
181. Chapter 181 Launching an Attack2023-12-14 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  There was a quick knock on the door, and several people looked at each other.

  "It seems to be from 2001. Should we open the door?"

  She did not make a decision by herself, but asked for everyone's opinions.

  Now they are all together, and it is related to life safety. She must not be arbitrary.


  Song Yi made the final decision. Time is urgent, and they must really have something to do.

  Jiang Yuan hurried to open the door, only to see the man from 2001 coming out with a stick, followed by his wife and a little girl about five years old.

  When she saw her come out, she immediately knelt down.

  "Oh, what are you doing?"

  She was caught off guard and could not react.

  "Jiang Yuan, the people downstairs are very fierce, let our family of three come up.

  Don't worry, just let us hide in the corridor, I can help beat the bad guys.

  Please, let my wife and daughter come up."

  He meant that he could stay, as long as his wife and children were safe.

  Jiang Yuan was a little moved. It is said that husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and they fly away separately when disaster strikes.

  It was not easy for this man to do this.

  "Come in!"

  Song Yi made the decision at the critical moment. There was nothing he could do.

  "Thank you, thank you, hurry up, Xiaoling, take Jingjing and hurry up..."

  He asked his wife to go up, and Jiang Yuan sighed.

  "You come too!"

  "Really? Thank you."

  It was really a surprise. The man quickly stood up and took his wife and daughter to the corridor on the 21st floor.

  Song Yi looked at the situation in front of him and called Jiang Xingzhi, Zhang Kaiyang, and Liang Kang to go down to the 20th floor.

  Liang Kang was the man from 2001.

  The people below had already come up.

  The four grown men were together because the corridor door on the 20th floor was locked.

  After knocking several times over there, seeing no response, the leading girl was not happy.

  "Open the door, the 20th floor, I know you can hear it.

  Be smart, open the door quickly, and I can still spare your lives."

  Damn, this guy is really taking advantage of the situation, he really thinks he is a big shot.

  Song Yi was very patient, didn't say much, and watched the situation over there.

  This group of people came up directly, and there were also those who were sweeping the building.

  In less than five minutes, they would come up and join them.

  "Why, you have no face!"

  A man's voice sounded among them.

  The girl was a little angry and cursed inwardly, and then ordered the people next to her.

  "You guys, break the door for me, I don't believe that with so many of us, we can't kill these bastards."

  "If I had known, I would have killed her last time."

  Ye Mianmian was also gritting her teeth in anger. Now her hair has not grown out yet, all thanks to her.

  The old hatred is not over yet, and new hatred is added.

  "Don't get excited, we can't lose our composure."

  Jiang Yuan said, and caught a glimpse of the mother and daughter in 2001.

  Because Xiaoling had already come over, she took a kitchen knife and asked the little girl Jingjing to hide quietly in the corridor.

  Although the child was pitiful, Jiang Yuan did not let her into the house.

  Now, she can't trust anyone, and can't expose her home to outsiders.

  "Well, I can go with you."

  "Okay, wait a minute..."

  Jiang Yuan's voice was very low. People downstairs had already started kicking the door.

  The door was already shaky before, and although it was reinforced later, it was still a drop in the bucket.     Song Yi and his companions wanted to deal with some people on the 20th floor, and they were about to break the door.

  He took the other three people and hid at the corner of the upstairs.

  With a "bang", the door fell to the ground, raising a lot of dust.

  Both sides were silent for a few seconds, and the girl was excited.

  "You see, this group of people are cowards. There are many good things on the 20th floor.

  Let's go to the 21st floor first, clean up those people, and then come down."

  She began to give orders unscrupulously, and the male voice next to her sounded at the right time.

  "So, you take them upstairs, and the rest of you go knock on the door."

  Good guy, this is to fear that the things will fall into the hands of outsiders.

  Moreover, from what he meant, he left his own people behind and let the residents in the building take the lead. It was a good plan.

  "Or we should go together!"

  The girl was not stupid. She couldn't go alone. She had experienced the strength of that group of people.


  The threatening voice sounded, and the girl had no choice but to say loudly: "Go, hurry up."

  Song Yi's knife was already drawn, and he was the first one down.

  The people coming over didn't notice that there was an ambush at the corner.


  One person lost his life because of not checking.

  The second person behind him also did the same. Then he began to retreat.

  "Someone, someone..."

  The voices were trembling. This group of people all wanted to follow to the rescue center. They

  were usually very low-key and had hardly seen such a bloody scene.

  Seeing their companions being stabbed in the neck, they were simply scared to death.

  "Get out of the way..."

  It was still that sharp male voice. Jiang Yuan could tell that it was the man who didn't get along with girls.

  Song Yi didn't want to fight. He solved two people at once, and the rest of the people were on guard.

  Things became complicated.

  As he retreated, the people above also moved up quietly.

  They didn't dare to make any noise, nor did they dare to be too slow. The people

  below were also afraid to act rashly.

  First, a resident came over. He was trembling, but there was nothing he could do.

  The corner of this corridor was a blind spot, and no one could avoid it.

  On the 21st floor, you can also hide in the blind spot of this floor and make some sneak attacks, which is also a good choice.

  Jiang Yuan was also very nervous. She kept holding the door, waiting for them to come back.

  It was simple. She was also afraid of this group of people. What if they had guns or weapons like sleeve arrows?

  If they didn't retreat, it would be too dangerous. Their lives would be in danger!
  Song Yi didn't come into the corridor, but hid at the corner of the corridor.

  The people below also came over. As soon as they showed up, they were also scared to death.

  He stretched out his hands and almost said surrender.

  "No, no one!"

  The man's voice trembled, and then a corner of a "camouflage uniform" appeared from behind.

  This is what Song Yi was waiting for. With a "whoosh", the sleeve arrow attacked, and the man fell to the ground.

  There was fear and sobbing again below. The man in front fell directly to the ground. He was really scared. He

  kept muttering in his mouth: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I was forced, don't kill me..."

  Faintly, there was a cry.

  "Damn it, go..."

  Suddenly, another person came over. It was obvious that this was another ordinary resident who had come to seek refuge.

  These people were really dogs. They actually let innocent people come to clear the way!
  (End of this chapter)

182. Chapter 182 Kill the annoying girl2023-12-14 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  At the critical moment of life and death, everyone wants to live.

  Even if Song Yi doesn't want to hurt innocent people, it is only when his own safety is guaranteed.

  In this situation, it's either you die or I live, and no one can blame anyone!
  "Hurry up..."

  The man was thrown over and kicked, and he staggered a little.

  The entrance of the corridor was not very wide, and now it was blocked by two adult men, and there was no gap at all.

  The two men were shocked, especially the first one. When he was forced to come up, he actually put his hands together and muttered something.

  "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I was forced..."

  The two men started to go upstairs, but they were not very fast because they were too scared.

  Song Yi was in front, and now only Zhang Kaiyang and the other two were outside the door.

  Jiang Yuan held the door, fearing that there would be any movement in a while, Jiang Xingzhi took a wooden stick and directly blocked the door.

  The two men had already climbed half of the stairs, and the people below still didn't respond.

  But they were looking around, probably because they were hesitant!

  Jiang Yuan was also nervous. She didn't know what Song Yi was thinking. If she didn't take action now, that person would come up right away.

  "Go up..."

  Seeing this, the people below immediately grabbed a few more people.

  Among them was the girl.

  Her voice was particularly sharp and harsh, and Jiang Yuan caught it at once.

  She was a little worried that if such a person was not dealt with early, there would be problems in the future.

  As if they had telepathy, Song Yi also took action now.

  The two people in front had already come up. Knowing that this was a corner, they were very cautious.

  Zhang Kaiyang put his index finger to his mouth and made a gesture to silence.

  Although the man was stunned, he didn't say anything after all, and was pulled in by him.

  The second person who came up was also very confused, but seeing that no one had the intention to hurt them, it was better.

  "How is it?"

  The people below were also very cunning. They were afraid of danger, so they didn't go up easily.

