
231. Chapter 231 Revealing the Secret2024-01-06 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Jiang Yuan's eyes sparkled, and she suddenly got an inspiration.

  Seeing her energetic look, Song Yi was in a good mood.

  "You said..."

  "You see, since they don't know, they must look for it.

  Apart from anything else, the family they attacked is definitely their first suspect."

  "Well, you are right, continue..."

  Song Yi made a "please" gesture, giving her absolute respect.

  "They may not know, but we can let them know.

  However, the process should be more subtle.

  If it doesn't work, let Fan Qing go over and find fault."

  She also briefly told Song Yi about the things between the two of them.

  Of course, she only picked out the essence, and the rest of the mess was correct.

  At this moment, several people downstairs also came up.

  Xiaoling took Jingjing to 2101 to teach the two children, and the rest came to him to discuss countermeasures.

  Jiang Yuan's eyes lit up when she saw Fan Qing.

  Fan Yao's affairs were directly exposed by her.

  "It's really a fate that you won't die. You're definitely a scourge for thousands of years..."

  "Qingqing, don't be angry. We were busy going downstairs yesterday, so we didn't continue to talk about your affairs."

  "Sister Yuan, there's no need to say anything. I thought a lot when I went back. It was definitely Fan Yao who plotted against me."

  She did think a lot when she went back, and everything pointed to her cousin as the culprit.

  Their family really suffered, and their parents didn't have a good day.

  Being stared at and sucked blood by this group of people every day was simply infuriating.

  "If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have gone so far to go to college, let alone stay here.

  The situation is so bad now, and I don't know what happened to my parents. All this is because of her.

  I'm so angry. I wish I could tear her down immediately."

  Okay, that's what I want to say.

  The emotions have been set off to this point. If there is no expression, it would be too sorry to the society.

  "Qingqing, if you want, go down and seek revenge on her."

  Fan Qing was confused and didn't know what this operation was.

  "Sister Yuan, what do you mean?"

  "It's very simple. 1202 set us up. Fan Yao couldn't have been unaware of it .

  We did our best for her. We not only brought her back from the rescue center, but also gave her a house to live in, and even provided her with food at the beginning.

  However, she followed that group of people here to repay kindness with enmity.

  So, we can deal with her."


  Fan Qing's anger was aroused again after saying this.

  "She is the most heartless person. I am also avenging myself. Besides, Lao Wu is dead, and they will not have a good life.

  Tell her this news and make her despair.

  That kind of harm is more terrible than physical harm."

  Oh my god, this girl is not someone to be messed with.

  Glancing at Zhang Kaiyang next to him, he silently held back a tear for this big brother.

  As soon as he said it, Fan Qing went downstairs heroically and proudly.

  "Oh my god, Sister Yuan, look, he is so handsome!"

  Haha, Ye Mianmian's summary was really perfect.

  The rest of the people, who were not at home, followed along.

  Even if they didn't do anything, they had to cheer them on.

  "Open the door, open the door, Fan Yao, I know you are in there, come out quickly..."

  "Bang Bang Bang..."

  The door of 1202 was slammed loudly.

  "What the hell, are you looking for death!"

  Xiaolong came out cursing, with a weapon in his hand.     Oops, I forgot this guy is a troublemaker.

  Zhang Kaiyang followed him and pulled Fan Qing behind him, revealing the dagger he carried with him.

  Well, this start was a bit unexpected.

  "Where's Fan Yao? Let her come out. I have something to do with her!" Xiaolong

  didn't want to do it at first, but when he saw the group of people behind him, he was a little scared.

  After all, two fists can't beat four hands.

  "What do you want to do with her?"

  "Of course I have something to do. I know she's with you. Tell her to come out.

  Hiding in there is nothing you can do."

  Her voice was loud, and the people inside could definitely hear it.

  "Fan Qing, are you going to die? You don't sleep so early in the morning and come here to cry?"

  Fan Yao came out cursing, looking unhappy.

  "Fan Yao, you shameless person, when we were kids, you pushed me into the river and asked me to regard you as a benefactor.

  Aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning for so many years?"

  Fan Qing didn't care about his image at all. He was really angry. For the first half of his life, he was played around by the man in front of him.

  "Oh, you suddenly got it, haha.

  Even if you know, what can you do? What else do you have now that is worth my concern?"

  Oh, he actually admitted it all of a sudden. It seems that there is really another hidden story behind what happened back then.

  "I must get an explanation today, Fan Yao, your death is coming."

  As he said that, he was about to reach out and hit.

  Zhang Kaiyang looked at Xiaolong in front of him, afraid that she would be hurt.

  He stopped her for a while, and Fan Yao on the other side was also unwilling to be outdone, but she didn't come over.

  Huajiazi hesitated for a long time, but there was no substantial harm.

  "No wonder your parents don't like you. With your personality, you are really not as good as your pig-headed brother."

  Suddenly, it seemed that she had touched her reverse scale, and Fan Yao immediately refused to do it.

  "Fan Qing, what qualifications do you have to blame me?

  Let me tell you, if it weren't for your parents, you would have stayed in the countryside, and I should have been the girl who grew up with thousands of favors. It was

  you who robbed my life, and my brother, you should be a family."

  When she was excited, her eyes were red.

  It seems that her original family had a great impact on her.

  "Hmph, I tell you, this is your fate, there is no such thing as if...

  Just wait, your good days will not last long, hmph!"

  "Bah, your good days will not last long, Fan Qing, don't blame me for not reminding you, be careful and die without knowing how."

  Jiang Yuan's heart sank, they really had a plan.

  "Hmph, just you, forget it.

  You are not still dreaming that these people will protect you.

  Oh, you were confused when you slept, and you didn't even know that someone at home didn't come back."

  Xiaolong was immediately anxious when he heard it, and pointed the knife at him directly.

  "What do you mean, where are my eldest brother and others, do you know anything?"

  Fan Qing looked indifferent and was not afraid of him.

  "Why are you being so rude to me? Everyone heard it yesterday, we all heard it on the top floor.

  You were on the twelfth floor, and you didn't hear the sound of the fight downstairs?"

  She deliberately made an expression of "Do you think I believe it?"

  It was too real, but it was also the fact.

  Xiaolong was of course speechless, he was not at home yesterday, his eldest brother and Xiaohu had a fight with others.

  Downstairs, who else could it be, Old Xu?

  "Then where's my eldest brother?"

  "How should I know? It's so cold and I didn't come downstairs."

232. Chapter 232 I don't want to be in the same group with her

2024-01-07 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Fan Qing pinched his waist and spoke confidently.

  At the end, he gave him a look of looking at a fool...

  OK, this is very realistic. Just from the performance and emotions, Fan Qing won the game.

  "What the hell, Brother Wu has fought with others. Who in this building dares to fight with us? Don't be alarmist here."

  Fan Yao couldn't believe it and thought she was making it up.

  "Kaiyang, didn't that person call Brother Wu yesterday?"

  Fan Qing looked puzzled, as if she really doubted herself and even began to find a sense of identity.

  Zhang Kaiyang, on the other hand, looked helpless and winked at her repeatedly: "Don't talk nonsense, why do you care about them."

  Good guy, when the two of them made this little move, the people over there became even less confident.

  "I think you are just talking nonsense. In Building 13, who doesn't know Brother Wu in 1202..."

  "Shut up! "


  Fan Yao was interrupted and was a little overwhelmed. She looked at Xiaolong with a puzzled look.

  "I told you to shut up, did you hear me?"

  It turned out that she had no status here.

  "I'm telling you, Fan Yao, don't change the subject. Forget about it today. Don't let me see you next time, or I'll beat you up every time I see you, hum!"

  "You're so arrogant."

  The two sisters refused to give in and pointed fingers at each other.

  The remaining few people hurried over to separate them. It was just right to leave now.

