked to the front.

  "Oh, didn't I tell you that it was this female comrade who burned the warehouse, and now I am the only one on duty here.

  If the higher-ups blame me, I can't bear it. So many things are gone.

  What if someone else comes later? We can't let everyone freeze."

  This man said it sincerely, as if it was really the case.

  But Song Yi could clearly feel that his eyes were a little erratic.

  Even if he tried his best to cover it up, he still caught it.

  "Yuanyuan, you go out first."


  She was asked to go out right after she came in, and she still had to interrogate the prisoner.

  "The scene later may not be suitable for you to watch. Let's go quickly and be obedient."


  Could Song Yi be...

  "Okay, know your limits."

  Jiang Yuan said, and went out directly.

  The current situation is special, and those benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness are long gone.

  This person is alive, just like an ant.

  At least, they are still okay, and will not bully others for no reason.

  Jiang Yuan stood at the door. The sky has been clear for several days.

  There are no puddles on the road, and the temperature has risen sharply in the past two days.

  It can be seen that there is really a breath of spring. Counting

  the days, it should be the end of August now.

  The problem occurred in October last year, and it has been almost a year now.

  After going through so much, it is not over yet. I really don't know when it will end!

  Thinking of this, I heard the wailing inside.

  Song Yi, indeed has means.

  I always felt that this person was dangerous before, but everyone still cooperated together.

  Later, the two people developed feelings and were less vigilant.

  About twenty minutes later, someone came to call her.

  "Comrade Jiang Yuan, our battalion commander wants you to come in."   


  As soon as she arrived at the gate, she saw Song Yi wiping his hands, and the man was already dying.

  My goodness, this method is really awesome.

  She sighed secretly and didn't say much.

  Looking back, she still had to ask about these methods of prying people open.

  "Yuanyuan, come and sit down!"

  Song Yi was still greeting her as if nothing had happened.


  She was sitting in the back, side by side with Captain Xie, and in front of her was Song Yi.

  He felt completely different from usual, with some solemnity on him.

  "Tell me, what's going on?"

  In other words, he did ask something, but he was just waiting for her.

  This kind of respect must be given by Song Yi.

  The man slowly raised his head, with a smile on his lips. He

  was already in a rather embarrassed state, and now he looked particularly evil.

  "Song Yi, don't you remember me?"

  This question confused him.

  "So, who are you, just get to the point."

  The man opposite saw his indifferent expression and laughed out loud.

  "Master Teng is right. You are not a kind person."

  What the hell?

  Master Teng!

  This time, Song Yi also became interested. Maybe they are old acquaintances!

  "Are you from Yueban Lake?"

  "Yes, you really want to know our secrets, right?

  Then beg me, hahaha~"

  Song Yi looked at his crazy look and was very patient.

  He took out the dagger from his hand, and the man exuded a confident light.

  "You have to understand that you are begging me now.

  If I am in a good mood, I can let you go.

  As for your secrets, not everyone is interested."

  The man looked at his expression with disbelief.

  "I don't believe it. How can you not be curious at all?"

  "What's the use of curiosity? What kind of world is it now? I only care about whether I can survive. Do you understand?"

  As soon as these words came out, the other party immediately became a deflated ball.

  "Okay, it seems that I am still troubled."

  "Then quickly explain and strive for leniency."

  Captain Xie slammed the table with great momentum.

  "Okay, then I'll tell you, everyone won't live long anyway.

  Die with a clear mind, and don't thank me too much, hahaha~"

  Hearing him say this, Jiang Yuan's heart began to beat.

  There are many secrets over there, what does it mean now?

  "We were born in Yueban Lake to protect the insect mother, and there were more people at the beginning.

  Later, some of them began to leave the mountain, which led to the defeat of the village."

  No wonder there are so many empty houses in such a large place.

  It makes sense to say this now.

  "Let's talk about the point. The insect mother you are protecting is not that big insect.

  Why are you still alive when everyone else is dead?"

  Song Yi kept staring at him, not missing any of his micro-expressions.

  "Yes, everyone is gone, and I am the only one left.

  When I arrived, the village had been razed to the ground, and no one survived.

  That earthquake was the end."

  He said to himself, but Jiang Yuan was even more confused.

  What does this mean?

  He knew Song Yi, which proved that he had seen them go to the village.

  It was only two days before the earthquake.

  This person left during this process. What happened?

   Chapter 458 The Guardian of the Insect Mother

  "At that time, the second master was very smart and knew that there was a group of people in the cave, so he asked a few of us to go over and take a look.

  But the weather was too cold, so we hid in the Concubine Mausoleum.

