
Chapter 331: Seizing Supplies

2024-02-21 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Then, he turned his head and looked at Mo Qi.

  "Brother, I have heard a little about your affairs, but that's enough.

  Brother Song can't threaten your position at the moment, so don't keep looking for trouble."

  This was said bluntly and cleverly, and he couldn't even refute it.

  "Song Yi, you actually told everyone, shameless."

  "Come on, this matter has nothing to do with Brother Song.

  Not only do I know, most people here know.

  People don't have the leisure to talk about these things, so just be good enough.

  So many people are watching us, we can't afford to lose this person!"

  It was a sincere exhortation, but it sounded different to Mo Qi.

  "Okay, I can't afford to offend, but can I hide? Song Yi, we'll see..."

  Seeing him walk away in anger, the man also shook his head.

  "Brother Song, don't mind. You are from our team. I will definitely support you."

  "Thank you, big brother..."

  "If you have any problems, come find me. There are several people from our team coming here."

  After saying that, she also winked at him, as if she would protect him in everything.

  Jiang Yuan didn't want to say anything anymore. She sent the person over and left openly. She

  didn't avoid them at all, just to let them see.

  Sure enough, when she came back, Ye Mianmian asked her.

  "My mother said that there is an old sister over there who is easy to talk to.

  The place is big, and everyone can go there when they want.

  Or, just come over after talking for a while, it's boring."

  "That's true, but I'm a little sleepy now, sister Yuan, let's go over there and sleep for a while!"


  The two of them went behind the pillar, and Xiaoling and Jingjing also came over.

  This place is more hidden and feels safer.

  Song Yi finished talking to the man and came over.

  Zhang Kaiyang didn't come over, but stayed beside Fan Qing. The two of them didn't know what they were discussing, and they looked like they had a deep hatred.

  After a busy day, everyone was terrified.

  It was very physically demanding, so they all started to rest.

  Song Yi also dozed off against the pillar. About half an hour later, Jiang Yuan got up on tiptoe.

  While there was no one here, she hurried to open the door.

  Although she was not as fast as Zhang Kaiyang, it was still very convenient for her in the toilet.

  After opening it, she put something in the crack of the door.

  There happened to be half a pack of tissues in her pocket, so it didn't matter if it fell out.

  It was normal for paper to appear in the toilet.

  Then she came out and pushed hard, and the door opened.

  It was so heavy, but there was no sound, which was really good.

  Jiang Yuan didn't dare to delay. After entering, she turned on the high-intensity flashlight and quickly closed the door.

  "Oh my God..."

  Just as she walked forward, she suddenly saw a person lying not far away.

  She was so scared that her soul flew away.

  Her heart was pounding, and she couldn't calm down for a long time.

  This was the person they threw in just now, and she actually forgot.

  It was really a little scary to be here alone.

  The man probably didn't even have time to react before he was hit by Song Yi. He didn't close his eyes until he died.

  The more he was scared, the more he wanted to see. He was speechless as an old man.

  Jiang Yuan didn't dare to delay and walked in quickly. She wanted to go to the place where the five sets of supplies were stored.

  There were a lot of things in there, enough for them to eat for a long time.

  When she arrived at the door, she was still on guard as before.

  After making sure there was no problem, she went over to open the door.

  She was relieved, otherwise she would have been a little scared.

  When she entered the space, Jiang Xingzhi was already waiting.   

  After getting dressed, Jiang Yuan went to warn her mother and Xiao Nuan.

  "Wait, stay inside the house, don't go out.

  There are a lot of things, and they are very heavy. If they get hit, it's no joke."

  "Don't worry, I know, I won't do anything later, just watch the little guy."

  Qin Yue said so, and Jiang Yuan felt relieved.

  It's better to be like this, otherwise, I'm really worried.

  The father and daughter came out and arrived at the cave suite. Jiang Xingzhi was also stunned.

  "My God, this is someone's warehouse, my daughter, we are really rich this time.

  These old things are enough to eat for several lifetimes."

  His eyes were shining, and he calculated quickly in his mind.

  Add to that the vegetables in the yard, and you can really lie down.

  "Dad, don't look at it, there are a lot of things in here.

  There are four more on the left and right.

  You are here at the entrance, help me keep watch, and leave the rest to me..."

  "Got it!"

  Jiang Xingzhi was in a good mood and was playful for once.

  He began to take charge of the guard work, basically in a row with Jiang Yuan.

  She was packing things inside, and he was waiting at the entrance.

  If anything happened, he could rush over at the first time.

  Jiang Yuan didn't dare to delay. Everyone outside was asleep, and they probably didn't know she was out.

  If she woke up later, it would be hard for her to say.

  She started from the innermost shelf. This shelf was full of canned meat.

  There were all kinds of meat, beef, pork, and fish.

  The skills at this time were really superb. This canned meat could be made into anything.

  Braised pork, braised hairtail, braised spareribs, and even grandmother's vegetable bacon.

  Canned luncheon meat was the most inconspicuous, and all of them were ready to eat.

  You can eat it as soon as you open it. It's so convenient.

  But why is the upper layer so high that she can't reach it!

  "Dad, do you know where there is a ladder?"

  "What's wrong?"

  Jiang Xingzhi heard it and ran over, fearing that Jiang Yuan was in danger.

  In fact, he was just too nervous. The two of them were together.

  He could see everything he did, so there was no danger. He was just too worried.

  "I can't reach it. There is a ladder in the space. I'll go in and get it!"

  Don't worry, let's take away the things below first, and then we can talk about those things after we finish them. There

  is only one layer on the top. Even if we use a ladder, we have to move things back and forth.

  She still has to climb up and down, which is a waste of time. What

  if someone comes over? Wouldn't it be a loss of the big picture for the small?

  "Yes, put it wherever it is convenient."

  Jiang Xingzhi also agreed. Jiang Yuan suddenly had another idea.

  "Oh, do you think I'm stupid? Why don't we just put the shelves in?"

  "That's right, look at my brain, you are smarter, my daughter, then hurry up!"


  The father and daughter were as happy as if they had discovered a new world.

  This way, it will be much more convenient.

  In about ten minutes, all the shelves were put away.

  The rest are the grains, oils, rice and flour.

  Rice and flour are easy to say, according to the previous method.

  Just hold the wooden shelf below and you can put it in.

  The trouble is the oil, one box after another...

332. Chapter 332 There is a ghost

2024-02-21 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  There is something like a moisture-proof mat underneath, not just one.

  Moreover, it is so soft that it can't support anything.

  She can only pack it up in boxes. There are so many, and she doesn't want to waste them.

  Jiang Xingzhi is very happy. With so many supplies, her future life will be guaranteed.

  Especially these things that can be eaten immediately, they are simply beautiful.

  After putting all these things in, Jiang Yuan's forehead was already sweating. There is

  also the last suite, which is the innermost one.

  "Daughter, what's wrong with you?"

  "Dad, there are weapons in here, do we want them?"


  Jiang Xingzhi didn't expect that there would be such things.

  "Well, Song Yi opened a box before, and it was a gun..."

  "Then take it, put this thing in the corner, away from our house.

  There may be no danger later, and with this, it can be regarded as an extra layer of protection."

  Jiang Xingzhi's idea is very simple. There is no order now.

  The era of "power comes from the barrel of a gun" has come again. It is naturally better for them to have this thing.

  Even if they don't use it themselves, even if they exchange it with others later, this thing will be a hot commodity.

  The only thing he was worried about was that there might be shells or something, and he might accidentally hurt his own people.

  That was why he asked Jiang Yuan to put it as far away as possible.


  Since that was the case, she started to get busy. She

  was also very entangled about these things. She knew they were useful.