  Just act it out again and it will pass.

  At 2102, Fan Qing's heart was beating fast.

  "How is it, I'm okay!"

  Jiang Yuan and Ye Mianmian both gave a thumbs up, and their words were full of affirmation.

  "Great, seamless connection, no trace at all..."

  Fan Qing was also very happy. She had always hoped that she could help.

  Then, get everyone's recognition.

  "The news has been leaked, what should we do next?"

  Liang Kang felt that it would be very dangerous for them if they didn't deal with these people.

  Others have the ability to protect themselves, but their family is in a special situation. They

  don't even have a handy weapon, and they have to protect their wife and daughter. It's a lot of pressure!

  "Let it be! This is all

  we can do now. If Xiaolong is brave enough, he might go to the eighth floor to fight with them.

  If he is afraid of death, he will stay at home and be quiet for a few days.

  We can't control it. This is human nature and happens randomly."

  Jiang Yuan didn't sigh, because these two possibilities accounted for 50% each.

  Either one is possible and it is human nature.

  However, no matter which one happens, it is a good thing for them.

  "Jiang Yuan, I'm a little scared. What if they don't know that it was the group of people on the eighth floor who did it."

  After all, they were the only ones who saw it yesterday.

  Not to mention, there are not many people left in the building.

  Even if they heard it, they dared not come out.

  That was the scene of murder and robbery. If things go wrong, they will lose their lives.

  "Liang Kang, don't worry about this.

  The people on the eighth floor are smart, and the people on the twelfth floor are not stupid either. They must have talked about these things before.

  Let's stop here, and the rest is not our responsibility."

  "Yes, Brother Liang, don't worry about it."

  Ye Mianmian also came to persuade him, it's almost enough.

  "From today on, we will still strictly follow the duty.

  It is best to record how many people go out and how many come back every day, and whether they go to other places with them. If

  there is any unusual movement, notify everyone immediately."

  Song Yi said what he thought and was immediately recognized.

  In addition, the surveillance at night also became more intense.   

  They were all too busy, but there was no other way. This was the situation.

  All the people present had to take action and participate in their own defense.

  As for how to deal with the eighth floor, they were still mainly defensive, and would take the initiative to attack after finding a suitable breakthrough.

  Recently, they had to figure out the specific situation over there to facilitate the next plan.

  Everyone went back, and Jiang Yuan was also preparing to go home. Song Yi suddenly stopped her.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Wait until you go back, come over after lunch!"


  "Okay, no problem."

  Just now, everyone's grouping had changed.

  One day for the people on the 20th floor, and one day for the people on the 21st floor. Today they were guarding.

  "Jiang Yuan..."

  "Well, is there anything else?"

  Song Yi hesitated, looking at her with a frown.

  "I don't want to be in the same group with Ye Mianmian..."

  This time it was her turn to be confused, and the question came out.

  "Why, did you quarrel?"

  Song Yi looked at her and didn't say anything, as if he was struggling psychologically.

  After a long time, he sighed heavily.

  "It's okay, you go back soon, I'll take notes in the morning, and you come over in the afternoon..."

  "Oh, okay!"

  What's going on?

  These two people are in conflict, which is not like it. Mianmian has been talking more these two days.

  Besides, her grandmother just passed away, isn't Song Yi a little too unkind.

  Then is this also the reason for the new grouping today?

  A grown man, his heart is smaller than a needle nose.

  However, didn't he like Mianmian before, and it seems that this person has never expressed anything.

  At least, in front of everyone, he treats everyone equally.

  Thinking of this, she found that she seemed to have never seen how Song Yi cared about Ye Mianmian.

  Not even a special look, is this person cold by nature, or did she guess wrong from the beginning.

  But if not, why choose Ye Mianmian to join them?

  The two of them are on the same level, and they are interdependent, which is understandable.

  Zhang Kaiyang has good skills, which is also indispensable.

  If he didn't like Ye Mianmian, why would he let her go.

  This girl didn't know anything at the beginning.

  Since I can't figure it out, I won't think about it.

  There are so many things, how can I have time to guess.

  After returning, Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue hurried over to ask, both of them were very nervous.

  I didn't expect that there would be so many things happening in a unit building, comparable to the international situation.

  "It's okay, just be vigilant these two days. By the way, we are on duty with Song Yi today.

  We have to record all the situations downstairs, how many people go out and how many people come back.

  There are other buildings, and we can also count what we can see."

  "Okay, daughter, I'll go over and watch, you don't have to worry."

  In fact, she wanted to say that Song Yi next door was also watching, and they just had to go to work in the afternoon.

  However, since her father went over excitedly, she didn't stop him.

  At least there is something to do, otherwise it would be boring to be idle.

  Qin Yue was busy making lunch. After everyone finished eating, they still had to be busy in the afternoon.

  The braised chicken that was made before has been brought back and thawed. It is steamed in a pot, and some rice is steamed together.

  A lot of mung bean sprouts grew yesterday, so it's just right to blanch some and put them in the braised chicken later.

  Jiang Yuan cleaned up and came to help.

  Suddenly, Jiang Xingzhi became excited: "Daughter, daughter, come and see, is that Fan Yao?"

  (End of this chapter)

233. Chapter 233 The Invisible Hand2024-01-07 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian


  Jiang Yuan was startled and ran over from the kitchen.

  She picked up the binoculars in Jiang Xingzhi's hand and looked down anxiously.

  "That's it. Look, I recognize that dress..."

  Because it was too far away and it was downstairs, she couldn't see the face.

  Jiang Yuan observed carefully. The way she walked was definitely a girl.

  In addition, Jiang Xingzhi recognized her clothes.

  But what was she doing outside now?

  In broad daylight, could she go and rob something?
  No, she had to act quickly.

  "Dad, you watch here, I'll go over and notify everyone."


  Jiang Xingzhi was also very excited. He always had an indescribable excitement, as if he was in a police and gangster movie.

  She just went out and met Song Yi at the door.

  "Song Yi, something's going on. Fan Yao seems to have gone out."

  "I saw it too. Let's go. Let's go down too."


  Jiang Yuan was about to go downstairs when Song Yi suddenly stopped.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Go back and change your clothes first, and go directly to 2002 later."

  Jiang Yuan looked down and saw that she was wearing three layers of quilted pajamas.

  It's OK at home, but if I go out, I really can't stand it.


  Without further ado, he quickly went back to change.

  After going back and forth, Qin Yue was still wondering.

  "So soon, have you told them?"

  "Yes, I'm going to go downstairs to take a look, I'll come back to change clothes."

  After saying that, he went back to the room.

  It's more troublesome to go out now. In addition to the necessary warm clothes, you also have to stick on various heat-generating baby stickers.

  The workload is much greater than before, but there is no way, they are all life-saving things.

  Just as I got dressed and went to the living room, Jiang Xingzhi's news came.

  "It looks like he went to the next building, but you can't see it after passing the front."

  The two buildings are on the same horizontal line, so of course there will be blind spots, which is normal.

  Jiang Yuan nodded, indicating that she understood, and went out.

  Dad wanted to go together, but she didn't let him, and still had to monitor the situation below.

  Now, she and Song Yi have gone downstairs, and this job naturally fell on Jiang Xingzhi.

  By 2002, the boys had already gone downstairs, including Liang Kang next door.

  "Sister Yuan, don't worry. Brother Song told us to wait upstairs.

  If there are too many people and the target is too big, they will be cautious about what they want to do."

  Yes, that's the truth.

  So, the three women in the family sat together again.

  "Sister Yuan, I still have a lot of Coke here, let's make a pot.

  Don't worry too much, just wait for their news."

  Last time, she brought drinks, and she probably felt embarrassed.


  Having said that, she is not a person who will sit and wait for death.

  Song Yi left the high-powered telescope here, and Jiang Yuan took it to the balcony to observe the situation.

