
Chapter 301 The Wind Rises2024-02-07 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Unfortunately, nothing unusual was found.

  Jiang Yuan patted her shoulder and said that it was almost enough to prevent her from using too much force.

  Ye Mianmian sighed. She was also a little scared. She had such a time bomb by her side.

  And in the dining room, such an important place, how could she not be scared!

  The two of them went out with the meal. The wind outside seemed to be stronger.

  Blowing on their faces, they could hardly open their eyes.

  "Oh my god..."

  Both of them covered their faces with their hands. Fortunately, the current situation was special.

  Their hair was tied up. If they were draped, it would fly all over the sky, which would be very troublesome.

  Many houses outside were reinforced at the back and covered with iron sheets.

  Now, they were crackling in the wind.

  Jiang Yuan was a little scared. If it was blown down and hurt someone, it would be over.

  She urged Ye Mianmian to go back quickly.

  There were more and more pedestrians on the road. Most people were getting off work.

  When Jiang Yuan was about to get home, she ran into Jiang Xingzhi. He did not go to the dining room, but came back directly.

  Several people didn't have time to talk. The wind started to blow up as soon as it was said. It was too scary.

  Ye Mianmian arrived home first and reached into her pocket to get the key, but her hand was not working.

  As soon as the door opened, it fell on the opposite side with a "bang".

  You can imagine how strong the wind was.

  "Go back quickly and lock the door."

  Jiang Yuan almost yelled before she could say a complete sentence.

  When they went back, it was Qin Yue who opened the door. The wind was too strong and almost knocked her down.

  This was still a corner position, which was more serious than other places.

  The father and daughter hurried into the house, closed the door, and isolated the strong wind outside.

  "This is too scary. How can the wind blow up as soon as it is said? There is no defense at all."

  Jiang Yuan took off her scarf and hat. The wind was too strong and it became difficult to breathe.

  "Oh, the food is cold!"

  Qin Yue complained and went into the house with the lunch box.

  Jiang Yuan went back to change into pajamas and went to her parents' room.

  Xiao Nuan was playing with building blocks there, and was also very well behaved.

  "Hurry, let's hurry..."

  To go into the space, we must warm up.

  It's good to have four seasons like spring.

  Several people sat on the balcony in the yard, preparing to eat hot pot today. There are so many vegetables, and they will get old if they don't eat them.

  Qin Yue went to prepare, and there was a knock on their door, quite urgent.

  Only Jiang Yuan could sense it, and she came out after telling her parents.

  When she opened the door, she was extra careful, for fear of being hit underneath.

  "Song Yi, Zhang Kaiyang, why are you here together?"

  She felt that this was not good, so she called the two into the house. It was too cold outside, and the wind was so strong that people couldn't stand.

  The bedroom door had been closed just now, so it didn't matter...

  "Why are you here?"

  Together again, you know, Zhang Kaiyang has been staying at home alone these days.

  "Sister Yuan, why didn't Fan Qing come back?"

  He was a little anxious, seeing that Ye Mianmian also came back, but didn't see his girlfriend.

  "Hasn't she come back yet?
  She has to report on her work, so she let me go first. Is she in the dining room?"

  Logically, she should have come back. How long would it take to report on her work?

  "What work is she reporting? It's so windy, and she doesn't even know how to come back early."

  Zhang Kaiyang was a little worried and a little angry at the same time.

  "Qingqing is our person in charge now, so she must report on her work."     "What person in charge? How come I don't know?"

  "It was announced this afternoon. I guess she hasn't had time to tell you yet."

  With this explanation, Zhang Kaiyang, who was furious, felt better.

  Logically, she should comfort him. He

  started to have wild thoughts and be suspicious when he couldn't stay at home.

  But, in this situation, forget it.

  Who can take care of whom? It's the most important thing to live a good life.

  "No, I'll go to the door to greet her!"

  After saying that, he went out without saying anything.

  Jiang Yuan clicked her tongue. This kid is noisy and believes everything he hears.

  Only Song Yi and her were left in the room. Because he was still concerned about Jiang Xingzhi and Qin Yue in the room, he didn't say anything.

  "I'm glad you're okay. This wind is too strange. You should stay at home tomorrow!"

  "Well, it's true. It's urgent and fierce. I think it's a bit too fast."

  This started in the afternoon. It's only been a few hours now, and it's already this big.

  It's better not to continue.

  Suddenly thinking of something, she looked up at Song Yi: "Is this the storm you mentioned?"

  "It's just the wind now, don't think too much, I'm just guessing.

  Paying more attention to safety is the best policy."


  Song Yi didn't say much. Before leaving, he looked meaningfully at the locked door of the bedroom.

  She knew that this guy must have doubts in his heart. Jiang Xingzhi would definitely come out to say hello at ordinary times.

  But today, he stood for so long without coming out, which was not in line with common sense.

  But in the end, Jiang Yuan knew that this man must have doubts.

  If he asked, she had also thought of an excuse.

  Since he didn't ask, there was no need for her to be so cunning.

  She flashed into the space, and her parents were ready, waiting for her to come back for dinner.

  Even the dipping sauce was prepared for her.

  Jiang Yuan was also hungry, and she forgot about the things outside. She

  enjoyed the beauty of hot pot to her heart's content, and ate a piece of fat beef, which was covered with sesame sauce. The taste was simply wonderful.

  Every cell was screaming, it was so fragrant.

  "It's too windy today. I guess I won't be able to go to work tomorrow."

  Qin Yue sighed, and Jiang Yuan nodded.

  "Mom, you should stay at home tomorrow. Dad, you should stay at home too. You've already asked for leave anyway."

  "What about you?"

  Qin Yue asked quickly. Of course, she couldn't let her precious daughter take risks.

  "I'll wait and see. If the wind is too strong, I won't go."

  With the assurance, the two old people were relieved and began to cook seriously.

  "If you ask me, tomorrow is really uncertain.

  In the afternoon, two people who were building a house next to us fell from the scaffolding."

  "Ah? So serious, how are they?"

  "It's so high, what good can it be? One of them had his brains smashed out, and he must be dead.

  I don't know about the other one, and later we were not allowed to go over to see him.

  However, all high-altitude work was cancelled over there in the afternoon."

  Good guy, after Jiang Xingzhi said this, she was really a little scared.

  This wind is indeed still durable for people working on the ground.

  But it's different in the sky. A slight stumble can be fatal.

  "This wind is so weird. It blows up as soon as it comes, and it's so strong. We really have to stay at home and not go out."

Chapter 302 Xiaoyun shows up

2024-02-07 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Qin Yue said this to Jiang Yuan, fearing that she would run away.

  After experiencing so many life and death situations, she was really scared.

  "Don't worry, Mom, I know my limits."

  After saying that, she stopped talking and concentrated on eating.

  After eating, cleaning up, and taking a rest, these people came back.

  By the way, they chewed mint candies for fresh breath and changed clothes. In

  case there was a smell and people found out, they would have to explain everything.

  Alas, eating hot pot is fun for a while, but it's too troublesome to deal with the aftermath.

  The next morning, the wind still didn't stop. Jiang Yuan looked at the building and saw that some people had already gotten up one after another.

  That meant that everyone still had to go to work.

  If you didn't ask for leave yesterday, then go to work.

  As for my mother, she wouldn't let her go either.

  "My daughter, don't go if you can't. Look at the strong wind. It blew all night yesterday. It was so scary..."

  Qin Yue was also worried about her, but it was not good to say that she didn't go, or that the whole family didn't go.

  After all, their family still had to settle down in Changmingzhuang.

  "It's okay, Mom. I know my limits. If it really doesn't work, I'll come back."

  Ye Mianmian came over and knocked on the door. It

  was agreed yesterday that Qin Yue would go to work today, and Ye Mianmian would give her a day off.

  She had to go to the experimental field, which was not on the way.

  She called Fan Qing, and she came back yesterday. Zhang Kaiyang was distressed.

  Today, he insisted on going to the dining room with her, otherwise he would have to send it back to him, which was an extra trip.