  But she didn't know how to use them. Forget it. Anyway, there was a place in the space, so she would put them away first.

  After everything was done, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Dad, let's go in too!"


  After she passed the ear hole, she turned off all the lights.

  In fact, there were still some things in it.

  She didn't need them, so she didn't take them.

  I really don't know what the owner of this place would think when he came over and saw that everything outside was emptied.

  She asked Jiang Xingzhi to help clean up inside, and then she went out.

  They agreed on another place, and if there were more things, they would be placed there.

  In this way, there would be no need to worry about whether they would be touched.

  She had a strong premonition that there would be a lot more things further ahead.

  Dad didn't come out with her, so why didn't she go over and take a look.

  At least, for now, this corridor is hidden.

  There is no danger, and there is air circulation, so she is not afraid to move alone.

  After making up her mind, she immediately took action.

  After passing the door in front of the toilet, she continued to move forward. This time, she did not take out the flashlight, but took out the night light.

  This has higher visibility and can see more clearly.

  Unlike the flashlight, there is only that beam of light.

  After about twenty minutes, she actually encountered another small door.

  She also imitated Song Yi, put her ear close to the door, and listened for a long time.

  Seeing that there was really no movement, she began to study the unlocking.

  At the last moment, she was still very nervous, especially when the lock cylinder was opened.

  "Ka-da..." The sound was particularly crisp.

  She did not act immediately. She waited for about five minutes. Seeing that there was really no movement, she carefully opened a gap.

  The inside was instantly illuminated by the night light. Sure enough, it was still a place for inventory. Jiang Yuan suppressed her inner ecstasy.

  What kind of fairy luck is this? The things inside are no less than the one just now.   

  She walked forward slowly. Now there was only one person, so the workload was huge.

  She first went through it roughly and made sure that there was no one inside, then she felt relieved.

  This was a room with four sets of things. The things were almost the same as the one just now, including the shelves. They should have been made by the same person.

  "Do you feel that there seems to be light inside?"

  "It seems so, but how is it possible? There are only two of us here."

  Jiang Yuan's heart was about to jump out. Why did the sound of conversation come from behind the wall?

  Or, this is not a wall, but also a door?

  Oh my God, in a panic, she turned off the night light directly.

  "Let's go and take a look..."

  The two people also noticed something strange, then pushed the door open and even turned on all the lights.

  "No, brother, it can't be haunted!"

  "Nonsense, where is the ghost?"

  The big brother scolded, and Jiang Yuan could sense everything in the space.

  The two people were also a little scared, and checked everything inside.

  They brought weapons, but they didn't wear the clothes of those people.

  Moreover, the posture of holding the gun was not that correct.

  These two people probably came in accidentally.

  They found so many supplies by accident, so they didn't go out.

  That's what she thought. She still needs to observe the specific situation.


  The daughter's soft and sticky voice came from behind. Jiang Yuan turned around and saw the little guy running towards her.

  Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue were still moving things there. They had visited her side two days ago.

  They knew what was in each house.

  Moreover, Jiang Yuan had put labels on the door before, so that everyone could remember.

  After all, there are so many houses, it's normal to get confused.

  "Daughter, are you coming to pick us up?"

  "No, Dad, I haven't gone out yet, don't worry..."

  Not only did she not go out, but she also encountered two troubles.

  However, Jiang Yuan dared not say that she was safe and happy in the space.

  The two people outside always have time to take a nap, and she can sneak out at that time.

  Qin Yue put down the work in her hands, made a few side dishes in a few minutes, and the family ate happily.

  "If you ask me, just stay here and don't care what happens outside.

  It's great that our family is happy."

  "What are you talking about? There is no way now. Ten thousand yuan an hour here, how can there be so much money!"

  Jiang Xingzhi said the truth. Qin Yue sighed and said nothing more.

  This is the feeling of powerlessness. Seeing her mother quietly cleaning up the dishes, Jiang Yuan didn't know how to comfort her.

  She made the excuse that she was a little tired and went into the room.

  Xiao Nuan was left to her parents. They also knew that Jiang Yuan might go out at any time.

  She sensed the two people and found that they were wandering inside at first.

  Now, they have stopped and are in the first suite.

  Jiang Yuan is now in the third suite, which is the second one from the back to the front, and there is a gap between her and the two people.

  She is between the two shelves, and people outside can't see her, which is convenient for her to operate. It

  would be a waste of so many things if they are

  not used. Take away all the shelves!

  "Brother, listen."

  The two heard the noise and hurried over here.

  When he saw the shelf disappearing in front of him, he was also stunned.

  "Oh my god, there really is a ghost..."

  Chapter 333 Two Corridors

  The man was actually trembling, looking at the shelves that disappeared out of thin air, his mind was empty.

  "Don't, don't talk nonsense..."

  The big brother wanted to preach, but he was a little lacking in confidence.

  So many things disappeared for no reason, and there was no one.

  Who would believe that there was no metaphysics in it?

  Jiang Yuan felt funny in her heart. The two people must be nervous.

  It would be great if they could be scared away.

  When she came in just now, she happened to hide next to a shelf.

  After she went out, the two people were still searching blindly.

  Jiang Yuan did it once and for all, and she was so fast that she even collected the three shelves in front of her.

  The sound of running startled the people outside, and the two actually ran over.

  Unfortunately, she didn't even see her shadow.

  "Who, who is it, get out quickly, don't play tricks here.

  I'm not afraid of you..."

  The "big brother" was a little angry, holding the weapon and shooting.

  Unfortunately, this is not a machine gun, and it needs to be reloaded after using it for a while.

  This guy was also very angry. He actually threw the gun barrel on the ground and showed the knife in his arms.

  "Come out, come out~"

  Jiang Yuan secretly said, this guy is a little crazy.

  If it is not handled properly, there will definitely be endless troubles.

  It is impossible to let them leave by themselves.

  Unexpectedly, this time, she was fighting alone.

  But she was not afraid.

  The "big brother" had already run away.

  The remaining one was scared to death, and the whole person was trembling.

  Even his legs were a little bit unusable.

  Sorry, big brother, she didn't want to do it at this time.

  Jiang Yuan came out quietly and was blocked by the shelf in front.

  The man was about ten meters away from her, and she aimed with her sleeve arrow.

  It's not that she didn't want to use a gun, but she really had no experience and was afraid of missing.

  Song Yi just told them how to use it, but she had no practical experience and was not sure.

  After aiming, she fired two arrows in a row.

  From the screams on the opposite side, she knew that she succeeded.

  There was no time to think about it, and she went back to the space directly.

  The crazy "big brother" also ran back and quickly helped the person on the ground.

  "Xiaoer, what's wrong with you? Are you okay? Don't scare me!"

  Xiaoer, what kind of name is this!

  "Big brother, there is a ghost, run..."

  The man died as he spoke, and Jiang Yuan suddenly felt guilty.

  But in this end of the world, whose hands are clean?

  Sorry, maybe leaving is also a kind of relief.

  She can only do it for herself, with no choice.

  The "big brother" actually showed a trace of sadness.

  Originally, the two of them were together and could talk from time to time.

  With so many supplies, life was also wonderful.

  However, now that the companion is gone, there is also a "thing" that appears and disappears mysteriously, which is scary for everyone.

  He gently put down the person in his arms, as if he had made some kind of decision, and ran directly to the front.

  It was where they were at the beginning, and then after pressing it, a door opened.

  Jiang Yuan was very surprised. She came in from the door opposite, which was the toilet next to the hall.

  So, this space actually has two doors.

  These two people came from the other side.   

  The two groups of people who should not have crossed paths actually bumped into each other.