  There are many people downstairs, all busy with their heads down.

  I don't know how the news spread so quickly. They just told a few people, and now many people come to get ice every day.

  "It's strange, these people are too well-informed."

  Ye Mianmian heard her talking to herself and came over.

  "Sister Yuan, do you also think that the news that the snow water cannot be used has spread too quickly?"     "Yeah, it's so strange.

  We didn't meet many people downstairs that day.

  And most of them were from Building 13.

  Now, almost the entire community has been mobilized, which is incredible."

  If it were in the past, there would be no need to say anything. Everyone would know if a message was sent in the group.

  But now, the network has been down for so long.

  How can it be so fast just by word of mouth?

  Moreover, it is necessary to notify all living people, which is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

  "Yes, I looked at the small square across the street at Brother Song's house yesterday.

  It seems that there are people there too. Sister Yuan, believe it or not, the whole community is now in action."

  Ye Mianmian discovered it yesterday, but she didn't say anything because she was busy discussing things.

  Today, Jiang Yuan mentioned it, and she expressed her opinion.

  "What's going on? Gray snow, only we know.

  Before we went down to get ice, no one went down. It's too weird."

  Fan Qing also brought the cooked Coke over and poured a cup for everyone.

  "Sister Yuan, Sister Mianmian, could it be Fan Yao and the others who told the news?"

  If it was anyone else, she really couldn't think of who it was.

  "It's also possible that Old Wu and the others have been following Sun Yian, and this guy said it at the time.

  The building managers of each of their buildings will communicate regularly, so it's not certain how they communicate in places we can't see."

  At that time, she wanted to sell something, and Sun Yian said a few words, and everyone in the entire community knew about it.

  "That's not right, don't you remember, it was raining heavily at that time, and it was difficult for everyone to go out, how did they communicate the information?"

  Ye Mianmian's words hit the point.

  "Think about it, this matter seems to be a little wrong.

  It's like there is an invisible hand that can control the spread of information in the entire community."

  This reminded her of the so-called market, as an invisible hand, controlling the lifeline of the economy.

  "Oh my God, Sister Yuan, don't say it, it's scary.

  In this situation, how could someone have such a great ability?

  No one can go out, and there are no footprints on the road. Can they still fly out?"

  Fan Qing said to himself, not realizing the change in Jiang Yuan's eyes.

  "What did you say?"

  Her tone was a little hesitant.

  The other party was a little puzzled and obviously a little confused .

  "I didn't mean anything else?"

  "No, Qingqing, you just said, fly out?"

  "Yes, I think unless you can fly, how can you send a letter to someone in this weather."

  "Yes, you are too smart."

  Jiang Yuan excitedly pressed her shoulders and even shook back and forth.

  "Sister Yuan, what did you think of?"

  "Think about it, if the person who knows the news can spread it through other things.

  People can't fly, but drones can."

  "You mean..."

  The three people looked at each other, and Jiang Yuan nodded. Everyone understood...

  "But who is this person?"

  "Then we need to go down and ask, or this person is next to us, but he has not been discovered."

  Fan Qing's face was full of fear, why is it getting more and more scary.

  "Sister Yuan, don't scare me, if there is really such a person.

  Does it mean that our every word and action is under the control of others?

  Oh my, that's too scary, I don't even dare to think about it!"

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 234: Scouting the Enemy2024-01-08 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Although I don't want to admit it, what Fan Qing said is very possible.

  Jiang Yuan didn't quite understand. In this situation, is there any surveillance around them?

  But, before the end of the world, who could have thought that there would be the current situation?

  Moreover, let's not talk about anything else.

  The weather has been changing repeatedly, and the end of the world remarks are only popular on the Internet, and many people do not agree.

  This is not the same concept as the rampant zombies.

  Boiling a frog in warm water, many people can't figure it out.

  How could it be that step by step, it has become like this now.

  However, when you really react, the reality is already very serious.

  There is no way, you can only be forced to accept it.

  "I'm not trying to scare people, I don't know why we are talking about it now.

  Let's not think too much, maybe we are just too nervous.

  Okay, let's go down."

  "What are you going down for?"

  Fan Qing didn't understand. When Song Yi left, he asked everyone to wait upstairs.

  If they went down too, would the plan be messed up!
  "Let's go down and see the specific situation. It's okay. Just relax and don't talk to them."

  Ye Mianmian understood that Jiang Yuan didn't want to sit and wait for death, but Fan Qing was worried about the situation below.

  "Sister Yuan is right. Let's go down and see what the specific situation is."

  Some concepts, once deeply rooted in people's minds, are easy to make

  people always think about them. Jiang Yuan also has her own ideas, and it is unlikely that she will be monitored.

  However, some things have to be prevented.

  The world has changed, not only the weather and people's hearts, but also other things.

  For example, the gray snow a few days ago was really incredible.

  Some of them had bad intentions, and it was not necessarily false.

  It's just that now there are internal and external troubles, and everyone is suspected.

  She can't be sure, so she can't alarm the snake.

  From now on, she has to guard against everyone around her. After

  several people dressed up, they went down with buckets and shovels.

  In fact, there is still a lot of ice in the house.

  This is just a cover, and the play must be done in full.

  Moreover, there is no shovel, just to avoid attracting attention.

  In general, few urban families have this tool.

  Especially in the building, no one has land at home, so they can't use it

  at all. However, it's perfect for snow removal and ice removal.

  Inevitably, someone will want to borrow it.

  The three of them are girls, so they are naturally vulnerable and easy to bully.

  However, the spatula at home is different.

  Basically everyone has it, and it is also useless when doing work.

  It won't be stared at by everyone, and it can also protect yourself.

  The three people went downstairs carefully.

  Taking this opportunity, Jiang Yuan also carefully observed all the stairs going down.

  There was nothing to find, unless it was an extremely hidden camera.

  When they got downstairs, the cold wind was biting, and the snowflakes floated down in large flakes.

  In a breath, their hair turned white.

  The three people didn't wear disposable raincoats, but just wrapped their heads with plastic bags.

  There were many people below, and they all did this, so it was not abrupt.

  Song Yi and the others were right next to them, but Jiang Yuan didn't go over.

  They ran towards Building 12, where they could see the specific situation in front.

  There were also four people here getting ice, and they had already broken up the ice surface.     Seeing someone coming, the man below asked.

  "Are you guys going to get some ice too? You can come down and get it."

  "Really, thank you!"

  She was very surprised by this kindness, and the surprise in her tone was fake.

  The three of them went down happily. The pit here was not very big, only about 30 centimeters.

  Several people took shovels and symbolically dug twice.

  They found that they couldn't dig it at all. Fortunately, Fan Qing brought a fruit knife, which could lift it up a little.

  Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing.

  "You guys definitely can't do it this way, that's boring..."

  Jiang Yuan immediately sold her misery, her tone was full of helplessness.

  "Ah? What should we do? We didn't know the ice was so thick.

  There's nothing sharp at home, ah!"

  "How about this, you come over and help us.

  There are two brooms over there, you can help sweep the fallen snow.

  When these are full, we will fill your buckets for you."

  The three of them came down with buckets, one for each person.

  "Okay, thank you so much."

  Fan Qing and Ye Mianmian took the broom and started to sweep the snow. Jiang Yuan pretended to go forward and help pick up the ice.

  Those knocked off ice cubes should be quickly picked up in the container and then covered.

  "Brother, you have been down here for a while, right? You have made so much."

  The boy who greeted the three of them should be young from the sound of his voice.

  As for what he looks like and what is going on, it is impossible to see.

  Those who came out only showed their eyes.

  "Well, we have been out for almost an hour. We came down yesterday.

  This snow is not easy to clean up."

  "We really met a good person, otherwise there would be so much snow, but we can't do anything about it."