  Song Yi also came down and joined them.

  Ye Mianmian was a little strange because he kept telling Jiang Yuan that Song Yi was too talkative today.

  In the dining room here, you need a work permit to enter and exit, but Zhang Kaiyang didn't have one. He

  just sat outside and waited. Fan Qing bought it, and the two of them ate outside.

  It was a small place specially set up for family members, together with the one where the documents were checked at the door.

  Xiaoling didn't want to go today, but there were too few teachers there and many children.

  There was no choice but to dress Jingjing up a lot and go straight over.

  Now, only Song Yi, Ye Mianmian and the other three were left to eat.

  "If you go today, just take a leave. Don't go tomorrow, no, don't go in the afternoon!"

  Song Yi looked at her, and it didn't seem like he was joking.

  Ye Mianmian glanced at him, a little puzzled: "Brother Song, are you asking Sister Yuan not to go, or am I not going either?"

  Uh, the teasing was too obvious .

  Jiang Yuan rolled her eyes at her, but she smiled foolishly.

  "What's going on between you two? Something was wrong since the last time Uncle Ma wanted to introduce you to a date..."

  Uh, something was wrong.

  Jiang Yuan looked at Ye Mianmian in surprise. The other party thought that her thoughts were guessed and was a little smug.

  "Brother Song, you are too unmanly. There is nothing to hide about this matter. You should say it out loud and let everyone have fun..."

  Song Yi smiled, the kind that came from the bottom of his heart.

  "I'll listen to your sister Yuan..."

  After that, he took the dishes to wash.

  Jiang Yuan was so socially dead. What the hell was going on!

  "Mianmian, what are you talking about? There's nothing between us..."

  Ye Mianmian really didn't care. Her words were full of disrespect, even hiding it from her.

  Jiang Yuan held her forehead with her hand. She couldn't wash herself clean even if she jumped into the Yellow River.

  "It's true. I don't want to talk about feelings anymore.

  You know my last marriage. How can I have any hope for something like this!"

  Ye Mianmian saw her helplessness and didn't dare to tease her.

  She also knew about those bad things, and she understood Jiang Yuan's choice.

  "But Brother Song is different from Xiao Nuan's father. He is a responsible person..."   

  Yes, no matter what, I still want to win Song Yi's favor.

  "Mianmian, in this world, I just want to live well, do you understand?"

  Her eyes were too hot.

  "Okay, I won't say anything, Sister Yuan, don't be angry!" It's not that

  she was angry, but it's better to make it clear.

  The two of them went out and prepared to call Fan Qing to go to work together.

  Before they got close, Zhang Kaiyang supported his head with his right hand and winked.

  She was a little confused about the situation and thought the couple had quarreled again, but it didn't look like that!

  Forget it, no matter what, take Ye Mianmian and leave directly. Anyway

  , Fan Qing will be there soon, just ask her then.

  Jiang Yuan separated from Ye Mianmian and explained the matter of asking for leave for Qin Yue, and she was relieved.

  The wind is really strong. Sometimes when it comes head-on, it hurts your face.

  Walking backwards can be better.

  I wore a hooded coat on purpose today, otherwise the cold wind will pour into my neck!

  It took a lot of effort to get to the experimental field.

  Jiang Yuan sighed as she looked at the empty place.

  Was it because she came too early or no one else came.

  The professor was actually here, observing the improved mushrooms. Many of them had already sprouted, and she was quite surprised.

  Unexpectedly, this technique was so powerful, and they were all planted yesterday!

  "Professor, do you need help?"

  Hearing this, the other party looked over with a smile on his lips.

  "Please spray this water on the improved stick plants..."


  Jiang Yuan looked at the large bucket of light red water on the ground and was a little curious. The

  water was sprayed these two days. What fertilizer was added to this one? Why is it this color and has a faint fishy smell?

  However, she didn't say much.

  After taking off her coat, she changed into a piece of clothing, put on a mask, a white coat, etc.

  She went straight to get the spray bottle, scooped the medicine out of the bucket, and started working.

  The professor didn't stay for long. Seeing that Jiang Yuan's movements were very skillful, he gave instructions and went back to the next door.

  People here also came one after another.

  When Fan Qing arrived, she took a glance, and then the person came over.

  Follow her to spray water, and let the others continue to grow mycelium.

  "Sister Yuan, today outside the dining hall, we saw a handyman, it seems to be Xiaoyun."

  What? It

  's really her, Jiang Yuan is not calm.

  "Are you sure?"

  "Almost, she was mopping the floor there, actually observing us.

  Although she wore a mask, I was very impressed by her!"

  "What a lucky guy!"

  Jiang Yuan sighed, and when she saw Dandan's shifty eyes next to her, she stopped talking.

  It's not too late to talk about this kind of thing when we go back.

  It's helpless to be on guard against people everywhere, and this Dandan is not good either.

  It's very strange that Xiaoyun really showed up. In

  her situation at that time, it was impossible for her to come to Changmingzhuang, unless someone really helped her. Then

  who is this person? Recently, many people have come one after another, and they must have come after them.

  It seems that I have to discuss it with Song Yi when I go back.

  If I can find the registration list, everything will be fine.

Chapter 303: Experimental Field Destroyed

2024-02-07 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  The possibility that she came here by herself has been ruled out. If she was with others, her names would definitely be next to each other when she registered.

  I just don't know what her full name is. If there is a discrepancy, it will be troublesome.

  Jiang Yuan thought to herself, and she didn't stop her hand movements.

  The wind outside was getting stronger and stronger.

  The greenhouse here was covered with plastic sheets, which made a rustling sound.

  It was hard to hear people talking in a low voice, and everyone was a little scared.

  Fan Qing received several messages asking for leave in the morning.

  Dandan took the lead, and the rest of the people also went there one after another.


  "Qingqing, don't worry. In this situation, everyone has difficulty walking, so it's normal to ask for leave..."


  Jiang Yuan's voice just fell, and the plastic sheet that was lifted up at the door flew up.

  Immediately afterwards, the plastic sheets next to each other all flew into the air.

  Like a long dragon, it was so fast that people had no time to react.

  "It's over!"

  Jiang Yuan wanted to go over to get clothes. Their coats and other things were all at the entrance.

  There was a place specially used to store clothes, and it was also a place where they could move freely.

  The people behind saw Jiang Yuan running over and reacted, rushing out to grab clothes.

  She was running in the front, the wind was so strong that people couldn't open their eyes. The clothes were hung on a wooden pole.

  Following the wind, they flew directly into the sky.

  She didn't catch a single piece of clothing. The cold wind was biting, and she felt unwell.

  "It's over, my clothes~"

  Dandan shouted, she could only hear a rough sound, and the rest of the sound was directly dispersed.

  At this time, the two guards at the door also ran over.

  Trying to grab the flying plastic sheet at the end.

  But how can their speed compare with the wind?

  There is only this one experimental field here, and everyone's attention is focused on one place.

  The doctor also ran out, and when he saw this scene, he became nervous.

  "Put up these seedlings first."

  He shouted, and everyone realized it belatedly and started to save the small square garden under their feet.


  Under the guidance of the doctor, everyone began to put the collected things into the yard.

  Jiang Yuan took some mushroom sticks and ran inside.

  Fortunately, there was not much dirt at the door, but there were a lot of snow particles, which were boiling and a bit blinding.

  When I got to the yard, I didn't have time to look carefully, and hurried to the main house.

  "Oh my god..."

  I almost couldn't breathe, the wind was too terrible.

  I didn't dare to delay any longer. After putting these back, I had to rescue the others.

  Fan Qing also ran in, and the two didn't even have time to talk.

  When Jiang Yuan came out again, the wind seemed to be stronger, and she couldn't stand at all.

  Holding the wall, I reached the door, and the experimental field had completely collapsed.

  I saw that all the mushroom sticks were blown away, and even the iron frame began to roll over.

  The rest of the seedlings were not in a good situation.

  The taller ones were basically broken, and this was a large area of ​​soil planting.