  Song Yi took out the short knife, put it on the man's neck, and then signaled with his eyes.

  "No, no one, the door is closed, what should we do now?"

  "Knock on the door!"

  Hearing that no one was there, the people below also took action.

  "Dong, dong, dong..."

  Song Yi knocked twice symbolically, and then motioned the two to go in.

  Jiang Yuan was inside, and after getting the two over, she didn't dare to be too careless.

  Jiang Xingzhi held a dagger and motioned them to raise their hands, and then squatted on the ground.

  Seeing this, Xiaoling knew that she couldn't help, so she took the initiative to watch over the two.

  She had a kitchen knife in her hand, but she was not afraid.

  Jingjing was still in the corridor, not daring to make a sound.

  Xiaobutian also came over and faced the two majestically.

  The people below began to come up, and this time they walked slower.

  "Keep knocking on the door..."

  Song Yi knocked twice symbolically again, and finally this group of people came over, and the girl was behind.

  There were about four steps to the top.

  It was impossible to hit the target with one strike, Jiang Yuan knew that it was impossible to give up now.

  A cardboard box was brought over, and Ye Mianmian saw that it was the glass beads she had used before, and she understood what she meant.

  After handing the things to her, he took out the firecrackers and handed them to Song Yi.

  The other party was a little surprised, but after seeing the words on the box, he understood.

  So, when the group of people came up, they were greeted by the crackling sound of firecrackers.

  "Ah..."     "Help!"

  The group of people didn't understand what was going on, thinking it was a secret weapon, and they fled in all directions.

  Ye Mianmian threw the beads down directly, and without checking, a large group of people fell down.

  The people below were the worst off. In addition to falling down, they also had to endure the pressure of the people who fell down.

  Especially on the stairs, it was painful.

  The group of "camouflage uniforms" were also surprised for a moment, and they were afraid that it was a gun, so they ran downstairs a few steps.

  When they found out that they were wrong, they cursed for a long time.

  "Ah, who stepped on me, get out of my way..."

  The girl still looked arrogant.

  Unfortunately, no one bought her account.

  On the contrary, the group of people were more agile than her and ran away faster.

  In this way, she was left alone.

  Song Yi stood up leisurely, stretched out his arm, and pointed the sleeve arrow at her.

  "You, what do you want to do?
  I tell you, if you surrender quickly, I can still spare your life..."

  Jiang Yuan listened to her threat and sneered in her heart. She was about to die, but she still dared to speak nonsense.

  Even in a normal society, this is a girl who has been raised crooked.

  "Hand over all the supplies and come out with me. I will ask my brother for mercy."

  "Oh, then I have to thank you!"

  She didn't even hear the hidden meaning, and she became arrogant again, struggling to stand up.

  "It would have been better if you did it earlier. You're wasting my time. I, ah..."

  She just stood up and was knocked down by a sleeve arrow before she could stabilize herself. She

  rolled down the stairs, and the pain made her a little unbelievable.

  The people who were waiting for her to negotiate just now were also in chaos, and they didn't know the situation above.

  However, that group of people were used to being wild, and it was impossible to make them give up easily.

  "Fuck you, come on, I don't believe that we can't kill him with so many people.

  Listen to me upstairs, surrender now, and I can spare your lives.

  When grandpa rushes in, he will definitely pull off your heads and kick them like balls..."

  Good guy, this threat is exactly the same as that girl.

  Zhang Kaiyang was a little angry and naturally retorted.

  "Come up if you have the guts. Let others take the lead, and you are a coward. What kind of grandson are you?"

  "Boy, don't be so arrogant. I think you are tired of living..."

  "Who is tired of living? It's not certain. Come up if you have the guts!"

  Song Yi pulled him. It was really unnecessary to show off his words at this moment.

  That group of people were desperate criminals. Although they could not bear to be provoked, they had no moral principles to speak of.

  "Sister Yuan, look, there are a lot more people downstairs."

  Looking in the direction of Ye Mianmian's finger, Jiang Yuan found that indeed many people came from other buildings. They

  were all escorted in "camouflage uniforms". They should be the survivors in the building, but no one went down.

  They searched the building and were discovered.

  It is conceivable that the people were taken away and the supplies must have been confiscated.

  This group of people are bandits.

  "Song Yi, make a quick decision, otherwise the people downstairs will probably come up."

  She was a little worried that the current situation was not good for them.

  "Dear neighbors, this group of people are deliberately trying to harm your lives. There are only a few of them. If you fight back, there is still a glimmer of hope..."

  (End of this chapter)

183. Chapter 183: Catch Someone Off Guard2023-12-15 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Song Yi looked at Jiang Yuan. She actually wanted to instigate this group of people to rebel. This was a good idea.

  "They don't treat us as human beings. If you don't resist, you will only end up dead. You

  will get a knife if you stick your head out, and you will get a knife if you hide your head. Why not fight them openly!"

  The people below listened quietly, and they all had ideas.

  Jiang Yuan didn't believe it. If they didn't pretend to be members of the rescue team, who would come out?
  Although life is not easy, at least there is no worry about life.

  Now, they have become lambs on the chopping board to be slaughtered. Who can feel comfortable?
  "Bitch, what are you talking about? These people are powerless. It's a pipe dream to fight us. Stop trying to sow discord.

  Let me tell you, our big brother will be here soon. None of you will have a good time today."

  Damn, they actually went to find reinforcements.

  It seems that it is destined to be a fight to the death.

  "You heard it, their people are coming soon, and you will be attacked indiscriminately.

  I can't guarantee your safety. No matter whether you are innocent or not, this group of people have deceived you.

  If you don't run away, you will really have no chance."

  Jiang Yuan was still making her last struggle, not to save anyone.

  It was just one less hostile target, and everyone could be more relaxed.

  "Ah, what are you doing?"

  "Stop, stop it..."

  "Damn it, fight..."

  As expected, the crowd was indignant, and the group of "camouflage uniforms" were hit by the people next to them.

  Most of the people who followed were adult men. Even if they didn't have weapons, their bodies and strength were there. How much difference could there be?
  There were about thirty people in the group at the beginning, and about ten of them were dealt with downstairs just now.

  Excluding those who searched the other floors, there were only five or six people coming here now.

  However, there were more than a dozen captured residents, which was almost two or three times their number.

  Three people fighting one, if they still couldn't beat them, then there was nothing they could do.

  Song Yi watched and asked Jiang Xingzhi to bring the two people over.

  "I'll let you go back, don't let me teach you how to choose."

  Downstairs was already in chaos. Even a fool knew that only by fighting back could they have a chance of survival.

  Moreover, they were on the 21st floor and had to be watched by someone, which was really not worth it. It was

  better not to keep such a safety hazard around.

  The two people went downstairs shouting. Jiang Yuan listened to the movement over there and called Song Yi back to close the door.

  Anyway, no matter who came, they were not going to open the door.

  "You are rebelling..."


  A violent scream came, it should be that group of people coming up.

  Jiang Yuan had locked the door of the corridor. Sure enough, within two minutes, someone stumbled up.

  "Open the door, open the door..."

  The knocking sound on the door was harsh, but no one moved.

  Xiaobudian was anxiously walking around, and Xiaoling also went to hug Jingjing in her arms.

  The remaining few people stared at the door and took a fighting stance.


  The screams continued, and gradually, the knocking sound stopped.

  Several people looked at each other, motionless.

  The "camouflage uniform" outside the door, probably victorious, was shouting blatantly.

  "Open the door for me, you bastards..."

  "It's the leader."

  Jiang Yuan remembered his voice, 100% sure.

  "Someone, break it open!"

  There was ruthlessness in his voice. He must take down the 21st floor today.

  Now they estimate that there are about 20 people, and they don't know how many residents there are. Compared with the people in the corridor, they are really at an advantage.

  However, Jiang Yuan was not worried. Anyway, as long as the door was not opened, they would be safe.