  When she said this, the man became happy and opened up the chatterbox.

  "Sister, you are not from our building, right? I don't think I have seen you before."

  "Yes, we are from the next building. We saw that everyone came to get ice, so we came down."

  The man didn't say anything, but talked freely.

  "You guys came out really late. We had stomach discomfort the past two days, and we came down only when we were almost well.

  This snow water is really harmful."

  Jiang Yuan heard it, and it made sense.

  "Yes, we were not feeling well either, so we didn't come down.

  By the way, brother, how did your building know that the snow was bad?"

  Jiang Yuan seemed to be careless, but in fact, she was always staring at him, afraid of missing a single thing.

  "Our neighbor said that everyone had stomach discomfort at the time, so we stopped the snow water with a try.

  It really made us feel better, and then more and more people were digging ice downstairs, so they followed us down."

  Jiang Yuan nodded thoughtfully. He didn't mention the gray snow, so didn't he know?

  "By the way, did anyone in your building notify you?"

  A rhetorical question brought her back to her senses immediately.

  "No, it was our downstairs neighbor who told us that they were digging ice downstairs, and he came down to see.

  He knew that snow water couldn't be drunk, so he kindly told us, otherwise we wouldn't have known." "

  So that's how it is, no wonder."

  They kept their word, and after filling their own buckets, they helped the three of them fill their buckets.

  "Hey, girl, do you want me to help you take it back?"

Chapter 235 Ye Mianmian's cleverness2024-01-08 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  The man suddenly blocked their way, and Jiang Yuan immediately became alert.

  "Don't bother, we can take these things back by ourselves, thank you for today!"

  He laughed, because he really didn't want to embarrass everyone in front of so many people.

  "It's nothing, we don't have anything to do anyway, by the way, are you three from the same family?"

  Oh, this is to start to inquire about their information.

  "Yes, we are a family, then it's nothing, we'll leave first."

  Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing also picked up the bucket.

  It's not advisable to stay here for a long time, it's better to leave quickly.

  "Sister, we still have to come down to get ice tomorrow, you guys shouldn't have enough, come together then."

  "Okay, thank you."

  It seems that these people still have some concerns and want to play the long game.

  Jiang Yuan knew that there would be no problem today.

  They looked ahead, and there were figures, who should be from the buildings in front.

  Now, everyone in the community knows about this matter, it should be the fact.

  Jiang Yuan wanted to leave, and another boy next to her suddenly stood up.

  "Sister, why don't you come up with us? Brother will treat you to instant noodles."

  Hey, the temptation of instant noodles is not small.

  However, she hates instant noodles the most.

  In her previous life, it was because of instant noodles that she was living a life worse than death.

  "Hehe, keep it for yourself!"

  "Why, we are helping you so much, but you don't give us any face at all!"

  Jiang Yuan narrowed her eyes. Ye Mianmian had already come over and pushed him directly.

  The ground was all ice, and the man's center of gravity was unstable, and he fell directly.

  "I C..."

  The man exclaimed, obviously angry.

  "Oh, sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I was in a hurry just now, and I accidentally slipped and bumped into you. I'm sorry..."

  "You don't pay attention, really..."

  Although the man was angry, he had no choice.

  There were many people around, and the other party took the initiative to admit his mistake. Can he still be relentless?

  Jiang Yuan cast an approving look at Ye Mianmian and hurried over.

  Fan Qing was already on the pit, and quickly reached out to pull them both.

  "Then we'll leave first!"

  After saying that, he left with the bucket without looking back.

  Song Yi and the others also saw them. Jiang Yuan gestured and went back first.

  "Oh my god, I was scared to death. Fortunately, Sister Mianmian reacted quickly."

  Fan Qing was still in shock. He patted his chest and felt like he had survived a disaster.

  "Let's talk about it when we go upstairs!"


  Jiang Yuan said, and several people began to climb the stairs. When they reached the 15th floor, Song Yi and the others caught up.

  "Give it to me!"

  He took the bucket from Jiang Yuan without saying anything.

  The other two boys followed suit.

  When they reached the 20th floor, Zhang Kaiyang and the others went home and then gathered upstairs.

  The electric heater in Song Yi's house was always on. The little one couldn't be too cold at home alone.

  Jiang Yuan also needed to go back and clean up. The snowflakes were too big and plastic bags couldn't save them.

  Apart from anything else, a lot of snow fell on her body. After shaking it off, she also needed to deal with the water stains.

  Jiang Xingzhi saw his daughter coming back and hurried over to ask about the details.

  "Why are you in a hurry? Don't you see how cold your daughter is? Go and get a cup of hot water."     "Hey, I'll go right away."

  "It's okay, Mom, I'll go change clothes first. Where's Xiao Nuan?"

  "She's asleep, so be careful when you go over there."


  After changing her shoes at the entrance and going back to change clothes, Jiang Yuan drank a large cup of honey water and finally recovered.

  "You didn't come back for lunch at noon. Are you hungry? I'll make you some noodles?"

  "No, Mom, let's eat together in the evening."

  Seeing this, Jiang Xingzhi hurriedly went to get some small fish, beef jerky, and konjac snacks.

  "My daughter, if you don't want to eat, eat some snacks to fill your stomach. Let your mother make you something delicious in the evening."

  This, he didn't refuse.

  "By the way, I saw you guys were not with Xiao Song and the others down there?"


  Jiang Yuan also told them about what happened down there, and she just hid the fact that the two people had embarrassed them.

  The two of them were relieved, at least they knew the cause and effect.

  "Okay, I'll go next door. I have something to discuss. We'll talk later."

  Jiang Yuan went out directly. She had just eaten two pieces of beef jerky, and her mouth was full of happiness.

  At 2102, the rest of the people came.

  She was the closest, but she arrived the last, and a little bit of embarrassment passed.

  "Tell me about what you found today!"

  Song Yi didn't waste time, nor did he point out why they went out.

  The two girls looked at Jiang Yuan, obviously waiting for her summary.

  "Then let me tell you, this is the result of my dad's observation today, you can take a look."

  Song Yi took it and glanced at the numbers on it, with the time and specific circumstances, very seriously.

  "Today we think that the fact that everyone went out to make ice is a bit incredible.

  It's only been a few days, and it seems that everyone knows about it. This reminds us of what Sun Yian said before, the connection between the building managers."

  Several men didn't speak, and looked at her without hesitation.

  "I think they should still spread the information through some kind of medium, such as drones."

  Zhang Kaiyang was still hesitant just now, but when he heard this, he was immediately relieved.

  "Well, so you went down to get information?"

  It's said that Song Yi is a leader, and he can always grasp the key points.

  "That's right. We went down and found that the people in Building 12 also heard about it from the neighbors.

  This 'neighbor' is likely to be the surviving building manager, or someone related to the building manager.

  The reason why we are worried about this problem is that we are afraid that all our actions will be closely observed by others.

  In that case, we are extremely unsafe."

  It's like a plate with leftovers everywhere.

  But there is a piece of fat meat in the middle, and it's only a matter of time before it is targeted.

  "Yes, but there shouldn't be so many people in other buildings. Even if we use drones to transmit messages, we haven't encountered it for so long!"

  Zhang Kaiyang found it incredible, and there was no clue at all, so he was reluctant to believe it.

  "Drones are just an analogy, and it may also be other media.

  As for the community, there is definitely a news network that we don't know about.

  Think about it, we didn't tell too many people that day.

  As a result, it's only been a few days, and everyone knows that snow water cannot be consumed.

  I just saw that someone was taking ice in front of Building 9. This is definitely not an isolated case."

  Jiang Yuan's expression was very serious. This kind of thing was not a joke.

  "Oh my god, then we are in great danger, being watched at all times..."

236. Chapter 236 Ambush2024-01-09 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "You can say that, but if we are a little more secretive, there shouldn't be any problem."