  The small boxes of small boxes flew out directly.

  On the opposite side, there was an endless field.

  It was impossible to chase.

  The wind was so strong, and there was so much snow blocking the road.

  The doctor also ran back, and when he saw her at the door, he shouted.

  Then several people ran into the main house in the yard, and the door slammed loudly.   

  The trees outside were also shaking violently. The people hiding in the house looked at each other, feeling like they had survived a catastrophe.

  Jiang Yuan was breathing heavily. She had never been so miserable in the previous extreme heat, extreme cold, rainstorms, and blizzards.

  Now, she really felt that she was born insignificant.

  The doctor calmed down and went into the house. The five of them were in the hall outside.

  Even though it was morning, it was very dark outside, as if it would be dark soon.

  "Fan Qing, what should we do now? All our clothes have been blown away.

  Go ask the doctor if he can give us some clothes?"

  Dandan was probably freezing cold, and her teeth were chattering as she spoke.

  Jiang Yuan was fine, knowing that the weather was bad today.

  She was wearing polar heating and warm clothes inside, so she could still stop.

  "Yes, you are our leader, go and ask!"

  Fan Qing also wanted to go, but a guard next to him suddenly spoke.

  "It's the doctor's laboratory. No outsiders are allowed to approach. It's the greatest mercy to let you rest here now."

  "But if we continue like this, we will freeze to death."

  The guard didn't say anything, with a righteous expression.

  Dandan was a little anxious. She wore a hip-hugging woolen dress today.

  For the sake of style, she didn't have any temperature.

  The two guards were dressed thickly, so there was no problem outside, not to mention that there were several walls here.

  Fan Qing wanted to go over, but there was no way to stop the big guy.

  The five people were very anxious. Jiang Yuan knew that there was probably no way to settle it today.

  She began to look around, hoping to find a hidden place.

  There were clothes in the space, and she just needed to put them on.

  But she couldn't catch a cold, it would be so troublesome.

  "In this case, there is no experimental field now, and I can't go to class, so I'll go back." As soon as

  she finished speaking, Dandan came over with gritted teeth.

  "Are you crazy? The wind outside is so strong that it can blow people away. Where do you want us to go?"

  Faced with the accusation, Jiang Yuan did not give in.

  Instead, he looked at her with a sinister look, somewhat unkindly: "I'm talking about me, not us. Are you not smart and your ears not working well?"


  Fan Qing couldn't help laughing.

  She had long disliked this Dandan.

  It was bad luck for her to mess with Jiang Yuan.

  "Why are you laughing? Was I wrong?"

  Well, it was indeed true. Although she was angry, she couldn't joke about her own safety.

  "Sister Yuan, why don't you go back later?"

  "How long should I wait? The wind started yesterday.

  Until now, it has been getting stronger and stronger. I can still go back now. If it's later, I guess I can't go back.

  There are still my parents and daughter at home. I must go back."

  After saying that, Jiang Yuan went to open the door.

  Since Fan Qing asked her like this, he must not want to leave.

  She couldn't, she had to go.

  "Sister Yuan..."

  Fan Qing shouted, and what greeted her was the door slamming heavily.

  It's not her fault. The wind was just right and it hit her directly.

  Jiang Yuan didn't run around like a headless fly, but ran to the wing room on the left.

  She just observed that there were rooms on both sides. She didn't know if they were being used, but at least no one was there.

  She pushed open a door and went inside.

  "Oh my god..."

Chapter 304 Human Red Mushroom

2024-02-07 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  She pulled the door handle down with too much force.

  It was dark inside, but the scene scared her.

  There were densely packed single beds in this house. There were at least ten beds in such a small place.

  There was a person trapped on each bed, and various tubes were inserted.

  Jiang Yuan screamed, but she was more frightened.

  The people inside didn't react at all.

  If it weren't for those tubes, she would have thought she had touched a corpse.

  Curiosity made her move forward quietly, afraid of disturbing something.

  "Zuo, Zuo Jie~"

  The person closest to the side turned out to be Zuo Jie who had been beaten before, and now was dying.

  Hearing the scream, she opened her eyes slightly, just took a look, and then closed them again.

  What's going on? Why do these people seem to have no spirit at all?

  Knowing that the situation is not good, why are they all shouting for help?

  Moreover, her appearance did not cause any ripples...

  Jiang Yuan looked carefully, and Zuo Jie was a little unusual. Her arms and legs were exposed.

  It was so cold, and goose bumps appeared.

  However, her blood vessels were clearly purple.

  Beside her, there was also medicine, which was continuously injected into her.

  Jiang Yuan saw that the quilt she was covered with had a slight bulge.

  For some reason, she reached out and pulled it up.

  The quilt was actually wet, but there was no ice. The temperature in the house was very high.

  But how could a person bear to be covered with a wet quilt?

  As the quilt was pulled open, she was shocked again.

  The bulge was actually a bunch of mushrooms, red, just like the ones they saw sprouting yesterday.

  However, this grew from Sister Zuo's belly.

  She was scared for a moment and took a step back, touching the instrument next to her.

  Suddenly, alarms sounded everywhere.

  It's over. If this is discovered, it will be terrible.

  Hearing the noise, the two guards in the room rushed out first.

  Jiang Yuan had no choice but to enter the space quickly.

  Now, she must not reveal her identity, otherwise it would be over.

  The two guards kicked the door open and came in, followed by the doctor.

  Seeing that there was no one inside, Sister Zuo's leg broke free from the rope.

  It was normal to touch the equipment next to it at that position.

  The three of them looked around the room vigilantly, then lowered their heads and looked under the bed. They

  stopped only after they were sure that no one was there.

  However, they always felt that something was wrong.

  "Who left just now?"

  "It was Jiang Yuan, who had been gone for two minutes."

  "Go out and look for her."

  The doctor ordered expressionlessly, and then the two guards ran out directly.

  It was bad, they knew her address.

  If she went there, her parents would be in danger.

  Jiang Yuan secretly hated herself for being too careless. What should she do now?

  The doctor also went out and closed the door. This door was no longer useful.

  He had to go back to find something and come to block the door.

  She quickly put on a set of clothes, and then calculated the time. He just went in.

  She ran out. The clothes she wore were a black mink fur coat with a hood.

  It was hard to tell whether it was a man or a woman. She had thrown the white coat into the space.

  It took a lot of effort to get to the door. Fortunately, the door was not closed.

  The two people just ran too fast, and now there is nothing she can do but keep running back.

  Even if she is exposed, it doesn't matter as long as she arrives in time.

  But those two people are obviously faster than her, and she can't see them at all.

  Jiang Yuan is a little anxious, and she doesn't know what to do, and she is very anxious.   

  She didn't notice that a big hand grabbed her directly.

  "Let go..."

  She quickly fought back and took out the dagger in her sleeve.

  When she looked up, it was Song Yi. She

  couldn't hold it back any longer. Oh my god, she finally saw her relatives.

  "Come here..."

  Song Yi dragged her to a storefront next to her.

  It was an empty house with a table and chairs, which should have been used by someone before.

  Seeing that there was no one else, Jiang Yuan directly revealed her cards.

  "Song Yi, something happened."

  She briefly explained the cause and effect.

  Song Yi was thoughtful and was also quite surprised that this person was growing mushrooms on his body.

  "Don't worry, just say it's too cold later and hide here for a while."


  After the two of them agreed on the excuses, they started to walk back, not daring to be too careless.

  The situation is urgent now, and one second later will be more dangerous. It

  was already inconvenient to walk against the wind, and Song Yi pulled her in front, so they could walk faster.

  The two of them had already spent all their energy when they reached the house.

  "Why are you here? Someone is here to look for you. They have already gone upstairs."

  The guard at the door saw the two embarrassed people and couldn't help but remind them.


  Jiang Yuan didn't have time to say anything more and hurried upstairs.

  "Thank you, let's go upstairs and take a look..."

  After saying that, he quickly caught up with Jiang Yuan.

  "Stay calm, don't let them see."