  The people outside began to bang on the door, and Qin Yue suddenly opened the door and came out.

  "Mom, what's wrong?"     "Yuanyuan, I see someone is banging on the door, are you guys okay?"


  Jiang Yuan slapped her forehead and remembered it instantly.

  The surveillance at home can see the situation on the platform.

  Song Yi also understood, and asked Zhang Kaiyang to watch, and they hurried back to 2101 to see the specific situation.

  There were only four people who came up to kick the door, all in camouflage uniforms.

  There was no leader, probably downstairs.

  "Song Yi, let's kill these guys first!"

  Without four, there were only fifteen or sixteen left.

  Or even thirteen or fourteen, anyway, there were fewer and fewer.


  The two agreed and prepared to take action on these four people.

  It must be a one-shot hit, and it must be very fast, so that the group of people downstairs cannot react.

  Everyone needs to cooperate, and Song Yi's leadership talent is revealed.

  Ye Mianmian was responsible for opening the door, and suddenly pulled the inner door open. The people outside didn't know what was going on.

  Suddenly, they were shocked.

  Song Yi took the sleeve arrow and aimed and shot, and Jiang Yuan did the same.

  Although her skills were average, she could always hit the target by shooting indiscriminately.

  The people outside fell to the ground.

  "Close the door!"

  Ye Mianmian slammed the door, and it took only a few seconds for the people behind to come up.

  They were not as fast as them, and this quick battle was a great victory.

  Although it was tense, it was very inspiring.

  "Damn it..."

  The people outside cursed and began to bang on the door frantically.

  All kinds of unpleasant words came out one after another, just when he relaxed his guard.

  Song Yi made a move, and Jiang Yuan quickly opened the door. Ye Mianmian, who was beside him, quickly took it.

  Song Yi, who had been prepared for a long time, fired his sleeve arrow directly, and Zhang Kaiyang was also beside him, holding an electric baton and pounding it directly.

  The subtlety of this electric baton is that if it shocks one person, the rest will also be shocked as long as they come into contact with it.

  However, no one dared to waste time, and the group of people outside were not vegetarians.

  Their door outside had a guardrail, which was also an advantage.


  Song Yi shouted, and Jiang Yuan threw the firecrackers in his hand out.

  Ye Mianmian quickly closed the door, and it was done in one go.

  "Yeah, that's great!"

  There were "crackling" sounds outside, and there were also screams of fear.

  Jiang Yuan quickly opened the door again, Song Yi's sleeve arrows were already loaded.

  "Pah, pah, pah", five more shots were fired, and when the group of people rushed over, the door was slammed.

  After these three rounds, the main goal was to catch people off guard.

  At least seven or eight people were lost in that group.

  At the same time, it also successfully angered the group of "camouflage uniforms" outside!
  Jiang Yuan knew that it would not work if she wanted to use this unexpected method again.

  After locking the door, the rest of the people also became nervous.

  Nervous and excited.

  "Damn it, if I don't kill you today, I'm not Zhang!"

  As he spoke, his voice lowered.

  The people inside also began to prepare, and no one was willing to sit and wait for death.

  "We don't know what means they will use, but it will definitely not be a good thing. We must be prepared to face death!"

184. Chapter 184 Fire Attack2023-12-15 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Sure enough, it was not quiet for two minutes, and the outside continued to be restless.

  "What are they doing?"

  Zhang Kaiyang didn't understand, but the unpleasant smell made everyone nervous.

  "It's gasoline, are they going to burn us to death?"

  Liang Kang's breath was a little out of tune. If they continued to attack with fire, even if they were not burned to death, they would be choked to death.

  Jiang Yuan was also a little flustered. The situation in the corridor was not very good.

  The two doors inside were the ones left by the developer before, which were the outermost ones, with guardrails on top.

  There was another door, which was the door in Jiang Yuan's house before. After replacing the explosion-proof door, this one was installed here.

  If it weren't for the door at the back, the front door would have been kicked out of shape.

  Now they are completely helpless with fire attack.

  Even if they go to the house, it won't work. Although the explosion-proof door can isolate most things, smoke can penetrate everywhere.

  They are really in danger this time.

  "What should we do now?"

  Jiang Yuan's eyes were cold and threw the question to Song Yi.

  After all, he has a lot of practical experience, and he hopes there will be a good way.

  "Let's open the window first!"

  The space in the corridor is really too small. Even if they rush out now, it is very dangerous.

  They used gasoline and now they are wearing more clothes. If they are not careful, it will be a real-life version of setting themselves on fire.

  Ye Mianmian did not dare to delay, and Liang Kang also went to help with good sense.

  "These two doors will definitely not be able to withstand it. We still have to make plans early!"

  As he was talking, smoke had already come in from outside. The surroundings of this door were leaking smoke.

  Although there are windows open, it will definitely overflow to other places over time.

  "Don't worry, let's go back first."

  Although Song Yi said this, he did not mean to wait and see.

  "Jiang Yuan, you take the female comrades and cut all the beads in the house, and then collect all the powder in the firecrackers together."

  The beads are strung on a rope, and each string has about two or three hundred beads.

  It takes a lot of effort to get all the powder in the firecrackers out.

  "Okay, follow me..."

  Jiang Yuan said, calling everyone to enter 2101 and start preparing things.

  There were still a lot of beads, and she took them all out.

  Qin Yue, Ye Mianmian, Fan Qing, and Xiaoling all got busy.

  Xiao Nuan looked at Jingjing next to her, a little curious, and went up to hold her hand: "Sister..."

  Song Yi asked Jiang Xingzhi to observe the situation at the door, and he took the other two people back.

  "Someone knocked on the door?"

  "I'll go and see."

  Qin Yue took the lead and hurried to check.

  "Is this Grandma Ye!"

  Ye Mianmian heard it and ran over quickly.

  "Grandma, why did you come out?"

  "I came to help, Mianmian, don't worry, my old bones are fine, I can help you do anything."

  In fact, when she was taken upstairs, she felt very uncomfortable, knowing that something must have happened.

  Just now, everyone went out, even the dog was outside, she was so anxious.

  When Song Yi took people back, she quickly asked Zhang Kaiyang.

  Knowing that everyone was busy next door, she must come over, even if she died, she wanted to be with her granddaughter.

  "Okay, hurry up."     Jiang Yuan felt that they couldn't waste Song Yi's time.

  Although she didn't know what he wanted to do specifically, she chose to believe, unconditionally.

  The beads here were made very quickly, but the firecrackers were more troublesome. Fortunately, there were more people.

  Song Yi had already taken the things out.

  Jiang Yuan also followed him out to see the specific situation. She saw that everyone was holding a lot of buckets, ropes and so on.

  The smoke was already very serious now, and there was no way to clear all the windows in the corridor.

  Jiang Xingzhi was not idle either, and he took down both windows.

  "Let's hurry up, the fire is burning now, and the people outside dare not act rashly. We still have time."


  Song Yi directed everyone in an orderly manner. Jiang Yuan suddenly thought of something and hurried back to the room.

  There were a lot of furniture and door panels in her space. If possible, take them out to block this side.

  When they rush in, there will be a little buffer.

  Big things are not easy to take, but those solid wood tables are no problem.

  I was just afraid that everyone would ask, so it was hard to tell. Jiang Yuan was feeling depressed, and suddenly she saw the squirting guns she had bought in the maternity and baby store.


  Jiang Yuan hurried out, and when she saw Qin Yue, her eyes lit up.

  "Mom, where are the chili peppers in our house, the dried chili peppers?"

  "In the kitchen, there are also in the attic. What do you want this for?"

  "Mom, find them for me quickly, the more the better."

  Qin Yue didn't dare to delay, and hurried to find them for her.

  The family had stored a lot of this kind of seasoning before.

  Jiang Yuan started to boil water and prepare to grind the chili peppers into powder.

  Qin Yue brought over several packets of chili powder, which was much more convenient.

  Use hot water to brew it and pour it into the squirting gun.