  Moreover, in this situation, weapons and fists can definitely hold up half the sky.

  "Yes, this is indeed a problem, and it's a big problem."

  Jiang Yuan looked at Song Yi and asked about their results.

  "Fan Yao went downstairs and hasn't come back. Uncle hasn't seen her here either."

  As he said that, he took the record book. If she

  really didn't come back, it would be a bit unreasonable.

  "There are no footprints on the road to other buildings. She can only go to Building 12, but what is she doing there?

  She's alone, and she doesn't know anyone there!"

  Fan Qing couldn't guess it. He always felt that many things recently were weird.

  "Yes, she went alone, and Xiaolong is still at home.

  Let's continue to monitor her and see when she comes back and whether there are any unusual movements."

  "Well, I told my dad, he will continue to observe, don't worry."

  Song Yi nodded. For some reason, everyone couldn't help but get nervous when they saw his serious face.

  "Today, a man went down from the eighth floor, got some ice, and went back directly.

  We need to think of a way to find out their true strength."

  Yes, in this situation, it is not good to know how many people are at home.

  Moreover, it is very important to have any weapons or tools that can be used.

  "But how can we get in? They are not easy to deal with."

  Zhang Kaiyang was talking about the reality, and several people were silent for a moment.

  "It's okay. If it's a fox, it will definitely show its tail.

  I think we should not rush it.

  Sometimes, the more you ignore it, the greater the chance of winning."

  Song Yi agreed with this.

  "What Jiang Yuan said makes sense. Keep calm. We are not many, but not few.

  If we want to win with the least damage, we have to defeat them one by one."

  Liang Kang has been silent, but he has been listening carefully, and now he has his own ideas.

  "Well, I think so too. There are not many people in our building.

  There is no need to be too nervous. The people in 1202 are our main targets now. The people

  on the eighth floor will observe and find the right opportunity later. It would be best to kill them all at once. What do you think?"

  The rest of the people nodded.

  That means that we must start with 1202 now.

  Zhang Kaiyang was a little angry, and his tone became more and more contemptuous.

  "That Xiaolong is not a man. He is so timid in front of others. After such a big thing happened, he dared not to take revenge. What a coward!"

  Fan Qing rolled his eyes at him unhappily, always thinking that this man was narrow-minded.

  "If he goes, it's not revenge, but suicide.

  Would such a person do such a stupid thing?"

  "I didn't say he must go."

  Zhang Kaiyang muttered softly, Fan Qing didn't continue to pay attention to him, and Jiang Yuan was silent.

  "I think if there is danger, the people on the eighth floor will definitely come out."

  Several people looked over, but she didn't continue to speak.

  "Don't worry, go back and think about it, you can't do anything to them anyway."

  In fact, she was observing the people in front of her. If everyone had no problems, then Amitabha.

  If there were problems, she would not be lenient.

  Today's communication did not produce any results, and everyone went back.

  Jiang Yuan deliberately walked at the end, and then followed Song Yi back to 2102.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Song Yi, are you worthy of my trust?"

  She looked at him sincerely, neither humble nor arrogant, even though the man was a head taller than her.

  However, there was no fear in her aura.

  "Since you have chosen me, you must believe me."     Jiang Yuan pursed her lips and actually smiled.

  "Okay, then let's have a happy cooperation..."

  The reason why she chose Song Yi was because his abnormality at the beginning made her trust him enough.

  Moreover, this person is capable and has good comprehension.

  She didn't want to do dangerous things with someone who was not smart.

  "What do you want to do?"

  "Let's guard together. I don't believe Fan Yao won't come back to stop her."

  She frequently went between Building 12 and Building 13. She definitely had her own little secret. It was

  also the only meaningful thing they could do at present.

  "If the two of them quarreled, does that mean that she went to Building 12 and would not come back."

  "Yes, it is true."

  "Then why do you?"

  "Why are you so persistent, right, Song Yi, do you believe in the sixth sense?"

  This time, it was his turn to be confused.

  Jiang Yuan was very confident. She stretched out her two hands, pointed at herself, and then pointed at him.

  "A woman's sixth sense must not be disbelieved."


  At night, Song Yi was on duty at home, and Jiang Yuan slept with her clothes on.

  She also had to monitor, but it was after five o'clock, and the time before that was left to him.

  She was half asleep when the intercom rang suddenly.

  "Jiang Yuan, Jiang Yuan, get up quickly..."

  "Uh, wake up, is it time?"

  She thought it was her turn to go to work.

  "No, wake up, someone went out, it could be Xiaolong."


  Jiang Yuan was startled and sat up from the bed.

  Here it comes, finally here, I didn't expect it to be so smooth.

  A minute later, she rushed to the living room of 2102.

  "Don't worry, let's go to Building 12 and take a look."


  Song Yi meant to go downstairs directly, and the two of them would definitely talk on the way.

  But Jiang Yuan disagreed. It was so cold on the road that her tongue would freeze when she talked, so what could she say.

  "Let's go directly to 1202..."

  Song Yi didn't expect this woman to be so brave, but he still had a little admiration for her.

  The two of them moved quickly and went directly to the twelfth floor.

  One was on guard, and the other went to pick the lock. This was a C-level lock, which was quite difficult to open, and it took a lot of effort to open it.

  Song Yi took the lead and went in to check it out. After making sure there was no problem, he let Jiang Yuan in.

  The layout of this house is exactly the same as that of 2002.

  "He should live in this house. The quilt is not even folded. Let's wait here."

  This is the master bedroom. The living room is outside. The two chose to wait here on the balcony.

  Apart from anything else, most people would not come here in such a cold weather.

  Besides, there is really nothing here,

  just a bunch of broken things. The curtains are also drawn in front of here, so they can hide there without any problem.

  After finding the right position, the two stopped talking.

  Song Yi took the telescope and had to see the situation below.

  After waiting for about half an hour, there was finally movement.

  "It's two people, coming back together."

  Oh my god, I'm so excited, why do I feel like I've caught someone cheating.

  "Hurry up and hide!"

237. Chapter 237 Leaving and Being Discovered

2024-01-09 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Jiang Yuan was so excited that she pulled Song Yi over. She

  even glared at him fiercely because he was hesitant and didn't put the telescope away quickly.

  This feeling was very novel, but Song Yi didn't reject it.

  The two hid on the left side of the balcony, where there were two things similar to chests of drawers.

  If someone came over later, they could squat down, which was really a perfect place to hide.

  The two put away all the things and waited quietly.

  Song Yi was very tall, and they were very close to each other, and could even hear his "boom boom boom" heartbeat.

  However, Jiang Yuan's attention was on the door, and she didn't care about these.

  A few minutes later, the front door opened.

  The sound was not small, probably because there were not many people in the building who got up, and the two didn't care.

  Xiaolong sat directly on the sofa, took out a lighter, and lit the candle on the coffee table.

  In an instant, the whole room was filled with soft light.

  Jiang Yuan was scared to death and quickly moved inside.

  Fortunately, the two people's attention was not on the balcony at all.

  "Come on, baby, what did they give you? Show me..."

  "Hmph, now you know to call me baby."

  Xiaolong's voice became flattering, with a hint of flattery.

  "Baby, I went to pick you up early, what did they give you? Let me see."

  Fan Yao was a little angry, and her tone was not very good.

  "What could it be? Instant noodles and hot and sour noodles, boring."

  As she said that, there was the sound of things being put on the coffee table.

  "Oh, this is a good thing, thank you for your hard work, baby..."

  "That's right, they are so excessive, there are actually two people today, and they are torturing me to death."

  Damn, why does this conversation feel a little bit different.

  Before I had time to think about it, Xiaolong immediately became concerned.

  "What, two people actually only gave this little thing, they are really excessive.

  Good baby, I must strive for more next time."