  It was because of this that we escaped."

  "Concubine Mausoleum?"

  Captain Xie asked a question, and Song Yi answered his doubts directly.

  "There is a mausoleum here. We only know that it is a concubine of the Tang Dynasty .

  In the early stage, they wanted to develop it into a scenic spot, but later for some reason, all stopped.

  However, some places have been cleared out."

  According to Dong Dali, they hid in the corridor of the Concubine Mausoleum.

  Although it is difficult to understand, the wisdom of the ancients is not something that people today can imagine.

  There was also an earthquake there, but the mausoleum was safe and did not collapse.

  "After it stabilized, we went back and found that there was nothing there.

  The people in the village were gone.

  We even heard the sound from the ground.

  It's so scary~"

  Dong Dali seemed to have thought of something terrible, and his eyes were full of fear.

  Jiang Yuan also recalled the sounds from underground, and the blood coming out of the cracks when they dug the ground.

  It was really scary.

  Dong Dali went back, of course, to find someone. He couldn't just stand by and watch after hearing the noise.

  So, it was estimated that this group of people had also experienced what they had experienced.

  "Then how did you get here, and where did your companions go?"

  Song Yi was still able to grasp the key points and asked the key questions at once.

  "Dead, all dead, I was found by the rescuers, and came here."

  It was reasonable to say so.

  "What about the bugs? Tell me quickly."

  "Bugs, they are the children of the worm mother.

  If everyone is gone, they can replace the entire society."

  Could it be that the next era is the worms?

  This is too ridiculous!

  "What do you know? The worm mother is very powerful, and the worms will be everywhere."

  Captain Xie frowned tightly after hearing this.

  "Then you may have made a wrong calculation. The so-called worm mother is nothing more than the big worms between those trees."

  Jiang Yuan said it in one sentence, and Dong Dali was a little broken.

  "How did you know? What did you do to the worm mother?"

  Obviously, this matter was well sealed, and many people didn't know about it.

  Among them, this former Yuebanhu villager.

  "It's dead, it's just a big worm.

  It's not as godly as you say, and the whole village is guarding it. It's really foolish."

  Jiang Yuan said this deliberately, and Dong Dali was really irritated.

  He struggled to get up from the chair, with a ferocious face.

  "You know shit!

  The worm mother is a god, living for hundreds of years, and you, a woman, still want to blaspheme~


  Before he finished speaking, Song Yi slapped him in the face.

  "You dare to scold my woman, you're looking for death!"

  Damn, that was so handsome!

  However, she didn't want to watch it, it felt a little bloody.

  This person can't find his position now, Song Yi is a sensible person.

  When the time comes, he and Captain Xie will play the good cop and the bad cop, and then ask the question.

  She is useless here, so it's a good time to go back to see Ye Mianmian.

  The new house over there has been almost cleaned up.

  Zhang Tiezhu and the other person were being very affectionate, so she didn't bother them any more.   

  When they got home, they took a rest. It was getting late and they were a little hungry.

  After dinner, Song Yi came back.

  He came over to call her, and Jiang Yuan didn't avoid him. She directly brought him a box of self-heating rice. It had been

  a long time since they had eaten, so Song Yi didn't hesitate.

  In addition, he brought him a can of Sprite.

  After eating and drinking, they started to talk about business.

  "What's going on? Have you found out?"

  "Well, this person is indeed from Yueban Lake. We should have seen him when we went there, but there were too many people at the time and we didn't pay attention.

  We were thinking about the problem of the lake, so we didn't pay much attention to it."

  "What about the worms? What's going on?"

  Song Yi sat opposite Jiang Yuan. When he talked about business, his face was serious.

  "In fact, he doesn't know much. He

  only knows that there is a worm mother over there, and everyone has to devote their lives to the worm mother.

  Even if they die, they will be eaten by the worm mother."

  Jiang Yuan sighed, so what the old lady said before was true.

  "It's terrible. Zhang Tiezhu was lucky to have escaped."

  "Yes, that's true. I don't know if the worm queen was sleeping or didn't like his smell."

  Song Yi analyzed, but he was not sure.

  Who can guess the mind of a worm?

  "What about the worm now? Is it it?"

  "Yes, he brought the eggs here.

  At first, they were in a dormant state. Later, when it got warmer, they began to grow and hatch.

  Do you remember that big sister? She was the first one to be infected with worms."

  Jiang Yuan nodded quickly. She remembered that person, but she didn't know it was the worms at that time.

  "She was one of the earliest victims because she worked in the boiler room, where the temperature was much higher than outside."

  Song Yi analyzed with her. This was also after that person confessed, and a series of things were connected.