  In fact, she couldn't stay calm at all. Her

  parents and Xiao Nuan were at home. If something happened, she would be dead.

  When she arrived at the door, she took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

  "Mom, open the door, I'm back, Mom~"

  Open the door, open the door, she kept praying in her heart.

  Just when she was about to take the key to open the door, the door opened from the inside.

  "Yuanyuan, you're back, come in quickly, Xiao Song is back too..."

  "Yes, Auntie, is there any hot water? Give me some..."

  Song Yi had already seen the military green coat behind him and said this deliberately.

  "Hey, why are you in my house?"

  Jiang Yuan widened her eyes, as if she was very curious.

  "The duty room just told me that there were guests at home, but you were not there to protect the doctor, why did you come here..."

  Her face was full of doubts, and no one could find fault with her...

  "The doctor said it was too dangerous for you to be alone, so he asked us to send you back.

  But we didn't see you on the road, why did you come back now?"

  He stared at Jiang Yuan intently, and if there was anything wrong with her, he would attack with the weapon in his hand.

  "You really sent an umbrella when it rained. She is a girl, and such a strong wind can blow her away.

  Why didn't you send her earlier? If I hadn't seen her when I was patrolling, she would have been hit by the trash can next to her, huh..."

  Song Yi deliberately complained like this, and the two people opposite him were a little hesitant.

  "Where did you get this dress on you?"

  "Mine, otherwise why would I follow you here.

  Fortunately, there is an office next to it, and we can go in and hide, otherwise you can just wait to collect her body!"

  Song Yi rolled his eyes, as if he looked down on these two people.

  "Song Yi, don't talk like that, I didn't expect the wind to be so strong, right?"

Chapter 305: Didn't Come Back

2024-02-13 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  The two guards looked at each other and then at Jiang Yuan.

  "Since there's nothing to do, we'll go back."

  "Well, that's fine. There are still several people here. Thank you for your hard work."

  Jiang Yuan said this deliberately, just to make them feel that they were not special.

  After the two left, Qin Yue also brought hot water.

  She and Song Yi each had a cup and drank it to warm their stomachs.

  "My girl..."

  Qin Yue immediately changed her words after receiving her gaze.

  "You have very nice people over there. You can wait to come back together next time. You also have to thank Xiao Song. If it weren't for him, you would have had a hard time coming back today."

  "That's right. The wind is too strong."

  After saying that, Jiang Xingzhi moved a chair out of the bedroom and asked him to sit down.

  Song Yi hurried to the window and watched the situation below.

  After about ten minutes, he lowered his voice and asked the doubts in his heart.

  "My girl, what's going on?"

  The wind was too strong outside, and he couldn't hear the sound of the door closing downstairs at all. He could only see if there were two people below.

  "Let's talk inside..."

  She felt that the living room was at the door and was not as soundproof as the house inside.

  Including Song Yi, all five of them are here.

  "The experimental field was blown away by the wind. I thought I would come back because the wind was too strong.

  I accidentally discovered that they were using human bodies to grow mushrooms."

  "What, what does that mean?"

  Qin Yue was a little confused and didn't know what she meant by "growing mushrooms with human bodies". Jiang Yuan

  didn't hide it either, and told her about Zuo Jie's matter, and that they had been growing the same thing these two days.

  "Oh my god, how is that possible?"

  Obviously, this matter was completely beyond Qin Yue's cognition.

  "I don't know how they did it specifically, but I can be sure."

  The temperature and the wet quilt, that's mushroom cultivation!

  However, she didn't tell anyone about entering the space, she just said she hid.

  It's better to be ambiguous.

  "Song Yi, what do you think?"

  "Just pretend you don't know anything, I'll ask around later..."

  He didn't say much, but Jiang Xingzhi was very scared.

  This is not a paradise, it's a place where people eat each other.

  There's no work to do in the afternoon, everything over there was blown away.

  Song Yi still wanted to go out, so he went back.

  "My daughter, otherwise, let's find a way to leave here.

  I always feel that this is not right."

  "Dad, let's stay at home for the next two days."

  Qin Yue was also a little scared, staring at Jiang Yuan, a little at a loss.

  "My daughter, if it doesn't work, just listen to your dad. This is too dangerous. Let's find a new place to go."

  The two old people were both nervous.

  She comforted them repeatedly: "Dad, Mom, I know what you mean.

  The wind is too strong now, and we can't go out!

  Wait until the wind is small, and then make plans. During this period, we still have to be careful. They

  are already suspicious over there, and we can't reveal our tracks."

  "Well, don't worry, your mother and I will never hold you back."

  The three people talked for a while, and they were all scared.

  I didn't go to the dining room today, so I had to eat at home.

  It's not too troublesome to enter the space.

  Qin Yue cooked dumplings, and after a few people finished eating, they stayed in the room.

  Jiang Yuan took out a few books. Electronic products are not advisable, but this can still kill time.

  She sat in front of the window. During the meal, the place downstairs had changed drastically.

  Just as Song Yi said, things downstairs began to roll around in a mess.   

  She saw a trash can, a big green one.

  It should have been left by the municipal government. Later, people had less supplies and fewer people threw out trash.

  But the clanging sound was unbearable!

  "Dong, dong, dong..."

  The rapid knock on the door scared her. She

  hurried to the door to check. There was a simple cat's eye, but it was covered with frost and could not be seen clearly.

  "Sister Yuan, are you home? Open the door quickly."

  It was Zhang Kaiyang. The voice was intermittent, but she still recognized it.

  "Kaiyang, come in quickly..."

  The wind outside was too strong, it was blowing people to death.

  The door couldn't be pushed open, and it took two people to work together to open it.

  "Sister Yuan, where is Qingqing? Why hasn't she come back yet?"

  Uh, Fan Qing hasn't come back yet.

  "Don't worry, the wind is too strong. I was worried about the elderly and children at home, so I ran back early.

  She should have helped to count the things, so she didn't come back. Now, the wind is even stronger, and she is probably trapped there."

  How can he not be worried? Zhang Kaiyang was so worried.

  How can Fan Qing handle it alone?

  "I'll go find her!"

  Jiang Yuan heard this and quickly pulled him aside: "Don't make trouble. There's a house over there. She's not in danger. It's not

  convenient for you now. If something happens, everyone will worry about you."

  Zhang Kaiyang sighed and hated his arm.

  "Knock, knock..."

  The door was knocked again, this time it was Song Yi.

  "Are you going out again?"

  "Yeah, Kaiyang is here?"

  "She's worried about Fan Qing, so she came to ask."

  "It's okay. We will probably send a lot of people back in the afternoon. If possible, I will go to the greenhouse and wait at home."

  "Okay, Brother Song, then you must pay more attention."

  Song Yi nodded, put on his hat, and ran out directly.

  The current situation is very bad. One more second is a danger.

  Zhang Kaiyang also went back, and Jiang Yuan began to worry about Ye Mianmian.

  There is no house over there in the greenhouse. If it is blown away, their situation will be even worse.

  Now, all she can do is pray.

  The feeling of being powerless is really bad.

  The wind was howling outside, and Jiang Xingzhi was also a little scared.

  Jiang Yuan brought him a martial arts novel, but he couldn't finish reading it.

  "My daughter, why do I feel so nervous?"

  "Dad, don't be like this, our family depends on you.

  You are the pillar of the family, don't dare to think too much!"

  Jiang Xingzhi sighed, somewhat helpless.

  "I am so old, but I am not as strong as my daughter, it's really..."

  Jiang Yuan didn't care about his self-mockery. It would be a lie to say that she was not afraid.

  "How about this, Dad, you and my mom, take Xiao Nuan over first."

  Xiao Nuan fell asleep and needed to be held.

  They went over, the environment inside was good, and it could temporarily heal this mood.

  "What about you, let's go together!"

  Both of them spoke very implicitly, making it difficult for people to understand what they meant.

  "I'm fine, I can go over anytime I want, have you forgotten?"