  "And next time, I tell you, give up, I can't go again."

  Good guy, these two people are not using Fan Yao to make a deal.

  Damn, shameless, men are really pig trotters...

  Sensing the murderous intent in her eyes, Song Yi was a little confused.

  But Jiang Yuan didn't look at him, and he didn't say anything.

  "No, no, my baby, you've worked hard. Those people are nothing. Does it hurt? Let me give you a kiss." Oh

  my god, this is a bit explicit. I didn't expect Fan Yao to have so much fun.

  "Oh, no, I'm tired. Let's go to bed early."

  Xiaolong was still unwilling to give in. He stuck to her like a dog-skin plaster.

  "Oh, baby, you're hurt. Let me help you.

  Let's go. I'm very gentle. It's not like you haven't tried it before."



  The two of them kissed as they talked...

  Then, they went all the way to the bedroom. A few minutes later, a blushing voice rang out.

  Jiang Yuan felt something was wrong. This was not a big deal. Fan Yao was really energetic. She

  thought it was almost there, but it was just the beginning.

  The screams and moans that were louder than the last made her feel embarrassed.

  Song Yi was the same. This was too embarrassing. The two came here to eavesdrop on secrets, but who knew they were forced to listen to these things.

  Now, it was difficult to leave or not leave, and the situation was so awkward that I had to pick my feet.

  It lasted for two hours before the battle between the two of them ended.     Fan Yao really didn't care. That voice made people's ears turn red.

  Song Yi's heartbeat quickened little by little, and she didn't know what to do.

  Finally, it stopped. The two didn't dare to move, just standing there.

  After about half an hour, the even snoring sound came from inside, and Jiang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

  She looked up, and Song Yi happened to look down. Their eyes met, and her face turned red instantly. She

  quickly lowered her head, which was so embarrassing.

  Jiang Yuan stretched out her hand, pointed at the door, and motioned him to go out.

  Song Yi nodded and walked out first.

  He was outside, so it was convenient for him to go out.

  The candles in the living room had been extinguished. Jiang Yuan carefully judged the obstacles around according to the memory in her mind.

  Suddenly, a pair of warm big hands reached out and held her.

  Even through the gloves, she could feel the other person's temperature.

  She did not struggle or resist. Song Yi was in front and had explored the road.

  Following him, she could walk more smoothly. Now was not the time to be pretentious.

  The two of them followed closely, afraid of bumping into something or waking up the two people in the room.

  After finally reaching the door, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  Song Yi gently turned the door lock, and with a "click", the lock core inside rebounded.


  Damn, Xiaolong actually woke up. A second ago, he was snoring loudly.

  Song Yi secretly cried out that it was not good, and directly opened the door and ran with Jiang Yuan.

  With a "click", the door was closed.

  The two had just run one floor when the door opened, followed by the sound of cursing.

  They ran down, and they didn't run far, just two floors.

  The cursing just stopped, and the sound of the door slamming was heard, and Song Yi pulled her away quickly.

  "Why are you going up? Isn't this just blocked by him?"

  "Hurry up, he has to go back to put on his clothes."

  Jiang Yuan suddenly reacted. In such a short time and in such an emergency, his emergency ability was too strong.

  The two did not dare to make too much noise, and went up two or three steps together.

  When they passed the twelfth floor, they were very nervous.

  As soon as they reached the thirteenth floor, the door downstairs opened again.

  "Damn it, I'm going to kill you bastards today."

  Hearing that gritting voice, he suddenly felt a little relieved.

  Song Yi urged them to hurry back, and the two did not dare to stop.

  Before they had taken two steps, there was a sudden scream downstairs, and Jiang Yuan smiled with her lips pursed. It was not

  until they reached the twenty-first floor and returned to Song Yi's house that he asked her what she had done just now.

  "Nothing, I just put some beads on the stairs on the tenth floor."

  So, the man ran down without caring about anything, and naturally fell down.

  Not to mention cursing, he must have thought that it was done by a group of people.

  Lu Chao on the tenth floor had already left, and there was no one on that floor, so his suspected target would go downstairs.

  Jiang Yuan blinked her big eyes and smiled like a little fox: "Song Yi, someone is going to take the blame for us."

  The two smiled at each other, and everything was self-evident.

  Jiang Yuan did not stay for long, it was a little late, or it was almost dawn.

  She had to go back and catch up on some sleep, as there would be something interesting to watch later.

  "Sleep a little longer. I'll find out if there's any news and tell you later..."


  This result was totally unexpected, but also within reason. She loved this Hendrix-style ending...

238. Chapter 238 was dragged in2024-01-10Author : Guan Shan Yi Nian

  After Jiang Yuan returned, she packed up and went to bed.

  Oh, this night was so tiring.

  She and Song Yi saw that kind of thing together. It was too much.

  Never mind, go to sleep.

  Xiao Nuan didn't follow her, and let her mother take care of her.

  When she went out, Qin Yue noticed something.

  But when she got up, her daughter had already gone out.

  After hearing the noise of her coming back, she didn't ask much.

  The world is so terrible now. Even if you don't take the initiative to provoke others, it doesn't mean that others will let you go.

  Jiang Yuan is not that kind of bad child. She has her own rules for doing things. She and Jiang Xingzhi are very relieved.

  So, she didn't call her in the morning. It's okay to sleep a little longer.

  Xiaoling came to teach Xiao Nuan as usual. When Jiang Yuan woke up, the class was about to end.

  Today, they learned a new nursery rhyme, and there was laughter in the living room.

  It gave her an illusion that she was still living in a civilized age.

  "Mom, are you awake?"

  The little girl called her sweetly, with a happy look on her face.

  "Wake up, you guys continue, don't worry about me."

  After saying that, he sat down next to her.

  The carpet was soft and very comfortable.

  Xiaoling's complexion has improved a lot in the past two days. She had diarrhea before, so she made brown sugar water for everyone to drink.

  Later, after she recovered, she thought it might be the credit of brown sugar.

  She made an exchange with Jiang Yuan. She didn't want any food for a week of classes, and she was given a bag of brown sugar.

  There were a lot of them at home, and there were also a lot in the space, so of course she agreed.

  "It's okay, it's time today.

  Jiang Yuan, after you finish your meal, go downstairs and take a look."

  Go downstairs?

  Sensitive nerves were immediately alarmed.

  "What happened?"

  "I heard that there was a fight on the eighth floor. Xiaolong from 1202 went there. I don't know why.

  However, they found Lao Wu's things over there and got angry all of a sudden."

  Oh my god, sleeping is a waste of time.

  Didn't Song Yi say that he would wake her up? What's going on?

  "Ah? Then what happened?"

  "Xiaolong was noisy and very smart, but he just didn't go into the house.

  We all heard it. Liang Kang and Zhang Kaiyang went down to see.

  They said he cursed for a long time, and finally they dragged him into the house, it seemed..."

  When she said the latter, she was a little scared, and even looked up and glanced at Jiang Yuan.

  "It seems that he didn't come out!"

  She knew about the things on the eighth and twelfth floors, although she didn't come out to participate recently.

  But Liang Kang would tell her every day when he went home.

  "Then it's probably more bad than good..."

  Jiang Yuan sighed. Although Xiaolong was impulsive, he also had brains.

  He chose to curse at the door so that he could escape at the critical moment.

  However, he forgot that people nowadays have nothing to worry about.

  Even if he was killed directly and seen by many people.

  It is estimated that no one would say anything.

  Watching coldly was just to protect himself.

  "Alas, it should be, and then the two of them came back..."

  Xiaoling's meaning was very clear, and Jiang Yuan also knew that there was no escape.

  "It's getting late, let's go back first."


  Jingjing said goodbye to her obediently. Although the two children saw each other every day, they still said goodbye reluctantly.     Jiang Yuan did not go out either. This matter was already a foregone conclusion.