  She also wanted to deal with the big brother just now.

  But because she was looking at the door, she missed him. Besides, the place was too far from here.

  She didn't have the confidence to hit the target with one shot. It was better to run away. At least she was safe now.

  After coming out of the space, she didn't rush to collect her things.

  Instead, she came to the "waiter" with a dagger in her hand.

  The man's eyes were closed and there was blood on his body.

  Jiang Yuan stretched out two fingers to feel his breath.

  There was no breath, and she was sure that he was dead, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

  She searched the man's body and found nothing useful.

  When she was about to give up, she felt a bulge in the chest pocket of his shirt.

  So she went over and opened it.

  It turned out to be a work permit, which belonged to the dining room.

  My goodness, these two people must know Liang Kang.

  Then why are they here? Were they also taken away?

  As a result, they escaped in the middle of the journey. Does that prove that Liang Kang is probably also in the corridor opposite?

  How is the situation on the opposite side different from theirs?

  Jiang Yuan suddenly discovered a problem. The door of the cave she was in was on the left.

  However, the ones she had met before were all on the right. The

  ones on the right were all inventory, and there would be people on the left.

  The first granary just now had eight guards.

  After they came in, that side should also belong to the left.

  Song Yi had been guiding everyone to take the rightmost road.

  Therefore, everything they met was safe.

  This time, she acted on her own, thinking about going straight forward.

  She did not encounter a fork in the road, or rather, this door was right next to the fork in the road.

  So, of course, she came in.

  Song Yi said that someone told him this.

  Such a big secret requires a lot of trust to be told.

  If it was the brothers who had been through life and death with him before, such as Er Gouzi and Hu Zi, it would be excusable.

  Here, he has been here for less than a month, how could it be?

  He must have known something in advance, or he must have had some plan.

  Then why did he have to bring her here, and what was the "secret" he mentioned?

  Jiang Yuan's mind was full of question marks.

  Now, she felt that Song Yi was not an honest man.

  He had many secrets, even if the previous ones had been smoothed over.

  But now, there was no way to explain these.

  It seemed that she didn't need to be with this group of people.

  After cleaning up this place and settling Ye Mianmian down, she would leave here.

  According to past experience, the wind would stop soon.

  Just like extreme heat, extreme cold, heavy rain, and blizzard, there is a time limit.

  The current situation will not last too long.

  She wanted to find a safe place, preferably one with an advantageous terrain and sparse population.

  She made up her mind secretly and sorted out her thoughts.

  Jiang Yuan started to work. The supplies still had to be stockpiled.

  Rice, flour, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and various non-staple foods were all not left out.

  Jiang Xingzhi in the space saw so many more things, and there were shelves.

  He became worried at the time. With so many things, he must have gone to find them again.

  Otherwise, it wouldn't be like this. This child is really disobedient.

  After cleaning up all this, she came to the door opposite again.

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 334 was discovered

2024-02-22 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  It was indeed very concealed. The gap in the door was very small and all dark.

  If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

  Moreover, the color of this door and the surrounding stone walls is exactly the same.

  Even the paint mixing is not so accurate. It really took a lot of effort.

  Jiang Yuan didn't continue. To be honest, she didn't dare to open this door.

  What was inside, she was afraid that she didn't have the courage to face it.

  Moreover, the person just now obviously ran outside.

  She didn't dare to gamble, and it was not worth it.

  So, she ran back to the door she just came from.

  All the doors on the left, don't go in. When you encounter a fork in the road, take the one on the far right.

  Since it has been decided, it doesn't matter.

  Sure enough, she found several more places.

  There were all kinds of food or non-staple food inside.

  But I didn't come across daily necessities again.

  It doesn't matter. The things she stockpiled are enough for two lifetimes.

  At least, if they are gone, Xiao Nuan will be enough.

  There is no need to care so much. This feeling is too similar to "opening a blind box" in a supermarket. Jiang Yuan is very happy.

  About three hours had passed, and she kept looking at the time.

  It was already nine o'clock in the evening, and they were probably asleep.

  Since she decided to stay away from that group of people, she felt much more comfortable.

  It was just that Ye Mianmian was more difficult to deal with. She promised Grandma Ye to take care of her, and this girl was really good.

  Without the two of them, she wouldn't have the space she has now.

  Alas, she still had to go out, at least to settle her down.

  People have to bow their heads in front of reality.

  Thinking of this, she went out.

  "What's going on?"

  Jiang Yuan looked at the scene in front of her, a little confused.

  This road has always been very straight, even if there are forks in the road, it won't be as winding as it is now.

  Even if the visibility of the big night light is limited, you can see that the road is winding.

  Jiang Yuan felt a little guilty. What should she do? Should she continue?

  It's like a large intestine, plus it's pitch black, so embarrassing.

  Looking behind, the place where the night light can't reach is also pitch black.

  This is really a dilemma. Jiang Yuan sighed and decided to keep going.

  Turning around, taking every step very carefully.

  In the end, I finally got out.

  Wow, the road ahead is the same as before.

  What's going on? It's like a plug was added between the two roads.

  This Changming Manor is indeed not as harmonious as it looks on the surface. Those

  who can do such a large project and store so many materials must be the people in power here.

  It is precisely because of these things that they have the confidence to call people to build.

  Continue to walk forward, after passing the passage, this is the first fork in the road.

  Jiang Yuan chose the one on the far right without hesitation, and continued to walk for about ten minutes, and sure enough, she encountered another door.

  She said, it must be like this.

  Hurry up and unlock it. After several consecutive times, it is already a breeze.

  However, when she opened the door, she found that the light was on inside.

  Does that mean that there is someone inside?

  Jiang Yuan instantly became nervous and looked at the scene in front of her with a horrified face.

  It turned out that this was not a granary, but a luxuriously decorated house!

  In this environment, there are actually crystal chandeliers. How enjoyable it must be!

  She put away the night light and walked slowly inside. Could this be a shelter? Was it

  left for her?   

  It's possible. If there is no danger, Ye Mianmian can be settled here.

  If she has enough food, it will be perfect.

  Thinking of this, she was really happy.

  However, vigilance cannot be relaxed.

  This side is also a suite. She just came to the living room, and the back is actually a storage room.

  Wow, it's full of shelves. It

  's much more sophisticated than the previous granary, with everything.

  Food, drinks, and daily necessities, only you can't think of them, it's undoubtedly a paradise.

  Jiang Yuan was more and more satisfied, but if he could prepare it like this, he probably wanted to live here by himself.

  Moreover, he must be of a high status.

  Otherwise, he wouldn't have the strength.

  Next to the storage room, there was actually a small corridor.

  There are three rooms inside. I didn't see the bedroom just now, so he must be inside.

  Jiang Yuan's heart was also beating. The lights were on here, so it was estimated that there was someone.

  I didn't see him outside, so he must be inside.

  She walked over on tiptoe and listened to the three doors for a while, but there was no sound at all.

  She quietly retreated back, not having the courage to push the door open to see.

  Jiang Yuan chose to settle for the next best thing and rob the storage room.

  The feeling of being so full of supplies was simply amazing.

  Well, it's not safe here, so let's leave first.

  If there's still no movement behind, then consider letting Ye Mianmian stay here.

  She still went out through the door she came in, and the door closed with a "click".

  "Who?" " Oh


  There was actually someone, Jiang Yuan was scared to death, and quickly opened the door and ran out.

  In this hurry, the whole person was a little confused, and the force of closing the door was a little too strong.

  The sound of "pop" was too obvious.

  Running back was her first thought.

  If she could go back, she would go back, and if she couldn't go back, she would hide in the space, that was the only way.