  The mother and daughter were busy and happy, and in a blink of an eye they had two buckets. Fortunately, they had the habit of storing hot water in them before.

  Both thermoses were used, and Jiang Xingzhi came in in a hurry.

  "Are the things ready? They started to attack."

  Wow, what a fast guy!
  "Okay, it's all here."

  Fan Qing and Ye Mianmian followed to send the things out. Jiang Yuan asked Jiang Xingzhi to move out a computer table in the room.

  This was customized when the furniture was made before. It is called a computer table, but it is actually much larger.

  There are three drawers on each side, about 1.5 meters long.

  Jiang Yuan and Qin Yue took out the bucket and asked the two little guys to hide in the room and not come out.

  Then they asked everyone to come and fill the squirt gun with water. You have to be extra careful, otherwise you will get hurt easily.

  Song Yi was also making the final deployment. The group of people were like crazy. After a few knocks, the door was shaky.

  The preparations here were almost done. The men retreated and hid on both sides of the corridor.

  The computer table was placed at the entrance to the corridor.

  "Pah..." The door fell to the ground, and a "hahaha" laugh came.

  "Let's see how capable you are. Next year at this time, let's see who will come to visit your grave, hahaha..."

  The leader in the "camouflage uniform" gave an order, and someone walked through the thick smoke and went inside.

  In view of what happened just now, these people were not careless.

  However, it was a little vague.

  "Brother, they opened the window, so they probably weren't suffocated to death."

  As he was speaking, Song Yi suddenly pulled the rope in his hand, and two buckets of water suddenly poured down on his head, just soaking the two people who came in.

185. Chapter 185 Corridor War2023-12-16 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Just when they didn't react, Song Yi suddenly attacked with an air gun.

  It was the kind used to make furniture. It had a short range, but a very fast speed. It could fire five to seven centimeters of nails.

  "Pah, pah, pah..."

  After a round of indiscriminate shooting, he quickly moved from the right to the left and hid.

  Jiang Yuan was also here. Neither of them acted rashly. The two people who came up from outside were now dead.

  "Damn it, come on, I don't believe it."

  This time, the group of people didn't come blindly. They held large and small wooden boards in their hands.

  They should have been found temporarily and wanted to use them as shields.

  However, they were not so suitable.

  Three people came up this time and stood on the platform. They didn't react for a long time.

  Song Yi looked up and looked at the convex mirror, which was installed just now.

  You can see the specific situation of the stairwell from it.

  The three people, not knowing what was going on, lowered the wooden boards slightly and saw that everything around was safe.

  "Brother, it seems that there is no one here."

  The "camouflage uniform" behind him also said, "Everyone, come together. I don't believe that we can't kill these people."

  As he said that, he actually started to move.

  Zhang Kaiyang and Liang Kang were both pulling ropes in their hands. They were taking deep breaths at this moment, fearing that they would not be prepared in time and delay the important matter.

  Song Yi was very calm. The group of people came up quickly and wanted to attack together.


  With an order, Zhang Kaiyang quickly pulled down the rope in his hand.

  Flour bombs came from all directions and hit the group of people.

  It is estimated that there are seven or eight people coming up. They quickly covered their eyes. This dust is a very powerful thing.


  Jiang Yuan also shouted, and all the female compatriots picked up the squirt guns.

  They lined up in a row, using the computer desk as a barrier, and started shooting at the people on the opposite side.

  Because of the flour, they couldn't see the specific situation clearly.

  However, Jiang Yuan said that there was pepper water in it, so just squirt it directly on the upper half, and it would be best to attack the eyes and mouth and nose.



  Although the girl was scared, she was also very crazy now.

  The whole process took only one minute. Jiang Yuan shouted "retreat"!
  Everyone didn't want to fight and hid themselves.

  Song Yi started indiscriminate attacks in the dark. Zhang Kaiyang also had a set of hidden arrows in his hands to help him shoot.

  The people below didn't come up, but someone was anxious.

  Now that they haven't shown their cards yet, it proves that this group of people don't have "guns".

  Otherwise, the leader of the "camouflage uniform" has such a bad temper, he must have been shooting crazily.


  As soon as Song Yi said this, Zhang Kaiyang took the lead and ran out directly.

  He wanted to check the specific situation in the corridor. Now there are people lying in all directions. He must ensure that no one can get up.

  Finish off, professional finish off.

  Song Yi jumped over and took a bag with the improvised shells just now.

  He used the firecrackers that Jiang Yuan had prepared before. Although the firepower value cannot be compared with real bombs, the effect is still good.

  There was a crackling sound from below, Song Yi started from the nearest one, and drew his short knife.

  He quickly dealt with the two people. Jiang Yuan looked at the situation here, and her squirt gun was useless. There

  were corpses all over the corridor, and

  she couldn't step down. Liang Kang was still holding two ropes over there, and he couldn't leave now.

  "Damn it, let's fight, Mianmian, Fan Qing, come over and be on guard..."


  Ye Mianmian had fought with her many times, and now they had a tacit understanding.

  She rushed into the corridor and moved the people who were in the way away.     "Dad, come and help!"


  Jiang Xingzhi took the "corpse" from Jiang Yuan's hand and threw it directly towards the window.

  She was frightened by the sudden strength. There was no other way. At least leave some space for walking!

  Just after throwing two, Jiang Yuan was beside her, pushing the middle one to the side.

  Song Yi and others hurriedly stepped back. Seeing the path cleared by Jiang Yuan, they were also very impressed.

  "Quick, come back!"

  Several people hurriedly stepped back. The person below ran over like crazy, taking two steps at a time.

  In an instant, he was in front of her, looking horrified. It was really scary.

  Jiang Yuan could clearly see the red bloodshot in his eyes. He was really angry.

  "Liang Kang, three..."

  Song Yi's voice was full of energy.

  Liang Kang, who received the order, quickly pulled the rope.

  The cloth on the top suddenly fell down. This time, it was not water or flour.

  It was the round beads they had just made. Jiang Yuan looked at these things falling down and didn't understand why.

  "No, what are those white things?"

  Those beads are very small, basically eight millimeters, and some are six millimeters.

  There are some white balls in the middle, which she has never seen before.

  The people who came up, who hadn't figured it out yet, were hit by the beads and instinctively shrank.

  However, it was only for a short moment.

  When they moved again, they were actually a little strenuous.

  It seemed that they were stuck by something. Jiang Yuan was a little surprised. Are those white balls glue?

  Without time to think about it, Song Yi quickly took action and started shooting at the group of people.

  However, he couldn't resist the continuous rush.

  "Liang Kang, four..."


  People have already rushed in, and the computer desk has been knocked crooked.

  Everyone is carrying a machete, which is very dangerous.

  Liang Kang didn't dare to delay and hurriedly pulled the last rope.

  "Cover your mouth and nose..."

  I saw something similar to a smoke bomb flying down from the wall. There were five of them, and white smoke came out of the tail.

  Song Yi had reminded them just now, and now everyone covered their mouths and noses and put on masks.

  The remaining group of people obviously didn't have such good luck.

  They started sneezing like crazy, as if they had a bad cold, which was very serious.


  This was a great opportunity. If they were stuck, they could break free.

  But sneezing is a body function, which is not so easy to control.

  The "camouflage uniform" who took the lead also reacted and asked everyone to cover their mouths and noses.

  But it was too late. Song Yi also led everyone to start counterattacking.

  Jiang Yuan knew that the hunting time had come.

  This group of people were the cancer of society, and none of them could be spared.

  The Tang sword was unsheathed, and blood splattered.

  The other side had many people, and they also had a lot of people. The entire corridor was completely blocked.

  However, the other side was not a weakling, and began to fight passively.

  Song Yi faced the leading "camouflage uniform" and stabbed him, but he actually burst out with an unknown force. He

  pulled the knife out directly and shouted like crazy...

  (End of this chapter)

186. Chapter 186: The whole army was annihilated2023-12-16 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Little bastard, I'm going to kill you."

  Then, he threw the dagger out.