  No matter when she went to find out, it would be the same.

  Qin Yue made her a ham pot at noon. It was the big ham that Ye Mianmian had sent before.

  They did not eat much, and there was still a lot left.

  The side dishes were the same as before, and a lot of kelp shreds were specially added.

  A big pot of fragrant white rice was simply a delicacy on earth.

  "My daughter, eat more meat..."

  "Okay, Mom, you eat too, you don't have to keep picking it up for me..."

  Qin Yue picked up dishes for her and Xiao Nuan at the same time.

  "My daughter, why do I feel that my cooking is not as delicious as yours.

  The green vegetables you cook are crisp and crisp, why are mine so wilted..."

  Well, she used fresh vegetables, of course it was different.

  "Mom, did you take it out to melt it in advance?"

  "Yes, I was afraid that the soup would be cooked out and waste alcohol."

  Jiang Yuan was secretly happy in her heart. She had an excuse, and this crisis was safely passed.

  "That's it. I always put the ice chips into the pot."

  "So that's how it is!"

  "Well, next time, let me do it, you don't have to worry about it."

  Qin Yue nodded, and didn't say anything, concentrating on picking meat for Xiao Nuan.

  This child doesn't eat any fat meat, and when she cut it, she got a lot of pure lean meat.

  "My daughter, Xiao Ling also told you just now that the boy went downstairs.

  If he doesn't come back, then there will be only the little girl downstairs. Will she come to find Kaiyang and the others?"

  Jiang Xingzhi's worry is very likely, as for what the situation is, she dare not guarantee it.

  "I don't know, but Fan Yao will definitely not be alone.

  As for coming to find Fan Qing, it should be impossible for her to come."

  If she really comes, it will be over, and it will definitely not be quiet.

  After getting along for the past two days, everyone knows that Fan Yao has let her down.

  It is very likely that she will find another man to cling to.

  Li Tianyu is probably one of her candidates. The group of people in 1501 are not easy to mess with.

  "Under this situation, it's not easy for this girl either. Sigh, this world!"

  Qin Yue sighed, feeling a little sad.

  "That's true, mom, don't worry.

  In this world, no one can control anyone."

  "I know, my daughter, don't worry, I won't be soft-hearted.

  As long as our family is fine, you and Xiao Nuan are fine, and other people have nothing to do with us.

  Although I say this, I won't be soft-hearted, don't worry."

  Jiang Yuan showed her so many doomsday movies, if she didn't feel touched at all, then she would be too blind.

  "Mom, I'm so happy that you think so.

  The situation in the future is expected to be worse. Look at our building, there are only a few families left.

  If we were a little soft-hearted, we wouldn't be alive until now."

  This is not alarmist, Qin Yue also understands.

  When I first came here, I was afraid that others would see me buying things.

  The elevators are always running all day long.

  Now, there are only a few families, and most of the people are gone except those who left.

  They can survive until now, completely taking advantage of the supplies.

  Of course, she also saw Jiang Yuan busying around.

  "Who says it's not true? The world has changed, everything has changed."

  Seeing her say that, Jiang Xingzhi couldn't help but comfort her.

  "Okay, it's useless to think about that. We just need to take care of ourselves, and that's a blessing."

239. Chapter 239 Come to me

2024-01-10Author : Guan Shan Yi Nian

  The family cheered each other up again before they gave up!

  Although they said they were not in a hurry, they still had to ask about the details.

  This matter was a little secret between Song Yi, so they went to him directly.

  Unexpectedly, this person was actually leisurely making tea at home.

  "Where did this tea table come from? It's so domineering."

  In fact, she wanted to ask why she hadn't seen it before.

  "It's been there for a long time, but I just haven't taken it out. Come and have tea!"

  Jiang Yuan was not polite and sat directly on the small stool next to her.

  Song Yi's movements were like flowing water, making tea and heating cups. With his cold temperament, there was also a sense of dignity.

  A cup of tea was handed over, Jiang Yuan took it up and asked, and then took a sip.

  A faint fragrance came, lingering in the mouth and nose.

  "Do you know what happened downstairs?"

  "Well, he went to the eighth floor and was dealt with by someone."

  "Is he dead?"

  She asked directly, and Song Yi poured tea by himself without looking up.

  "He won't survive tonight..."

  That means he is still alive now. How could the group of people on the eighth floor be so kind.

  "Why not just kill him?"

  "The day is long, we have to find some fun."

  What the hell, this group of people, such a bad taste.

  In my heart, I silently sympathized with Xiaolong for three seconds, it's really...

  "Are you soft-hearted?"

  Song Yi looked up and glanced at her, and said absent-mindedly.

  "How could it be, he is not clean either.

  He also cooperated with Fan Yao to do that kind of thing. If he is allowed to live, who knows what kind of trouble he will cause later."

  What she said was also true. This person deserved to die.

  The group of people on the eighth floor were the same. None of them were good people.

  The most important thing is that their interests have been threatened, and this matter must be dealt with.

  "Jiang Yuan, the snow will stop soon, and everything should be over."

  He had something to say, but on the surface it was light and gentle.

  Looking up at the window, a corner of the curtain was drawn.

  The snowflakes, as expected, were much slower, flying all over the sky.

  "Okay, I'll listen to you..."

  She put down the cup, which was considered to be a consensus.

  "Let's go downstairs and watch a show."

  Watch a show, now?
  Jiang Yuan was a little surprised. Wasn't it all over? What else was there to watch?
  However, despite her doubts, she followed him out.

  As soon as she reached the corridor, she heard a noise downstairs.

  It was Fan Yao who came over. She glanced at Song Yi. This guy was amazing.

  "Qingqing, please, go and have a look. Xiaolong hasn't come back yet. I really don't know what to do?"

  She reached the 20th floor and happened to see Ye Mianmian watching the show.

  "What's going on?"

  "Shameless. He came here to beg Fan Qing to save people."

  Good guy, this guy is helpless.

  However, Fan Yao is really unlucky, or he has a bad vision.

  No one he likes can be trusted.

  "I told you, I don't owe you anything. I'm speechless. How dare you come to me?"

  Fan Yao cried with tears in her eyes. She looked really pitiful.

  "Qingqing, I was wrong before, please help me, I really have no other options.

  Now I am alone and I can't save him.

  You have more people and weapons, please help me, please."

  She spoke sincerely, and I guess she knew that she would have a hard time in the future.

  "Sorry, don't think too much, we won't meddle in other people's business."     "I'm not meddling in other people   's business. I'll pay you. How about rice?"

  Oh, this guy still has rice at home. It seems that Old Wu really left a lot of belongings! "I don't want it. Go find someone else."   As he said that, he pulled Zhang Kaiyang and prepared to leave.   "Qingqing, don't go. Just pity me. I really have no other way.   Li Tianyu is gone, Xiaolong is gone, how can I live!"   At this point, Fan Qing sighed.   She really didn't understand. This Fan Yao has always been like a dodder and has never been independent.   "You are not unable to move your hands and feet, why do you have to rely on others?   You can't live on your own, Fan Yao, I really look down on you."   From childhood to adulthood, you only know how to cry and cry, and you have never done anything serious.   "Me? I can't do it myself."   Fan Yao was suddenly confused. It was so cold, and she lived alone.   There were so many dangers outside, how could this be possible.   "What's wrong with it? Others are gone, and you are still like this. You deserve to be unable to stand up..."   In their hometown, it is said that men can't stand up and can't support the family.   will be bullied by all kinds of people in the same village, and life at home will not be easy.   Zhang Kaiyang, who had been listening, also helped Fan Qing to speak.   "Qingqing is right. Since you have food, you will not die.   It is never as practical to rely on yourself as on others.   That's all I have to say. Think about it yourself. We will leave first.   Also, don't bother us again in the future.   We all know what you did to Qingqing. Next time, we won't be so polite. Do you understand?"   His threat was firm.   Fan Yao was stunned and nodded for some reason.   "Let's go."   "Okay."   The two of them left sweetly, which was out of place compared to her own loss of soul.   Fan Yao did not leave immediately. She was stunned here for about ten minutes before she wiped her tears and got up and left.   Several people ran to Song Yi's house to use the heating.   "You are all out. Who is on duty today?"   Jiang Yuan thought of this problem and suddenly became nervous.   Although this record is not very effective, you have to stick to it.   "Don't worry, Xiaoling is at home, she's watching."   "Oh, that's good."   