  "What about the worms in the warehouse? He did it on purpose."

  "Yes, he said he wanted to raise worms, so it became what it is now.

  There are fewer people going there, so he naturally has time and space."

  Jiang Yuan nodded, so he rushed over to her just now, not because he burned the quilt, but because of the worms.

  He really wanted to beat her to death!

  "But, didn't we say it before?

  Could the pimples on everyone's body be related to the previous rain?

  Why is it related to this person now? And, this doesn't make sense!"

  Song Yi held her hand, not showing it on his face.

  "Yuanyuan, what do you think?"

  "I just feel something is wrong. That insect mother is here.

  But now the insect plague is widespread. The other bases also have this problem!

  If you say that it's all the work of the insect mother, it's definitely unrealistic."

  Song Yi looked at her serious expression and smiled indulgently.

  "That's true, so I think that rain is probably related.

  Dong Dali doesn't know the specific reason either.

  We are crossing the river by feeling the stones now."

  "Alas, I thought there was a breakthrough, but it turned out to be a dead end.

  That Dong Dali is really amazing. He raised those insects and wanted to put everyone's safety at risk."

  Speaking of which,

  he is also shameless. "Yuanyuan, don't worry.

  This person was just a small follower in Yueban Lake before.

  Most of the secrets are only known by Master Teng Er."

   Chapter 459 Ye Mianmian gets married

  "Alas, what a pity, the person is gone."

  She sighed, really not knowing how many secrets there are over there.

  However, there is no one in Yueban Lake now, and everything is unknown.

  "Yuanyuan, don't think too much.

  It will be fine after a long time. Let's just let nature take its course.

  Tomorrow Zhang Tiezhu and Ye Mianmian will get married, and I'm anxious."

  As he said that, he looked at her with a wronged face, like a bullied little wife.

  "Comrade Song Yi, the revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard!"

  As he said that, he wanted to leave.

  But he was pulled by the man and held in his arms.

  "How hard do you need to work, like this?"

  Then, he kissed her directly.

  This person seemed to have tasted the sweetness.

  The first time he kissed, he couldn't stop.

  Every time I see her, I feel like I can't help but get closer.

  This kiss is long and sweet.

  When they separated, I still felt unsatisfied.

  "Yuanyuan, I really want to be with you~"

  "Aren't you with me now!"

  "You know, that's not what I said."

  Jiang Yuan stretched out her hands and held his face.

  "Comrade Song Yi, your thoughts are very dangerous."

  "I'm happy with it."

  Then, he came close to her sweetly.

  Jiang Yuan was also a little speechless. She was so old.

  She was also at the age of falling in love for the first time. She didn't have any illusions about love.

  How could she still be immersed in the gentleness of this man?

  To be honest, he was different from Xia Chaoyang.

  Not only did he have a good personality and a good temperament, but he was also devoted to her.

  Moreover, at such an old age, he had never been in a relationship.

  It was rare for a person with a blank slate.

  Suddenly thinking of something, she was worried and shocked.

  "What's wrong?"

  The man was a little unhappy about the sudden end.

  "Song Yi, it was when you were in the army before.

  I heard that the army was full of men. How did you, how did you solve your physiological needs?"

  She was embarrassed at first, but she felt that it was nothing, so she just asked.

  What a shame to be so shy.

  "Anyway, it's not what you think." He

  was about to kiss her again, but Jiang Yuan turned her head nimbly.

  "What was it like?"

  Seeing that she was not giving in, the man instantly became interested.

  "Do you want to know so much?

  Then I'll tell you!"

  A warm breath came from her ear, and the man held her hand.

  Jiang Yuan's alarm bells instantly rang, and she quickly took a step back and broke free from his restraints.

  "I'm not interested, I don't want to know, go to bed early, bye!"

  After saying that, he rushed out of the door.

  Oh my god, they say beautiful women are dangerous, and this man is not safe either!


  When closing the door, I heard the other party sigh.

  After sorting out my mood, I returned to my home.

  Dad, Mom and two children were out today, and they were very happy to see her back.

  "Yuanyuan, what did Xiao Song say to you?"

  "Nothing, it's about the interrogation.

  By the way, Mom and Dad, Ye Mianmian and Zhang Tiezhu are getting married tomorrow, let's go there early to help.

  Let's go to bed early today!"   

  "Okay, that's what I mean. That kid saved Xiao Nuan before, so he can be considered a lifesaver. We must help!"

  Both my parents are simple people. They have always been grateful to Ye Mianmian.

  This is now. If it were in the past, they would definitely give a big red envelope.