  Song Yi dodged it nimbly with his head turned sideways, and the blade directly stabbed into the opposite wall, showing how much strength he used.

  Then, he actually rushed over without hesitation.

  This man really has a bad temper, but Song Yi is not a pushover either.

  In comparison, his emotions are much more stable.

  A knife was chopped directly at his face, and he quickly took the knife to meet it. The two of them fought back and forth.

  They blocked all the roads around. Jiang Yuan knew the principle of "capture the leader first".

  As long as the leading "camouflage uniform" fell, the rest would be a mob.

  However, she was not a professional after all, and for a while, she couldn't help.

  The man was blood-thirsty, and he couldn't get any advantage.

  Some of them were furious and waved their swords randomly.

  The people behind him were obviously unable to help.

  "Mianmian, give me the water gun!"

  Ye Mianmian heard the words and quickly took the water gun on the ground. Fan Qing beside him scooped a bucket of chili water.

  The two quickly filled the water gun and handed it to Jiang Yuan.

  They were all in the safe range at the back. Now they shot directly at the "camouflage uniform" leading the way from the side to buy time for Song Yi.

  Sure enough, the other party couldn't help but cover his eyes.

  Song Yi got a gap and went straight in with a short knife. The man was not aware of it for a while. He was

  still a little bit unbelievable, looking down at his heart, where blood was already flowing out.

  Song Yi didn't stop, and kicked him directly. The man fell to the ground and groaned.

  The group of people behind him were also unbelievable.

  "Brother, brother..."

  But everything was in vain.

  Song Yi rushed out first, followed by Zhang Kaiyang.

  Jiang Yuan didn't have time to explain, and she also wanted to go down to take a look.

  That group of people, none of them could be spared.

  The people below didn't know what was going on, and began to fight passively.

  Jiang Yuan was also anxious, waving her Tang sword, leaving no room for maneuver.

  However, this place is really secluded, and we must prevent our companions from getting hurt.

  "They want to run..."

  There were only two or three people left, running downstairs frantically.

  Most of the people in the group just now were their own people, and only a few were owners in the community.

  Now, they were stumbling downstairs to escape.

  The three young men had already chased them out, and Jiang Yuan followed closely behind.

  Jiang Xingzhi also wanted to go, but she stopped him.

  "Dad, you watch this place clean up, we'll go down."

  In fact, everyone was going to die.

  They were all poisonous snakes spitting out their tongues, and we must not be careless.

  "Okay, be careful."


  Ye Mianmian and Fan Qing followed them down, because there were about five people downstairs who were responsible for guarding the owners of the community.

  The three people who were on the run were dealt with before they reached the seventh floor.

  Zhang Kaiyang felt that he had to give them a warning, so he threw the bodies directly out of the window.

  The people below were screaming. Song Yi and Liang Kang also came downstairs.

  "They are all dead, why don't you resist? What are you waiting for..."

  Maybe this sentence was too magical. People

  below were actually getting restless.

  The remaining five "camouflage uniforms" quickly suppressed them. What a pity.

  Just now, someone was so cold that his hands and feet were numb. Not only did they not move, they also beat him up.

  Just imagine, in such cold weather, they were still squatting on the ground, motionless.     After a long time, no one could bear it.

  Sure enough, someone stood up and began to resist. Zhang Kaiyang also started to run downstairs. He

  happened to meet Jiang Yuan and others who were coming down.

  When they arrived, they found that Song Yi and Liang Kang did not take action, so the group of people directly surrounded them and beat them.

  With some revenge, the "camouflage uniforms" were beaten badly.

  "Kill them to prevent future troubles..."

  Zhang Kaiyang began to add fuel to the fire. Sure enough, someone took the weapons of the group of people, and then a bloody scene began.

  Song Yi looked at it and frowned.

  Killing is not enough. It is a bit too much to kill people one by one.

  "Let's go!"

  Jiang Yuan took a look and didn't say much.

  Every grievance has its perpetrator, and every debt has its creditor.

  These are what they deserve.

  Several people started to go upstairs to make sure that the five were no longer alive.

  "No, go to the truck to check."

  "Are you afraid that there are fish that slipped through the net?"

  "We have to be on guard..."

  After saying this, several people did not dare to hesitate and hurried to the small square in front of Building No. 9.

  The people behind saw it and followed.

  There was a big truck parked over there. Before Song Yi could get there, the owners in the community ran over and looked around.

  "No more, all dead."

  Jiang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. It was finally over.

  "This is mine. I took it. Let it go..."

  Following the sound, they saw two people fighting over a bag of bread.

  Seeing that more and more people were coming from behind, one of the men let go and went to get other things.

  These were the things that everyone had brought when they came over before, and were put together by this group of "camouflage uniforms".

  The people who took the things started running frantically, fearing that they would be intercepted.

  The people behind saw it and ran over to get a share.

  Human nature is like this. Friends who had been fighting for life and death just now can become enemies now.

  "Since there is no more, let's go back quickly!"


  Jiang Yuan was also worried about her family. Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue were both in the building dealing with the battlefield.

  Several people were very fast and reached the 20th floor. Looking at the walls that were clean and tidy the day before, they were now in a mess.

  "Dad, Mom, are you okay?"

  "It's okay, this person is still alive, holding a dagger in his hand, and Xiaoling found it."

  Jiang Yuan looked up at Liang Kang's wife.

  The other party smiled bitterly and didn't say much, because there was a lot of blood on his hands and face from helping to carry.

  Song Yi and the other two men hurried over to help. Just throw all these people downstairs.

  Even if they are still breathing, they will be killed by the fall.

  Jiang Yuan thought of Bai Mengmeng eating the mother and son of the Xia family before, and wanted to stop it.

  Later, she felt that it was meaningless, and everyone had their own fate, so she just threw it away.

  Today was a terrifying day, and it will only be more difficult in the future.

  Everyone was busy, and they just got a lot of things just now. The corridor was already in a mess, and it needed a simple cleanup.

  "Brother Song, this tear gas is really effective. I just took off my mask and I feel like crying now!"

  Zhang Kaiyang said, and Song Yi asked him to get a basin of water.

  This is a special one, and it will have no effect as long as it is dissolved in water.

  The remaining residues can be wiped off.

  (End of this chapter)

187. Chapter 187 The Blizzard is Coming2023-12-17 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Although they had many people, they still spent nearly two hours.

  In addition to the 21st floor, the situation on the 20th floor was not very good either, and they all needed to be cleaned up.

  The most terrible thing was that the water and flour had frozen into ice.

  They were all cleaned up with a small shovel, and the white balls were actually prank toys.

  There was super glue inside, and it would burst when stepped on.

  The effect was good, but the battlefield was difficult to clean.

  But if we don't do it now, it will be more troublesome later.

  Seeing that it was almost seven o'clock, it was really busy for a small day.

  Now the door on the 21st floor is completely unusable, and they used fire attack before.

  The wall was severely damaged, and the outer wall had fallen off, revealing the cement inside, which looked a bit hideous.

  "This door can't be used, we still have to find a way later."

  Everyone knows that one more door means one more layer of protection.

  Today, these two doors have provided them with a lot of convenience.

  It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the key to victory. It is really a pity.

  "I see that many people downstairs are not living, if it doesn't work, just remove the door and install it."

  Zhang Kaiyang said a good idea, as long as there is no one on this floor, there will be no problem.

  "There is no way to repair this wall. The weather is too cold."

  Jiang Xingzhi felt a little regretful. His ability could not be used.

  "It's okay, uncle. This is not a problem. Everyone is tired today. Let's go back and rest.

  We still need to be vigilant. There are many people in the community now.

  The group of camouflage uniforms came up. I guess many people know the situation in our building. Don't sleep too deeply."

  Song Yi's reminder was not groundless. Several people nodded.

  Liang Kang and Xiaoling came to pick up Jingjing and went back. The little girl and Xiaonuan had a good time and were reluctant to leave.