  Fortunately, there was a fork in the road not far ahead. Her voice was loud, and there was also obvious footsteps of someone following behind.


  My God, it was quite fast, Jiang Yuan quickly reached out and touched her wrist.


  Suddenly, a huge force directly picked her up and dragged her back.

  She stretched out her hand, trying to pry it open, but the arm was like an iron clamp, and it didn't move at all.

  Jiang Yuan thought quickly in her heart, and she could only use the last trick.

  The person was behind her, and as long as she bent her legs backwards and kicked hard, there would be absolutely no problem.

  "Don't be afraid, it's me~"

  A familiar voice came, and Jiang Yuan had already accumulated strength, but suddenly stopped, and felt like she was about to have bone hyperplasia, suffocating to death!

  "Why are you here?"

  She didn't dare to ask loudly, but the dissatisfaction in her words was expressed vividly.

  "Shh, don't talk!"

  The two people were now in the passage on the left, running in the opposite direction of the right side she wanted to go before.

  Two people ran over there, holding flashlights in their hands, shaking them, which was a bit scary.

  "Fork in the road, what should I do?"

  This was a female voice, which sounded quite familiar, but she couldn't see the face, and she couldn't remember where she had heard it for a moment.

  "Forget it, let's go back, and have someone clean up this corridor later."

  His words were emotionless, as if he was the young commander!

335. Chapter 335 All are here

2024-02-22 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Jiang Yuan's pupils dilated unconsciously. Wow, this guy is a big boss!

  At least, now it can be proved that those things just now belong to him.

  "Let's go..."

  Song Yi didn't give her too much time, and directly pulled her forward.

  After Jiang Yuan reacted, she broke free.

  "Why are you here?"

  Thinking of her previous guess, she really couldn't face this person like before.

  "Are you sure you have to discuss this issue now?"

  The other party did not answer her question, but asked a question in return.

  Now is indeed not a good time.

  But the person in front of you must be guarded against.

  "Then you go first."


  Song Yi deliberately prolonged his voice, as if he was helpless.

  Jiang Yuan deliberately kept a distance of about two meters from him, just in case there was a problem, she would have enough time to get away.

  Song Yi was a little amused, but didn't say much. It's a good thing to be alert.

  "What's the matter?"

  The person in front suddenly stopped and pointed to the door next to him.

  "Let's go in here and take a rest!"

  It was the door on the left, and Jiang Yuan immediately refused.

  "It won't work here. Find the door on the right first!"

  "This is the one on the right."

  Bah, she lied with her eyes open.

  Before she could even start to mock, the door actually opened from the inside.

  "Sister Yuan, come in quickly."

  It was Ye Mianmian. At this time, her doubts were even heavier.

  What did he bring Mianmian here for?

  Seeing that she didn't move, Ye Mianmian came out to pull her.

  Oh my god, they are all here. Fan Qing and Zhang Kaiyang were sitting inside and greeted her.

  "What's wrong with you?"

  "Sister Yuan, I woke up and didn't see you. We couldn't find you anywhere. Brother Song said you might come here, so we came to find you.

  How are you, are you okay?" "Nothing~"   It turned out that she had wronged this group of people. She   was a little mean-spirited and apologized silently in her heart for three seconds. "By the way, we can't stay here any longer. There are people in the corridor.

  Let   's leave here quickly."   Jiang Yuan began to urge everyone. She discovered the secret here.   "It's all right, we haven't met anyone, look how warm it is here!"   Zhang Kaiyang wanted to stay here, it was too cold outside, he couldn't stand it.   "It's true, you met the guards in this room, right? This proves that there are people inside.   But we were lucky and always walked to the right."   "No, there is no one here!"   Zhang Kaiyang looked puzzled, always felt that she was a little nervous.   "No one?"   She was a little unbelievable, how could there be no one.   "Yes, there is no one, Sister Yuan, there has been no one here since we came here."   "How is it possible..."   Jiang Yuan began to fall into deep doubt, she hurriedly ran to the innermost part, full of supplies.   "How is it possible, there should be a suite, there should be nothing!"   She didn't understand and became nervous.   Meeting those two people might be an accident, but how could this building structure be an accident?   It was too strange, she must have made a mistake.   "Don't think about it, this is not the left, but the right..."   Song Yi's voice rang out, making her a little at a loss.   "How is it possible, we clearly..."   

  "Just now, didn't we pass a bend? Do you remember?"

  "Yes, there is a bend."

  "It turns around inside. You may not have noticed that it has changed its position a long time ago."


  She couldn't believe it. It was true that it was winding inside.

  She hadn't calculated it specifically, but she always felt that it was a difficult road.

  Who knew that it was actually for changing directions.

  In other words, she was now reversed from when she came in.

  The left now is the right just now.

  And she was also walking in the original direction.

  No, no!

  "Impossible, if that's the case, why do I feel that I have never been here before? It shouldn't be the road I walked on."

  Song Yi looked at her. This guy was smart enough to think of this.

  "Because this corridor is a big circle, you are at the opposite side."

  What the hell?

  Who is so perverted to design this ghost thing.

  In other words, the door she saw before might not be another corridor.

  It is at the border, more like the other side.

  It's just not that obvious. What the hell is going on!

  "Song Yi, how do you know so much?"

  Still unable to help, asked.

  "Don't worry, I'll tell you."

  In fact, it wasn't just her. The three people next to her also had doubts, but they just didn't dare to say it.


  Jiang Yuan insisted, just wanting a definite answer.

  "When we finish walking here..."

  Haha, I'm afraid I won't be so lucky after walking here!

  Jiang Yuan curled her lips and didn't say much.

  "Sister Yuan, come over and eat something quickly. Are you tired?"

  Ye Mianmian looked at the two people who were on edge and hurried over to greet her.

  He boiled hot water here and poured her a cup, and then handed over the prepared self-heating rice, which was sweet and sour pork ribs.

  Jiang Yuan sighed and finally sat down.

  There were lights inside, but outside the cave, it was always dark.

  In such an environment, it is difficult to distinguish between day and night, and it is easy to reverse your work and rest, just like the space is always sunny.

  "Brother Song, come over..."

  Zhang Kaiyang also went over to call Song Yi over and gave him a bucket of hot and sour noodles.

  Several people ate together, but the atmosphere was very weird.

  "By the way, Sister Yuan, how did you get in here?"

  "I woke up and went to the bathroom, and saw a man who also found the door. After he opened it, I followed him in."

  "Ah? Does that mean there's another person in here?"

  Zhang Kaiyang's words were a bit exaggerated, and Fan Qing's face was not very good.

  "Yes, and no!"

  "What do you mean? Sister Yuan, tell us quickly."

  Now, she is ready to make up a story, and the main one is to strike first.

  "They are two people, both men.

  After they came in, they went to the suite we found before."

  "The one with suite five?"

  Ye Mianmian asked, and she nodded slowly.

  "Yes, everything in there was gone.

  Later, they continued to walk and went to another door.

  I was accidentally discovered by them, and I learned that these two people were from the dining room, so I wanted to ask if they had seen Liang Kang.

  They both had weapons in their hands, so I had no choice but to shoot one of them.

  The other one ran from the opposite door, and I don't know where he is now."

Chapter 336 Human Container

2024-02-22 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "No wonder..."

  Zhang Kaiyang muttered, looking thoughtful.

  "No wonder what?"

  "Oh, we should have passed the place you mentioned just now. We saw someone on the ground and a familiar crossbow.

  I wondered if it was you, but it turned out to be you.

  You don't know, Brother Song was so anxious at that time.

  I have never seen him lose his temper so much. He got angry with me just because he walked a little slower."