  Indeed, Jiang Yuan was more convenient, but the three of them were different. They

  also needed to meet up and let Jiang Yuan take them in.

  "Okay, I'll go hold the child."

Chapter 306: Martyrdom

2024-02-13 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  After Jiang Yuan settled her parents and Xiao Nuan, she came out again.

  She was worried and watched the situation outside.

  She kept the telescope in her hand, hoping to see more things.


  Oh no, the glass of the building opposite was broken.

  Jiang Yuan only saw something spinning around quickly.

  It was so fast that she couldn't see clearly what it was.

  This was definitely not a good thing. If it flew up, it would be too dangerous.

  Just as she was thinking, a few people suddenly came into her sight.


  The clothes were undoubtedly Ye Mianmian.

  Jiang Yuan was a little excited. There was someone escorting her back next to her, but it was not Song Yi.

  She quickly took her hat, dressed up, and went out to meet someone. As soon

  as she opened the door, she couldn't stand. The wind blew her back. She

  quickly grabbed the door frame next to her. Damn, she couldn't even get out of the door, how could she get to the door?

  The most important thing was that she couldn't close the door now. She was in a dilemma.

  The wind was blowing and it made her head hurt. She

  couldn't speak or open her mouth.

  "Sister Yuan..."

  Zhang Kaiyang came out, looked at the situation here, and hurried over to help.

  However, his situation was not very good either.

  The house was square, and their location was just a wind outlet.

  At that time, I thought that this place was open from north to south, but I didn't expect that there would be such a strong wind!

  There was no chance to breathe, it was too scary.

  Zhang Kaiyang braved the strong wind and came over with great difficulty. Seeing Jiang Yuan clinging to the door frame, he hurried to help.

  At the end of the corridor, a figure finally appeared.

  It was Ye Mianmian, who was sent back by two people.

  She wanted to shout, but she couldn't open her mouth.

  The wind was so strong that even if she shouted, she might not be heard. With

  wind blowing into her mouth, it must be very uncomfortable.

  Obviously, they also saw their situation.

  Ye Mianmian ran over here directly, and the two people didn't say anything.

  They were just responsible for sending people, and they didn't care where they lived.

  Maybe they lived together, it was not certain.

  With Ye Mianmian joining in, plus the two people pulling outside, the door was finally closed.

  The three of them stood in the living room, panting, as if they had fought a big battle.

  Zhang Kaiyang was even more exaggerated, hunched over, leaning on his knee with one hand, and he didn't recover for a long time.

  "Kaiyang, can't you stand up? Be careful of that arm."

  He waved his hand quickly, looking out of breath.

  "It's okay, I'll take a break, and I'll be fine..."

  Oh my god, it really feels like running 800 meters. "

  Mianmian, are you okay?"

  Ye Mianmian was always terrified, and actually came up to hug her.

  She didn't speak or cry, but Jiang Yuan could feel that she was shaking all over.

  It took a long time for her to recover.

  "Sister Yuan, I was scared to death, I thought I would never see you again."

  Jiang Yuan knew that things were not that simple.

  It was a long way back from the greenhouse, but it was not close either.

  They must have suffered a lot of difficulties to get home.

  "Let's go, my parents are accompanying the children to sleep, let's go to that room."


  The two did not hesitate or disbelieve, but lowered their voices.

  Then we arrived at the room where Jiang Yuan lived. Now we didn't care about being particular.

  There was no sofa outside, no place to sit, and it was more convenient to come over and talk.

  After all, the sound insulation inside the room was much better than outside.

  "Hurry up, sit down and rest."   

  Jiang Yuan didn't say anything. Qin Yue took out an extra list, which she would spread out at the end of the bed every day.

  The two of them were also discerning and sat directly at the end of the bed.

  She went out and brewed three cups of brown sugar water.

  "Drink some water to warm your body~"

  At this moment, no one was polite.

  Although it was hot, it was still drinkable by sipping it in small sips.

  The stomach was warm and it could be used to cover the hands, and the whole person relaxed.

  "Mianmian, tell me, what's going on in the greenhouse?"

  Zhang Kaiyang also hurried to look at her, Fan Qing hadn't come back yet.

  However, since Ye Mianmian was back, it proved that Song Yi didn't lie to him.

  Someone did organize to send the workers back.

  It's just that some people come early and some come late, so don't be too anxious.

  "Sister Yuan, Sister Ying is dead..."


  She couldn't believe it. It was not windy at this time, and everyone was busy escaping.

  How could she be gone? This was too unbelievable.

  "It's true. We were working over there, and suddenly the plastic sheet was blown away."

  The situation was similar to theirs. The plastic sheet on the roof was the first to be affected.

  "At that time, everyone was shocked. Sister Ying was in the greenhouse next door and ran over.

  However, the greenhouse behind was not spared and was overturned. Even

  the supporting poles were pulled up. Sister Ying asked everyone to pull.

  But in that situation, no one was willing to do it, and it was impossible to catch up.

  She grabbed a piece of plastic sheet, and the wind was too strong, and even she was blown away.

  We all shouted at her to let go, but she didn't listen.

  At that time, she was fine. Although she couldn't control it, her legs were still running on the ground."

  My God, when she said that, Jiang Yuan had a picture in her mind.

  "Then, how did she die?"

  "Yes, yes, what happened?"

  Both of them were very curious and nervous.

  "There was a wooden bar in the middle of the greenhouse, and it was also out of control.

  It was blown over and hit her right on the body."

  Jiang Yuan knew about the wooden bar. It was probably because the waist of a child was thick.

  She would definitely not be able to bear it if she was hit.

  Coupled with the impact of the wind, this person also suffered.

  "Sister Mianmian, how are you sure that the person is dead?"

  He has become extremely cautious now. Xiaoyun was like that, but she was able to survive.

  This Sister Ying, it's not certain.

  "She is dead. We were quite scared at the time, and no one went over.

  After being beaten, things touched her one after another.

  Then, she let go."

  "Did you go over to see?"

  Jiang Yuan was also a little worried and asked.

  "No, we were scared to death at the time, and we ran quickly.

  There was a mess around. When we reached the wall, we hid in a house.

  Later, someone came over and said they would send us back.

  I was the last batch, and they went to look for it, but they didn't find Sister Ying's body."

  Alas, Jiang Yuan was still quite sad.

  This Sister Ying was also considered to have died in the line of duty. At that time, she was still thinking about the plastic sheet.

  If it was her, she would never do it.

  However, on second thought.

  This Sister Ying is not a good person either.

  When she sent Sister Zuo over, she mentioned the doctor.

  Ninety percent of it is that she knows what is going on over there.

  To be able to say that only proves how cruel this person is...

307. Chapter 307 Make Your Own Decision

2024-02-13 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "Have you heard about the people in the experimental field?"

  Zhang Kaiyang was still anxious. Now he was particularly worried about Fan Qing.

  The wind seemed to be stronger, and it was scary.

  "I'm not sure. The distance between the two sides is too far.

  However, I heard from the people over there that everyone has to be sent back."

  Jiang Yuan also hurried to comfort him. At this time, he must not panic.

  "Just now, the guards over there also came over and said they wanted to confirm that I had indeed arrived home.

  I don't know what the situation is with Fan Qing. The few people who were with us don't live here either."

  Zhang Kaiyang was still a little anxious and walked back and forth.

  "I don't know why, but I feel particularly uncomfortable in my heart."

  Jiang Yuan was also shocked when she heard him say that.

  How to say it, if something happens to someone who is very close, the other person will react.

  Although it is more metaphysical, there are many such examples.

  "What should we do now?"

  "Bang la la la..."

  A series of harsh sounds came, and the three people hurried to the window to see the specific situation.

  At this time, nothing can happen!

  I don't know whose iron sheet flew up, the kind used to make a simple roof.

  The feeling of running around was really scary.

  There were sounds of broken glass everywhere, which made people's scalps numb.

  Jiang Yuan was also a little scared. This floor was relatively high. She

  couldn't fly up for the time being, but the people below would suffer, especially the first and second floors.