  "Xiaonuan, sister is going home. When I'm not busy, let sister come to play with you, okay?"

  Xiaoling is a very patient person. It is said that she used to work in an education-related profession.

  "Okay, auntie, don't forget to let sister come."

  "Okay, auntie promises you."

  After the family of three left, Qin Yue was busy cooking.

  In the afternoon, everyone was overloaded with work and now they are also very tired.

  Don't make it too complicated, make dumplings and sour soup.

  It's just right, everyone likes it.

  Jiang Yuan went back to wash up, and there were a lot of blood stains on her body, which was not good-looking.

  Now there is still time and conditions to wash it clean, if it comes to a tense moment, hygiene is really dispensable.

  In the end times, how many mysophobes have been cured.

  "Xiao Nuan, come here."

  The little girl heard her mother's call and ran over.

  "What's wrong, mom?"

  Jiang Yuan looked at the snack bag in the trash can and sighed secretly.

  "Xiao Nuan, did you treat your sister to delicious food today?"

  "Yes, I took snacks for my sister, and she said she hadn't eaten for a long time.

  When you can't even put food in your mouth, snacks are naturally a luxury.

  "Baby, listen to what your mother says to you, these foods can't be taken out easily in the future, understand?"

  Xiao Nuan blinked her innocent big eyes, with a look of incomprehension: "Why, didn't mom say that you have to learn to share?"


  "Yes, you have to learn to share, but not for everyone.

  You can only share with mom, grandma and grandpa, because we are a family.

  Like my sister today, you can't share. "

  "Why?"     The little girl didn't understand. Her mother had said before that she should share with other children.

  "That's because the supermarkets are closed now. We can't buy new snacks. When you finish eating the food at home, we won't have anything delicious.

  The same goes for our meals every day. If you share with others, then mom, grandma and grandpa will be hungry."

  God knows, she doesn't want this to happen, but there is no way.

  This child, since he has caught up with this apocalypse, he must get used to the survival rules of the apocalypse.

  Generosity is definitely not an advantage.

  "Mom, I don't want you to be hungry, and I don't want grandma and grandpa to be hungry.

  I will never give food to others again, don't be angry, mom."

  The little girl said, and moved closer to her.

  Jiang Yuan held the child in her arms and comforted her softly: "Xiao Nuan is not wrong. Mom knows that you like your sister, but things are different now.


  There is no way, these things will be taught slowly.

  After all, she is just a three-year-old child. How much can she ask for?
  "Yuanyuan, come and eat!"


  Qin Yue was very fast, three bowls of sour soup dumplings, plus a small bowl.

  Xiao Nuan didn't put any chili in it, and it smelled delicious.

  The family of four sat on a chair each, eating very sweetly.

  "My daughter, I understand what happened today.

  No matter who comes, we won't go out anymore."

  Thinking about it now, Qin Yue still has lingering fears.

  "Yeah, I almost couldn't come back today. By the way, Dad, why did you go out to pick us up?"

  Jiang Xingzhi was also very sobbing when he talked about this: "You've been out for so long, I'm worried!
  So I went downstairs to see what was going on. The two girls were watching in the corridor.

  I thought, after I came back, I would also watch.

  I saw a fight downstairs, and we hurried downstairs.

  Who knew that the group of people were really grandsons, and they actually surrounded the seventh floor.

  We went upstairs again, and Xiao Song happened to come up..."

  Jiang Yuan knew what happened next.

  "Thanks to you for going there, otherwise I don't know what would happen today!"

  It was precisely because of this that she felt that she really couldn't fight alone.

  In the past, she just thought about protecting herself.

  But if you don't have the ability, there are always some external factors that you can't predict.

  If they had Song Yi's skills, with sufficient supplies and weapons, they might be able to survive on their own.

  Their family probably has no such hope.

  However, there is no need to deliberately change anything, as everyone should have this idea now.

  Usually, everyone lives their own life, but at critical moments, they can fight the enemy together.

  Not being together often can also reduce a lot of conflicts.

  After dinner, Jiang Yuan took her daughter to bed after a simple wash.

  Today, the little one did not take a nap, and now she can't open her eyes.

  She is also very tired. If there is anything, she will talk about it tomorrow.

  In the middle of the night, she suddenly felt a little cold.

  Jiang Yuan woke up from her dream and saw that there was something unusual outside. It was snowing. It happened

  so quickly, no wonder that group of people were desperate.

  The snowflakes outside were white and very large, really like goose feathers.

  However, it was not that fast after all, but there would be a thick layer by the next night.

  (End of this chapter)

188. Chapter 188 The Sorrow of No Door2023-12-17 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Jiang Yuan didn't stay any longer, it was too cold.

  It stands to reason that it would be even colder after the snow melted, why did she feel unbearable now?

  She didn't go back to sleep, but checked the electric heater and then plugged in the humidifier next to it.

  There was no other way, the temperature of this electric heater was too high, and the room was too dry.

  Looking at her sleeping daughter, Jiang Yuan instantly had a bold idea. She

  quietly picked up her daughter, and the little girl rubbed against her arms, but didn't wake up.

  She felt much more at ease and went straight into the space. She

  put her daughter on the bed on the first floor. It was warm here, and there was a summer quilt next to her, so she could just cover it with it.

  After finishing it, she went out and locked the door again, so that her parents wouldn't find out.

  Otherwise, there would be a lot of trouble.

  People's hearts are not the same as they used to be, there are so many bad people, the less you know, the safer you are.

  Jiang Yuan was also tired, and didn't do anything, but fell on the bed and slept with her daughter.

  Early the next morning, she had to quietly carry her daughter out.

  Fortunately, Qin Yue was worried that Jiang Yuan was tired, so she didn't come to call her.

  It was not until half past nine that she got up.

  Xiao Nuan suddenly returned to the real world and was still a little uncomfortable.

  However, she could not stay in the space forever, and had to slowly adapt.

  "Are you up? Go wash your hands and come to eat."

  Qin Yue cooked white rice porridge and served it with pickled vegetables she fried herself. Her mother also added a lot of sesame seeds, which were very fragrant.

  There were also steamed buns with pork, green onions and pork and sauerkraut stuffing. Two green pepper and eggplant buns made two days ago were also heated up.

  Who wouldn't be confused by this meal!
  Jiang Yuan was quietly enjoying breakfast time. Jiang Xingzhi came over and told her about the snow.

  "It's already minus ten degrees in our house. Why not turn on another electric heater?"

  "That's fine, but I don't know if it will be overloaded?"

  The power is not a concern, but the line is a problem.

  "It's okay, I've seen it all. Although the power of the electric heater is relatively large, our battery is also good. It's no problem to carry four or five at the same time."

  "That's good."

  Jiang Xingzhi rubbed his hands. He just went out.

  "My dear, you don't know that it's minus 50 degrees outside now. The

  coldest night in our hometown is minus 30 degrees at most.

  It's really freezing when you breathe out. You don't know that when I go out, my teeth are chattering.

  This is still in the corridor, and there is still wind outside. If it were outdoors, I would probably freeze to death."

  Jiang Yuan was shocked. Now the snow has no intention of stopping. It looks like at least 20 centimeters outside.

  The last sudden extreme cold has frozen many people to death.

  This blizzard, the temperature is even lower, and it is estimated that many people will be affected.

  "I guess there are not many people alive in this building."

  Jiang Yuan murmured, and Jiang Xingzhi's face was stern.

  "Oh, I guess many people have frozen to death."

  "Not necessarily. With the previous extreme cold experience, I guess many people have stored firewood at home."

  Qin Yue also expressed her thoughts. She always felt that the effect would definitely be different if she was prepared or not.

  "That's true, but it doesn't look like the snow will stop so easily. We should also pay more attention." For

  the others, it's up to you.

  "Yes, I don't know how long the snow will last, so I'll go clean up the upstairs later."

  Jiang Xingzhi just went to the attic to check, and that place must be cleaned up.