  The person in question was still eating leisurely there, and it was really hard to tell that he was anxious.

  "That's right, later he left us here and went to find you himself."

  Ye Mianmian also hurried over to agree, just because she didn't want the two to be angry.

  "Thank you!"

  Jiang Yuan said, and Song Yi's face softened a lot.

  Although it wasn't specifically said to him, he also had a part, didn't he? After

  a simple rest, the few people continued to set off.

  This time they walked in the opposite direction of the previous one, changing all the right sides to the left.

  Song Yi was still in the lead, and soon encountered a door on the right.

  Logically speaking, this is dangerous.

  "Do you want to go in?"

  He didn't make a decision, but asked everyone.

  When they encountered the young commander just now, the two of them tacitly didn't say much, just because they were afraid of trouble later.

  Now, it's the right side again.

  "I want to take a look..."

  No one thought that it was Fan Qing who brought it up.

  "Don't stop me, the left side is safe now, it's nothing more than some supplies.

  We can't take it away, why not go to the right side and take a look."

  Jiang Yuan's heart was bleeding, you can't take it away, but she can!

  That's supplies, white rice and flour!

  "That's right, since we are here, let's go and take a look, anyway, we have this to save our lives now, no one is afraid."

  Zhang Kaiyang said, patting his waist.

  The only pistol was given to him, and the rest of the people were that kind of long.

  Of course, he also had it, after all, he was very rich.

  Ye Mianmian also brought her one, and now it is on her back.

  In fact, she had secretly put one in the space a long time ago. But she

  didn't take it out. It's not easy to say that it's taking things out of thin air.

  "Then take action..."

  Ye Mianmian didn't want to go, but she didn't have much chance to speak.

  Zhang Kaiyang acted quickly and opened fire in a few minutes.

  A group of people, all took out their weapons.

  This is not a time for joking. If you are not careful, you may lose your life. We

  still need to do a good job of alert.

  The door was pushed open gently. Everyone was stunned by the light green inside.

  Although the lights were not on, it was enough to see the situation inside.

  There were beds next to each other, and huge instruments were next to them, making "bang, bang, bang" sounds, like a death warrant.

  "Oh my god, what the hell is this!"

  Ye Mianmian shouted. She was really scared.

  The lights were all emitted from the instruments next to them. When they hit other people's faces, they were also a faint green.

  It added new elements to the atmosphere of horror.

  "How could it be, how could it be here?"

  Fan Qing was not calm. This was something from the laboratory!

  The laboratory she was looking for was actually moved here quietly.

  "Fan Qing, don't be impulsive..."

  Jiang Yuan went over and pulled her. Now was not a good time to vent her emotions.   

  The first task is to eliminate the hidden crisis.

  Song Yi is still leading the way. This place is not very big, with only a three-bedroom layout.

  There is indeed no one in the large area. Jiang Yuan is worried and looks under the bed.

  Finally, everyone gathered together and shook their heads.

  Safety is good, but everyone began to be afraid.

  Before, they only heard about it and thought it was horrifying and passed.

  But now, seeing the scene in front of them, their scalps are still tingling.

  Planting things on people, how perverted and anti-human it must be!

  "That's it, you see, this is what I saw in the laboratory.

  Why is it here, why?"

  Fan Qing couldn't control himself and always thought of those bad memories.

  "Qingqing, don't be like this, with such a strong wind, the situation over there is probably not very good.

  This is a very important thing, and it is reasonable for them not to give up."

  Jiang Yuan was not only persuading Fan Qing, but also persuading herself.

  At this time, don't you understand?

  The laboratory is originally a special existence. Aren't some anti-human behaviors in it condoned?

  Otherwise, how can it survive until now?

  Sister Ying also knew the situation.

  She was just a small role, which meant that it was very likely that the leaders above the middle level knew about the experiment here.

  So what did they want to do, just to increase production and quantity?

  She didn't know, and she didn't want to speculate.

  "Yes, Qingqing, you can't get excited. You still have to take a good look at it now. Danger can come at any time."

  Although Ye Mianmian didn't know why she was like this, it was always good to persuade her.

  What if the noise attracted people from outside, and everyone would suffer.

  "I know, but I just don't think it's reasonable.

  There is a long distance from there to here, and these things are not so easy to move here. How could he move so quickly..."

  Moreover, they actually moved all of them here, which was also incomprehensible to her.

  "There will always be people who do these things, and that location is close to the wall, they can come from the nearest place.

  There is a passage inside, have you forgotten?"

  "Indeed, maybe that group of people saw that the wind was too strong and felt that there was danger, so they moved in advance. Don't think too much."

  The three people were all persuading Fan Qing.

  Jiang Yuan looked at Song Yi, and he was the only one who didn't express his opinion.

  "What do you think?"

  Song Yi spread his hands, looking helpless.

  "I don't want to make assumptions, and I don't know what to say. Just look at what's in front of me!" What's

  in front of me?

  These human containers planted with plants. Fan Qing was right. These people were not dead.

  Instead, they fell into a deep sleep, but it was almost the same as being dead.

  Zuo Jie, Zhou Jin, Dandan, she saw many familiar faces.

  Fan Qing was a little scared. She had said before that the doctor asked her to plant red mushrooms in these.

  After all, she was an executioner. It would be unreasonable if she didn't feel guilty.

  "Look, why is this person's belly so big!"

  Ye Mianmian didn't dare to move, but just pointed to a "container" in front.

  Song Yi came over and motioned for everyone to step back.

  Then, he suddenly lifted the quilt covering it.

  "Chirp chirp..."

  It turned out to be a chick. It looked like it had been hatched for more than a day or two.

Chapter 337: The Doctor Appears

2024-02-22 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Oh my god~"

  No wonder Ye Mianmian exclaimed, this chick was actually pecking at the "container" that was feeding it.

  Its stomach was rotten, and the scene was terrifying for a while.

  Moreover, everyone knew this person, it was Dandan.

  "Sister Yuan, what's going on?"

  Ye Mianmian grabbed her arm with great strength, and Jiang Yuan wanted to shake it off.

  "Mianmian, don't be afraid..."

  In fact, she didn't know what was going on.

  It's understandable to use human bodies to grow mushrooms.

  But it should be difficult to hatch eggs with human bodies.

  So what's the situation now? How to explain this chick? It's so difficult!

  "This person is dead, it should be just feed."

  "No way, her body is still soft."

  If a person is dead, then it will be hard, and the whole body will be stiff and cold.

  It is not suitable for a chick that has just broken out of its shell for a few days to survive.


  Song Yi pointed to the instruments next to him, each of which had a large thing similar to an infusion bottle on it.


  Yes, the rest are green, and only a few of them are this color.

  Zhang Kaiyang hurried over and pulled open the quilts on the beds corresponding to the red ones.

  There are indeed chicks inside, but two of them are no longer moving, and the remaining one is still an egg.

  So, the liquid inside is actually used to maintain the temperature and softness of the human body.

  What kind of technology is this? It is really unreasonable.

  If this technology is used in the right way, how many people will benefit!

  "So, they not only attack the living, but also the dead."

  Jiang Yuan ignored her and looked at Fan Qing: "Explain it!"


  Fan Qing was stunned, not knowing what to say. She looked helpless, which made people feel sorry.

  However, she had a heart of stone and didn't buy it.

  "You said that you had a fight with Zhou Jin and the others, and then they were planted with mushrooms.

  But now, the three of them are lying here, don't you have to give everyone a reasonable explanation?"

  "Sister Yuan, I really don't know, mushrooms were really planted at that time."

  Zhang Kaiyang felt a little sorry to see his girlfriend like this.