"Brother Song, Sister Yuan, you all know what happened this morning.   I don't know what provoked this Xiaolong to dare to go over and fight alone." 

Seeing this, Liang Kang also took over the topic.   

"I heard him cursing, it seems that the people on the eighth floor went to their twelfth floor.   

I guess they are targeting him, otherwise it wouldn't be like this."   

Jiang Yuan glanced at Song Yi secretly, and neither of them said anything. The eighth floor was really wronged this time.   

But the people on their side didn't know and just didn't say anything. 

There was nothing wrong with the misunderstanding.  

 "Now, can we use this as an excuse to go over there?"  

 Liang Kang said, looking around and watching everyone's reactions.  

 "No need, Brother Liang, Qingqing has already drawn a clear line with her. 

  We don't owe her anything, and it has nothing to do with us."  

 Zhang Kaiyang thought that he was helping Fan Yao.   Of course, he also gave Fan Qing face.   

"No, brother, I mean, we go down and use this excuse.   

Saving people is not important, the main purpose i to explore the reality over there."

Chapter 240 Left Alone

2024-01-11 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Hey, good idea, why didn't I think of it."

  As he said that, he was visibly excited.

  It has always been their plan to find out the specific situation of the eighth floor. Isn't this a good opportunity?

  Ye Mianmian also nodded, and Jiang Yuan also thought it was good.

  "Liang Kang is right, we can't waste this opportunity."

  "How about this, let's go there tomorrow during the day."

  Song Yi said, obviously agreeing.

  As for why it is tomorrow during the day, it is because everything that should happen has happened.

  There is one less safety hazard, which is still a good thing for them.

  "By the way, the New Year is coming soon. When spring comes, the ice and snow will melt, and our lives will be better."

  Zhang Kaiyang sighed. Jiang Yuan didn't know what the future would be like, and she also had a faint expectation in her heart.

  "Yes, when the weather is normal, we will drive out to travel together.

  At that time, we can camp in the mountains and set up tents."

  Liang Kang's eyes were full of stars. Before this happened, his life was nourishing and rich.

  He had a decent job and a stable income.

  The family lived in harmony and without any pressure. It was so comfortable.

  The expressions of the other people changed in different ways. It was obvious that they had different understandings of the Chinese New Year and spring. After

  agreeing to go to the eighth floor to find trouble tomorrow, everyone dispersed.

  In the end, Jiang Yuan stopped Ye Mianmian.

  The two were now in the corridor on the twenty-first floor, looking at the snow downstairs.

  "Mianmian, I see that you have been much better in the past two days. If there is anything, you must remember to come to me.

  I will definitely help you

  if I can." To say that she was much better was just for the sake of face.

  It was not easy to recover after losing the only relative who had depended on each other for so many years. In

  addition, grandma was her support.

  Although she was the one who made money to support the family, as soon as she came back, there would be hot meals.

  No matter how late she was busy, she felt that there was someone waiting at home. It was different after all.

  Grandma was the pillar of their family.

  This was also the reason why she did not tell her these things a few days ago.

  Time can dilute everything, but it has to be long enough...

  "Sister Yuan, I'm fine, don't worry, I know you promised grandma to take care of me, I'm very grateful to you."

  She smiled bitterly. Recently, she always kept herself busy and tried not to think about those things.

  Jiang Yuan paid special attention to her, and she knew it.

  When her grandma was dying, she told her that she must follow Jiang Yuan and follow her lead.

  Although she didn't know why, she would definitely obey.


  Jiang Yuan sighed and reached out to tuck the broken hair on her forehead behind her ears.

  "Mianmian, I know you are sad, and I know you are forcing yourself to be energetic just to let grandma go with peace of mind.

  The world has changed, and we live in danger every day.

  This means that you must grow up, even if you are reluctant, there is no way, understand?"

  "I understand, Sister Yuan, I can figure it out.

  You don't have to worry about me. If there is anything, I will tell you."

  "Okay, then go back and have a good rest."


  Don't want to say too much. At this time, no one knows which will come first, tomorrow or an accident.

  Ye Mianmian is fine, at least on the surface, there is no problem.

  Plus, she is not a fragile person. If she wants to live long in the apocalypse, these are necessary.

  When she got home, her mother was sewing something, wearing reading glasses.

  When she saw her, she also smiled.     "My daughter, take a look at this hat, do you like it?"

  This is a black and gray fur hat, fluffy and looks warm.

  "Where did you get it?"

  She was a little curious and reached out to take it.

  "It's the wolf skin you brought back before. I think it's good.

  I got some cotton and made a hat for you and Xiao Nuan.

  This is very windproof. Try it on for size."

  Two wolves, four families share, and each family didn't get a big piece of skin.

  It was just enough to make two hats, and Qin Yue used it all for her and her daughter.

  "Mom, I have a hat, you keep this one."

  "I don't want it, don't think this one is ugly, it's warm, try it on..."

  Mom actually thought that she thought it was ugly.


  Jiang Yuan picked it up and tried it on. There was thick cotton inside, and it was indeed very warm.

  "That's great, thank you mom..."

  "This child, you are still polite to me."

  Qin Yue scolded, lowered her head and continued to work. Her granddaughter's hat was not ready yet, and she didn't have time to joke with her.

  Jiang Yuan felt warm in her heart. With her parents by her side, she was a treasure no matter how old she was.

  She turned around and went back to her room. She had nothing to do now, so she went to work in the space.

  Xiao Nuan hadn't woken up from her nap yet, so she went to the bathroom first and then went into the space. This was

  to avoid her daughter waking up and being startled by her sudden appearance.

  This was the bad thing about the space. You could get out of the same place you entered.

  If you could move according to your thoughts, it would be perfect.

  However, you couldn't ask for too much. This was good enough.

  There was a lot of open space inside now, and the seeds planted before had all sprouted.

  Jiang Yuan started to turn the soil again, pulling out the denser seedlings and planting them in the open space. There

  were too few seeds now, so everything had to be used sparingly.

  When the first crop of grain was harvested, she would leave them all, so that the whole yard could be planted. She was excited just thinking about it.

  In addition, various vegetables were growing well.

  Especially the leafy vegetables, which were already very tall because they had not been eaten.

  However, they were still tender and juicy, not old at all.

  The same goes for other fruit vegetables that were planted before. Many of them have to be picked.

  Otherwise, they are afraid that they will get old and cannot be eaten. Wouldn't that be such a waste?

  She always feels that the things in here are better than those outside.

  They can grow bigger and more tender.

  After thinking about it, she still has to deal with these things.

  Since everything at home is frozen, she will freeze the vegetables in the space as well. After all, she has bought so many refrigerators and freezers from the building materials and home furnishing city.

  With food, life will have a purpose.

  The hoe in her hand worked harder.

  After a while, a piece of land of 20 square meters was turned out.

  Jiang Yuan decided to use this piece of land to grow corn.

  Because it will grow very tall, it will be planted on the side and will not block the view.

  Seeing that it was almost time, she picked some fresh vegetables and then came out.

  It was still early, but Xiao Nuan woke up.

  I will play with her for a while today. I have to go to the eighth floor tomorrow and I don't have time.

  (End of this chapter)