  If the back freezes, it will be troublesome.     The terrace is only three steps lower than the attic. Official news is that it is a heavy snowstorm, so it is easy to get out.

  A little bit is fine, but if there is a lot, it will be easy to soak in when the snow melts.

  Most of the food in the attic is food, which is the guarantee of life, so of course we can't be careless.

  "Okay, I'll go with you later."

  "No, it's cold, girl, you just stay at home.

  If you get frozen, your mother will be distressed again."

  Qin Yue rolled her eyes at Jiang Xingzhi and said with some displeasure: "Then you won't be distressed!"

  2101 was a happy place, but there was a commotion downstairs.

  Jiang Yuan didn't hear any noise at home, so she wanted to go to the corridor to see the specific situation. Yesterday, she said that she would seal it up.

  She had to find a place to get a door panel. Their wood was still in the corridor, and she couldn't just ignore it.

  Who knew that as soon as she came out, she heard a noise.

  She hurried down to check the specific situation and found that Liang Kang and Xiaoling were in the corridor, trying to stop the fight.

  "What's going on? What is Fan Yao doing again?"

  "This girl wanted to go in, but Sister Fan Qing wouldn't let her, so they started arguing."

  Fan Yao knew that Jiang Yuan would not stand on her side, so she did not come up to complain.

  Instead, she chose to cry to the couple from 2001.

  "Brother, sister, tell me, the weather is so cold now, and my sister really doesn't care about me. She is going to freeze me to death. How can there be such a cruel person in the world?"

  Ye Mianmian looked at Jiang Yuan and spread her hands, feeling helpless.

  "How cruel! When we were besieged yesterday, you didn't come to help us!"

  When she said this, Liang Kang and his wife also reacted. They

  unconsciously distanced themselves from her.

  "I was taken downstairs by someone yesterday. By the way, Tianyu caught a cold.

  Qingqing, even if you don't like me, he is innocent. Considering that you once loved each other, give him some cold medicine!"

  She was so shameless that she had the nerve to say this.

  Fan Qing looked at Zhang Kaiyang next to her, and the man's face had turned cold.

  "Shut up, what kind of feelings do I have for you? If you don't get out, don't blame me for being rude."

  She was really angry, and Fan Yao couldn't stand seeing her do the slightest good.

  "Look at what you are doing, you can't just watch someone die without helping, Qingqing, don't be so cold-blooded."

  "I really am..."

  Fan Qing's level was not as high as this cousin's, and now he ran back with gritted teeth.

  When he came out again, he had a broom in his hand.

  He hit Fan Yao and came over.

  "I told you to talk nonsense, get out of here quickly, if you harass me again, I'll make you look good."

  Fan Yao was caught off guard and was hit twice. She was really ruthless!
  The person who was beaten felt pain and began to run away with his head in his arms.

  Although he cursed, it really worked. At least, this person went down.

  "Oh, every family has its own problems!"

  "I'm so angry."

  Fan Qing was also very sad, and hurried to see Zhang Kaiyang's face.

  Fortunately, the other party was not obviously angry.

  "Okay, let's stop talking about that. Let's go and have a look. Getting a door back is the serious matter."

  "Yes, I'll go upstairs and call Brother Song, and then go downstairs to look for him!"

  (End of this chapter)

189. Chapter 189: Statistics of Survivors2023-12-18 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Zhang Kaiyang was very fast. Now there were no doors on both floors.

  It was convenient to go in and out. If they were not installed, it would be dangerous.

  Song Yi had also finished packing and followed him out.

  "Let's do this. Start from the upper floors and ask one floor at a time."

  His idea was that if there was no one on a certain floor, the door of the corridor could be removed and moved back for them to use.

  If there was no one in the house, it would also be okay to remove the main door.

  Anyway, there was no one, so it would be a contribution to everyone.

  It was really the door in the stairwell, which was too confusing.

  There was also a security net on it, and anyone with a little bit of mind could not prevent it.

  Of course, if there were people at home, they would never do those things.

  Although it was the end of the world, they would not offend them, and they would not take the initiative to cut off their lives.

  "Okay, let's go together, it will be faster."

  So, people on the 21st and 20th floors began to move out.

  Liang Kang also came to help, and Xiaoling went back to take care of Jingjing.

  In such cold weather, it was not reassuring for the child to be alone at home.

  Jiang Yuan did not let Qin Yue go out either, and Xiao Nuan could not do it alone.

  Jiang Xingzhi was going to go. Such a master should not be wasted.

  Starting from the nineteenth floor, they had to go out and knock on the door to see the specific situation.

  It was strange that no one on the nineteenth floor opened the door.

  "Hello, we are neighbors upstairs, and we have no ill intentions.

  We would like to borrow the door of the corridor. If there is anyone, please open the door."

  Zhang Kaiyang was very polite, but after waiting for a long time, there was still no movement.

  "What should we do?

  They don't talk, nor do they open the door. We don't know the specific situation?"

  "Maybe there is no one at home.

  Look, there are axe marks here."

  It should be left by the group of people yesterday, maybe the people are gone.

  "How about this, let's open the door and see the specific situation."

  The rest of the people had no objection.

  Fan Qing suddenly said, "This is not good."

  In her heart, this is trespassing.

  Seeing the puzzled eyes of the crowd, she felt that she seemed to have said something wrong, and hurriedly lowered her head.

  Zhang Kaiyang took the lead and arrived at the area he was good at.

  The first door to be opened was 1902, and there was indeed no one at home.

  Several people still spoke very politely, and only came in after making sure that no one was at home.

  "No one is here, and there is no food at all. I guess they left with a plan."

  Zhang Kaiyang looked in the kitchen, and there was nothing there. Moreover, the house was very clean.

  "Maybe they went to the rescue center, or left Xishi in advance, it's not certain."

  "Well, forget about this family. Maybe they will come back in the future. If there is no one next door, the door of the stairwell can be removed, but the entrance door cannot be moved."

  Song Yi made the decision immediately, and everyone agreed.

  In this way, they went to 1901. This time, Ye Mianmian knocked on the door.

  Girls are often more convenient and will not be offensive.

  Besides, she is such a beautiful girl.

  After knocking for a long time, no one came to open the door.

  "Brother Song, Sister Yuan, is there no one here?"

  "I don't know, Kaiyang..."

  "I'm coming..."

  They also opened the door of 1901, but the scene inside was shocking.

  There were people at home, and more than one, an old couple with a child.

  However, they were all dead.

  "Oh my God..."     Let alone others, Jiang Yuan was shocked.

  His face turned blue. How long has he been dead? He didn't look peaceful at all.

  Song Yi frowned, obviously used to it.

  "It's probably been a while. It's cold, so there's no smell."

  Damn, if it was extremely hot, it would stink.

  They live so close, they can definitely smell it.

  "Alas, it's not easy to get into this situation. Let's burn these people."

  Jiang Yuan was afraid that if it gets warmer next year, it will still stink. It's really a bad experience.

  "Don't worry, let's go downstairs and take a look. I think there may be more than one family."

  Several people looked over, and they all understood what he meant, but it was a little hard to accept.

  This feeling is worse than those who actively seek death.

  Things in the world are unpredictable, and I always sigh at the horror of nature and the insignificance of human power.

  Therefore, it is easy to associate it with myself.

  The feeling of being in trouble always makes me feel a sense of loss.

  "Okay, by the way, we can also see how many people are left in this building."

  There may be some danger later. Natural disasters are terrible, but man-made disasters must be prevented.

  "Let's go..."

  Several people started to go to the 18th floor again, without separating. There were not many residents here.

  In addition, there was no one below the 7th floor. There were

  two households per staircase, which meant there were only more than 20 households.

  It would be safer if everyone was together.

  There was no one on the 18th floor either, but fortunately it was all empty.

  The situation was even worse when they went down to the 17th floor.

  Several people felt uncomfortable, seeing the scenes one after another, and even two of them should have frozen to death last night.

  Fan Qing took a small notebook and recorded the specific house numbers and the remaining people in the house.