  "Sister Yuan, maybe these people died later. They were picked for mushrooms and used as feed. It's not certain. Don't make it hard for Qingqing."

  "Am I making it hard for her, or is she not telling the truth?"

  Jiang Yuan was also not giving in. At this time, she would not believe anyone.

  "Pa pa pa, you're right!"

  A round of clapping sounded, and then a man came out from the ear hole next to him. It was the doctor who started it.

  "You guys, you're right, Qingqing, right?

  Tell everyone how brutal you were that day.

  Tsk tsk, I really admire your savagery!"

  His tone was full of ridicule and teasing, but Fan Qing gritted his teeth.

  "You finally showed up!"

  "Why, are you looking forward to it?"

  This doctor, who looked gentle and elegant, felt that he had a sense of evil.

  "Hand over the medicine."

  Fan Qing silently raised the gun in his hand, his eyes full of murderous intent.

  "Medicine, what medicine? Qingqing, what's going on?"

  Seeing her like this, Zhang Kaiyang felt heartbroken.

  But she was hiding something from him, which made him most anxious.

  "Kaiyang, I didn't hide it from you on purpose.

  That day, when you came to see me, he was afraid that the truth would be revealed, so he injected me with a medicine.   

  Judging from the color, it is most likely from the bottle. "

  She glanced at the green jar next to her. This is a drug that keeps people alive, but will cause them to fall into a deep coma!

  To put it bluntly, it is no different from a vegetative state.

  "Qingqing, you should have told me that I could have been in the same boat with you!"

  Zhang Kaiyang now felt very guilty. He could feel that something was wrong with Fan Qing since he came back.

  He thought she was scared, but he didn't expect that there would be such a thing.

  "Kaiyang, I can't tell you, forgive me..."

  Tears flowed down instantly.

  "Qingqing, I'm sorry, I didn't protect you well."

  "Oh, it's really touching, tut tut..."

  As he said that, the doctor applauded, but there was a strong mockery in his eyes.

  "Shut up, you..."

  Fan Qing was a little angry and fired a shot directly.

  With a "pop", Jiang Yuan's hair stood up.

  What is he going to do, so impulsive.

  "Okay, little Qingqing, you actually play with me for real, but you are not good! "

  Zhang Kaiyang also pointed his gun at him. It was the first time for them to touch this thing.

  The accuracy could not be guaranteed, but the posture was still quite intimidating.

  "Shut up, do you have an antidote for that thing? Hurry up and give it to me..."

  Sure enough, the smile on the doctor's face disappeared.

  "Tsk, boring, the things I made are only poisonous, there is no antidote, hahahaha..."

  "Shut up, you..."

  Zhang Kaiyang obviously didn't believe it and fired a shot.

  However, he didn't aim at anyone, but a little in front of his feet.

  "Take it out quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude..."

  "Sorry, I really don't have it..."

  Jiang Yuan and Song Yi were just watching from the side, not knowing what to do.

  "Are you sure?"

  Zhang Kaiyang loaded the bullet and made the last wave of threats.

  "Don't worry, I'll show you something..."

  As he said that, he took out a remote control in his hand.

  Jiang Yuan had never seen this before, and it felt like a handle in a game.

  "Did you bury explosives?"

  Song Yi's voice was very cold, and a sense of danger came over him.

  "How is it, is it exciting? Don't you want to shoot? Come on! "

  Zhang Kaiyang is also panicking now. He didn't realize that this guy actually has a backup plan.

  "What do you want?"

  Song Yi asked lightly, his eyes never leaving the other person's movements.

  "What do I want, hahahaha...

  what do I want? I don't want anything. This world has been rotten and deteriorated.

  What fairness, what technology, it's all bullshit.

  I don't want anything. Now the whole world will know that if you want to survive, you have to rely on my technology.

  What should I want? I have everything, hahahaha..."

  Ye Mianmian unconsciously approached Jiang Yuan. This guy is probably crazy, and he can't take it lightly.

  "I know you have been treated unfairly.

  But are these really what you want now?

  Doctor Li, a genius boy, the youngest researcher in the Academy of Sciences.

  You should have stood on the podium and talked about how to use your technology to benefit mankind.

  Instead of being like a cockroach, huddled in this dark underground, growing mushrooms and raising chickens for others!"

Chapter 338 The poison is not serious

2024-02-22 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Shut up, what do you know?

  They are all the cancer of society. I devoted myself to research, but the results were stolen by the unlearned and unskilled dandies. Why?

  Just because they are rich, because they have connections?


  Without me, I wonder what they can do..."

  Good guy, it turns out that he was treated unfairly in the workplace.

  This person is obsessed with academics, so he should not understand so many worldly affairs.

  Being framed and having no way to appeal, he chose to fall.

  "Doctor Li, don't be impulsive. Do you think they have no way out without you?

  I tell you, don't think too much.

  Money can buy a lot of things.

  Power, let alone.

  You are an adult yourself, why can't you figure it out!"

  Jiang Yuan felt that this kind of person is just self-righteous and doesn't know how to adapt. It doesn't matter.

  But if you think you are the best in the world, that's a bit speechless.

  Judging from the resumes that Song Yi just mentioned, this person is indeed a good one.

  At least, there is nothing to pick in academics.

  But if you don't care, then you must try the collapse therapy.

  "You're talking nonsense. Without me, they are nothing..."

  "Without Dr. Li, there are still Dr. Zhang and Dr. Wang. You are not irreplaceable."

  "No, it's impossible. Oh, I see. You want to make me angry and then take the opportunity to escape!"

  Speechless, this man has a divine logic.

  "It's no good for you to perish together. Now, it seems that it's even more difficult for you to get out!"

  Song Yi said coldly, not giving him any face.

  "It's hard for me to get out. What are you talking about?"

  The doctor looked very upset and took two steps back.

  Then, he leaned to the side, and something magical happened.

  He actually fell in. Good guy, what's going on!

  Song Yi rushed over with a brisk step, and he couldn't see anything on the wall.

  Jiang Yuan also came over. It looked like there was indeed a door.

  However, there was no handle or lock.

  "Is it opened sideways?"

  Now, there is only this possibility, leaning over from a corner, and then the door tilted.

  Thus, it turned inside.

  Zhang Kaiyang was very anxious and pushed it, but it didn't work.

  "No, I can't get in at all."

  After saying that, he actually tried to knock on the door, but there was still no movement.

  Song Yi knocked, the sound was dull.

  "Okay, this wall is very thick, don't think too much.

  Dr. Li has a high IQ, there must be defenses inside, let's not waste our efforts."

  "But, what about Qingqing?

  Brother Song, Qingqing can't be in trouble!"

  Song Yi was relatively calm, frowning, and no one knew what he was thinking.

  Jiang Yuan, however, was doubtful and walked up to Fan Qing.

  "Qingqing, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

  "A few days ago, I felt a little dizzy and sleepy, but now I'm fine. I don't know if I'm used to it."

  Her emotions were a little unstable, and she was in a bad mood, looking lost.

  "If you ask me, it should be nothing."

  A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the rest of the people looked over.

  Especially Fan Qing, there was light in her eyes instantly.

  Jiang Yuan always knew that this girl was the kind of person who cherished her life.

  Otherwise, when she was at the rescue center, she would not have tried every means to send a message for help to Zhang Kaiyang.

  Did she really still have feelings for him?

  I'm afraid not!

  This time too, she kept it a secret and refused to tell anyone.

  However, she still wanted to go to the laboratory.   

  I don't know whether to say that she cherishes her life or that she is selfish.

  "Sister Yuan, what should I say?"

  Zhang Kaiyang was also very anxious. His feelings for Fan Qing didn't seem to be fake.