  "Look, someone is coming." From

  their position, they just saw the direction back to the house.

  A team of people, there seemed to be seven or eight people.

  "Come over here, is it our people?"

  Now everyone wanted to hold their heads, who dared to show a little bit of their faces?

  It was really hard to see clearly, so they just waited to see if they came in here.

  There were many houses here, all of which were requisitioned.

  Now there were not many people in the one they lived in.

  "It seems that they turned in..."

  "I'll go to the door to see if it's clear."

  The living room here has glass, and you can see the situation in the corridor more or less clearly at the door.

  "I'll go too!"

  Zhang Kaiyang was worried and followed along.

  Jiang Yuan was afraid that her parents' affairs would be exposed, so she had to come out.

  Now, give him the best position, and he can see any news at the first time.

  "I'll go in and see my parents..."


  Zhang Kaiyang was no longer in the mood to say anything to her, and he was looking around.

  She hurried over, locked the door, and then entered the space.

  Xiao Nuan had already woken up, and her parents were busy in the vegetable garden.

  "Dad, Mom, Zhang Kaiyang and Ye Mianmian are here, you can go out."

  Jiang Yuan briefly explained a few words and took the three of them out.

  Jiang Xingzhi also came to see Zhang Kaiyang, with a look of concern on his face: "What's going on, are our people back?"

  It seems that there are people here, I saw two people, but Fan Qing is not here.

  He was very disappointed, sighing, and didn't know what to do.

  "It would be great if we could cover the middle of this house, at least it wouldn't be so troublesome for us to go out."

  The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional.

  The middle of this house is empty, as long as a large thing is fixed on the top.

  The whole house will be less troublesome by the storm.

  However, in the current situation, no one would do such a dangerous thing.

  There is no such a large cover, and it may be a little inconvenient to cover it.

  The iron sheet was blown away, let alone other things.   

  It is not advisable, absolutely not advisable.

  "Hey, is there a sound of a door closing?"

  Jiang Xingzhi pointed outside, a little unsure.

  "It seems so, don't worry, listen again."

  After a few minutes, there was no sound.

  Ye Mianmian also came out, always feeling that something was not right.

  "Let's do this, we can only wait now, if it really doesn't work, then go find Qingqing.

  Kaiyang, I'm just suggesting this matter.

  You decide what to do."

  After Jiang Yuan finished speaking, she looked at Zhang Kaiyang leisurely.

  She really couldn't take on too much responsibility, the situation outside was quite special now. She

  could go out and take risks, but her family wouldn't follow.

  There was no way, others were others after all, she couldn't take risks.

  In addition, Fan Qing also had her own little thoughts. If she didn't want to go to the next level, she wouldn't take the initiative to find the doctor to recommend herself.

  At that time, she was probably afraid that she would follow suit when she kept it from her.

  Moreover, there were indeed dangerous things over there.

  She felt that in addition to those things of using human bodies to grow mushrooms.

  There might be other things, there were so many houses over there.

  Suddenly she remembered the red liquid that made her spray.

  At that time, I felt strange. What kind of fertilizer would have a faint fishy smell?

  If it was diluted blood, then everything could be explained.

  Oh my God, she hadn't thought about this before.

  "I don't know, Sister Yuan, I'm a little panicked."

  "Anyway, this matter is quite important.

  If you go out and get hit by accident, you will either die or be injured.

  Qingqing is there, and she may also be in danger.

  So, the choice is yours, and no one can make a decision for you."

  The main reason is that I don't want to be blamed later.

  Between life and death, the friendship between them is not enough.

  So, let him decide for himself.

  "Why hasn't Brother Song come back yet?"

  Zhang Kaiyang scratched his hair angrily, feeling a little at a loss.

  "Kaiyang, don't be like this, Qingqing's being there is not necessarily a bad thing.

  Look at the weather outside, it's a miracle to come back alive.

  Moreover, even if Brother Song comes back, there is no way to make a decision for you."

  Ye Mianmian said this, which made him even more irritated.

  "This Qingqing, she should have come back with Sister Yuan at that time, alas..." It's

  really meaningless to say this.

  Jiang Yuan didn't say anything, just listened quietly.

  No one had any ideas, so they could only wait.

  "Sister Yuan, tell me, what kind of person is that doctor, and what's different about their laboratory?"

  Zhang Kaiyang had never been there. After settling down, he rarely went out of his room.

  Occasionally going to the dining room was his only activity.

  "It's not too far from here..."

  Then, Jiang Yuan told him the route in detail.

  In addition, there was something there, one by one.

  Jiang Xingzhi also brought a pencil and a notebook and asked her to record everything.

  A simple map was done.

  Of course, she didn't say anything about the scary things in it.

  "As for what kind of person the doctor is, I really don't know, and I haven't had any contact with him."

  "Ah, help!"

Chapter 308 Liang Kang kills someone

2024-02-13 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  Jiang Yuan hadn't finished her words yet.

  She heard screaming cries for help outside. Although they were not very real, they were real.

  "Is someone shouting for help?"

  Jiang Xingzhi heard it, and the others must have heard it too.

  "Let's go and have a look."

  There was no way. It should have come from this floor.

  Moreover, it was from their row. They were not sure who the person who had just come up was.

  If it had nothing to do with them later, it would not be too late to withdraw.

  The three of them agreed and hurried out. The wind was howling and it could kill someone.

  As soon as the door was opened, the sound became more obvious.

  Jiang Yuan pointed to the front. It turned out to be from Liang Kang's house.

  They were back?

  Why did they fight?

  Were the couple angry?

  She glanced at Zhang Kaiyang with some displeasure. She didn't see such important information. She really didn't know what he was doing.

  However, the most important thing now was to get to their door.

  The screams were too shrill, and such a strong wind couldn't cover them.

  They were not mobile, and some families had to hold on to the wall to move over.

  They finally got to the door and started knocking. They didn't even have time to breathe.

  The screams inside stopped for a moment, and then turned into cries for help.

  "Pa pa pa..."

  The door was slapped even louder, and the people inside seemed to be anxious, and the screams became more terrifying.

  Jiang Yuan rubbed against the window next to her. For privacy, everyone would basically draw the curtains.

  However, Liang Kang's house did not draw the curtains.

  Inside, two people were fighting and even used knives.

  Although it was just a back view, she was sure that it was definitely not Xiaoling.

  Moreover, there was so much hatred that the couple could toss like this.

  In this case, who was the other person? Liang Kang was obviously a vulnerable group!

  She hurried over, pushed Zhang Kaiyang aside, and started kicking the door.

  The two men noticed her intention and followed her to kick the door.

  Because of the wind problem, and the fact that the door was not good to begin with, it was broken very quickly.

  The people inside were suddenly blown, and they all reached out to cover their faces.

  However, she still saw that the person was actually Xiaoyun.

  Seeing that the situation was not good, she hurried to help.

  The other party had a knife on him, and Jiang Yuan did not dare to take it lightly.

  I didn't bring any tools with me just now, so it's okay to secretly take out a dagger now, but if I use a Tang sword, it's hard to explain.

  While I was still thinking of a solution, a chair was thrown over, which directly knocked Xiaoyun off balance. Damn

  , my dad's aim is really good.

  Without time to sigh, she also hurried over and put the dagger against Xiaoyun's neck.

  Ye Mianmian was quick-witted and took off her knife.

  Then she checked her whole body and made sure there was nothing dangerous before she stood up.

  The door was kicked open, but it could still be closed.

  "Sister Yuan, Liang Kang is injured."

  She looked back and saw that Xiaoyun actually wanted to fight back. She

  quickly waved the dagger and ran straight towards her chest.


  Xiaoyun screamed, but she was not injured, just scratched her clothes.

  Liang Kang stood up, with blood at the corner of his mouth and anger in his eyes.

  "I asked you to come here out of kindness, but you treated me like this."

  "Huh, you are so kind, then you wouldn't have killed me last time.

  You still have the nerve to say that, hypocritical!"

  There was hatred in the eyes of both of them.