  There were people on the 15th floor, and the old lady's family was still alive.

  Seeing them knocking on the door, they were also full of energy. It was indeed a disaster that had been left for thousands of years. They

  kept going down like this, and when they reached the 12th floor, several people were silent.

  "I'll come..."

  Song Yi knew that there was someone in 1202, and it was the powerful Old Wu.

  There was no other way, she had to make sure, so she had to bite the bullet.

  "Knock, knock, knock..."

  "Is anyone home? We are neighbors upstairs!"

  No one responded, but he was not in a hurry and knocked a few more times.

  "Is anyone home? It's too cold now. We want to see how many people are still in the building. If there are, please answer."

  After waiting for about a minute, there was finally movement inside, and she knew that someone was there.

  The one who opened the door was a young man. If I remembered correctly, there were three men in the house.

  In addition to Old Wu, the remaining two were young.

  "Someone is home, what's the matter?"

  It was a familiar face, someone he had seen before.

  "Nothing, I just wanted to see if anyone is home. It's too cold recently, and many people have frozen to death. I hope you are safe."

  With that, they prepared to leave.

  There are still a few floors downstairs, and they must go there today.


  Suddenly, a woman's coquettish voice came from inside, and Fan Qing was a little confused.

  "Fan Yao, is that you?"

  She was a little unbelievable, but the voice was too soft, and the people inside should not be able to hear it.

  (End of this chapter)

190. Chapter 190 Fan Yao Cheats2023-12-18 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  The man's face was embarrassed. He also knew the people on the 20th and 21st floors.

  "Well, do you have anything else to do now?"

  "No, the weather has been too cold recently, so you should pay more attention."

  "Okay, thank you!"

  The man was a little strange. Didn't they say that the group of people upstairs were ruthless?

  Why are they still so polite today? It's really strange.

  Several people didn't stay for long. There was no one in the other house on the 11th floor.

  When they reached the 10th floor, Song Yi asked everyone: "Yesterday, who of you saw the people in 1202?"

  He was talking about yesterday when the group of people came over.

  "I didn't see it. It seems that the three people in 1202 were not downstairs."

  Jiang Yuan was telling the truth. She also paid special attention to the specific situation of the group of people, just to better win.

  "I didn't see it either. It seems that they didn't come out."

  Ye Mianmian also echoed that she didn't see it.

  "I know, they must not have opened the door. The group didn't knock on it, so they thought there was no one at home."

  Now, there is only this explanation.

  "By the way, Fan Qing, did you see Fan Yao just now?"

  Hearing Jiang Yuan ask her this, Fan Qing's old face instantly turned red.

  If it was really Fan Yao, then what she was doing was self-evident.

  "I sounded like it was her voice, but I'm not sure."

  Ye Mianmian couldn't stand this kind of person, and she was very contemptuous in her heart.

  "Whether it's true or not, go to the ninth floor and take a look."

  That's right, now we are on the tenth floor, just go down.

  Although Fan Qing said that she didn't care about Fan Yao, she still couldn't accept what happened now.

  Zhang Kaiyang knew that his girlfriend was a kind person, and she must be reluctant to do so now.

  He was also afraid that she would do something bad and make Song Yi and the others unhappy.

  He hurried over, took her hand, and gave her silent comfort.

  When they reached the ninth floor, they went directly to 0902.

  Zhang Kaiyang had a key, but he still went to knock on the door.

  After all, there were people living inside now, so he still had to be a little polite.

  After knocking on the door for a long time, no one opened it, and he became a little impatient.

  "How about I just open the door?"

  Song Yi was right behind him and nodded. With support, Zhang Kaiyang had no scruples.

  Just after he inserted the key and hadn't turned it yet, the door suddenly opened from the inside.

  Li Tianyu came into view, and his face was not particularly good.

  "It's you, come in!"

  As he said that, he opened the door.

  Zhang Kaiyang also wanted to come back and see his house, so he didn't say anything.

  The house was relatively clean. They made a fire and now put the charcoal in an iron pot.

  It looked quite red, so it should have just been burned.

  "Where's Fan Yao, isn't she at home?"

  Speaking of this, Li Tianyu was also a little curious: "Didn't she say she was going to find medicine with you? I have a cold. Why didn't Yaoyao come back with you?" As he said that

  , he coughed.

  Jiang Yuan quickly stood a little further away. She couldn't be infected. There were a lot of elderly people and children in the house, so she had to be extra careful.

  It seemed that Li Tianyu didn't know about the unpleasantness just now.

  Fan Qing was ready to talk to him, and didn't let others speak.

  "We don't have any medicine either. She came down a long time ago. Hasn't she come back?"

  "Ahem, no, she hasn't come back yet. Nothing will happen to her.

  She doesn't have any friends here. Where can she go?

  Oh, could it be that the group of people from yesterday are back again?"     Li Tianyu was really a bit nervous. It seemed that he still had some feelings for Fan Yao.

  "No, I have to go out to find her."

  As he said that, he started coughing violently again.

  It was really severe, and he felt like he was about to suffocate.

  However, no one stopped him, which was a bit unexpected.

  Just as they were in a stalemate, the door opened, and it turned out that Fan Yao was back.

  Several people widened their eyes, and she also felt something was wrong.

  "What are you looking at? What are you all doing in my house?"

  So many people have occupied a large area of ​​the living room, and it looks a bit crowded.

  "Don't forget, this is my home. Don't stay here for a few days, or you will lose your place."


  Although she was angry, she couldn't say much. What Zhang Kaiyang said was the truth.

  Fan Qing was even more irritated. This man really overestimated his own abilities.

  "This house is not mine, it belongs to Kaiyang. You should also have some self-awareness when living under someone else's roof."

  Obviously, she was a little angry.

  "By the way, just now on the twelfth floor..."

  Fan Yao was visibly nervous and interrupted her: "What's the twelfth floor? He's a good person. You didn't give me medicine, but he gave it to me.

  What do you mean by blood relatives? Pah, you're not even as good as a stranger."

  "Why are you like this, Fan Yao, don't be like a mad dog, biting people everywhere.

  I know the situation is different now. You should also know what you can do and what you can't do. I don't need to remind you."

  Fan Yao was furious when she heard it.

  "Fan Qing, you are lecturing me now. I tell you, even if we starve to death or die of illness, it has nothing to do with you.

  You think you are a good thing. You obviously broke up with him, but now you are living in the same bed with him for food and drink, aren't you shameless?"


  Fan Qing was really angry, and slapped him, shaking all over. It was terrible.

  "You hit me, what right do you have to hit me?"

  Although she said so, she didn't fight back.

  There was no way, this group of people were Fan Qing's accomplices.

  If they really fought, she would not get the upper hand.

  "If you keep talking nonsense, I'll tear your mouth to pieces."

  "Isn't what I said right? If things weren't different now, would you have come back to find him?"

  Although Fan Yao was gentle and weak, she was a thorn in the end, and she was murderous.

  Zhang Kaiyang was already very uncomfortable, and now he felt even more uncomfortable.

  "Yaoyao, stop talking. You and Qingqing are sisters. Don't make her angry."

  Li Tianyu said, and he started coughing again.

  "Tianyu, just side with her. You don't even give me cold medicine. Do you know how much I've been upset?"

  A tear fell at the right time. Fan Yao knew how to show weakness.

  "By the way, take the medicine quickly."

  As she said that, she went to get hot water for Li Tianyu. The main theme was a virtuous woman.

  Jiang Yuan pulled Jiang Xingzhi and motioned him to go out together.

  There is a cold in this room now. If it is the flu, it will be troublesome.

  Ye Mianmian saw them go out and followed them out.

  Fan Yao helped Li Tianyu take the medicine as if no one was around, and then looked at Fan Qing with some disdain.

  "Yesterday, that group of people took away all the food in our house, and now it's snowing outside.

  Since you are not cold-blooded, give us some food!"

  Good guy, asking people for things, and being so arrogant.

  (End of this chapter)