  "You see, these people are half dead now because of long-term injections of drugs.

  Lying here, they should be day and night.

  Qingqing was only injected once, and there were some reactions at the beginning, but now it is much better.

  It may cause some damage to the body, but it should not be fatal."


  That's great, Qingqing, did you hear that? Sister Yuan said that you will be fine, that's great!"

  Fan Qing was also a little excited. A few words saved a life, and all the worries in recent days became nonsense.

  "I, I also feel that I have been getting better recently, only the first few days were not very good.

  Kaiyang, am I really okay?"

  "Of course, I am definitely okay..."

  The two people hugged each other excitedly, and it looked quite sweet.

  "However, I dare not guarantee this matter. You still have to observe it more."

  She didn't want to have any problems later. People came to her to ask for an explanation, it was not worth it.

  However, the two parties involved simply couldn't listen.

  They were so excited that they didn't even have time to look at her.

  Good god...

  "What about these people?"

  Ye Mianmian pointed outside. There were at least more than 30 beds, minus the ones that were no longer available.

  There were still quite a lot left, which was indeed a big problem.

  "Let's stop the nutrient solution.

  If they can survive, it's their good fortune.

  If they can't survive, they don't have to suffer this inhuman punishment.

  Let's just take it as a good thing!"

  "Okay, I agree with Jiang Yuan."

  Song Yi took the lead in expressing his opinion, and the rest of the people naturally had no other opinions.

  "Okay, then let's pull these out."

  Jiang Yuan said, and she did it herself.

  This person had a lot of tubes and other things stuck in his body. She was very careful, for fear of hurting him.

  She chose Sister Zuo, no matter what this person was like.

  At least, she didn't do anything to hurt them.

  The night she came here was still a release of goodwill.

  The rest of the people also got busy.

  "Sister Yuan, what should we do with the mushrooms on this body? Should we pull them out?"

  "Mianmian, don't move.

  We don't know how deep the roots are.

  What if we pull them out and damage the internal organs? Wouldn't that harm the body?

  If the mushrooms are not pulled out completely, they will continue to grow. There is no point."

  "Okay, I know."

  Although Ye Mianmian had many questions, she was very obedient.

  "Sister Yuan, what should we do with this chicken!"

  Well, in fact, her space was particularly short of this kind of poultry.

  But this one was a little bloody, which was not what she wanted.

  Moreover, even if she raised it, she would not dare to eat it later!

  Who knows if it will carry a virus, such a terrible thing.

  "Put it on the ground, life and death are determined by fate."

  "Okay, put it down, they can't fly to the bed, and this group of people are safe."

  Zhang Kaiyang was a little disdainful. These little things are already anti-human.

  "I think, just kill it directly, it will be a disaster if it is kept!"

  (End of this chapter)

339. Chapter 339 Stone Cave Kitchen2024-02-22 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "You can do whatever you want. I have no objection to this."

  Anyway, once you leave here, you will never come back.

  She doesn't care whether these people are dead or alive, let alone a few chickens.

  "Originally, they can be roasted to improve the food, but now I guess no one dares to do that.

  I think it's better to kill them, so as not to harm others. If that Doctor Li comes back, it will make him uncomfortable!"

  Others don't care, so he can do whatever he wants.

  Zhang Kaiyang really killed a few chickens. With one kick, they died.

  Such a small thing, it feels cruel!

  Jiang Yuan didn't say much. She couldn't control this matter, and there was no need.

  Finally, she took a look at this side. They didn't even stop and left directly.

  It really felt a little uncomfortable, just like a morgue.

  Besides, that Doctor Li might come back.

  These are all the things a few people can do.

  Finally, the power was turned off, and the whole space fell into darkness and silence.

  "We have to get out now. Dr. Li already knows we are here and will never give up.

  As for how he contacts people outside, we are not very clear."

  Song Yi analyzed the reality and it was very serious.

  "Yes, we must leave here quickly.

  I feel like every cave is connected to the outside.

  Even if they are not connected, there is a door directly opposite.

  As for where it leads, we don't know, but we have to go and see."

  "Then what are we waiting for, let's go!"

  Zhang Kaiyang was very anxious. He did not object to his brothers and sisters' ideas.

  Now Fan Qing is fine, and he feels relaxed.

  "Well, be alert..."

  Song Yi said, and he led the way.

  Jiang Yuan wanted to ask him about everything.

  But now is not a good opportunity, so she endured the doubts in her heart.

  The speed of several people was very fast, and they arrived at the next door in a blink of an eye.

  It was on the left, and there were still the same supplies inside.

  It was just a small place, with two rooms.

  There were also some food, nothing else.

  While everyone was out, she hurriedly collected three piles.

  "Sister Yuan, what's wrong with you? Why did you stop?"

  "It's okay, something seems to have gotten into my shoe, let me take a look."

  Ye Mianmian nodded. She was squatting at the moment, which made sense.

  "Let's go!"

  Jiang Yuan got up quickly and told Ye Mianmian to hurry up.

  The lights were not on, and Song Yi and the others were already at the door.

  This time, it took about half an hour before they encountered another door.

  On the right, it was dangerous.

  They opened the door tremblingly, but it was very quiet inside.

  After entering, there was a sound inside.

  Or, to be precise, it was underneath.

  The structure of this cave is different from the others.

  About two meters below, there is a stepped doorway.

  At the same time, the top also sank.

  There was food on top. Jiang Yuan had seen it, one bag after another.

  The packaging was exactly the same as the ones she had encountered before.

  "You bunch of rubbish, if you can't make a delicious meal, you all die!"

  The person shouting was hysterical, and even held a whip.

  Opposite were three woks, with three people in chef's coats busy in front of them.

  They were on top, using the gaps to observe the specific situation below.

  "Hurry up~"

  The man had a bad temper and whipped the person in front of him.

  The person who was beaten snorted and didn't dare to say anything.     Without even turning his head, he continued to work.

  There is no vent in this space, and it was already filled with smoke.

  Jiang Yuan quickly took out a few masks and distributed them to everyone.

  Zhang Kaiyang couldn't stand it anymore. His throat was itchy and he wanted to cough.

  But he was afraid of alarming the people below, so he could only endure it silently.

  Seeing his face flushed, "cough cough..."

  Oh my god, he still coughed.


  The people below reacted and looked up.

  Jiang Yuan also felt a little choked. How many peppers were put in this? The mask couldn't stop it.

  "Cough cough~"

  It seems that there is not more than one of hers!

  "Cough cough~"

  "Cough cough~"

  "Cough cough~"

  Oh my god, everyone fell, even Song Yi couldn't hold on.

  The people below heard the "cough cough" sounds one after another and panicked.

  He was the only one supervising here, and there were many people listening on the opposite side.

  Moreover, he deliberately scared people.

  He was thinking about how to deal with it, and the three chefs who were cooking were not calm.

  The one who was beaten just now turned around immediately and shouted, "Help~"

  Then, he ran up madly. There were some steps next to it.

  "What are you doing, are you going to rebel?"

  The supervisor said, and swung the whip over.

  Even if it didn't hit him, it would make a rustling sound in the air.

  Seeing that the man had already run up and even looked for someone.

  With a "pop", Song Yi shot the person below with a sleeve arrow.

  The supervisor fell to the ground in response, and he hadn't pulled out the gun on his waist yet.

  With an incredible look on his face, he covered his neck and looked up in horror.

  The person who came over was also frightened by the sudden scene and fell to the ground.

  "Heroes, please, help me!"

  Song Yi put away his tools and came out. He didn't know where these people came from.

  But he still raised his gun and aimed at the person opposite.