  Jiang Yuan was completely confused. Liang Kang knew her, so how could he take her home after figuring out her identity?

  The farmer and the snake, did he want to be the farmer?

  It was irrational, too irrational.   

  "Stop talking nonsense. How did you get in? Tell me..."

  "Hmph, what does it have to do with you? I tell you, this is not Lushan Yayuan.

  Killing is illegal. Someone will restrain you."

  Xiaoyun sat on the ground, looking like a villain who had succeeded.

  "Murder, look at how badly you hurt Liang Kang.

  He is an adult man, and he is likely to succeed in fighting against you, a woman.

  So, don't be proud. If you die, we will be acting in self-defense."

  Sure enough, there was a look of fear in her eyes.

  "You dare..."

  "Haha, what's there to be afraid of? It's not the first day you've known me?"

  Jiang Yuan's mouth twitched, and then she became fierce.

  "Tell me, how did you get here?"

  Xiaoyun had no choice but to bow her head.

  "A woman brought me here..."

  "What's her name?"

  "I don't know. After I escaped, I met four men.

  Later, they wanted to come over, so they brought me here."

  Ye Mianmian kicked her and knocked her over.

  "One moment a woman, the next four men, do you think we are three-year-old children?"

  No, three-year-old children are not so easy to fool.

  "I'm telling the truth. The men didn't want to take me with them, but then the woman said so, so they brought me here.

  But I never saw them again."

  "Then how did you get into the dining room?"

  Jiang Yuan looked at her without hesitation. Anyway, this person was going to die, so there was no difference between telling the truth and lying.

  "I used to work in a restaurant, so I know how to do things..."

  According to her words, the group of people threw her at the door.

  They didn't care about the rest.

  So, Xiaoyun came here in exactly the same way as they did.

  As for following Liang Kang back, she recognized him in the kitchen and wanted revenge.

  "The truth is out, it's the same whether I said it or not.

  Liang Kang, how to deal with it is up to you..."

  Jiang Yuan didn't take on too much responsibility, and everyone looked at Liang Kang.

  He had been bandaged simply and was now standing by.

  "Humph, I was kind enough to help you, but you wanted to kill me.

  I will naturally treat you the way you treat me."

  As she said that, she picked up a dagger and slowly approached.

  "No, don't kill me, don't kill me, I didn't mean it, I, ah..."

  Liang Kang didn't listen to what she said, and stabbed directly.

  She wanted to dodge, but this was a corner, there was no way to avoid it.

  So, he stabbed her again and again until she lost her life.

  "Okay, that's enough..."

  Zhang Kaiyang couldn't help but remind her, and Liang Kang stood up.

  "She is so mean, we were sent back by the guards.

  He said he had nowhere to go and wanted to go with me, but I disagreed.

  She actually told them that we were old acquaintances.

  The group of people saw that we were from the same community, so they sent her here without saying anything.

  She was afraid that I would not agree, so she kept apologizing, saying that she was wrong, and begging me to save her."

  Liang Kang became more and more angry as he spoke. It turned out that Xiaoyun came late and lived in a dormitory, which was also a simple house covered with iron sheets.

  She was blown away, so she grabbed Liang Kang tightly and refused to let go.

Chapter 309 Rescue2024-02-13 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  "I really shouldn't have been soft-hearted..."

  As she said this, she actually sighed.

  Whether she was soft-hearted or not, she didn't know.

  Anyway, this ending was not what everyone wanted to see.

  She didn't want to speculate about anyone with malice, but she wouldn't believe anyone either.

  For her, today's incident was just to kill Xiaoyun and reduce a potential danger.

  As for the reasons and excuses.

  Just tell Xiaoling about it, it has nothing to do with her.

  "What should we do now?"

  Zhang Kaiyang pointed to the corpse in the room and the bloodstains on the ground.

  "I'll go down and tell the duty room that I registered there when I came back just now..."

  What happened next had nothing to do with her, and Jiang Yuan took Jiang Xingzhi back.

  Ye Mianmian also returned to her house, and Zhang Kaiyang stayed here with Liang Kang.

  As a "good-hearted person", he heard the voice and helped him deal with the wound.

  As for Xiaoyun, he was killed in return.

  "My daughter, why do I feel that Liang Kang is not telling the truth?"

  "Dad, don't worry about it.

  When we were in the community before, we had common interests and couldn't contact other people, so we could be tied together.

  Now it's different. We shouldn't trust anyone and we have to be on guard against everyone..."

  "Well, you're right. We must be on guard against others. I'll talk to your mother later."

  Qin Yue also came out, a little confused.

  "What do you want to tell me?"

  Jiang Yuan didn't stay any longer. It's true that she couldn't take this situation lightly. It's

  also necessary to continue to observe the situation outside and ensure her own safety.

  Send dad, mom and Xiao Nuan into the space. It's special now, so we have to stay less outside.

  It was getting late, so Qin Yue went to prepare dinner.

  Jiang Xingzhi took Xiao Nuan to the vegetable garden. The two of them picked vegetables and turned the soil, which was quite happy.

  Jiang Yuan looked at the scene in front of her and always felt very warm.

  If possible, it would be nice to stay here all the time.

  She was not idle either. There were still many things to do here.

  In addition to some simple things that needed to be sorted, she also found a lot of self-defense items, and took out the electric baton from before.

  Prepared for Mom and Xiao Nuan to use, in case they encounter danger, they will not be left with nothing.

  She can't always be with them, learning to protect herself is more important than anything else.

  Lunch is simple, and dinner is richer.

  Salted duck, cold cucumber, stewed eggplant with beans, sweet and sour pork slices.

  "We have too many vegetables here, we have to eat them quickly. I think this place is not small. It would be great if we can raise some chickens and ducks."

  "Yes, there are small animals, and these vegetables that can't be eaten can also be fed."

  After saying that, the two sighed at the same time.

  "Dad, Mom, don't think too much, we have these vegetables in our space, which is already good.

  Those chickens and ducks must have frozen to death long ago."

  Although Jiang Yuan didn't want to dampen their enthusiasm, she still had to face the reality.

  "I know, this is the only way, but it's really good, we should be content!"

  "Yeah, with this weather, Liang Kang is back, I guess many people will be hungry."

  This is the truth, the dining hall is closed, and there is definitely no way to eat.

  At this time, whoever has food stored will be popular.

  Only halfway through the meal, there was a knock on the door.

  Jiang Yuan raised her head suddenly, and Jiang Xingzhi felt a little unnatural.

  "Daughter, what's going on?"

  "Dad, it seems like someone is knocking on the door, I'll go out and take a look."     "I'll go with you, otherwise it's hard to say some things."

  Jiang Yuan nodded in agreement. It was really hard to say every time her father was not around.

  After the two came out, they opened the door, and Song Yi, Liang Kang and Zhang Kaiyang all came over.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Sister Yuan, we want to go out to find someone. Brother Song is worried about you, so he came to take a look."

  Jiang Yuan looked at Song Yi, who was heavily armed and even wore a helmet.

  "I'm fine, you should pay more attention to safety when you go out."

  "Well, I'm glad you're fine, don't go out, this is for you..."

  As he said that, he handed over a backpack, and Jiang Yuan didn't understand.

  However, before she opened it, the three of them left.

  She was busy closing the door with Jiang Xingzhi. With the current wind, one person couldn't open the door.

  There was no way, who made her choose this position herself.

  If she wasn't in the corner or facing the wind, she wouldn't have this trouble.

  "Daughter, what did Xiao Song give you, open it and see..."


  Not to mention Jiang Xingzhi, she was also very curious.

  Hot and sour noodles, instant noodles, self-heating hot pot, ham sausage, beef jerky...

  a big bag full of food.

  She was a little surprised that this person actually sent these over.

  At the critical moment of life and death, he still cared about whether she had eaten. Should he be said to be attentive or not?

  "It's all food!"

  Jiang Xingzhi also had a complicated expression. At this time, being able to take out food was definitely a life-and-death friendship.

  "My daughter, this Xiao Song, I don't know what to say."