  It's not convenient to take out the things in the space, so I can only help.

  The next morning, the two children were also packed up neatly and went to the next door.

  Zhang Tiezhu and Ye Mianmian were ready.

  Because the situation did not allow it, many links were omitted.

  Everyone went directly to the entrance of the restaurant, held the ceremony, and then had dinner.

  "Mianmian, there are quite a lot of people today. Are you excited?"

  I don't know where the red clothes came from, it looks quite festive.

  "What's exciting? I still think it's a bit troublesome.

  Sister Yuan, can you help me see how this makeup looks?"

  "Even a beauty like our Mianmian can be more beautiful without makeup."

  She was telling the truth. She was a great beauty.

  "Sister Yuan, don't make fun of me. You and Brother Song, don't you have to hurry up?"

  Uh, why do you suddenly ask this.

  Song Yi was still nearby and heard it.

  "I thought she didn't want to make me a regular employee!"

  He said with a look of distress.

  "Sister Yuan, look how nice Brother Song is, don't miss him."

  "Okay, okay, today is your good day, let's not talk about that, let's hurry up!"

  Zhang Tiezhu happened to come, also wearing red.

  When he saw Ye Mianmian, he was stunned.

  It was his colleague next to him who confronted him, and then he came back to his senses.

  "Mianmian, you are so beautiful today."

  Not only did she not make herself ugly, she also put on makeup, which was naturally different from the same day.

  "Okay, okay, the time is up, let's go quickly.

  Tiezhu, don't worry, there are things to see behind."

  Qin Yue also had a happy face and urged.

  "Mianmian, let's go~"

  Zhang Tiezhu carefully pulled people up, as if he was looking at a rare treasure.

  The two walked out slowly, and everyone became the background.

  Ye Mianmian combed a beautiful hairstyle for herself and put on the hairpin she gave her.

  The whole person looked bright and moving.

  The two of them arrived at the entrance of the restaurant under the witness of everyone.

  There were many chairs here, and a special host came over to say some festive words.

  It was just to make things better later and suppress the bug issue.

  When the two of them went up, their leader came over to speak.

  It was full of blessings.

  "Yuanyuan, why are you crying?"

  Song Yi was a little at a loss, and clumsily wiped her tears.

  "Nothing, I just think this scene is a little touching."

  Although he said that he didn't have much hope for marriage, he couldn't help but envy others when he saw them getting married.

  Maybe, human nature is like this.

  "In the future, we will be happier, don't worry!"

  Song Yi gave her a smile, which was also a promise.

  The wedding over there was almost over, and everyone was called to the restaurant for dinner.

  There was actually a meat dish today. Although it was luncheon meat, it was also very tempting.

  This was a good thing that I hadn't eaten for a long time.

  When it was lively, there was a sudden sound outside. The noise

  was quite loud, and everyone was a little confused.

  What kind of moth is this on this happy day?

  "I'll go over and take a look. Let's continue."

  It was Captain Xie who spoke, and a lot of people followed him out, all from the guards.

  "It's okay. Let's continue. Don't ruin the good mood!"

  Chapter 460 Magical Fragrance

  The leaders have spoken, and it really feels better.

  "Don't worry, eat quickly!"

  Song Yi also comforted her. In fact, she was not worried about anything.

  Ye Mianmian followed Zhang Tiezhu to toast. It was said to be a toast, but it was actually water.

  There is no way, the conditions are limited.

  "Sister Yuan, Brother Song, uncle, aunt, thank you for taking care of me all the time. Everything is self-evident. Tiezhu and I toast to you."

  "Good child, you will have your own home in the future, and you must live a good life."

  The speaker was Qin Yue, who also watched Ye Mianmian grow up.

  Everyone has experienced too many things together, life and death, and the feelings are naturally different.

  "Mianmian, I wish you and Tiezhu all the best in the future."

  Jiang Yuan was also very emotional. They were getting married.

  From now on, the responsibility of protecting Ye Mianmian will be handed over to Zhang Tiezhu.

  She naturally helped, but it was not the main thing.

  Without further delay, they had to go to other tables, so they quickly finished. It

  's not the time to talk, there are still many days to come.

  After everyone finished eating, they sent the two newlyweds back.

  There was nothing else to do, the wedding was over.

  "Yuanyuan, let's go over and take a look, and then go back later."

  Song Yi held her hand, and she understood instantly.

  "Okay, Mom, you go back with Mianmian and the others, I'm going out for a while."

  "Okay, remember to be careful.

  Xiao Song, you keep an eye on Yuanyuan."

  "Auntie, don't worry, I will definitely protect her."