  Zhang Kaiyang followed suit and was also serious.

  "Raise your hands~"

  The man was still on the ground. Hearing this, he quickly raised his hands above his head.

  "Don't, don't kill me, don't kill me~"

  "And you two, raise your hands..."

  The two men followed suit immediately, fearing that they would offend this killing god by accident.

  Zhang Kaiyang walked down quickly, with the muzzle of his gun pointed at the two people below.

  The one in front was also driven down by Song Yi.

  Soon, the three people knelt in a row, all with their hands on their heads.

  "Tell me, who are you and why are you here?"

  At this moment, Zhang Kaiyang's aura was fully open, ten times more terrifying than the supervisor just now.

  "Spare my life, we were all caught here to cook, we don't know anything, please, let us go!"

  The five people looked at each other. Being caught to cook, isn't that the same as Liang Kang's situation!

  Although it was not clearly stated what he was taken away for.

  But it was related to the dining hall, that was cooking.

  Before, I thought it was to solve the problem of food and clothing for the masses.

  Unexpectedly, it was actually a small kitchen here.

  "What kind of food are you cooking, it's choking to death!"

  Zhang Kaiyang was a little dissatisfied, always feeling that this group of people's skills were not good.

  "You don't know, all of us who normally cook have been killed."

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 340: Death of Liang Kang

2024-02-24 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Ah, what do you mean?"

  All five people were confused. If they cooked normally, they would be killed.

  Then, cooking randomly would have a good result. What kind of perverse logic is this?

  "I dare not deceive you. It is indeed like this.

  After we were brought here, we were asked to make some heavy-tasting appetizers.

  At the beginning, everyone made sour and spicy, sweet and sour.

  It is indeed an appetizer, but people were not satisfied and said that it had no taste at all. If

  the dish is not good, just make it again, but they actually killed people.

  Right in front of us!"

  As he said this, a grown man actually cried.

  Scared, really scared.

  "Isn't this perverted? The food is not delicious, so they kill people?"

  Zhang Kaiyang was also a little confused. At this time, he was also easy to empathize with the suffering party.

  "We dared to be angry but not to speak. Fifteen people came, and in the end there were only three of us left.

  The ingredients were heavier each time, but every time they said there was no taste."

  "So, you put so much chili?"

  Jiang Yuan glanced at the stove in the middle, which should be used to make spicy chicken.

  Half of the pot was full of chili, and there was no chicken at all.

  "Yes, not just peppers, the last group of brothers put half a bag of salt, and said it had no taste.

  I wonder if they just wanted to kill us and just found an excuse!"

  The man was a little sad, maybe he really couldn't figure it out. He

  used to work in the dining hall, which was also a good job that everyone envied, but who knew that he would become a prisoner in the next second.

  Or the kind that was at the mercy of others without any chance to resist.


  Song Yi said lightly, and Jiang Yuan was puzzled.

  "What did you find?"

  "Killing them, there is no need for a reason, it should be that they really think it has no taste."

  "How is this possible, half a bag of salt, the people who taste the food are not without taste, how can they not taste it~"

  After saying that, she also reacted.

  "So, this group of people are actually cooking for a person without taste?

  So, no matter how they cook, it will be tasteless, and the end is a dead end?"

  Song Yi nodded, his face solemn: "I think so too."

  Good guy, there is actually a person with no taste and a high position among them.

  Otherwise, it would not be so easy to mobilize so many people.

  "Have you seen Liang Kang? He was also taken away in the name of the dining hall."

  Jiang Yuan asked this question, and the three people almost rushed to answer.

  "Yes, Liang Kang was the first wave to go there, right there..."

  As she said that, she pointed to the back with some fear.

  It was just a little bit beside the stairs, belonging to the upper floor.

  There was a curtain blocking it, and there was not even a door.

  Zhang Kaiyang was a little timid and swallowed his saliva. He

  still mustered up the courage to go over and take a look. There were still three people here, and Song Yi had to watch. This kind of thing naturally fell on him.

  "Oh my God!"

  After taking a look, he quickly put down the curtain, and his heart was pounding non-stop.

  "Brother Song, there are corpses~"

  "Go and see if there is Liang Kang."

  Good guy, he was actually asked to identify it, this is too scary. Even

  after going through so much, Zhang Kaiyang was still not mentally prepared.

  Jiang Yuan saw his concerns and hurried over: "Let's go, I'll look with you."


  The other party cast a grateful look. At this time, the feeling of having a companion was really great.

  Jiang Yuan followed, and Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing followed too.

  Holding a strong flashlight in hand, this place was relatively low and particularly depressing.   

  In addition, the light from outside could not penetrate, and there were dead bodies inside.

  The atmosphere was very weird for a while.

  Everything inside was thrown in a mess.

  Jiang Yuan looked around, and none of the things facing up were there.

  Zhang Kaiyang was very conscious and turned over the things facing the ground.

  My goodness, each one was more frightened than the other.

  "Sister Yuan, Sister Yuan, it's Brother Liang..."

  After finding it, Jiang Yuan and the other two hurried over to see.

  "Oh my God!"

  Liang Kang's face was bruised and swollen, and he must have been bullied a lot.

  The fatal injury was a bloody hole on his stomach.

  After all, they were teammates who had experienced many things together, and Jiang Yuan couldn't accept it.

  His heart was so blocked. What if Xiaoling knew? What should I do?

  "Sister Yuan, what should we do now?"

  "Let's get out first!"

  Jiang Yuan sighed and hurriedly fled from this suffocating place.

  "I didn't lie to you, Xiao Liang was the first to go.

  He wanted to finish it as soon as possible and go back as soon as possible, because he was worried about his children and wife!

  However, they were so inhumane that they beat him to death .

  Later, we didn't dare to go up.

  However, the consequences of not going up were even worse!"

  These three people were lucky, and they were the last to be pulled out.

  They met Song Yi and others again. Although they didn't know whether they were dead or alive, this group of people was different from the guards.

  Moreover, it seemed that they came to find Liang Kang.


  Jiang Yuan ignored him and just told Song Yi.

  The other party just sighed lightly. In this situation, life and death were really too easy.

  Zhang Kaiyang's eyes were actually red. He and Liang Kang still had feelings for each other, and he was also full of resentment at this moment.

  "Brother Song, we can't let Brother Liang die like this, we have to avenge him!"

  "Don't dare, don't dare..."

  The man immediately made a horrified expression: "There are too many of them, and their methods are very cruel. You are not their opponents. Run for your lives!"

  Jiang Yuan glanced at Zhang Kaiyang. Even if this man didn't say it, she would not agree to let him run away in a daze.

  "Okay, do you know where that group of people are?

  I can understand your mood.

  Liang Kang is gone, and everyone is feeling bad.

  The guard is gone, and we don't know where the rest of the people are. If

  we can meet them, we will naturally try our best. If we can't meet them, there is nothing we can do." It

  's a bit heartless.

  But what can we do? If the price of revenge for Liang Kang is to gamble her life.

  Then she is selfish. She has died once, so she doesn't care what others think.

  The most important thing is to be comfortable.

  Upon hearing this, Fan Qing also came to persuade him: "Kaiyang, calm down. Our own safety is a problem now. How can we take revenge? You don't even recognize those people's faces." Song Yi

  didn't say anything. Zhang Kaiyang has been a little angry recently.

  It seems that he has become more sensitive since his arm was injured.

  "Why haven't you done it yet? They are urging us over there. "

  A shout came from outside, and it was obviously a little angry.

  "It's over, it's over, they are back, what should we do?"

  The man who had been talking just now was shaking like a sieve, and looked at him for help.

  "Don't panic, hide first."