  In order to avoid a long speech, Jiang Yuan interrupted him in time.

  Hurry up and enter the space to eat the meal that you haven't finished just now.

  Qin Yue saw that someone came back so quickly, and couldn't help asking a few more questions.

  Jiang Yuan was very fast, and she had to go out to see the situation outside.

  You can't stay here all the time. If you miss something, it will be a big deal.

  Outside, it seems to be suddenly lively.

  I didn't ask Liang Kang and Xiaoyun about what they said just now.

  Anyway, it doesn't matter now. I just hope

  that this group of people can come back safely. And Song Yi, I really don't know what to say, my heart is mixed.

  People went back to the house opposite, and they were also surrounded by the guards, and there seemed to be children.

  She was a little excited. Did that mean Xiaoling would probably come back too? Maybe

  this child was brought back by someone when they were working.

  Jiang Yuan had been watching for a long time, and her neck was stiff. She stood up and twisted it.

  Then she got up and went to pour herself a cup of hot water.

  It was going to be dark soon. If she didn't hurry up, it would be even more difficult.

  Now, there was no way to think about the street lights.

  The simple wires that were originally pulled had flown away.

  In addition, there were only main roads with them, and there were no wires on their side.

  Gradually, there were many figures on the opposite street.

  Not everyone was safe. She clearly saw a large plaque fall down.

  It was blown everywhere and hit the person who came back.

  That situation was really suffocating.

  It was too far away to hear any movement, but the whistling sound of the wind represented everything.

  Her heart was tightly clenched, but she was powerless.

Chapter 310: Jingjing is injured

2024-02-14 Author: Guan Shan Yi Nian

  After looking here for a long time, I finally saw the people entering the house. They were

  the ones who went out to look for someone, but it seemed that the situation was not particularly good.

  Jiang Yuan didn't care about anything else, grabbed her hat and went out.

  The door was too difficult to close, and she tried for a long time but still couldn't.

  Just as she was about to go into the space to call her father out, a pair of big hands grabbed her hands directly.

  I only felt a huge force coming, and then the door closed with a "bang".

  She looked up and met Song Yi's eyes. I don't know why I had an urge to cry.

  Fortunately, I'm back, fortunately I'm safe.

  "How is it, did you find someone?"

  Jiang Yuan said this, and was filled with wind.

  After Song Yi noticed it, he quickly blocked her in front of her, but it didn't get much better.

  He didn't say anything, just pulled her hand up and walked out.

  Well, if you go there alone, it must be very difficult.

  There was crying in the house. This is Liang Kang's home.

  What's going on?

  Jiang Yuan asked with her eyes, and Ye Mianmian also came out. She must have heard the noise, or was also observing the situation outside.

  Song Yi frowned, looking at the child that Xiaoling carefully placed in her arms.

  Then he pulled open her clothes, revealing Jingjing's pale face.

  Oh my god!

  Jiang Yuan couldn't help but cover her mouth. She just saw that Xiaoling's condition was not very good, but now she saw Jingjing, she was really shocked.

  Not to mention her body, her forehead was hit, and there was a large red patch.

  Blood was flowing everywhere, and her face was no longer in shape.

  The most terrifying thing was that there was a piece of glass stuck in her left cheek.


  Xiaoling couldn't help crying, and Liang Kang's eyes were also red.

  Among these people, there was no Fan Qing. I wonder if he didn't go over there.

  "Don't cry, Liang Kang, hurry up and get some hot water.

  Xiaoling, take off her clothes, be careful not to touch the wound, and check it by the way to see if there is any problem.

  Jiang Yuan, come with me to the house to get medicine."


  Several people started to work in an orderly manner. Liang Kang took the thermos and was about to go out.

  "What are you going to do? There is no hot water downstairs."

  This matter was told to him by his father.

  In this situation, it is understandable.

  "I have more at home, I'll get it..."

  Ye Mianmian shouted and ran out quickly.

  Liang Kang hadn't even said thank you yet, but he had already opened the door, so he hurried over.

  Song Yi took her to his room and rummaged through a backpack.

  He took out one thing here, and one thing there.

  Jiang Yuan knew that he was afraid that others would steal it, so he put it away separately.

  It was similar to the meaning of "a cunning rabbit has three burrows". It might be a habit left by his previous occupational disease.

  The two of them were very fast and had a lot of medicine for external injuries.


  Song Yi handed her a small bag, which was full of various surgical knives, tweezers and so on.

  They should have been collected in the community hospital before, and she had the same at home.

  Xiaoling had taken off Jingjing's top, and the little girl was now in a coma.

  During this process, there was a slight fluctuation in her expression, which should be in pain.

  She had already burst into tears, but she was still strong enough to help her daughter clean up.

  Liang Kang also brought back hot water, and Ye Mianmian was at a loss.

  "I'm not sure if I can save her. I can only help her with her external injuries."

  Xiao Ling turned her head to look at her and almost knelt down.

  "Song Ge, please, please..."   

  "Jiang Yuan, come and help. Ye Mianmian, go and clean up Xiaoling."


  She was also injured, but she was just holding on for the sake of her daughter.

  Without time to ask what happened, Jiang Yuan looked at Jingjing's upper body.

  There was no fatal injury in the key position, but the face was serious.

  Song Yi received the signal and began to get busy.

  Jiang Yuan followed and wiped her face to stop the bleeding first.

  The wound was not healed well. The blood that remained had a tendency to coagulate. It was because the weather was too cold.

  Even if the skin itself had temperature, it would not work.

  "Hot water..."

  "Okay, okay..."

  Liang Kang was in a hurry and poured hot water into the basin. Jiang Yuan wiped her with gauze.

  However, there was so much blood, and the gauze had to be bandaged later, so it was definitely not enough.

  "Mianmian, do you have any cotton towels?"


  "Yes, I have some too..."

  Xiaoling became excited. Regardless of her own injuries, she quickly ran into the house and took out most of the bags.

  With this, it is definitely a good substitute.

  Song Yi used a lighter to disinfect the tweezers.

  After finishing, Liang Kang came to help and held Jingjing down.

  He had to pull out the glass fragments first, and he had to be fast, accurate, and ruthless...

  If there was any hesitation, the glass would be broken into the skin, and it would be very painful to get it out later.

  Besides, it was on the face.

  Several people were ready. Song Yi was concentrating, and Jiang Yuan didn't dare to disturb him, and also fixed the child's head.

  Everyone was watching the action here, even Xiaoling came over.

  Ye Mianmian wanted to call her, but she was a little embarrassed.


  As Song Yi pulled it out, the little girl woke up in pain and was about to reach out to grab it.

  But Liang Kang held her down and she cried anxiously.

  Song Yi didn't dare to hold her down directly, and he was not sure if there were any small pieces inside.

  If he stopped the bleeding directly, it might be more painful.

  "Jingjing, don't cry, don't cry, tears will flow into the wound and it will hurt more."

  Jiang Yuan hurriedly wiped her tears. Such a big sin, adults can't bear it, let alone a child.


  Xiaoling also came to persuade her, and tears flowed down unconsciously.

  "Don't cry, sing Jingjing a song she likes."

  Jiang Yuan just hoped to divert her attention through this.

  Xiaoling wiped her tears and started singing. Ye Mianmian came over to hold the child's head.

  Song Yi had no choice but to put on medical gloves. He wanted to feel whether there was any residue.

  Although it was painful for the child, this step could not be omitted, so he tried to be as gentle as possible.

  Jingjing still grimaced and screamed in pain.

  "No more, stop the bleeding."

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  Jiang Yuan quickly took a cotton towel to clean it up, and then pressed the wound. Song

  Yi brought the hemostatic powder over, and when it was almost done, he started to apply the medicine.

  The same was true for the wound on the forehead. Fortunately, there were only these two places.

  The other places were just some abrasions, not particularly serious ones.

  Several people worked for nearly two hours before they fixed Jingjing's side.

  Covering her with a quilt and letting her rest, she breathed a sigh of relief.