  Qin Yue was already used to Jiang Yuan being outside, and even if she tried to stop her, she couldn't.

  Moreover, with Song Yi by her side, she could feel a lot more at ease.

  The two of them arrived at the door and happened to meet the guards, so they went over to take a look.

  Behind the base, near the mountain, there was a landslide.

  It was a big piece, and the whole thing sank.

  It looked very strange, as if the bottom was hollowed out and the surface couldn't bear the weight.

  "What's going on?"

  "I don't know, look at such a large area, it's all sunken."

  Captain Xie said, pointing to the surroundings.

  It was indeed not small, probably about 50 square meters.

  "Check it carefully. How could it suddenly sink? Is there any problem?"


  Captain Xie sighed. Now everyone is afraid of enemies.

  There is no way!

  The counterattack of nature makes it impossible for humans to stand.

  "By the way, Dong Dali has confessed. Let's go to the office to talk."


  It is estimated that there is nothing wrong here, otherwise they would not take it so lightly.

  Moreover, it did not happen at the base, and there were no casualties.

  Captain Xie left people behind and asked someone to call Jiang Yuan and others to come and see.

  Jiang Yuan was also very anxious. Dong Dali was the only one left in Yueban Lake.

  There are too many secrets over there, and it also involves the problem of insects.

  If he can confess everything, it would be a good thing.

  When they arrived at the office, Captain Xie did not seem to be in a hurry.

  He poured hot water for the two of them, and then handed a document to Song Yi.

  It should be his confession. Logically, this should not be circulated.

  It is estimated that it is only Song Yi who values ​​him and is also capable, so he made an exception.

  "Dong Dali said that he did that on purpose.

  They have a scent that attracts all the insects around.

  No matter the size or maturity, all are welcome.   

  That's why he can raise so many at one time."

  At this point, Jiang Yuan was extremely surprised.

  "You mean, those bugs will come from other places and seek refuge with him.

  But won't those bugs hurt him?

  They live together day and night, and they probably need to be provided with nutrient solution or something. How can it be that simple?"

  "Yes, those bugs should not hurt him.

  As for why, I don't quite know, and he didn't say."

  Song Yi had been listening beside him, and his brows relaxed at this moment.

  "Keep asking, if this problem is solved, then there will be an effective way to avoid bugs."

  Hearing this, Captain Xie stood up instantly.

  "Yes, you are absolutely right.

  If everyone is like Dong Dali, they will not be attacked by bugs, and can even live in peace. Then

  the danger of bugs will be zero."

  "That's the truth, don't make it public, continue the interrogation. "

  "Okay, someone come~"

  Captain Xie did not go in person, but instead gave instructions.

  He was responsible for the entire base's problems, security and so on.

  It was naturally impossible for him to do everything himself, and he did not have so much time and energy.

  "By the way, someone should be sent to keep an eye on the depression at the back."

  Hearing what he said, the other party also took it seriously.

  "Brother Song, is there anything to say?"

  "You should have heard that a thousand-mile dam is breached by an ant hole."

  "What do you mean?"

  After saying that, he became nervous unconsciously.

  "Just in case!"

  Jiang Yuan guessed it without explanation.

  It's nothing more than being afraid of insects. If there are too many insects underneath, it is very likely to cause this situation. In

  this case, it would be a disaster for them.

  Especially in the absence of any defense, it would be too terrifying.

  Now, we can only keep an eye on it and report the news in time.

  "By the way, is there any incense that Dong Dali mentioned?"

  "Yes, there are quite a few, all in his dormitory. "

  Hearing this, Jiang Yuan nodded.

  "I have an idea, can you listen to it?

  If this thing is really so magical, can we requisition it?

  Attract all the insects around to one place, and then catch them all

  in one fell swoop." The method she said can be used to clean up a certain area.

  "Maybe, it really is a way.

  If the insects in various places are the same, does that mean that this thing can be used everywhere?"

  Captain Xie raised his own question, and Song Yi also thought it made sense.

  "Also, the previous acne and insects were all related to the heavy rain.

  This concentrated outbreak also occurred after the rain. Is it this insect or is it related to it?"

  After she said this, the other two people also began to think about it.

  "The previous heavy rain was very heavy, and it was a rainstorm. The

  one two days ago was much milder, like spring rain, drizzling.

  If they are all related, it rained for a month or two last year. "

  Hearing this, Jiang Yuan shook her head.

  "Maybe it's not the same. Think about it, there was a sudden downpour, so heavy.

  There was also wind. The insect eggs shouldn't have much weight. I

  still have to ask Dong Dali about this matter to see if he knows anything!"
